Detailed Profile - Bangalore University
Detailed Profile - Bangalore University
Curriculum Vitae 1. Personal Details: Dr Vijayakumar H Doddamani Professor Phone (Off) : +91 - 080 – 22961484/71 Fax : +91 - 080 -23219295 Email :, 2. Academic Qualifications: M.Sc. (1991), Gulbarga University, Gulbarga M.Phil. (1992)*, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga Ph.D. (2005)**, Bangalore University, Bangalore * Degree was awarded for the research work carried out on the dissertation titled “Interaction of Heavy Ions with Matter” submitted to Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, Karnataka State, India ** Degree was awarded for the research work carried out on the thesis titled “Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Study of Seyfert 1 galaxies and quasars” submitted to Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka State, India 3. Positions held in the University: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lecturer, November 24, 1992 Lecturer (Senior Scale), November 24, 1997 Lecturer (Selection Grade), November 24. 2002 Reader, August 8, 2005 Associate Professor, January 1, 2006 Professor, March 1, 2012 Total Years of Teaching Experience: 22+ years 4. Administrative Assignments undertaken in University: 1. Director, Babasheb Dr B R Ambedkar Studies and Research Centre, 2010-12 2. Secretary, Secretary, Indian Physics Association-Bangalore Chapter, 2006-2009 3. Warden, PG Men’s Hostel II and Ph.D. Hostel, 1998-2002 5. Courses Taught at UG, PG and Ph.D. Degree levels: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Classical Mechanics Methods of Mathematical Physics Properties of Stars Observational Techniques Radio Astronomy Milky Way Galaxy Cosmology Solar Physics 1 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Plasma Physics Interstellar Matter Space Astrophysics Stellar Structure Extragalactic Astronomy Stellar Atmosphere Engineering Physics Bio-Physics Active Galactic Nuclei 6. Major Fields of Research Interest: 1. Solid State Physics- Ferroelectrics Single Crystal Growth by Slow Evaporation –Try-Glycene Sulphate 2. Nuclear Physics and Energy Physics 3. Active Galactic Nuclei- Ultra Violet Spectroscopic Study of Seyfert 1 galaxies and quasars, line-continuum correlations 4. Solar Physics- Radio Bursts, UV Irradiance Variability studies, Coronal Holes 7. Research Guidance: 1. Raveesha K H: Time and Frequency Structure of Broad band Solar Bursts in the 10 – 130 MHz Band (Thesis Submitted) 2. Kumara S T : Investigations on the Solar Variability from Spatially Resolved Images (on going) 3. Manjunath Hegde : Study of Dynamical and Thermal Properties of Solar Coronal Holes (on going) 4. Vedavati P : Emission Line Study of Low Redshift Active Galaxies (on going) 8. Research Collaborations Established: 1. Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 2. Sri Ramanand Teertha Marathawada University, Nanded, Maharashtra State 3. Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune 9. Research Projects Undertaken: 1. Emission Line Studies of Active Galactic Nuclei using UV data from IUE Satellite, UGC Minor Research Project, UGC, New Delhi (Period: 1998-2000) 2. Emission Line Studies of Radio-Loud and Radio-Quiet Quasars using data from HST and IUE Satellite Databases, Major Research Project, DST, New Delhi, (Period:1999-2002) 3. Multi-frequency Spectral Energy Distributions in Active galaxies, Bangalore University Minor Research Project, Bangalore University, Bangalore (Period: 2011-12) 4. Ultra Violet Spectral studies of low red shift active galaxies, Major Research Project, UGC-New Delhi, (Period: 2011-2012) 2 10. Research Publications: A. Publications in National / International Journals / Proceedings of National / International conferences / Symposia / Seminars (Full papers): 1. Vijayakumar H. Doddamani, Raveesha K.H, K. R. Subramanian, 2014, 3(1): pp22-29, International Journal of Astronomy, Estimation of coronal magnetic field using multiple type II radio bursts (ISSN 2169-8848) 2. V H Doddamani and P Vedavathi, July 2014, vol. 9, pp37-38, Luminosity- Distances of IUE Observed Active galaxies in the Proceedings of IAU Symposium 304: Multiwavelength AGN Surveys and Studies, Published