undergraduate programmes master degrees integrated master
undergraduate programmes master degrees integrated master
Undergraduate Programmes Master Degrees Integrated Master Degrees PhD Degrees Postgraduate Programmes A dvanced Studies Programmes Faculty Council Prof. E. Maranha das Neves President Structure 9 (PhD) professors and researchers 1 student 5 external members Dean Prof. Fernando Santana FACULDADE DE CIÊNCIAS E TECNOLOGIA (FCT) Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (Faculty of Science and Technology; FCT), founded in 1977, is located at the Campus of Caparica, and is organized in 14 departments/sectors. It is engaged in extensive research activity covering many fields of science and engineering, developed in 18 research centres acknowledged by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and involving ca. 1600 PhD and Master’s students of the total enrolment of 7600. FCT partners with foreign universities such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of Carnegie Mellon and the University of Texas at Austin to offer some of its advanced study programs. The entrepreneurial drive of the students and graduates of FCT has led to many successful spin-offs that transfer knowledge to the market and help create value and social impact. FCT hosts many cultural activities, including painting, sculpture and multimedia exhibits, conferences and debates. The Campus offers students’ halls, child day-care, health services, bookshop, bank agency, travel agency, convenience store, several restaurants and cafeterias, sports infrastructures and car parking facilities. FCT/UNL is easily accessible through public transportation, including different combinations of ferry, train, bus and underground/ surface metro (last stop at “Universidade”). 2 Pedagogic Council Prof. Jorge Lampreia Vice-Dean Scientific Council Prof. Fernando Santana President Executive Council Prof. Fernando Santana President Management Council Prof. Fernando Santana President 1 academic staff / department 1 student / area 25 professors (PhD) Vice-Deans Prof. Zulema L. Pereira Prof. José Júlio Alferes Prof. Graça Martinho Prof. Jorge Lampreia Administrator Dr. Luís Gaspar Vice-Dean Prof. Jorge Lampreia Administrator Dr. Luís Gaspar Services Financial Resources Division (Coord.: Dra. Anabela Gomes) Human Resources Division (Coord.: Dra. Rita Monteiro) Academic Division (Coord.: Dra. Isabel Sequeira Pinto) Technical Support Division (Coord.: Eng. Jorge Magalhães) Informatics Division (Coord.: Eng. Samuel Neves) Library and Documentation Division (Coord.: Dra. Ana Maria Pereira) Communication and Culture Division (Coord.: Dra. Cristina Groba) Administration Support Office Departmental Sectors Environmental Sciences and Engineering | Prof. João Farinha Materials Science | Prof. Rodrigo Martins Earth Sciences | Prof. João Pais Applied Social Sciences | Prof. Paula Diogo Civil Engineering | Prof. J. Rocha de Almeida Electrical Engineering | Prof. A. Steiger Garção Mechanical and Industrial Engineering | Prof. António Urgueira Physics | Prof. Adelaide de Jesus Informatics | Prof. J. Júlio Alferes Mathematics | Prof. Ana Sá Chemistry | Prof. Isabel Moura Life Sciences | Prof. Isabel Sá Nogueira Biomass Sciences and Technology | Prof. Benilde Mendes Conservation and Restoration | Prof. Fernando Pina 3 non-academic | 25% (234) others | 6% academic | 69% (455) Staff Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Total Environmental Sciences and Engineering 3 3 27.4 5 38.4 Materials Science 2 4 15.2 1 22.2 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 2 7 25 4.7 38.7 Physics 2 6 21.3 0.5 29.8 Informatics 5 6 36.5 2 49.5 Mathematics 3 6 70 3 82 Chemistry 7 9 34 50 Earth Sciences 2 3 10.2 1.3 16.5 Electrical