MINUTES - Barkly Shire Council
MINUTES - Barkly Shire Council
MINUTES ALPURRURULAM LOCAL AUTHORITY Held Wednesday 27 May 2015 Alpurrurulam Service Delivery Centre 1. MEETING OPENING The Chair, Maxie Ray Opened the meeting at 1 pm. 2. ATTENDANCE / APOLOGIES 2.1 Members Present Maxie Ray Chairperson Michael Teague Deputy Chairperson Irene Toby Local Authority Member Natasha Long Local Authority Member John Barber Local Authority Member Reggie Neslon Local Authority Member George Anderson Local Authority Member James Billy Local Authority Member 2.2 2.3 2.4 Also Present Peter Ryan Troy Koch Charlie Larkins Ginny Rabeling Ron Axford Rohan Webb Bryn Everend Dani Cooper Barkly Regional Council Director of People and Safety Barkly Regional Council Community Coordinator Barkly Regional Council Youth Sport and Rec Coordinator Local Government Association Northern Territory Rainbow Gateway (RJCP) Rainbow Gateway (RJCP) CAALAS CAALAS Apologies Cr. Jennifer Mahoney Gordon Long Edwina Marks Barbara Shaw Ex Officio Local Authority Member Barkly Regional Council CEO Barkly Regional Council President Absent without Apology Marshall Teece Local Authority Member 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS LOCAL AUTHORITY MEETING 3.1 CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES MOTION That the Minutes of the Alpurrurulam Local Authority held 29 April 2015, be accepted as true and accurate. Moved: Natasha Long Second: George Anderson CARRIED UNAN. 07/15 Unconfirmed Minutes - Alpurrurulam La - 27.05.2015 Page 1 of 2 4. ACTION ITEMS FROM PREVIOUS LOCAL AUTHORITY MEETING 4.1 MEMBERSHIP Marshall Teece is believed to have moved to Mt. Isa. MOTION That the Local Authority ask Michael Teague, who is in contact with Marshall Teece to ask Mr Teece to get in contact with the Community Coordinator Troy Koch about his continuing membership of the Local Authority. Moved: George Anderson Second: Maxie Ray CARRIED UNAN. 08/15 5. COUNCIL REPORTS 5.1 COUNCIL REPORTS Council reports presented by Director of People and Safety Peter Ryan, Community Coordinator Troy Koch presented Alpurrurulam Service Delivery reports. 6. LOCAL AUTHORITY ISSUES 6.1 FINALISE LOCAL AUTHORITY FUNDED PROJECTS & BUDGETS Community Coordinator Troy Koch updated the Local Authority on the Alpurrurulam Local Authority Action List. 6.2 FOOD FOR LOCAL AUTHORITY MEETINGS MOTION That the Alpurrurulam Local Authority request senior BRC staff for a reason it has to pay for food for the Local Authority Meetings out of their budget and is there any other funding available for this? CARRIED UNAN. 6.3 MEETING DAYS MOTION That the Alpurrurulam Local Authority recommends their meetings be held on Thursdays as one of their members attends dialysis on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. CARRIED UNAN. 7. OTHER BUSINESS Nil 8. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Bryn Everend gave a brief presentation of why CAALAS was in Alpurrurulam. 9. CLOSE OF MEETING Maxie Ray closed the meeting at 2:30pm 10. NEXT MEETING Wednesday 25th June 2015 Unconfirmed Minutes - Alpurrurulam La - 27.05.2015 Page 2 of 2
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