Pass the Pie Fellowship


Pass the Pie Fellowship
Volume VII, Issue 11
Pass the Pie Fellowship
November 25, 2009
after the 7 pm Thanksgiving Worship
in Ronnenkamp Hall
Bring your favorite Pie
home baked or store bought
to share with family, friends, and guests
after the conclusion of the Thanksgiving Service
“to be a Christ-centered
community who
welcomes all, grows in
faith, and reaches out
in love.”
Deliver pies to the small kitchen
Wednesday afternoon or before the
Thanksgiving service
Thanksgiving Eve
We will have a worship
service Thanksgiving
Eve, 7:00 p.m., November 25, 2009. This worship is an important dimension of the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will
celebrate the evening
with the Great Thanksgiving, Holy Communion.
Pies will be cut, served, and ready to eat
with delicious hot coffee
in celebration of our thankfulness to God.
Sign up in the entry if you are bringing a pie!
Advent is sneaking up on us this year, it comes in the month of November. Advent
is the season of the church year that comes just before Christmas. It begins right
after Thanksgiving this year. The first Sunday in Advent is November 29 for 2009.
The word Advent means “coming”. We celebrate three comings of Christ. The second coming that brings Christ back again, the coming foretold by the prophets,
especially John the Baptizer, and the coming of the Christ child into our hearts .
We will have three midweek Advent services in December to help us with these
comings. The first is December 2. We will gather for a simple soup supper. Everyone is asked to bring a can of soup which we will combine into the next week’s
soup. The soup brought on the last Wednesday will be donated to those who can’t
afford soup. We will also have a brief devotion featuring Holden Evening Prayer.
Our MISSION is “to
follow Christ into our
community and world
manifesting with caring
hearts and helping hands
the good news of the
Kingdom of God.”
Community of Grace
From Our Pastors
Caring Ministries
Council Minutes
Middle Schoolers
HS Youth Group
Pizza Potluck
Grace Lutheran Church
Community of Grace
Thanksgiving Baskets
During worship on November 8th, we will form groups to put together baskets of
food. We will then share this food to make a Thanksgiving dinner possible for some
who otherwise might have very little food that day. So, be sure to be in worship that
day to get in on the action. If, however, you end up missing in action, please call the
church office and leave your name to be added to a group.
Volunteers and Volunteer Opportunities
Have you perhaps thought of volunteering your time in some way at or through Grace
Lutheran but haven’t known how to go about it? Or, did you used to volunteer when
there were sign-up sheets on the bulletin board and wonder where they went and
how you’re now supposed to sign-up to do something?
Hans & Adele
Family of Bob Moore,
Amy Schaufelberger
Betty Evans,
Kathryn Kamke,
Marlene Johnson,
Derek Larson
who was united in
marriage October 11
Well, the list of volunteer opportunities (many more than used to be on the bulletin
board) has been revised and is now available to all. It can be found in a three ring
binder on the office counter next to the stand-up, framed sign that says, “We need
you. Volunteer opportunities here!” So, check it out. Volunteer for something -- for
anything from changing light bulbs to singing in the chancel choir. The possibilities
are practically endless!
COMING SOON! A Wall Photo Directory
Thanks to the members of the Communications Committee, the photography skills
and time of Frank and Ellie Carson, and the carpentry skills of Ron Larson, we will
soon have a wonderful new pictorial directory of our members on the wall across
from the office. We hope you had you or your family’s picture taken in September or
October, but if you didn’t, don’t cry. The wonderful thing about this Wall Directory is
that we don’t have to wait four, five, or six years to add pictures to it. They can be
added on an ongoing basis. If you missed your chance the past two months, call the
office, leave your name, and we will notify you when a make-up session will be
From Anne Orwick
On Sunday, November 29, Christian Education Committee invites the whole congregation to celebrate the Advent Season with the Intergenerational Advent Wreathmaking and Mug Bouquet Event. We will start at 9:30 am and start clean-up at noon.
Free of charge, there will be fresh greens including fir boughs, holly and holiday
decorations to make wreaths, swags, centerpieces and mug bouquets. Mugs, wreath
frames, candles, ribbon and fancy decorations will be for sale. Thrivent will supplement the funds raised to buy supplies for next year. Refreshments will be served so
please join us!
