Zusatzreglement für paramilitärische Organisationen aus
Zusatzreglement für paramilitärische Organisationen aus
11. Internationales Basler St. Barbara Schiessen 2015 11th International Saint Barbara Shooting Competition 2015 (11th ISBSC 2015) Artillery Association of Basle-City, founded in 1834 Saturday, 9th May 2015 Shooting facility Sichtern in Liestal / BL (CH) http://www.barbaraschiessen.org ADVERTISEMENT Organiser Artillery Association of Basle-City Liaison officer Specialist officer Fabian Coulot, P.O.Box 98, CH-4012 Basle Tel./Fax: ++41-61-381 56 16 Mobile phone: ++41-78-892 30 06 E-mail: info@artillerie.org Request for invitation only via liaison officer until 11th April 2015 at the very latest. Date Saturday, 9th May 2015 0730 h – 1800 h Directions From the highway A2 onwards, at the exit “Liestal”, the way to the shooting facility is marked with yellow military signs. More detailed directions with photos are available on our homepage as a PDF file: http://www.barbaraschiessen.org Site/Registration office The shooting facility Sichtern in Liestal, canton of BasleCountry (CH). Situated approx. 30 kilometres from Basle. Detailed directions with photos are available on our homepage. Participants Members of all military service branches, reservist associations as well as border guards, customs and police from well-acquainted nations. Evaluation All the participants will be evaluated individually (total evaluation of the three shooting matches together). No team evaluation. In the case of equal number of points, the superior age will decide. Entry fee Each participant has to pay an entry fee of CHF 50.- (€ exchange rate). In order to avoid the high bank costs, the entry fee can be paid at the registration office near the shooting facility. Registered and absent shooters will be billed according to activities. Insurance Each participant is responsible for sufficient insurance protection. The organiser will not assume liability . Boarding A festive establishment will be running at the shooting facility. Boarding is at the expenses of the shooters. Supper The supper on Saturday, 9th May 2015, will take place in the barracks of Liestal after the announcement of results. Menu à CHF 30.- (€ exchange rate) per person. Beverages are paid for separately in Swiss francs . Accommodation The newly renovated barracks in the city of Liestal will be available for CHF 30.- (€ exchange rate) per person and night incl. breakfast. A sleeping bag is not required. Program 2 sub-exercises; distance 300m; weapons: assault rifle 90 as well as 1 sub-exercise with the pistol SIG P220 (9mm), distance 25m. 1. Barbara shooting match Distance 300m, assault rifle 90, aiming at target plate B4 2 test shots 2 shots 3 shots 4 shots 6 shots 2 minutes 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 90 seconds Max. number of points Distinction with assault rifle 90 60 pt 50 pt The association shooting match conforms to the norms of the Organisation of Swiss Artillery Associations (Verband Schweizerischer Artillerievereine, abbrev. VSAV), based on the regulations of the Swiss Barbara Shooting Competition VSAV. 2. Törli shooting match Distance: 300 m; weapons: assault rifle 90, aiming at target plate A5 2 test shots 5 shots 5 shots 5 shots 2 minutes 3 minutes (single fire) 2 minutes (shown at the end) 1 minute (shown at the end) 3. Pistol shooting match Distance: 25m with SIG P220 2 test shots 5 shots 5 shots 5 shots 20 seconds 60 seconds 40 seconds 30 seconds Max. number of points Distinction Distinction 150 pt 136 pt Each participant receives a certificate, and when attaining the required number of points, a wreath (medal on a ribbon). Registration deadline: 11th April 2015 Uniform policy The permission to wear a uniform has to be requested at the Armeestab, IB V, Military Protocol, Papiermühlestrasse 20, CH-3003 Berne, via your accredited defence attaché in Switzerland at least four weeks before the event. Invitation The official invitation to the individual shooters, associations etc. will follow via the military protocol. Confirmation After the arrival of the application via e-mail, fax or postal mail, the team captains will receive a confirmation of the starting time. Please appear with the whole team at least half an hour before your starting time at the registration office. Announcement of results The announcement of results will take place before the common supper in the Liestal barracks. Host Specialist officer (Capt) Fabian Coulot, president of the Artillery Association of Basle-City. Shooting management Will follow through declared shooting managers and champion shots. Our homepage with directions, order form for registration and the invitation, weapon types, ranking lists, contacts etc.: http://www.barbaraschiessen.org