Engineering 2 4 27 10 43 2.3 4.5 18.2 11.3 36.3 Applied Social Sciences 1 2 15 18 Life Sciences 3 9 12 Conservation and Restoration 1 5.3 2.3 8.6 Biomass Sciences and Technology 1 8 1 10 31.3 59.5 322.1 42.1 455 Civil Engineering Total 4 Candidates / Vacancy (1st stage) 2009/2010 5 Numeri Clausi Educational Programmes 2009/10 2010/11 Cell and Molecular Biology 50 50 = Biochemistry 80 80 = Conservation - Restoration 25 25 = Biomedical Engineering 55 55 = Civil Engineering 125 125 = Environmental Engineering 70 70 = Materials Engineering 25 25 = Industrial Engineering and Management 50 50 = Electrical and Computer Engineering 160 160 = Physics Engineering 30 30 = Geological Engineering 30 30 = Computer Science 160 160 = Mechanical Engineering 65 70 > Chemistry and Biochemistry Engineering 75 75 = Mathematics 25 25 = Applied Chemistry 45 40 < Micro and Nanotechnologies Engineering 25 40 > 1095 1110 > Total 6 1st Cycle Graduation 1 2 2nd Cycle Master Degree 3 1 1896 2 3rd Cycle PhD Degree 1 2 7418 students 3 781 634 4107 Integrated Studies Cycle Integrated Master Degree 26% 74% Graduation Post-Graduation 1st Cycle Graduation 2nd Cycle Master Degree Integrated Studies Cycle 3rd Cycle PhD Degree Engineerings 37,5 51,7 100 59,3 Sciences 62,5 48,3 % Area 40,7 7 1st Cycle number of courses / area Undergraduate Programmes 1st Cycle Graduation 2nd Cycle Master Degree Materials Engineering 1 2 2 Geological Engineering 1 2 2 Computer Science 1 2 2 Biomedical Engineering 3rd Cycle PhD Degree 1 1 Civil Engineering 2 1 1 Environmental Engineering 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 Micro and Nanotechnologies Engineering Industrial Engineering and Management 1 Electrical and Computer Engineering 2 Physics and Physics Engineering Mechanical Engineering 2 Chemistry and Biochemistry Engineering 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 Mathematics 1 2 2 Cell and Molecular Biology 1 1 1 Chemistry and Biochemistry 2 4 4 Conservation and Restoration 1 3 1 Energy and Bioenergy 1 1 Education (Math., Phys. and Chem., Biol. and Geog.) 3 Food Technology and Safety 1 1 Applied Social Sciences 3 3 Total 8 Integrated Studies Cycle 8 32 9 33 ……Applied Chemistry (180 ECTS) ……Biochemistry (180 ECTS) ……Cell and Molecular Biology (180 ECTS) ……Conservation - Restoration (180 ECTS) ……Geological Engineering (180 ECTS) ……Informatics Engineering (180 ECTS) ……Mathematics (180 ECTS) DEGREE PROGRAMMES ……Microelectronics Engineering and Nanotechnologies (120 ECTS) 2nd Cycle Master Degrees ……Biochemistry (120 ECTS) ……Biology and Geology Education (120 ECTS) ……Bioorganic (120 ECTS) ……Biotechnology (120 ECTS) ……Civil Engineering (Structures and Geotechnics) (120 ECTS) ……Computational Logic (120 ECTS) ……Computer Science (120 ECTS) ……Conservation and Restoration (120 ECTS) ……Conservation Sciences (120 ECTS) ……Electrical, Systems and Computer Engineering (120 ECTS) ……Energy and Bioenergy (120 ECTS) ……Food Technology and Safety (120 ECTS) ……Gastronomical Sciences (120 ECTS) ……Geological Engineering (Georesources) (120 ECTS) ……Geological Engineering (Geotechnics) (120 ECTS) ……Glass Art and Science (120 ECTS) ……Mathematics and Applications (120 ECTS) ……Mathematics Education (120 ECTS) ……Medical Microbiology (in collaboration with the ENSP, ITQB, IHMT and FCM – UNL) (120 ECTS) ……Membrane Engineering (Erasmus Mundus, 120 ECTS) ……Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine (120 ECTS) ……Paleontology (120 ECTS) ……Physics and Chemistry Education (120 ECTS) ……Renewable Energy – Electrical Conversion and Sustainable Use (120 ECTS) ……Sustainable Engineering (120 ECTS) ……Sustainable Urbanism and Spatial Planning (120 ECTS) ……Structural and Functional Biochemistry (120 ECTS) ……Systems Dynamics (Erasmus Mundus, 120 ECTS) ……Water