Next 2nd Thursday
Women’s luncheon: on
November 12th
at Block 15 at 11:45
Next 4th Tuesday
Women’s luncheon:
November 24th at 11:45
at New Morning Bakery
Also: On Sunday, November 8th, the Grace Thrivent Committee will have our annual
Planning Meeting for 2010. Please join us at 9:45 am to 10:45 am to submit your
ideas for recipients of money from fundraisers by Thrivent. We need ideas of where
this money could go and also ideas for fun fundraisers. The three Thrivent Congregational Coordinators are Anne Orwick, Hal Dick and Debbie Kuehn. Starting in 2010,
the recipients only can be from outside our congregation.
A book group has been launched at Grace. All readers, both male and female, from
within and without the congregation, are invited to attend. Meetings will generally be
first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Fireside Room. The schedule is as follows:
Grace Lutheran Church
Community of Grace
For now, we will meet at church in the Fireside Room at 7 p.m. on Thursdays
(usually, but not always, the first Thursday). Volunteers to lead the discussion for the
later books are welcomed!
Nov. 5 – A Thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Hosseini, led by Carol
Erickson. Bring a favorite passage to share.
Dec. 10 (moved due to Civil War game) – Wild Swans, by Jung Chang, led
by Sharon Rosenkoetter.
January 7 – Mountains Beyond Mountains, by Tracy Kidder, led by Kathy
Feb. 4 – What Is the What? by Dave Eggers
March 4 – Chinese Lessons: Five Classmates and the Story of the New
China, by John Pomfret
April 8 – The Hospital by the River, by Dr. Catherine Hamlin
May 6 – Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books, by Azar Nafisi
June 3 – The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros
Please come! For transportation or additional information, please contact Sharon
Rosenkoetter at 737-8529.
Grace Lutheran Church
From Pastor Netsie
Pastor Netsie
phone is:
E-mail: netsie
3745 Hilltop Drive
Corvallis, Oregon
Cosmic Church Spirituality
How great that All Saints Day, November 1st falls on a Sunday this year. All Saints Day
is All Saints Sunday rather than the Sunday closest to November 1st . During worship
we especially remember those who have died during the past year as part of our celebration of All Saints. More importantly, however, we remember that those who have
died have now become a part of the communion of saints – not just a member of the
church universal but the cosmic church. It is a church which is not only spread beyond
the boundaries of nations, race, languages and human conditions. It is a church which
exists beyond space and time across the barrier of death. It is a day for all the saints
including us who are still alive.
Those who have died are no longer with us in bodily form, but they are with us. We are
all part of the same communion, the same body of Christ, the cosmic church.
When I was a young child my grandmother, Hester Naomi, told me that she prayed for
me every day. She was the grandmother who gave me my first Bible, the grandmother
that bribed me and my cousins to take sermon notes in church by paying us a penny
for every notation. On really good Sundays I would have 25 notes earning me a quarter which, in those days, was enough to buy a candy bar. She was the grandmother
that attended Bible studies and told me to write notes in my Bible and underline
verses. This was the grandmother whose children sometimes alluded to her imperfections, but whose young granddaughter just knew of her warm embrace and deep love.
This was the grandmother that prayed for me every day.
At age eleven my family moved to a different state, and I no longer had the frequent
contact with my grandmother I had once had. Through the trials of adolescence and
the life-affirming adventures of college, I still remembered that my grandmother prayed
for me every day. When I went off to a Lutheran seminary just a year after graduating
from college, my grandmother began to worry about my faith and the direction it might
be going. She wasn’t too sure about Lutherans, so she probably prayed for me more
fervently at that point. She might even have died believing that somehow her prayers
for me had failed because I didn’t turn out to be the good Baptist she envisioned. Still,
she prayed for me every day.
NOV 2nd at 11:30
- bring a lunch Fireside Room
Paid and unpaid
staff will meet at the
request of staff
members. Agenda
topics for discussion
should be left at the
office with Cindy at
757-1600 or office@grace97330.or
Staff meetings occur
monthly on the first
Monday of the
When she did die, not only did I mourn her death, I mourned the loss of her prayers for
me. Who would pray for me now? There were other people that loved me. Perhaps,
occasionally, some of those who loved me might actually pray for me. No one, however, would pray for me every day.
