YL Golf Sporting Clays Sponsor 15


YL Golf Sporting Clays Sponsor 15
Beaufort Young Life Golf Tournament: Monday, April 27th 2015 Dataw Island Golf Club Skeet Shoot: Saturday, May 9th 2015 Turkey Hill PlantaKon What is Young Life? Young Life is a Chris0an organiza0on that seeks to make a long-­‐term posi0ve impact on the lives of teenagers in Beaufort. Our adult staff and volunteer leaders build authen0c rela0onships with these teens and earn the opportunity to share God's amazing love with them. Kid's lives are dras0cally changed as they experience uncondi0onal love and friendship. Locally, we have three ac0ve ministries: Young Life (High school ministry at Beaufort High, BaJery Creek, and Beaufort Academy), Wyldlife (Ministry to middle schoolers), and YoungLives (Ministry to Teen Moms and their children). Each week 200-­‐250 teenagers in Beaufort come to Young Life, Wyldlife, or YoungLives Club where they laugh at crazy skits, sing songs they know, and hear about a God who is crazy about them. Each Young Life area is supported en0rely from within its own community. Young Life raises its funds from individual dona0ons and events like the Golf and Skeet Tournament. For more informa0on visit beaufort.younglife.org Sponsorship Packages: (tax deduc0ble) $500: Bronze Sponsor o You will receive one event sign/hole sponsor o You will receive two free players at the event of your choice o Includes lunch for each player $1,000 Silver Sponsor: o You will receive 1 sign recogni0on at both events o You will receive 1 Four person team at the event of your choice o Includes lunch for team $1,500 PlaKnum Sponsor: o You will receive 3 sign recogni0ons at both events o Special recogniKon at your choice of Longest Drive, Closest to Pin, Beverage Cart, pu[ng contest, shoo0ng Sta0on, Registra0on Table o You will receive 1 Four person team at both events o Includes lunch for each team at both events Golf
$2,500 Title Sponsor: o You will receive 4 sign recogni0ons at both events o Big Banner at the event o Company logo on all marke0ng materials o You will receive 1 Four person team at each event o Includes lunch for each team at both events Golf
Sponsor Name:_______________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Sponsorship Level: ____________________ **Please return to: Young Life of Beaufort P.O. Box 1885 Beaufort, SC 29901 If you have any ques0ons at all please do not hesitate to contact Ali Holroyde at aliholroyde@gmail.com or 843-­‐321-­‐8441