Computer Questions For Banking Exams


Computer Questions For Banking Exams
Technology that consists of electromagnetic devices and systems for communicating over long distances
is known as – Communications Technology
o What is the name given to specialized phones which allow users to make phone calls as well as browse
the World Wide Web? – Smartphones
o High-capacity computers with hundreds of thousands of processors that can perform more than one
trillion calculations per second are called – Supercomputers
o Embedded computers are known as – Microcontrollers
o A communications system connecting two or more computers is called a – Network
o Which toolbar provides access to file management and editing commands, in addition to special
features? – Standard Toolbar
o The cut, copy, and paste buttons are normally located on which toolbar? – Standard Toolbar
o When conducting a Spelling and Grammar check, potential spelling errors are shown in which colour?
– Red
o Which is the popular term for connecting to a network? – Log-on
o What consists of hardware and software and allows voice, video, and data to be communicated over
traditional copper-wire telephone lines? – ISDN
o An expression for how much data can be sent through a communications channel in a given amount of
time is referred to as? – Bandwidth
o The communications rules or protocols that allow browsers to connect with web servers is – HTTP
o The internet connection that uses regular phone lines to transmit data in megabits per second is – DSL
o Bps stands for – Bits per second
o If text was highlighted and ‘Edit’ ‘Copy’ was clicked, what would happen - Text would be copied from
the document and placed in the clipboard
o The blinking point which shows your position in the text is called —Cursor
o For seeing the output, you use — Monitor
o A directory within in directory is called — Sub Directory
o For opening and closing of the file in Excel, you can use which bar – Title Bar
o In many MS Office applications, You click at B to make the text— Bold
o A disk’s content that is recorded at the time of manufacture and that cannot be changed or erased by
the user is— Read Only Memory
o Data that is copied from an application is stored in the— Clipboard
o Changing an existing document is called – Editing the Document
o Preparing any document for the first time is called – Creating the Document
o In a spreadsheet program the ………… contains related worksheets and documents –Workbook
o A central computer that holds collections of data and programs for many PCs, workstations, and other
computers is a – Server
o A Compiler is - A program which translates from one high-level to a machine level
o When a key is pressed on the keyboard, which standard is used for converting the keystroke into the
corresponding bits – ANSI
o A Pixel is - The smallest resolvable part of a picture
o Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment –Mouse
o Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer – 2
o The memory location address are limited to - 00000 to 9ffff(16)
o The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as –Firmware
o Which technology is used in Compact disks – Laser or Optical
o EPROM can be used for doing what - Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM
o The contents of information are stored in which type of register – Memory Data Register
o Algorithm and Flow chart help us to - Specify the problem completely and clearly
oThe process of a computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known as Downloading
oThe process of a computer sending information to a server on the Internet is known as –Uploading
o ………………is the process of carrying out commands – Executing
o An error is also known as — Bug
o The rectangular area of the screen that displays a program, data, and/or information is a — Window
o A series of instructions that tells a computer what to do and how to do it is called a —Program
o Collection of many commands is – a Program
o Collection of many programs is – a Software
o Collection of many software is – a Package
o Collection of many software to achieve a common or homogeneous goal is – a Suit (such as MS –
o CAD stands for – Computer Aided Design
o DTP stands for – DeskTop Publishing
o Which type of printer cannot print graphics – Dot matrix
o The father of Modern Computer is – Charles Babbage
o Memory which forgets every thing when you switch off the power is known as – Volatile Memory
o The linking of computers with a communication system is called – Networking
o Information travels between components on the mother board through – Buses
o How are data organized in a spreadsheet – In rows and Columns
o World’s most famous spreadsheet program is – MS Excel
o How many options does a BINARY choice offer – two
o IBM stands for - International Business Machines
o What is also known as brain of computer – CPU (Central Processing Unit)
o A _______ is a bi-stable electronic circuit that has two stable states – Flip Flop
o Unwanted repetitious messages, such as unsolicited bulk e-mail is known as – Spam
o DOS stands for – Disk Operating System
o ___________ translates and executes program at run time line by line – Interpreter
o What is meaning of OOP – Object Oriented Programming
o What are the basic principles of OOP – Inheritance and Polymorphism
o COBOL is used in which types of applications – Commercial Applications
o SMPS stands for - Switched Mode Power Supply
o The device used to carry digital data on analog lines is called as – Modem
o With which two words is the word modem made – Modulate and Demodulate
o 1 Byte = 8 bits
o BIOS stands for – Basic Input Output System
o ROM stands for - Read Only Memory
o RAM Stands for – Random Access Memory
o Who is credited with inventing the ‘C’ language – Dennis Ritchie
o If a word is typed that is not in Word’s dictionary, a ___ wavy underline appears below the word – Red
o The _____ button on the quick access Toolbar allows you to cancel your recent commands or actions –
o In MS - Excel, any set of characters containing a letter , hyphen, or space is considered –Text
o ________ Software allows users to perform calculations on rows and columns of data –Electronic
o The operating system is the most common type of which software – System
o MS – Word is the most common type of which software – Application
o If a doctor hires a software engineer to develop a software to suit his specific needs such as recording
names of his patients, the diagnosis suggested by his, fees charged by him, etc, then which type of
software it would be called – Custom Software or Customized Software
o ______ cells involves creating a single cell by combining two or more selected cells –Merging
o A _________ represent approximately one billion memory locations – Gigabyte
o When you quickly press and release the left mouse button twice , you are doing what –Double-clicking
o The horizontal and vertical lines on a worksheet are called – Gridlines
o During the boot process what is it that looks for the system files – BIOS
o What is the ability of an operating system to control the activities of multiple programs at the same
time called – Multitasking
oThe unique signal, generated by a device, that tells the operating system that it is in need of immediate
attention is called an – Interrupt
o The blocks of code, included in the operating system, that software applications interact with are
known as - Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
o MS – DOS is which type of Operating System (OS) – Command Driven and Single User OS
o A spooler is a - program that coordinates the print jobs that are waiting to print
o Virtual memory is typically located on – Hard Disk
o The combination of the operating system and the processor is referred to as the computer’s –
o Verification of a login name and password is known as – Authentication
o The definition of thrashing is - A swapping data between virtual memory and RAM too frequently
o The purpose of a swap (or page) file is to - hold a program’s data or instructions in virtual memory
when it can’t fit in RAM
o The ____________, stored on a ROM chip, is responsible for loading the operating system from its
permanent location on the hard drive into RAM – BIOS
oThe BIOS is stored in – ROM
o Ensuring that the essential peripheral devices are attached and operational is the ____________
process – POST
o The memory resident portion of the operating system is called the – Kernel
o Using Windows Explorer, a plus (+) sign in front of a folder indicates - the folder contains subfolders
o What is GUI – Graphic User Interface (where we give commands graphically such as clicking, holding,
dragging, dropping, etc.)