Many years later, one All Saints Day, it dawned on me. What dawned upon me was
that it was very unlikely that death prevented my grandmother from praying for me. In
fact, since becoming part of that cosmic communion of saints, she probably now prays
for me more regularly than she ever did in ways I will never know until I join her and all
the saints who have gone before me in death.
Though I can’t know it, can’t explain it, and certainly can’t prove it, I believe my deceased grandmother, my deceased father and many others now deceased support me, and those of us who
comprise the earthly church with a spiritual support that sustains us, strengthens us and summons us to be what they wished they might have been when they were on earth. After all, they
now see clearly what is still very dim, unformed and uninformed to us. Of course, I also believe I
am supported and sustained by your prayers, the prayers of Christian brothers and sisters still
alive and participating in our struggles to be the church. I believe my prayers provide crucial
support to others. Surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses then, may we get on with the
race and give thanks! (Hebrews 12:1-2)
In the sustenance of years of prayer,
Pastor Netsie
Grace Lutheran Church
From Pastor Wendell
Pastor Wendell
phone is:
E-mail: Wendell
3745 Hilltop Drive
Corvallis, Oregon
We Give Thanks
The Thanksgiving holiday comes around only once a year. Here at Grace Lutheran
Church, however, we don’t wait until November to give thanks. Every Sunday Morning and on each church holiday we celebrate the Eucharist. Eucharist is the ecclesiastical word for thanksgiving, sometimes rendered the Great Thanksgiving or simply
It starts off with the Christ Greeting, “The Lord be with you,” and an invitation to put
our hearts into it. Then the pastor sings or says “Let us give thanks to the Lord our
God.” The congregation responds in agreement, “It is right to give our thanks and
The pastor then agrees with the people, “ It is indeed right . . . that we should at all
times and in all places give thanks and praise.” But note that the thanks and praise is
not to each other but it is directed to God. The first thing we give thanks for is not for
family, nor country, nor the beauty of the world around us, but to God and for the savings actions of Christ Jesus.
This Christ-centered focus is the crux of our thanks giving. Each time we come together we give thanks for the work of Christ in our midst in making us God’s people,
and in the world for his work for us, also in the church or the work of the Holying
Spirit to up-build and sustain us.
One Eucharistic option we will use this November is Prayer VII, ELW p 67. This
prayer specifically notes the work of God in creation:
Thanksgiving Eve
We will have a worship
service Thanksgiving
Eve, 7:00 p.m., November 25, 2009. This worship is an important dimension of the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will
celebrate the evening
with the Great Thanksgiving, Holy Communion.
You formed the earth from chaos;
you circled the globe with air;
you created fire for warmth and light
you nourish the lands with water.
You molded us in your image,
and with mercy higher than the mountains,
with grace deeper than the seas,
you blessed the Israelites
and cherished them as your own.
That also we, estranged and dying,
might be adopted to live in your Spirit,
you called to us through the life and death of Jesus
These reminders in our Great Thanksgiving prayer remind us that God in Christ Jesus is working through the power of the Holying Spirit within us. We live on a planet
that was created as a home for humanity. As we live and grow in this world it is
proper for us to remember the work of our creating God in our lives and to bring to
our lips the thanks due God’s name. Moreover, God is not a dispassionate force hidden off in the distances of the universe, but a loving and sustaining God who touches
our lives daily with the gifts of creation, salvation and enlightenment. God’s creative
work is complimented with God’s sustaining work which does not leave us alone, but
builds us up, loves us dearly and brings us together as God’s people to celebrate and
give thanks for all the grace and mercy around us in countless ways.
Pastor Wendell
Grace Lutheran Church
Caring Ministry
Vaccine Priority Groups
Caring Ministry
Kay Larson and
Marna Renshaw
Children aged 6 months to 19 years
Pregnant women
People age 50 and older
People with chronic medical conditions
Health care workers
Everyone aged 6 months to 24 years
Pregnant women
People caring for or living with infants under 6
months of age
People aged 25-64 with underlying medical conditions (such as asthma, immune deficiencies, etc.)
