USC/Migrant Education Mobile Dental Clinic
USC/Migrant Education Mobile Dental Clinic
Bakersfield City School District The Advisory Bulletin To: All Principals, School Secretaries and Teachers Date: March 19, 2015 Subject: USC/Migrant Education Mobile Dental Clinic Prepared By: Janie Flores, Supervisor I, Migrant Education Reviewed By: Mark Luque, Director, Curriculum & Standards Approved By: Dr. Aida Molina, Assistant Superintendent, AIA No. 15442 Page 1 of 2 Bakersfield City School District Migrant Education, Region 21 1300 Baker Street, Bakersfield, California 93305 (661) 631-4754 USC/Migrant Education Mobile Dental Clinic Longfellow Elementary • Friday, May 29 to Friday, June 5, 2015 Students must meet the following criteria: • currently attending BCSD and eligible to receive services from Migrant Education • currently enrolled in 2nd and 7th grade for the 2014-2015 School Year (8th grade and kindergarten students will be subject to approval) • not eligible or partially recipients of any type of medical insurance (i.e., Healthy Families, MediCal, Kaiser Permanente, Health Net, CHDP, etc.) with the exception of Emergency Medical • be in great need of dental care (students needing dental cleanings only will be on the waitlist) Below please find a student referral form. The referred students will be contacted by the Migrant Education Program. For additional information and referrals, please contact Cecilia Herrera at or 661-631-4765. Bakersfield City School District Migrant Education, Region 21 1300 Baker Street, Bakersfield, California 93305 Phone: 661-631-4754 Fax: 661-324-3183 USC/Migrant Education Mobile Dental Clinic Longfellow Elementary • Friday, May 29 to Friday, June 5, 2015 Student Criteria Students must meet the following criteria: currently attending BCSD and eligible to receive services from Migrant Education currently enrolled in 2nd and 7th grade for the 2014-2015 School Year (8th grade and kindergarten students will be subject to approval) not be eligible or partially recipients of any type of insurance (i.e., Healthy Families, MediCal, Kaiser Permanente, Health Net, CHDP, etc.), with the exception of Emergency Medical be in great need of dental care (students needing dental cleanings only will be on the waitlist) Migrant Education Mobile Dental Clinic Friday, May 29 - Friday, June 5, 2015 Longfellow Elementary School 1900 Stockton Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 Student Referral Please refer any migrant student who you feel will benefit from the migrant free-of-cost Mobile Dental Clinic. Please return this form no later than Friday, May 1, 2015 through school mail, fax 661-324-3183 or Student name: ____________________________________ Grade: ________ School: ________________ SID: __________ Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Student name: ____________________________________ Grade: ________ School: ________________ SID: __________ Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Student name: ____________________________________ Grade: ________ School: ________________ SID: __________ Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Student name: ____________________________________ Grade: ________ School: ________________ SID: __________ Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
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