Friday Flier 20.3.15 - Beer C of E Primary School


Friday Flier 20.3.15 - Beer C of E Primary School
Beer C of E Primary School
Mare Lane
Beer, Seaton,
Devon EX12 3NB
Tel and Fax 01297 20077
Headteacher: Mr Martin O’Mahony
Chair of Governors: Mrs Jean Smith
Friday 20th March 2015
Dear Parents,
This week has certainly flown by, with hardly time to take a breath. As I am sure you were aware, All Saints, our
partner school, was inspected this week by John Laver, an inspector appointed by OFSTED. We spent time together
looking at school performance data over the last two and half years. We observed lessons together in every class,
where he spent time hearing children read, speaking to children and carrying out book scrutinies from across the
curriculum and meeting governors. He certainly crammed a lot into two days! At this time I am unable to clarify the
judgement as the report still has to be created and quality assured. However, I can say that the inspection went
well! Beer's turn cannot be far away! I would like to publicly thank Ms Porter for all her support this week. She
stayed working with me at All saints until late into the night on Monday taking on the role of inspector and
challenging my knowledge of the school.
The federation also received the finance audit so there really was not room to swing a cat in the school offices. This
also went well. Personally can I thank Alicia for all her hard work in preparation for it. This audit really proved how
organised she is. Also can I thank Hannah and Anna for being our stabilising influences this week, they are simply
Next week there is much to look forward to with our Book Fair continuing before and after school on Monday and
Tuesday. On Wednesday we have the next race in the Stockland series followed by a full governors’ meeting. On
Thursday we have the Easter service at St Michael’s church starting at 2.30pm. Please can children be picked up
from the church.
Next week I will be in school on Tuesday morning, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.
Comic Relief
We are pleased to announce that the total amount raised was £312.60 which includes the sale of red noses, donations
from wearing non-school uniform and proceeds from the Comic Convention.
Skipping and Parachute Festival
The children had a lovely time and their skipping skills were very good! They also enjoyed the different games they
were shown with the parachutes.
Thank You Certificates
Congratulations to the following children:
Class 1: Silas Moore, Darcy Bucklar Green, Emily Parkinson and Maisie Clist for choosing to write their own
stories, Ella Bond for writing an information booklet about the sun – well done! Myia Hiscox for her efforts in
Class 2: Charlotte Leslie, Isabella Green and Selby Overington-Ward for some thoughtful talking and writing
about Jewish beliefs, Bartek Plociennik for trying hard to put his ideas into written sentences, Sam Fowler for
putting a lot of effort into making corrections to improve his work this week, Poppy Thomson for trying so hard
with her reading and all of year 2 for their wonderful Picasso portraits in the new class 2 art gallery.
Once again thank you to everyone in classes 1 and 2 for their brilliant garden designs. We'll be thinking together
next week to decide how to amalgamate some of their ideas.
Class 3: Roman Moore for sharing your rock collection with the class, Evie Wilkins for working really hard in all
areas of the curriculum this week, Meisha Parkinson for sharing your space posters with the class, Dylan Arnold
for your superb information piece on Batman and Bella Wigham for sharing great ideas about rocks in your science
Class 4: Harriet Wigham for excellent research on the festival of Holi, Paris Davis for super work on fractions,
Isla Manville and Lily Chapple for demonstrating our values and being kind and helpful at playtimes and James
Doulton for increased participation on the carpet.
Visit from local florist
Thank you to Emma Boalch from Marjorie Bloom who came into school this morning and talked to the children
from classes 1 and 2 about her job as a florist. She showed and talked to them about various types of flowers, which
links with our current Gardeners World theme.
Second Hand Uniform Sale
Unfortunately there was a very low uptake on the second hand uniform that was put out for sale on Wednesday, as
advertised in the newsletter last week. If you were unable to attend but are interested in any second hand uniform,
please do not hesitate to ask in the office.
Lost Property
We still have a very large amount of unnamed, unclaimed items in our lost property that have been there for a long
time. Any items that have not been claimed by the end of this term, Friday 27th March, will be put for sale in the
second hand box (depending on condition) or will be taken to the clothing bank, as we are struggling to store it all!