by Cambridge University Press, Edited by Areg M Mickaelian and David B Sanders, (ISBN-9781107045248, ISSN-1743 9213) 3. V H Doddamani and P Vedavathi, July 2014, vol. 9, pp233-35, Ultraviolet Line Continuum Properties of Seyfert 1 galaxies and quasars in the Proceedings of IAU Symposium 304: Multiwavelength AGN Surveys and Studies, Published by Cambridge University Press, Edited by Areg M Mickaelian and David B Sanders, (ISBN-9781107045248, ISSN-1743 9213) 4. Hegde M, Hiremath K M and Doddamani Vijayakumar H, April 2014, 54, p272-280, Advances in Space Research, Coronal Hole Oscillations as Inferred from SDO/AIA Data, (ISSN 0273-1177, IF-1.238) 5. Vijaykumar H Doddamani , Raveesha K H, K R Subramanian, 2013; 2(4), pp65-81, International Journal of Astronomy, Statistical Analysis of Associated and Non-associated Type II Solar radio bursts during the decreasing phase of Solar cycle 23, (doi: 10.5923/j.astronomy.20130204.1, ISSN 2169-8848) 6. K H Raveesha, Vijaykumar H. Doddamani and B. K. Prasad, 2013, 3, ppl-7, International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, On a method to employ Newton’s Rings concept to determine thickness of thin films (online at, ISSN 2299-3843) 7. S. T. Kumara, R. Kariyappa, J. J. Zender, G. Giono, V. Delouille, L. P. Chitta2,, L. Damé, J.-F. Hochedez, C. Verbeeck, B. Mampaey and V. H. Doddamani, 2014, 561, A9 Astronomy and Astrophysics, p1-9, Segmentation of coronal features to understand the solar EUV and UV irradiance variability, (DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201322137, IF 5.084) 8. Basavaraja Sannakki, Anita Gandhe, V. H. Doddamani, November 9, 2013, 209, pp14-17, Solid State Phenomena, Study of ac conductivity and Dielectric Properties of PMMA with Fe2O3+ Al2O3 Composite films, (ISSN 1662-9779) 9. Vijaykumar H Doddamani , K H Raveesha, and K R Subramanian, October 20, 2013 pp2944; 1(4), pp29-44, International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science, Statistical Analysis of Associated and Non-associated Type II Solar radio bursts during the increasing phase of Solar cycle 23, (doi:10.11648/j.ijass.20130104.1,Published online) ( 3 10. Raveesha K H and V H Doddamani, Feb, 2013, vol.2, No.1, pp21-25, International Journal of Soft Computing, Mathematics and Control (IJSCMC), A pictorial method of visualizing Curl and determinant operation utilized in electromagnetics 11. S T Kumar, R Kariyappa, M Dominique, D Berghmans, L Dame, J F Hochedez, V H Doddamani and Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta, , Vol. 2012, 5 pages, Advances in Astronomy, Preliminary results on Irradiance Measurements from Lyra and Swap, (vol. 2012, doi:10.155/2012/623709, IF, 1.730) 12. Vijayakumar H Doddamani, March10-12, 2010, pp400-407, Dielectric and Optical properties of Triglycine Sulphate, In the Proceedings of the National Seminar on Crystal Growth-XIV held at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India, 13. Vijayakumar H Doddamani, September 2010, pp375-79, Active galaxy gala Atinerele Vikiranad Spectroscopic Adhyayana in the Proceedings of the 6th Kannada Vignana Sammelana at Veterinary College Hebbala, Bangalore, India, held during September 16-17, 2010, (ISBN 2249 5754) 14. Vijayakumar H Doddamani, September 2010, pp380-85, Samanya Galaxygala Vargikaranada Ondu Adhyayan in the Proceedings of the 6th Kannada Vignana Sammelana at Veterinary College Hebbala, Bangalore, India, held during September 16-17, 2010, (ISBN 2249 5754) 15. Nagaraj R and Vijayakumar H Doddamani, September 2010, pp371-74, Vishwada Akaashgangeyalli kandubaruva Darkenergygala paramarsheya parikalpane in the Proceedings of the 6th Kannada Vignana Sammelana held at Veterinary College Hebbala, Bangalore, India, during September 16-17, 2010, (ISBN 2249 5754) 16. Vijayakumar H Doddamani and Anandaram M N, December 28-30, 2009, pp29-38, Ultraviolet Continuum -Line Luminosity Correlations Studies in Seyfert 1 galaxies and quasars, ” in the Proceedings of the International Interdisciplinary Conference in the Frontiers of Astronomy -2009 in Field Marshal Kariappa College, Madikeri, Karnataka, India 17. Vijayakumar H Doddamani and Anandaram M N, December, 2009, pp61-72, Simultaneous