Health care workers, emergency medical responders and frontline law enforcement and public safety
Best ways to slow the spread of virus
● You can have your
blood pressure checked
in the Health Ministry
Office between services
on the fourth Sunday of
the month or by appointment.
The best way to prevent the spread of the H1N1 and seasonal virus are the
Wash your hands. This is very important and can't be stressed enough.
Cover your cough
Stay home if you are sick
When to see the doctor
The times to see your doctor are the same for seasonal and H1N1 virus:
In children, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention
Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Bluish or grey skin color
Not drinking enough fluids
Severe or persistent vomiting
Not waking up or not interacting
A child who is so irritable that he/she does not want to be held
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
Fever with a rash
In adults:
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Pain or pressure in chest or abdomen
Sudden dizziness
Severe or persistent vomiting
Grace Lutheran Church
Note from the Bookkeeper
3rd Quarter ending
September 30, 2009
3rd Qtr
General Operating
Other Income
Total Income
Operating Expenses
Gifts to the World
Total Expenses
Ending Balance
% of Budget
Net Income (Deficit)
Beginning Balance
Jul 1
Sep 30
1,341 Jan 1
(8,284) Sep 30
1. With General Fund income through September at 88% of budget for that period
and expenses at 97% of budget, the net deficit as of 9/30/09 in the general fund
is -$8,284. This deficit is $2,920 less that the deficit at this time last year. A large
giving month in December 2008 allowed us to end last year with a positive balance.
2. To help keep our programs running smoothly, there are a couple things we can
• Keep current with our pledge for giving.
• Give a special offering or increase our regular giving.
Robin Heino
Year-End Gifts
For a check to be included as a charitable contribution the 2009 tax year:
1. The check must be dated in December, and
2. The check must either be delivered to the church office by 4 p.m. on December 31st or be mailed to the church with the postmark of December
31 or before.
If you want your year-end donation to be applied toward your 2010 pledge,
please note that on your donations so that we can record it appropriately.
$1200 was collected in the offering at the Labor Day Ecumenical Service for Linn
-Benton Food Share!
$350 was our profit from the 51st Annual Salmon Bake. Thanks to the men’s
group for sponsoring this event. The weather was beautiful. The Salmon was delicious and the corn on the cob was especially sweet this year. Thanks to Dave Lundahl for heading it all up. Thanks to his brother for getting the salmon for us. Grace
Alive! added some great music.
Grace Lutheran delivered 20 doses of flu mist at the clinic we held September
20. 5 were adults, 15 were children and 13 of the children were from Grace. Thanks
to Denise Cardinelli for doing the leg work to get these folks immunized. If you
missed out on your flu immunizations, Denise or one of our Parish nurses, Marna
Renshaw or Kay Larsen, will let you know how to get one. It’s still not too late.
Grace Lutheran Church
Congregational Council Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2009
Attendance: Carol Warloe, Pr. Netsie Griffith, Anne Orwick, Kathy Vohland, Becky Kiersky, Pr. Wendell Hendershott, Marilyn Lesmeister, Frank
Davis, Ron Walsh, Sharon Rosenkoetter, Todd Donner
Excused: Dave Lundahl Absent: Debbie Poole Resignation: Michael
Trujillo, with regrets, has resigned. (A big thanks for his service and best for
the remainder of his senior year at Crescent Valley High School).
Opening Devotion: Carol Warloe
Minutes of September 14, 2009 approved with one correction: Pr. Kitner is
Pr. Kintner.
Treasurer’s Report. Net deficit through September was $19,741.
Dave Lundahl
Vice President
Frank Davis
Ron Walsh
Financial Secretary
Mary Stephens
Pastor’s Reports
Pr. Wendell
· Bob Moore’s memorial service will be on October 17th at 2:30 pm.
· Vacation from Dec 26 through Jan 8.
· Annual reviews of staff are under way.
· Worship Setting 3 begins in November.
· A letter to the pastors and council was received concerning the social statement approved at the recent nation ELCA convention.
Pr. Netsie
· Lots of committee activity.
Grace Foundation: A request for funding a set of hand chimes has been
Executive Committee:
Motion 1: That the Master Gardeners be allowed to pay a suggested $121
facility donation for 2009 and then a suggested fee of $210 in 2010. Carried.
Stewardship Committee: Wayne Kradjan has indicated that 80+ family
units have pledged through October 12.