Management and Engineering (120 ECTS) ……Welding Engineering (120 ECTS) 1st and 2nd Cycles Integrated Master Degrees – Integrated Studies Cycles ……Biomedical Engineering (300 ECTS) ……Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (300 ECTS) ……Civil Engineering (300 ECTS) ……Electrical and Computer Engineering (300 ECTS) ……Environmental Engineering (300 ECTS) ……Industrial Engineering and Management (300 ECTS) ……Materials Engineering (300 ECTS) ……Mechanical Engineering (300 ECTS) ……Micro and Nanotechnologies Engineering (300 ECTS) ……Physics Engineering (300 ECTS) 9 RESEARCH CENTRES ……Educational Sciences (180 ECTS) ……Electrical and Computer Engineering (240 ECTS) ……Energy and Bioenergy (180 ECTS) ……Engineering of Refining, Petrochemistry and Chemistry CEFITEC | Centre of Physics and Technological Research CENIMAT/I3N | Materials Research Centre, integrates (180 ECTS) ……Environment (240 ECTS) ……E-Planning (joint PhD Programme Universidade Nova de Lisboa / Universidade Técnica / Universidade de Aveiro / Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa) (180 ECTS) ……Food Quality (180 ECTS) ……Geological Engineering (180 ECTS) ……Geology (180 ECTS) ……History, Philosophy and Heritage of Science and Technology (180 ECTS) 3rd Cycle PhD Degrees ……Biochemistry (240 ECTS) ……Biology (240 ECTS) ……Biomedical Engineering (240 ECTS) ……Biotechnology (240 ECTS) ……Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (240 ECTS) ……Chemistry (240 ECTS) ……Civil Engineering (240 ECTS) ……Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies ……Industrial Engineering (180 ECTS) ……Mathematics (180 ECTS) ……Mechanical Engineering (180 ECTS) ……Membrane Engineering (Erasmus Mundus, 180 ECTS) ……Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences (240 ECTS) ……Physics (240 ECTS) ……Physics Engineering (240 ECTS) ……Science and Materials Engineering (240 ECTS) ……Statistics and Risk Management (180 ECTS) ……Sustainable Chemistry (In association with FCT - UNL and FC, FF and ICBAS – UP) (180 ECTS) ……Technology Assessment (240 ECTS) ……Computer Science (240 ECTS) ……Conservation and Restoration (240 ECTS) ……Digital Media (In association with FCT and FCSH - UNL / FEng.,FBA, FC,FEco and FL - UP, together with University of Texas at Austin) (240 ECTS) 10 Composites, hosted by Universidade do Minho, and Postgraduate Programmes ……Bioenergy (15 ECTS) ……Cryptography and Information (21 ECTS) ……Geotechnics for Civil Engineering (36 ECTS) ……Instrumentation for Occupational Health and Safety (20 ECTS) ……Lean Management (40 ECTS) ……Non-Destructive Testing: Fundamentals and Applications (15 ECTS) ……Occupational Health and Safety Specialist (64 ECTS) ……Project Management (60 ECTS) …… Sustainable Build (20 ECTS) ……Sustainable Cities (20 ECTS) ……Technology and Food Quality (15 ECTS) Advanced Studies Programmes ……Bioengineering (MIT Massachusets Institute of Technology) (60 ECTS) ……Engineering of Refining, Petrochemistry and Chemistry ……Geological Engineering for Construction in Urban Environment (60 ECTS) ……Instrumentation, Industrial Maintenance and Quality (60 ……Bioengineering (MIT– Massachusets Institute of Technology) (300 ECTS) ……Dual Degree PhD Programme in Computer Science (Carnegie Mellon University/UNL) (240 ECTS) ……Dual Degree PhD Programme in Mathematics (Carnegie Mellon University /UNL) (undefined ECTS) FSCOSD - Physics of Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and disordered Systems, hosted by Universidade de Aveiro), the Associate Laboratory I3N - Institute for Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication CENSE | Centre for Environmental and Sustainability Research CENTRIA | Centre for Artificial Intelligence CFA-FCT | Centre for Atomic Physics – FCT - Pole of Centro de Física Atómica CHFCT-FCT | Centre for the History of Science and Technology – FCT – Pole of Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia CICEGe | Centre on Science and Geologic Engineering CITI | Research Centre for Informatics and Information Technologies CMA | Centre of Mathematics and Applications (36 ECTS) (In association with FCT and FCSH - UNL / FC, ICS and FL – UL / ISA and IST - UTL) (180 ECTS) (together with IPC - Institute for Polymers and ECTS) ……Microelectronics and Embedded Systems (42 ECTS) ……Sanitary Engineering and Integrated Wastes Management (60 ECTS) ……Territory, Environment and Sustainable Development (60 ECTS) CQFB | Centre for Fine Chemistry and Biotechnology, integrates (together with CEQUP - Chemistry Centre of the Universidade do Porto) the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry - Clean Technologies and Processes REQUIMTE CREM | Centre for Microbiological Resources CTS | Centre of Technology and Systems IET | Research Centre on Enterprise and Innovation UBiA | Unit of Environmental Biotechnology UIED | Research Unit of Education and Development UNIC | Research Centre in Structures and Construction UNIDEMI | R&D Unit in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering VICARTE | Research Unit “Glass and Ceramic for the Arts” 11 STUDENTS’ UNION (AEFCT) Founded in 1979, the Students’ Union plays a central role in all that concerns the interfacing of the students with academic staff and administrative services, as well as the insertion of FCT students in the job market. Through AEFCT you can actively engage in many extra-curricular activities. AEFCT Nuclei: anTUNiA – FCT’s Male Students’ musical group; Campus INFRASTRUCTURES GANK – Academic Spirit Group; GasNova – Social Works Group; Kernel – Mathematics Nucleus; NAFCT – Astronomy Nucleus; NASA – Underwater Activities Nucleus; NBN – Biomedical Nucleus; NC – Cinema Nucleus; NEA – African Students Nucleus; NGE – Geology Nucleus; NIF – Informatics Nucleus; NJS – Strategy Games, Fiction and Society Nucleus; NNT – New Theater Nucleus; NTA – Archery Nucleus; NUCEG – Cultural and Gastronomic Nucleus; NUDANÇA – Dance Nucleus; NUFOTO – Photography Nucleus; NUSI – Sound and Image Nucleus; Radio FCT – Radio Nucleus; Tuna Maria – These include students’ halls, sports infrastructures, child day-care, health services, information and advice centre, bookshop, bank agency, travel agency, convenience store, several restaurants and cafeterias, computer rooms, e mail accounts and hard disk space, study rooms, wireless network, self-service photocopying machines, informatics store, student parking. Career Management Centre Here you will find information that will help you decide whether to go on to further study and the options available concerning postgraduate courses and research scholarships, or whether to enter the job market. You can enter your CV in a database that will be available to prospective employers. The Career Management Centre also organizes meetings with companies that have recruited or can potentially recruit FCT graduates. Lodging and Mobility Office One of the main purposes of the Lodging and Mobility Office is to assist students with their accommodation needs. The Lodging and Mobility Office has available a database on apartments and rooms for rent near campus. The Office also promotes the exchange of FCT students and staff with other higher education institutions. At the Lodging and Mobility Office you will find information on ERASMUS/SOCRATES programs. Alumni Association (A3FCT) Joining A3FCT permits you to remain involved with FCT life, as well as learn about new courses, research and cultural events. By staying involved with FCT, you will have updated information concerning learning opportunities and new career paths. More