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Finance Report For the period 1 March 2014 – 28 February 2015 (12 months) OFFERINGS 1 178 546 OTHER INCOME 65 305 TOTAL INCOME 1 243 852 EXPENSES 1 213 845 YTD BUDGET 1 231 500 Offerings & Other Income exceed Expenses by 30 007 Expenses are under Budget by 17 655 Offerings & Other Income exceed Budget by 12 352 Analysis for February only OFFERINGS 95 895 OTHER INCOME 6 162 TOTAL INCOME 102 057 EXPENSES 102 625 MONTHLY BUDGET FOR 2014/2015 Expenses exceed Offerings & Other Income by -19 309 Expenses are under Budget by -18 741 Offerings & Other Income is less than Budget by -568 Bedford Chapel’s Bank Account Details The Deacons encourage the use of direct deposits for tithing as this reduces the amount of cash being handled and lessens the associated risks. Bedford Chapel’s account is at First National Bank, Eastgate, branch number 25 7705, account number 552 7046 1962 Our Centering Prayer group meets on Sunday evenings at Bedford Chapel from 6.00pm – 6.40pm. All are most welcome For more information, please speak to Stephan Holfeld. BEDFORD CHAPEL 4 Bradford Road, Bedfordview Phone: 011 616 7201 Email: Stephan Holfeld: Margie Durrheim: Cathy Scott: Bulletin for April 2015 Welcome 2006 februaryJanuary 2005 If you are visiting, or a newcomer to the congregation, we’re glad to have you with us. Whether you are still exploring your questions about God, are a new or a committed believer, we pray that you will be encouraged, nurtured and challenged as you join us. May your time with us be a highlight of your week! Please join us for tea and coffee after the service. If you would like to fill in one of the visitors’ information forms, you will find them on the table in the foyer. Completed forms may be placed in the offering bag or in the freewill offering box in the foyer. “Christ the Lord is risen to-day, Sons of men and angels say. Raise your joys and triumphs high; Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply.” (Charles Wesley) Diary for April Thu 2nd Fri 3rd Fri 3rd Sun 5th Sun 5th Fri 10th Sun 12th Sun 12th Wed 15th Fri 17th Sat 18th Sun 19th Sun 19th Fri 24th Sun 26th Sun 26th 9pm Tenebrae Service Stephan Holfeld 9am Good Friday Service Richard Laidley NO Beavers, Midway or Youth 10am Easter Sunday Service Stephan Holfeld NO Centering Prayer NO Beavers, Midway or Youth 10am Stephen O’Connor (Communion) NO Centering Prayer 7pm AGM NO Beavers, Midway or Youth 7am Promise Keepers at Stephen O’Connor’s home 10am Stephan Holfeld 6pm Centering Prayer NO Beavers, Midway or Youth due to long weekend 10am Louise Wernich (Communion) NO Centering Prayer Please support our Lord’s Storehouse Our Lord’s Storehouse ministry supplies needy people with a weekly parcel which consists of: * 1 x 215g tin Pilchards in Tomato Sauce, * 1 x 410g tin Baked Beans, * 1 packet of soup and * 1Kg mealie meal. If you are able to assist with supplying groceries or funds to buy the groceries, please contact the office, or mark your offering “Lord’s Storehouse”. EASTER SERVICES Tenebrae: 2nd April 9pm Good Friday: 3rd April 9am Easter Sunday: 5th April 10am CENTERING PRAYER DAY Saturday 6th June 2015 08h30 – 15h00 There will be an introductory workshop teaching the method of Centering Prayer led by Veronica Hanouch and Julia Heaney from Contemplative Outreach, South Africa Cost: R80 - Lunch provided To register: Call Stephan or Cathy at the Church Office 011 616 7201 Further details to follow upon registration AGM: 15th April Ignatian Spirituality Introductory Course: 7th May Centering Prayer Day: 6th June Birthdays in April 1st 2nd 5th 6th 10th 11th 12th 15th 15th 17th Jonathan Bosch Dalphine Estima Leo Ehlers-Labuschagne Potsane Malebanye Gemma Collins Roger Zipp Matthew Blom Joy Arnott Lipalesa Malebanye Gert Deysel 18th 21st 21st 21st 23rd 24th 