Personnel Committee: Abuse policy is out for staff and council review.
Hopefully a recommendation will be available for the council in November.
Property Committee:
· The committee recommends that funds be raised to repair the flat
roof and to replace the Ronnenkamp roof. This would be a capital
campaign request.
· Another capital request would be to remodel and put in handicapped
rest room.
· If the council is amenable to a capital campaign, designs and bids
can be sought.
· The committee recommends that the old B key become the new C
key, and that the new B key would be used to gain access to the office. Those needing access to the office would be issued individual
key, and not a lock box approach.
Grace Lutheran Church
Congregational Council Meeting Minutes
Finance Committee:
In-kind contribution forms are available.
Communications Committee:
Motion 2: That, in order to alleviate parking lot congestion by nonmembers, a suggested donation of $20/month be suggested for nonmembers. Carried.
Motion 3: that up to $1000 be set aside for the new photo directory
wall and interior signage. Carried. To be taken from the Tinglestad fund.
Council Members
All parish operations reports accepted.
And Terms
Elected January 2007
Leaving January 2010
Carol Warloe
Marilyn Lesmeister
Anne Orwick
Debbie Poole
Elected January 2008
Leaving January 2011
Dave Lundahl
Ron Walsh
Todd Donner
Frank Davis
Elected January 2009
Leaving January 2012
Worship and Music Committee: Report Accepted.
Motion 4: That the Steinway Policy Proposal be accepted. Carried.
Motion 5: that three names to oversee the Steinway Piano be requested from the
Worship and Music Committee. Carried.
Caring Ministry: Report accepted.
A women’s tea is planned. Topic is healthy hearts.
Outreach Ministry: Report accepted.
Budget items were reviewed.
Discipling Ministries: Report Accepted.
5 youth being confirmed this year.
Camp Lutherwood is struggling financially and the future and mission of the
camp is under discussion.
Constitution and Bylaws
Motion 6: That the recommended changes in the constitution and bylaws be recommended for approval at the annual meeting. Carried.
Council Retreat
The retreat will be Friday eve March 12 to noon on Sunday March 14 at Heritage
House of the Christian Renewal Center near Silverton. Topic and agenda are undecided.
Kathy Vohland
Becky Kiersky
Sharon Rosenkoetter
Nominating Committee
5 positions are open. Each committee should meet and select a member to
be on the nominating committee. It would be nice to have the names available for the
November council meeting.
Motion 7: That the council be the nominating committee. Defeated.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ron Walsh, Secretary
Grace Lutheran Church
Servin’ in Sunday’s Cool
Our Sunday’s Cool kids are following Christ
into the world by getting involved in missions
– so If you see animals on the walls around
here (for a project through Heifer International), save your change & ask the Sunday
School kids how to
Middle School’s Recharged!
The middle school weekend retreat at Camp
Lutherwood was a wonderful opportunity for
our 6th - 8th grade group. Natalie Cardinali,
Jacob Donner, and Sarah Stephens attended,
and more are looking forward to going to similar events in the future! We met many other
Lutheran middle schoolers from churches
around the state and enjoyed praising God in
a camp setting. Check out more photos of our
weekend on the bulletin board in the Fireside
Room! A big thanks to chaperones Erika Donner and Denise Cardinali!