line and continuum variability studies in Seyfert 1 galaxies and quasars, In the Proceedings of the International Interdisciplinary Conference in the Frontiers of Astronomy -2009, In Field Marshal Kariappa College, Madikeri, Karnataka, India 18. Vijayakumar H Doddamani and Anandaram M N, December 28-30, 2009, pp44-53, Determination of Solar Rotation Period, In the Proceedings of the International Interdisciplinary Conference in the Frontiers of Astronomy -2009 in Field Marshal Kariappa College, Madikeri, Karnataka, India 19. Vijayakumar H Doddamani, October 23-24, 2009, pp101-06, Solar Energy as the biggest viable source of alternative energy - in National Seminar on The Role of Non-conventional energy in fulfilling the needs of future India, Hindu College, Guntur, Andra Pradesh, India, 20. Vijayakumar H Doddamani and Kagali B A, p150-152, October 17-19, 2008 “Determination of Solar Constant” in the 23rd IAPT Convention held at Indian Academy Degree College, Bangalore 4 21. Vijayakumar H Doddamani, Anandaram M.N, Ghosh K.K, July, 2002, pp373-74, Variability studies of emission line in quasars and seyfert 1 galaxies, In the Proceedings of the International IAU 8th APRM Conference, held at National Centre of Sciences, Hitotsubhishi memorial Hall, Kanda, Tokyo, Japan, Edited by Satoru John Hearneshaw and Tomyuki Hanawa, Published by the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2002, ( ISBN 4-93098400-9) 22. Vijayakumar H Doddamani, Anandaram M.N, Ghosh K.K, September11-15,2001, pp161-63, Ultra Violet Emission line studies of ESOB113 and MRK1506, In the Proceedings of the International Conference on “Multicolour Universe” held at TIFR, Mumbai, (ISBN 88513- 00-8) 23. Vijayakumar H Doddamani, Anandaram M.N, Ghosh K.K, September11-15, 2001, pp17274, Continuum spectral energy distributions in quasars and Seyfert 1 galaxies, In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Multicolour Universe held at TIFR, Mumbai, (ISBN 88513- 00-8) 24. M.N Anandaram, B. A. Kagali, V. H. Doddamani, July 12-17, p36, 1996, Astrophysics Equipment Development Programme of Bangalore University Proceedings of the III East Asian Meeting on Astronomy- Ground based Astronomy in Asia, at Tokyo, Japan Papers Communicated to Journals: 1. K R Subramanian, B Versnak, K H Ravisha, Ebenezer Chellaswamy and V H Doddamani, 10/05/2011, Statistical study of limb DH type II bursts and their association with coronal mass ejections and flares (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands), (Under Review) 2. K R Subramanian, Raveesha K H , Vijayakumar H Doddamani, Statistical study of association between Type II and Type IV radio bursts during the beginning of Solar cycle 24, , ( Communicated) 3. Manjunath Hegde; K M Hiremath; Vijayakumar H Doddamani; Shashanka R Gurumath, Solar wind associated with near equatorial coronal hole, (submitted to Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy) B Research Papers Presented in the of National / International Conferences / Symposia / Seminars / Workshops 1. Vijayakumar H Doddamani and Vedavathi P, 20-21 December 2013, Ultra Violet Spectroscopic study of a Quasar PG0953+415, in the 6th Karnataka Science and Technology Academy conference held at Christ University , Bangalore 2. Shidaling Matteppanavar*, Basavaraj Angadi, S. K. Deshpande, Sudhindra Rayaprol and Vijay Kumar Doddamani, 16 – 20 December 2013, Low Temperature Dielectric Studies on PbFe0.5Nb0.5O3 Multiferroics International Union of Materials Research Society in the International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2013), held at IISc, Bangalore, Karnataka during, (*paper presenter) 5 3. Kumara*, S. T.; Hochedez, Jean-François; Damé, Luc.; Doddamani, Vijayakumar H.; Kariyappa, R., 14-22 July 2012, p.1641, Segmentation of Coronal Features to Understand the UV and EUV Irradiance Variations, In the International Conference: 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, held during 14-22 July 2012, in Mysore, India. Abstract C1.1-54-12, , (*paper presenter) 4. Hegde Manjunath*; Hiremath, K. M.; Doddamani, Vijayakumar H, 14-22 July 2012, p.739 Coronal Hole Oscillations Inferred from the SDO/AIA Data : Evidence of Standing Oscillations, In