24th 27th 28th Annelize Blom Adam Huggins Esme Manganyi Robert McIver Candace Campbell Robyn Smit Logan van der Walt Gail Jones Anne Smith Bedford Chapel AGM Our Annual General Meeting takes place on Wednesday 15th April 2015 at 7pm. Please plan to be here for this important meeting, where we review the year that has passed, plan for the year ahead and elect our Deacons. AGM Reports will be made available (either in the foyer or will be sent to you via e-mail) and will be taken as read prior to the meeting. If you are a member of Bedford Chapel and unable to attend, please ensure that you sign a proxy form, designating another member to vote on your behalf. Deacon nomination forms are available in the foyer. THANK YOU! To all those who donated Easter Eggs for distribution to those who receive parcels through our Lord’s Storehouse outreach. Parents and Tots There is a room available, for parents with tots (up to 3 years old) during the morning service, with a live video feed. Please ask in the foyer and the people welcoming visitors will direct you. Enquiries: Nicki Huggins or Cathy Scott A Prayer for Easter Morning O Lord Jesus Christ, who upon this day did conquer death and rise from the dead, and who is alive for ever more, help us never to forget your Risen Presence forever with us. Help us to remember, That you are with us in every time of perplexity to guide and to direct; That you are with us in every time of sorrow to comfort and console; That you are with us in every time of temptation to strengthen and to inspire; That you are with us in every time of loneliness to cheer and befriend; That you are with us even in death to bring us to the glory of your side. Make us to be certain that there is nothing in time or in eternity which can separate us from you, so that in your presence we may meet life with gallantry and death without fear. You turn our darkness into light. In your light we shall see light. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. Christ the Lord is risen today! ALLELUIA! Regular Activities Come to the Waters Sundays If you have a longing to explore the depths of prayer, and grow in your relationship with God, we will be holding a 5 week introductory course in Ignatian spirituality at Bedford Chapel. It will be held on Thursday evenings, starting on the 7th May, from 6pm to 8:30pm. If you are interested in attending, or would like more information, please email Nick Lowery at Our service takes place at 10.00am each Sunday. Centering prayer is at 6pm each Sunday evening Children’s Chapel and Teen Church After participating in the first part of the morning service, children between the ages of 4 and 18 are invited to join our Children’s Chapel and Teen Church. Contact: Trish Bosch (Children’s Chapel) on 084 645 5384 or Joy Arnott (Teen Church) on 072 836 6036 Small Groups If you would like advice in this regard, please contact the church office Kensington: Wednesdays 7.30pm Kevin & Poppy Henry 011 615 4909 or Gert Deysel 011 615 1002 GAP/ACTS Stephan Holfeld 072 165 9246 Young People Beavers: Boys & Girls in Grades 0 - 5 meet at the church on Fridays from 6 - 7.30pm for fun & games. Contact: Kyle Vorster 076 103 7773 Midway: Young people in Grades 6 & 7 meet at the church on Fridays from 6 - 7.30pm. Contact: Leanne Scott 082 861 7262 Youth: Teenagers from Grades 8 – 12 meet at the church every Friday from 8 – 10pm. Contact: Robyn Hill 082 835 8737 Promise Keepers Men of all ages, single or married, meet for breakfast and discussion on alternate Saturdays at 7.00am. Contact: Mark Stoffberg 076 192 6628, Stephen O’Connor 011 609 1334. Congratulations! To grandparents Gail and Johann Rademan, their daughter Leigh and son-in-law, James, parents of Faye, born on 16th March weighing 2.99kg. Please ensure that your cell phone is switched off during services.