at: http://www.aaafct.unl.pt 12 Female Students’ Musical Group; XFCT – Chess Nucleus. AEFCT also supports several sports teams: Handball (male and female), Basketball (male and female), Football 11, Futsal (male and female), Judo, Swimming, Water Polo, Rugby, Surf and Body Board, Taekwondo, Tennis, Volleyball (male and female), Chess, Athletics, Roller Skates Hockey. Additionally, AEFCT promotes events such as: Freshmen Week; Nova Students’ Annual Meeting; Radical Week; FCT’s Technology Forum – JORTEC; Pedagogical Forum; Jobshop – Job Fair, Forums Fair; FCT’s Scholarships and Traineeships; Employers’ Day, “Bênção das Pastas” – a Portuguese tradition whereby prospective graduates are blessed by a senior catholic priest. AEFCT has signed protocols with the Portuguese Board of Professional Engineers and the Southern Regional Engineers’ Union (SERS), as well with many institutions and companies, which can help you with your career path. By being a member of AEFCT, you are entitled to several services that include legal support, discounts on events organized by AEFCT and its several Nuclei. You can also relax in leisure rooms equipped with snooker tables, table-tennis and other recreational games. 13 BILATERAL AGREEMENTS WITH FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES * * These include: Austria: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Belgium: Université du Leuven Bulgaria: Sofiiki Universitet “Seveti Kliment Ohridski” Czech Republic: Vysoká Skola Chemicko – Technologická v Praze 3 Belgium 5 Bulgaria 2 Czech Republic 5 Greece: Ethniko Metsovio Polytechnio (E.M.P.) Denmark 6 Hungary: Budapesti Muszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Academic Division 3 Ireland: National University of Ireland, Galway Dr.ª Isabel Sequeira Pinto Finland 14 Denmark: University of Southern Denmark Austria Finland: Tampereen Teknillinem Yliopisto France: Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) Germany: Technische Universität Dresden Italy: Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” France 16 Germany 20 Greece 5 Romania: Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati Hungary 3 Slovakia: Univerzita Komenského V Bratislave Ireland 1 Italy 27 Norway 1 The Netherlands: Technische Universiteit Delft Poland 9 Turkey: Atatürk Üniversitesi Romania 21 Slovakia 1 Spain 53 Sweden 3 Switzerland 1 The Netherlands 4 Turkey 6 United Kingdom 3 Norway: Universitet i Bergen isp@fct.unl.pt Undergraduates Section div-a.g.helpdesk@fct.unl.pt (+351) 21 294 83 00, ext. 12002 (+351) 21 294 85 39 Poland: Politechnika Wroclawska Postgraduates Section div-a.pg.helpdesk@fct.unl.pt (+351) 21 294 78 37, ext. 12004 Spain: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (+351) 21 294 83 42 Sweden: Lunds Universitet Student Support Section Switzerland: Université de Genève div-a.ae.helpdesk@fct.unl.pt (+351) 21 294 83 00, ext. 12014/15 (+351) 21 294 83 42 United Kingdom: Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Information Monday to Friday, from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. International Cooperation In addition to many existing collaborations between FCT academic staff and foreign universities and research centres, FCT has become a partner in the agreements signed by the Portuguese Government with three American Universities – MIT, CMU and the University of Texas at Austin (UTA) – which will strengthen already existing cooperation among research groups. Students’ Union www.ae.fct.unl.pt President: Bruno Rosado info@ae.fct.unl.pt (+351) 21 294 96 78 (+351) 21 295 79 84 15 design: Sónia Mariano DCC/SCI FCT/UNL 04.2012 campus address Campus de Caparica 2829-516 Caparica PORTUGAL www.fct.unl.pt
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