the International Conference: 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, in Mysore, India, held during (*paper presenter) 5. Vijayakumar H Doddamani, 27th-28th April 2011, p30, “Landmark Discoveries of Hubble space Telescope in past two decades”-Vijayakumar H Doddamani held at national symposium on “Astronomy and space engineering” at MIT, Manipal, Udupi, Karnataka 6. R. Nagaraja* and V H Doddamani, 27th-28th April 2011, p25, Scientific background and technical evidences in Hubble Space Telescope (HST), in Symposium on Space and astronomy at MIT Manipal, Udupi, Karnataka, held during, (*paper presenter) 7. K H Raveesha*, KR Subramanyan, V H Doddamani, Bhojan, Versnack, 21-24, March 2011 “Statistical Study of limb DH type II bursts and their association with CMEs and flares” , in Indo-China workshop on solar physics and First Asia pacific solar physics meeting, at IIA, Bangalore, during , (*paper presenter) 8. Manjunath Hegde*, Hiremath, K M, Gurman, J B and Doddamani, V H, 16-22, January 2011 “Dynamical and Thermal properties of the Coronal Holes”, Space Science Symposium-IV, Goa, , (*paper presenter) 9. S. T. Kumara*, R. Kariyappa, M. Dominique, D. Berghmans, L. Dam´e, Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta, V. H. Doddamani , 21-24, March 2011, “First Results on Solar Irradiance Variability from PROBA2 / LYRA/SWAP”-, Indo-China workshop on Solar Physics and First Asia pacific solar physics meeting, (*paper presenter) 10. K H Raveesha*, Subramanian K R, February 24 – 27, 2010, p138 Vijayakumar H Doddamani and Ebenezer Chellaswamy “Kinematics of coronal shocks derived from metric and interplanetary type II radio bursts”, in the 16th NSS Symposium held at Sourashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat during, (*paper presenter) 11. Vijayakumar H Doddamani , February 24 – 27, 2010, p148, “Ly α and CIV emission line variability studies in IUE observed active galaxies”- in the 16th NSS Symposium held at Sourashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India 12. Vijayakumar H Doddamani , January18-19, 2010 “Active Galaxies as Cosmological Distance Candles”- in the A Perpetual Account of Nature’s Organization : Natural Philosophy to Natural Science” in the University of Pune, India, 13. Vijayakumar H Doddamani , November14-16, 2009, p182 “Baldwin’s effect for Lyα and CIV emission lines in IUE observed active galaxies”- in the Second Andra Pradesh Science Congress, Tirupati University, Tirupati, Andra Pradesh, India, (PMS-O-22, p182) during 6 14. Vijayakumar H Doddamani, February 7-9, 2007, p26-27 “UV Spectroscopic Studies of Seyfert1 galaxies and Quasars, in 25th meeting of Astronomical society of India in Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, held during February 7-9, 2007 15. Vijayakumar H Doddamani, Anandaram M N, February 7-9, 2007, p74 “Multifrequency Spectral energy distribution in Seyfert1 galaxies and Quasars” in 25th meeting of Astronomical Society of India in Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, February 7-9, 2007, 11. Participation in Conferences/Seminars/Workshops 1. Participated in the XV National Seminar on Crystal Growth at PSN College of Engineering, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, held during February 23rd – 25th, 2011 2. Participated in the Workshop on “Access to information for teaching and non teaching and research and R3 Access user meet” at Bangalore University, Bangalore, held on January 29th , 2011 3. Participated in the “International Chandra centenary Conference” held at IIA, Bangalore, held during December 7 -11 , 2010 4. Participated in the national workshop on “Laboratory Astrophysics: Applications to Cosmic dust” at Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Ahmadabad, held during November 12 -13, 2010 5. Participated in national conference on “ Climate change and its Impact on natural resources” held at Bangalore University, Bangalore, held during October 18 – 20, 2010 6. Participated in national conference on “ Climate change and its impact on natural resources” held at Bangalore University, Bangalore, held during September 18th -20th , 2010 7. Participated in the one day workshop on “Accelerating Research