o World’s most popular GUI is – Windows and different versions of windows OS
o What is CUI – Character User Interface (Where we give commands by syntax based commands)
o Example of a CUI is – MS DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System)
o A process known as ____________ is used by large retailers to study trends – Data Mining
o ____________terminals (formerly known as cash registers) are often connected to complex inventory
and sales computer systems – POS (Point- of - Sales terminals)
o Technology no longer protected by copyright, available to everyone, is considered to be –proprietary
o ____________ is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of
intelligence that humans do – Artificial Intelligence
o ____________ is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion –Information
o The name for the way that computers manipulate data into information is called –Processing
o Computers gather data, which means that they allow users to ____________ data –Input
o After a picture has been taken with a digital camera and processed appropriately, the actual print of
the picture is considered – Output
o Computers use the ____________ language to process data – Binary
o Computers process data into information by working exclusively with – Numbers
o In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is made
up of a unique combination of – Eight Bits
o The term bit is short for – Binary Digit
o A string of eight 0s and 1s is called a – Gigabyte
o A ____________ is approximately a million bytes – megabytes
o A component that expands a computer’s input, storage, or output capabilities is referred to as a –
Peripheral device
o A central computer that holds collections of data and programs for connecting PCs, workstations, and
other devices is called a – Server
o Tower PCs are ____ whose case or main housing sits on a desk, with the –microcomputers
o Users access mainframes by means of a ____, which has a display screen and a keyboard – Terminal
o Tiny, specialized microprocessors installed in “smart” appliances and automobiles are called –
o A system that connects, usually by special cables, a group of desktop PCs and other devices such as
printers in an office or a building is called – Local Area Network (LAN)
o The next generation of smaller, faster computers that will fit into a single human cell are known as –
o The process of copying software programs from secondary storage media to the system’s hard disk is
called – Installation
o What is the main feature of smartphones? – They allows users to make phone calls as well as browse
the World Wide Web
o High-capacity computers with hundreds of thousands of processors that can perform more than one
trillion calculations per second are called – Supercomputers
o A communications system connecting two or more computers is called a – Network
o Using a user name and password, the ISP will allow the user to connect. What is the correct
terminology for this action? – Log on
o What consists of hardware and software and allows voice, video, and data to be communicated over
traditional copper-wire telephone lines? – ISDN Line
o ISP Stands for – Internet Service Provider
o An expression for how much data can be sent through a communications channel in a given amount
of time is referred to as – Bandwidth
o A set of communications rules for exchanging information is called a - Protocol
o The communications rules or protocols that allow browsers to connect with web servers is – HTTP
o HTTP stands for – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
o The communication rules or protocols that allow browsers to connect with file servers is –FTP
o FTP stands for – File Transfer Protocol
o An automatic email mailing list of people who regularly participate in discussion topics are called –
o If you wish to be part of an online discussions on a favorite topic of interest, you would subscribe to a
– Listserv
o The transmission of data from a local computer to a remote computer is – Upload
o An independently controllable section of a web page is called a – Frame
o The .gov, .com, .net and .edu extensions are examples of – top level domains
o What is ISP? – Internet Service Provider
o With which command is the file named config.sys associated? – with memory management
o What is a hyperlink? – A character, string, picture or anything, clicking on which a website or a new
web page is opened
o What a character or a string or a picture, is called, cursor takes shape of a hand, when placed over? – a
o In MS – Word, what is the function of the F7 button? – Checking Grammar related errors in the written
o Which part of computer is generally called a computer’s mind? – the CPU (Central Processing Unit)
o What is Hacking? – Any unauthorized access and use of data and information
o Which is the best way to make Backup of important files? – By transferring important files to nonworking drive (Such as moving files from C:\ to D:\)
o Web-Form is used to – post information on a website’s server
o Which facility Notepad not provides which MS Word provides? – Usage of multiple types of fonts on a
single text document
o Which is the most popular medium of making input in CAD? – Joystick
o Twisted Pair Transmission is – Online Analog Transmission
o While making search in Windows platform, for what character ‘?’ stands for? – single length character
o Winzip is a popular software to – Compress the size of files
o What is true meaning of Backup? – Securing the vital data or information by transferring the data on
destination different from the destination of primary source
o What is the process of copying software from secondary storage device to Hard Disk known as? –