Sarah Stephens climbs the rock wall
Pastor Netsie Griffith & Pastor Wendell
Parish Nurse-Kay Larson & Marna Renshaw
Director of Discipling Ministries-Donna King
Youth Directors-Cellen Coakley,
Todd Weber, Elizabeth McMahan
Bookkeeper-Robin Heino
Organist -Maxine King
Director of Worship & Music-Ali Schwartz
Custodian-Members of Grace
Administrative Assistant-Cindy Lee
Grace Gatherings Editor-Kathy Scroggins
Christian Estate Planning
Pastoral Counseling Center
Anthony Terndrup, Director,
Campus Ministry at
Luther House
Jim Norlie, Pastor, 753-5213
Volunteer Interfaith Caregivers
Norma Moody, 754-2555
If you would like a
visitation or to schedule an
appointment with a member of
the ministerial staff, please call
the office, 757-1600. Hours are
8-4 weekdays. You are welcome
to leave a message on the
answering machine after hours at
757-1600. Visit our Grace web
page at:
Email: <>
November 13 for
December newsletter
Grace Lutheran Church
Middle Schoolers
Natalie Cardinali
scores in ping
Jacob Donner hits
the heights
Sarah Stephens (left) and Jacob Donner (right) take a break with foosball
Concert Invitation
Would anyone like to hear Toby Mac and Relient K? They’re coming to The Pavilion at the Oregon State Fairgrounds, in Salem, Sunday night, December 13. This
isn't too far to travel for an excellent night of worshipping in an awesome music
venue. Details are at
Grace Lutheran Church
November Birthdays
All Saints' Day — November 1
Daylight-Saving Time Ends — November 1
Veterans Day — November 11
Bible Sunday — November 22
National Bible Week — November 22-29
Christ the King Sunday — November 22
Thanksgiving Day — November 26
First Sunday of Advent — November 29
Did we miss your
birthday? If we did,
we apologize!
Please call the
church office at 7571600 and let us
know. We might not
know when your
birthday is!
Custer, Caroline
Benson, William
Carson, Elenor
Robinson, Jeanne
Sparks, Jennifer
Beilby, Katelyn
Sparks, Ryan
Castellano, Mildred
Bervin, Marilyn
King, Phillip
Raze, Beverly
Kingsley, Susan
Byers, Jesse
Cathcart, Timothy
Kiigemagi, Ulo
Boster, Mark
Swanson, Marion
Schroeder, Anne
Hallgrimson, Molly
Coakley, Jim
Carlson, Swannie
King, Cody
Lindquist, Roger
Volk, Veril
Hellberg, Michael
Levien, Kyle
Strandberg, Becky
Jensen, Erin
Trujillo, Michael
Markham, Betty
Gourley, Trevor
Kramer, Tanya Sue
Gourley, Joyce
Daeschel, Ariel
Corl, Maud
Klopsch, Mark
Beachley, Sandra
Ebersole, Levi
Hellberg, JoAnne
Grace Lutheran Church
Concert/ HS Youth Group
Erika & Todd Donner invite older elementary kids, middle schoolers, high
schoolers, and adults to chat with them about the possibility of making this a group
9th Graders Confirmed on Reformation Day:
Bryce Anderson, Devin Daeschel, Tessa Gourley, Eric Kamke, and Vickie Zeller
You are God’s good gifts to the world! Thanks so much for gifting Grace with the
Creativity Room for Sunday School. Your class project will encourage kids for years
to come!
HS Youth Group
Things with the youth group are starting off with a bang! We have a great group of
youth and are excited about where this school year is going to take us. So far,
we've rallied together for Rally Sunday, followed by a rockin' bar-be-que and kick
ball game at the Weber's house. We enjoyed spending time with the congregation
at the Salmon Bake as well!
We have some great things planned this year! We are diving into a study of a book
written by Donald Miller, called "Blue Like Jazz." It is a passionate, personal story
of God, sin, belief, redemption and Christ. We are excited about the discussions
that have taken place thus far and hope that growth will develop from this book.
Aside from Sunday School stuff, we are brainstorming some awesome events. We
are planning our annual ski trip to Mt. Bachelor, and thinking about doing a servant
event at Camp Shoshone in the Idaho panhandle. And... coming up this month...
the RAKE-N-RUN! On Nov. 21st. We would love for you to let us know if you need
your lawn raked.
Thanks to everyone for all your continued support and faith guidance! The party’s
on in the Youth Room!
Grace Lutheran Church
Adult & Intergenerational Opportunities & Special Events
Adult Opportunities – come once or always, as you can!
Did you know we have two adult Bible studies? – and you’re always invited!
Sunday Adult Bible Study meets in the Library, Room 8, every Sunday morning at
9:45 am. Sue & Frank Davis are facilitators.
Tuesday Adult Bible Study meets in the Fireside Room, every Tuesday afternoon at
1:30. Pr. Netsie Griffith is the facilitator.
And there’s more…
Beyond Smells & Bells is a discussion on the wonder and power of the liturgy. This
group meets Sunday mornings at 9:45 in Ronnenkamp Hall. Pr. Wendell Hendershott
guides the discussion.
