to Admission Notification of UG for 2015
to Admission Notification of UG for 2015
BIDHAN CHANDRA KRISHI VISWAVIDYALAYA P.O.KRISHIVISWAVIDYALAYA, MOHANPUR, DT.NADIA, WEST BENGAL, PIN –741 252. NOTIFICATION Undergraduate Admission (2015-16) No. A/UG/Ag-1/ Dated 21.05.2015. Online applications are invited for admission to 1st yr. B.Sc.(Ag.) Hons. and B.Sc. (Hort.)Hons. courses for the academic session 2015-16 for Mohanpur, Burdwan & Susunia (Bankura) Campus of the Viswavidyalaya. Candidates can only apply online through the University Website ( Allotment of seats Unreserved Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe Course WBCH SE Other Board WBSC VE &T WBC HSE Other Board WBSC VE &T WBC HSE Other Board WBSC VE &T OBC-A OBC-B P.H. Sports Total B.Sc.(Ag.) Hons., (Mohanpur) B.Sc.(Hort.) Hons., (Mohanpur) * B.Tech. (Ag. Engg.) Hons., (Mohanpur) B.Sc.(Ag.) Hons. (Burdwan) B.Sc.(Ag.) Hons. (Susunia-Bankura) 50 4 2 20 1 1 4 1 1 6 4 3 2 99 15 1 1 5 1 1 1 - 1 2 1 1 - 30 13 - - 5 - - 2 - - 1 1 1 - 23 15 1 1 7 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 1 - 30 12 1 1 6 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 25 *Admission to 1st year B.Tech. (Ag. Engg.) Hons. course under the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering shall be made through West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination-2015. Additional 15 seats for B.Sc.(Ag.)Hons., 5 Seats for B.Sc.(Hort.)Hons. courses at Mohanpur; 5 seats for Burdwan & 4 seats for Susunia campus (Bankura) ; & 4 seats for B.Tech.(Ag.Engg.)Hons. courses are kept reserved for admission through All India Entrance Examination conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) for the session 2015-16. Two (2) seats for B.Sc.(Agriculture) for Mohanpur campus are kept reserved for the students belonging to Hill Tribe Quota sponsored by Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council, Darjeeling, W.B. vide G.O. No. 4214(2)-Edn./9M)U)-31/2001 dated 9th Aug., 2001. ELIGIBILITY: B.Sc.(Ag.)Hons./ B.Sc.(Hort) Hons. Courses Age: Candidate must have born on or before 01.06.1998. (Check the Age before Applying). EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: WBCHSE & Other Boards General/OBC/Sports Must have passed Higher Secondary examination with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, securing at least 50% marks in aggregate in the aforesaid four subjects SC/ST/PH Must have passed Higher Secondary examination with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, securing at least 40% marks in aggregate in the aforesaid four subjects WBSCVE&T (Vocational stream) General/ OBC/Sports Must have passed Higher Secondary examination securing at least 50% with Communicative English with compulsory AG (3) Core subjects with 2 (two) vocational papers – Paper - I (any one of PPFV, PLPT, HNMG, CAVC) & Paper- II (any one of CFAV, MRCL, MAAP, FRCL) related to Agriculture & Horticulture. SC/ST/PH Must have passed Higher Secondary examination securing at least 40% with Communicative English with compulsory AG (3) Core subjects with 2 (two) vocational papers – Paper - I (any one of PPFV, PLPT, HNMG, CAVC) & Paper- II (any one of CFAV, MRCL, MAAP, FRCL) related to Agriculture & Horticulture. All the candidates must be a permanent domicile of West Bengal. In case of ICAR’s nominees, this clause shall not be applicable. The reservation of seats as per State Govt. declared policy will be followed for specific type of physically handicapped individuals who fulfil the minimum Physical fitness, essential to take theory and practical courses. 2 Candidates having proficiency in Sports and Games can apply under Sports Quota for B.Sc.(Ag.) Hons. Course only. Minimum eligibility for Sports Quota: Representation of District at Inter District level or equivalent tournaments in Athletics/ Badminton/ Cricket /Football/ Table Tennis/ Volley ball organised by the District Sports Association or similar other organization is required. Certificates in the prescribed proforma may be downloaded separately and to be submitted after filling the form from the appropriate authority along with the photocopy of District players’ Identity Card at the time of verification of the same, following which the Sports Trial will be held. The candidates must be of good health and capable of undertaking extensive fieldwork. The selected candidates will be required to undergo a medical examination before admission. SUBMISSION OF ENCLOSURES IN (A-4 SIZE PAPERS) AT THE TIME OF COUNSELING 1. The attested copy of H.S. Mark-sheet (both side) & Age-proof certificate (Madhyamik admit card). 2. The attested copy of recent (not more than 6 months old) Medical Certificate from proper authority for physically handicapped persons along with CERTIFICATE FROM AN OPTHOMOLOGIST (Original Copy) to rule out Refractive Errors & Colour blindness. 3. The attested copy of certificate (the category – SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/SPORTS) of the competent authority under which candidate applied for). 4. The attested copies of Sports proficiency certificates (at least inter district level) of the competent authority. 5. The attested photocopy of the Domicile Certificate issued by the Competent Authority (Chairman, Municipality/Pradhan, Gram Panchayat /B.D.O./ S.D.O.). 6. The attested copy of Voter’s Identity Card issued by the Election Commission in favour of the candidate or his parent (if any). 7. The attested copy of Blood Electrophoresis (Thalassaemia) test report. RESIDENCE: Residing in the Hostel is compulsory and you have to pay the requisite fees for accommodation in the Hostel. But students may apply to become a day scholar if he/she resides within 15 Km distance from the Mohanpur campus. Students admitted will have to be agreed to abide the relevant rules and regulations of the Viswavidyalaya. SCHOLARSHIP: There is no provision of University Scholarship/Stipend/Free-studentship for the students to be admitted for the said courses. MODE OF APPLICATION (ONLINE ONLY) AND PAYMENT OF FEES (ONLINE & OFFLINE ) Apply online through the Viswavidyalaya website (, the cost of application fee is Rs. 500/- (for General/OBC/Sports candidates) and Rs. 125/- (for SC/ST/PH candidates), the application fee may be paid through online & offline mode. Only single application shall cover all the courses in all the campuses of the University. The merit list shall not be issued individually to the candidates. The merit list along with admission schedule will be displayed in the Notice Board of the Admission and Scholarship Section at Mohanpur Campus and also in the University Website. The dates of Counseling (in short) will be published in the daily newspapers (Ananda Bazar Patrika and The Statesman) and the details will be available at the University Website. The admission will be made only on the basis of merit list following a process of counselling. LAST DATE OF APPLICATION Last date for submission of online application shall be within 15 days from the date of publication of the result of the H.S.(10+2) Examination of West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education for the year 2015-16. S/D Registrar.
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