KS1Universal Free School Meals
KS1 parents should have received the Summer Term menu choices yesterday. If you have not already done so,
please fill out your child’s choices for menu 1, 2 and 3 and return all 3 sheets to the school office by
Wednesday 25th March 2015. Thank you.
School Crossing Patrol
We are looking for somebody who would be able to do the school crossing patrol on Monday mornings. Full
training provided. Please let the school office know if you are able to help out on this day or could volunteer your
services on any other day. Many thanks.
Myia Hiscox’s mum is kindly donating eggs to be sold at school again for a voluntary contribution - please bring
back any empty egg boxes to be re-filled.
Summer Term JM DanceFit Zumba Classes – Book your child a place NOW!!
New children are welcome to join the termly classes after the Easter break.
*Every Friday* RECOMMENCING April 17th 2015 - 3.30pm - 4.15pm in the MAIN HALL.
Summer Term Class Dates: April: 17th, 24th, May: 1st, 8th, 22nd, June: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, July: 3rd, 10th,
The cost of each class is £4 per child, with half-termly fees paid upon first lesson. If you would like to
book your child a place, please contact Johanna directly on 07739518587 or
at For further details on all JM DanceFit Adult and Children's Zumba
classes held in Seaton, Sidford, Sidmouth Beer, Newton Poppleford, and Exmouth please
Kind regards,
Martin O’Mahony
Drama Workshop – a message from some Year 8 Drama students at Woodroffe School
For our Silver Arts Awards we will be running a drama workshop. There will be two classes, one for younger
children and a later one for older children. In our class we will be developing your acting skills and confidence
but most of all having fun. The works shops are also free.
Date: 11th of April 2015
Timings: (5-8 year olds) 14:00-15:15, (9-11 year olds) 15:30-17:00.
Location: Stockland Village Hall, EX14 9EF.
There will be 3 year 8 pupils teaching and there will also be an adult supervising. To book your place or if you have
any questions, contact us at
Seaton Cricket Club
Sunday Winter Indoor Nets – March 15th, 22nd and 29th at Colyton Sports Hall, 5.30 – 6.30pm – all age groups under
12. Price £3.00.
Registration Night at Club House – Friday 27th March, 6pm onwards. Fixtures will be handed out and all
forms/membership will be available for completion.
Colts Outdoor Sessions start Friday 17th April – soft ball for under 10 year olds 4.00 – 5.00pm. Under 12’s & Under
14’s 5.00 – 6.00pm. £2 per session (for members).
Any questions ring Stephen Pritchard on 07989 978618 or Lynley Doulton on 07712 112148.
Branscombe Cricket Club
Quiz night at the Fountain Head on Thursday 26th March 2015 at 8.00pm. Teams of 4 - £10 per team. Raffle with
great prizes. All proceeds go to the mobile cricket nets fund.
Name: ……………............................
Name: …………………………………
£2.60 per session (8am-8.45am)
Days Required
NEW After School Club
We are in the process of setting up an after school club to run within the school, starting this summer. In
order that we can gauge how much of a need there is for out of school childcare, please could you tick the
box below and return to the office, alternatively you can let Ali Chapman (Kynan’s Mum) know during
school drop off/pick up. If you have any questions please see Ali or email
There will be more information in the Friday Flier next term
I would use an after school club ( ) please specify if you have more than one child who will use it _____
(you are not committing to anything at this point)
Seaton Tennis Club Coaching Programme Tennis Sessions On Offer
Latest Sessions available: Easter Tennis Camps for ages 5-16
Tuesday 31ST March and 7TH April 2-5pm, Thursday 2ND And 9TH April 10AM-1PM
1 SESSION £15, 2 SESSIONS £25, 3 OR 4 SESSIONS (£30)
Sessions running after school and weekends every week in termtime. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and
Saturdays. Session cost £5 per hour. First trial session Free.
To book your place or enquire please contact Jason Martin (Head Coach) - 07931-743168 or email
On Sunday 10th May 2015
Race Start 10.30am from Pecorama top car park.
Please fill in the slip below and return to the school office or you can email Katherine:
Beer Blazer – Sunday 10th May 2015
I/we can help marshal
Mobile number:________________________