Beyond Smells and Bells
Looking at worship for the 21st Century
Pastor Wendell is leading a class on worship during the Christian Education Hour. His
jumping off point will be the book Beyond Smells and Bells, by Mark Galli. Though the
book is not required for the class, if you are interested in purchasing the book email
Pastor Wendell: or call the church office.
Outline and Class Schedule
Week 5, Nov 1, Learning by Laughing: Using our Whole Body to Worship
Week 6, Nov 8, Knowing God: Changing us to Imagine God
Week 7, Nov 15, Poetic Reality that Transforms: The Case for More
Week 8, Nov 22, One More Time, Concluding class or the Fair Trade Fair
Our new book group’s thriving, too – come join the discussion! Grace Book Group on
International Topics meets in the Fireside Room, Thursday evenings, once a month
@ 7 pm. In November Sharon Rosenkoetter leads the discussion of Wild Swans, by
Jung Chang; in December, Kathy Vohland will guide us through Mountains Beyond
Mountains, by Tracy Kidder.
Intergenerational Opportunities & Special Events
Grace’s Annual "Craft, Bake & Fair Trade" Fair
Sunday, Nov 22nd
9:45 am – 1 pm in Ronnenkamp Hall
Come shop for Christmas and benefit world hunger, all at the same time. At the Fair,
you can buy local crafts & goodies as well as fair trade items from around the world.
Or maybe you’d like to honor someone with a gift card? Gift cards send an animal to a
needy family through Heifer International, and will be available at the fair, too. If you’d
like to get involved, we’re always looking for more crafts & baked goods…like yours!
This year we’ll benefit SERRV and Heifer, and all local “profits” will go to the ELCA
World Hunger Fund which helps ease hunger locally, regionally, and internationally.
For more info, please contact Angie Gallagher, Linda Samuels, Sharon Rosenkoetter,
or Donna King.
Did you know that the Oregon Synod passed a resolution last summer encouraging all
congregations to give at least $10 or more per baptized member to World Hunger?
We’re also invited to share our stories of hunger-related projects at next year’s Synod
Assembly, as a way of networking & encouraging one another in faith. Let’s see what
we can do to help!
Grace Lutheran Church
Advent Celebration & Devotional Booklets
Advent Celebration
Sunday, November 29th
9:45 am – 10:45 am in Ronnenkamp Hall
Every year Anne Orwick & friends prepare a special event for us to begin our Advent
preparations – come make an advent wreath to take home, or maybe a swag or a
mug bouquet to grace your table. There will be crafts for the kids, and plenty of greens
for everyone. Candles, mugs, & flowers are available at cost (or you can bring your
own). Greens & ‘how to’ advice are free! It’s fun and it’s for everyone!
Advent Devotional Booklets are Coming!
The Natural Church Development Team is planning on publishing an Advent
Devotional Booklet, similar to the one published last year. Once again, the
booklets will be written and illustrated by members of the congregation.
This year, however, the devotions will be based on the hymns and songs which
will be used in worship during the Advent season. It is our hope that the
booklets will help bring us closer together and closer to God, as we prepare
ourselves for the birth of Christ. The booklets will be available to be
picked up on the first Sunday of Advent, November 29.
Nursery Care Provider Needed
Paid position. Available now.
Approximately 4 hours per week on Sunday mornings. Contact Donna King, Jenny
Olsen, or Robyn Vega.
Camp Lutherwood Annual Meeting
3-5 PM, Nov 8 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Albany
Please come help shape the future of our camp.
Corner of Kings & Harrison
435 NW 21 Street
Corvallis OREGON 97330
Email at
“Following Christ into Our Community!”
All Members and Friends of Grace!
Our next Pizza Potluck will be Nov. 1st in the Ronnenkamp Hall after the 11:00 service. We'd like to invite you to a time of food, fellowship, and fun at
our intergenerational Pizza Potlucks! We invite all of
our church family for an old fashioned potluck, only
with a generational twist of pizza being the main
course! Please sign up on the sign-up sheet at church
if you are planning to attend so that we can order the
correct number of pizzas. Cost is $4 per person/$10
per family or a free-will offering. We also ask that you
bring a side-dish to share, maybe a salad or dessert.
Drinks and table service will be provided. Come and
connect with our church family!