Discovery and Innovation” at Bangalore University, Bangalore, held during April 26th , 2010 8. Participated in the National conference on “Amalgamation of Dr B R Ambedkar’s Vision and Mission in Higher Education: Present status and Future Strategies” at Kuvempu University, Shimoga, Karnataka, held during March 25-26, 2011 9. Participated in the workshop on “Developments in Astrophysics in Connection with International Year of Astronomy -2009” at Dept of Physics, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 10. Participated in the UGC sponsored national seminar on “Astronomy and Astrophysics” at Vijaya College, Bangalore, during April 2nd – 4th, 2009 11. Participated in the International conference on “Magnetic Coupling between the interior and the Atmosphere of the Sun” at Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, held during December 2-6, 2008 12. Participated I the workshop on “Revisiting Physics and Chemistry through Experiments” at V. V. S First grade college for Women, Bangalore, during September 6th , 2008 13. Participated in the National Seminar on “National Knowledge Commission’s Recommendations on Higher Education” seminar at Bangalore University, Bangalore, held during September 19th -20th, 2007 7 14. Participated in “Study of Emission from Hot Diffuse Gas with Astrosat” at Christ College, Bangalore, during December 27th 2006 to January 3rd 2007 15. Participated in the Workshop on “Atmospheric and Experimental Physic”s at Vijaya College”, Bangalore, held during July 21-22, 2006 16. Participated in “TAUVEX Science Workshop” at Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore34, held during March 22nd – 24th , 2006 17. Participated in “90th Indian Science Congress” held at Bangalore University during January 37, 2003 18. Participated in the workshop on “Observing with IUCAA Telescope” during 21st –23rd December 2000 at IUCAA, Poona. 19. Participated in the workshop on “Quasar Spectroscopy” during 21st –24th January 2000 at IUCAA, Pune 20. Participated in the SERC school on “Low Frequency Radio Astronomy “at NCRA, Poona, during 21st June to 18th July 1999 21. Participated in the workshop on “Cosmic Ray Astrophysics” at Cosmic Ray Laboratory, Ooty, during 3rd –14th November 1997 22. Participated in the workshop on “Dynamics at the centers of galaxies” at IUCAA, Poona, during 3rd –5th July 1997 23. Participated in the workshop on “Gamma Ray Astronomy” at HEGRO, Pachmary, Madhya Pradesh State, during 16th –21st November 1996 24. Participated in the workshop on “SCROSS - C2 Data Utilization” at ISRO Head Quarters, during 5th –10th August 1996, in Bangalore 25. Participated in the “XX IAU International School for Young Astronomers”, at IUCAA, Pune, India, during 3rd –12th January 1994 and presented a talk on the topic “Facilities of Astronomy and Astrophysics in India 26. Participated in the “Winter School on Astrophysics” at Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur, Tamil Nadu,India, held during 21st to 31st December 1992 12. Organization of Seminars/Workshops/Refresher Course/Special Lectures 1. Deputy Coordinator for the “Refresher Course in Physics for College and University Teachers” at Central College Campus, Bangalore University, Bangalore during March 6 - 25, 2006 13. Foreign Countries Visited on Academic Assignments: 1. To present my Research Papers in the International conference “IAU Symposium 304: Multiwavelength AGN Surveys and Studies” held at Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory 8 (BAO), Byurakan 0213, Aragatzotn province, Republic of Armenia, during 7-11 October, 2013 2. To present my Research Paper in International “IAU 8th APRM Conference” held at National Centre of Sciences, Hitotsubhishi Memorial Hall, Kanda, Tokyo, Japan during 2nd –5th July 2002. 3. To present my Research Paper in “III East Asian Meeting on Astronomy-Ground Based Astronomy in Asia”, during 17th –21st July 1995 at Tokyo, Japan 14. Membership of Scientific Societies/Academic Bodies: 1. Astronomical Society of India, Life Member, India (Since 2004) 2. Indian Physics Association, India, Life Member, India (Since 1999) 3. Indian Physics Teachers Association, India, Life Member, India (Since 1998) ******* 9