ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION as per ISO 14025 and EN 15804 Owner of the Declaration SIA CEMEX Programme holder Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) Publisher Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) Declaration number EPD-SIA-20140249-CAA1-EN Issue date 27.03.2015 Valid to 26.03.2020 Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N SIA CEMEX www.bau-umwelt.com / https://epd-online.com Umwelt Produktdeklaration Name des Herstellers – Name des Produkts General Information SIA CEMEX Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N Programme holder IBU - Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Panoramastr. 1 10178 Berlin Germany Owner of the Declaration SIA CEMEX Lielirbes iela 17A-28 LV-1046, Riga Declaration number EPD-SIA-20140249-CAA1-EN Declared product / Declared unit Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N/ 1 tonne This Declaration is based on the Product Category Rules: Cement, 07.2014 (PCR tested and approved by the independent expert committee) Scope: Issue date 27.03.2015 This EPD provides environmental information on Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N according /EN197-1/ produced in the CEMEX plant Brocēni, Latvia in 2013.The owner of the declaration shall be liable for the underlying information and evidence; the IBU shall not be liable with respect to manufacturer information, life cycle assessment data and evidences. Valid to 26.03.2020 Verification The CEN Norm EN 15804 serves as the core PCR Independent verification of the declaration according to ISO 14025 internally x externally Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst J. Bossenmayer (President of Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.) Dr. Eva Schmincke (Independent tester appointed by SVA) Dr. Burkhart Lehmann (Managing Director IBU) Product Product description Cement is a hydraulic binder. It is a finely ground inorganic material which, when mixed with water, forms a paste which sets and hardens by means of hydration reactions and processes. After hardening, it retains its strength and stability even under water. The declared cement is Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N according to /EN 197-1/. Application The main application of cement is in the production of concrete. [Clinker is produced from raw materials such as limestone and clay which are crushed, homogenized and fed into a rotary kiln. The raw materials are sintered at a temperature of 1450oC to form new compounds. The components of clinker are mainly calcium oxide (CaO) and silica (SiO2), and small amounts of aluminium and iron oxide. ] Anhydrite: 4-5 % [Anhydrite is added to control the setting time of the cement. ] Limestone: 2-3 % Minor constituent: up to 0,2 % Technical Data Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N has compressive strength according to the standard class 52.5 according to /EN 197-1/. Constructional data Reference service life This study covers the production stage information (from A1 to A3) of the product. As no use stage is declared, the reference service life for cement is irrelevant. Name Value Unit Strength class acc. to DIN EN 197-1 52.5 N/mm2 Base materials / Ancillary materials Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N consists primarily of clinker and other cementitious materials. The average composition of 1 tonne of Portland cement is as follows: Clinker: 88-97 % 2 Environmental Product Declaration SIA CEMEX – Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N LCA: Calculation rules Declared Unit The declared unit is 1 tonne of Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N. Declared unit Name Value Unit Declared unit Conversion factor to 1 kg 1 0.001 t - System boundary Type of the EPD: cradle - to-gate. The system boundary of the EPD follows the modular structureaccording to /EN15804/. The Life Cycle Assessment therefore covers modules A1 to A3: extraction and processing of raw materials, transport ofraw materials to the factory gate and internal transport and cement production. As cement is an intermediate product with many different final uses modules A4, A5, B and C are not declared in the scope of this EPD. Comparability Basically, a comparison or an evaluation of EPD data is only possible if all the data sets to be compared were created according to /EN 15804/ and the building context, respectively the product-specific characteristics of performance, are taken into account. LCA: Scenarios and additional technical information As this EPD focuses on the manufacturing stage of Portland Cement CEM I 52,5 N only (modules A1-A3), it was not necessary to develop product level scenarios for this cradle - to - gate assessment. Thus, no information on modules A4, B1-B7, C1-C4 & D is provided in this section of the EPD. 3 Environmental Product Declaration SIA CEMEX – Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N LCA: Results The table below give the LCA results for environmental impacts, resource use as well as output flows & wastes categories for the modules that are declared in this study. DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM BOUNDARY (X = INCLUDED IN LCA; MND = MODULE NOT DECLARED) Manufacturing Transport from the gate to the site Assembly Use Maintenance Repair Replacement1) Refurbishment1) Operational energy use Operational water use De-construction demolition Transport Waste processing Disposal ReuseRecoveryRecyclingpotential END OF LIFE STAGE Transport USE STAGE BENEFITS AND LOADS BEYOND THE SYSTEM BOUNDARYS Raw material supply PRODUCT STAGE CONSTRUCTI ON PROCESS STAGE A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D X X X MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND RESULTS OF THE LCA - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N/ 1 tonne Parameter Unit A1-A3 Global warming potential [kg CO2-Eq.] Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer [kg CFC11-Eq.] Acidification potential of land and water [kg SO2-Eq.] Eutrophication potential [kg (PO4)3-- Eq.] Formation potential of tropospheric ozone photochemical oxidants [kg Ethen Eq.] Abiotic depletion potential for non fossil resources [kg Sb Eq.] Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources [MJ] 755.00 3.75E-10 1.01 0.17 0.10 1.64E-3 2080.00 RESULTS OF THE LCA - RESOURCE USE: Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N/ 1 tonne Parameter Unit A1-A3 Renewable primary energy as energy carrier Renewable primary energy resources as material utilization Total use of renewable primary energy resources Non renewable primary energy as energy carrier Non renewable primary energy as material utilization Total use of non renewable primary energy resources Use of secondary material Use of renewable secondary fuels Use of non renewable secondary fuels Use of net fresh water [MJ] [MJ] [MJ] [MJ] [MJ] [MJ] [kg] [MJ] [MJ] [m³] 502.00 0.00 502.00 0.00 2090.00 2090.00 0.00 1027.00 999.00 1.50 RESULTS OF THE LCA – OUTPUT FLOWS AND WASTE CATEGORIES: Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N/ 1 tonne Parameter Unit A1-A3 Hazardous waste disposed Non hazardous waste disposed Radioactive waste disposed Components for re-use Materials for recycling Materials for energy recovery Exported electrical energy Exported thermal energy [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [MJ] [MJ] 0.00 3.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1) According to "the polluter pays" principle, the system that generates the waste is responsible for declaring the impacts of waste processing until the end - of - waste stage is reached. However, for transparency reasons, the indicated value includes the CO2–emissions from waste incineration (gross value). The net value (excluding the CO2–emissions from waste incineration) is 671 kg CO2-equiv. References BS EN 197-1 BS EN 197 -1:2011: Cement composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements. September 2011 Institut Bauen und Umwelt Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V., Berlin (pub.): Generation of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs); DIN EN ISO 14025:2011-10: Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental declarations — Principles and procedures EN 15804 EN 15804:2012-04+A1 2013: Sustainability of construction works — Environmental Product Declarations — Core rules for the product category of construction products ISO 14025 4 Environmental Product Declaration SIA CEMEX – Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N Publisher Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Panoramastr. 1 10178 Berlin Germany Tel Fax Mail Web +49 (0)30 3087748- 0 +49 (0)30 3087748- 29 info@bau-umwelt.com www.bau-umwelt.com Programme holder Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Panoramastr 1 10178 Berlin Germany Tel Fax Mail Web +49 (0)30 - 3087748- 0 +49 (0)30 – 3087748 - 29 info@bau-umwelt.com www.bau-umwelt.com Author of the Life Cycle Assessment VDZ gGmbH Tannenstrasse 2 40476 Duesseldorf Germany Tel Fax Mail Web +49-211-4578-1 +49-211-4578-296 info@vdz-online.de www.vdz-online.de Owner of the Declaration SIA CEMEX Lielirbes 17a - 28 1046 Riga Latvia Tel Fax Mail Web +37167033500 +37167033514 informacija@cemex.com www.cemex.lv