Friday Flier 27.3.15 - Beer C of E Primary School


Friday Flier 27.3.15 - Beer C of E Primary School
Beer C of E Primary School
Mare Lane
Beer, Seaton,
Devon EX12 3NB
Tel and Fax 01297 20077
Headteacher: Mr Martin O’Mahony
Chair of Governors: Mrs Jean Smith
Friday 27th March 2015
Dear Parents,
I always think the service in the church is a great way to finish the term as it brings the whole school community
together in celebration. It was great to have Gayle Chapple, from the Open the Book Team, light the candle at the
start of the service, as they really are a key element of our Act of Worship programme across the week. It was good
that our Tag Rugby team returned from Colyton in time for the service, and so the singing still reached its usual high
standard. The readers spoke so elegantly and reminded us of the real Easter message which is often lost in the midst
of chocolate, cardboard and shiny wrappers. St. Michael’s church will be holding its Easter Service at 9.30am on
Easter Sunday and you are all invited to attend.
The newsletter this week includes a comprehensive list of activities that will be taking place across the local
community including the Sporting Chance activity days, which will take place on the school field on Monday and
Tuesday next week. It certainly looks like there will be a lot to do.
Without wishing the holiday away, the children will return to school on Tuesday 14th April. Can I take this
opportunity to wish you all a restful holiday and look forward to seeing you next term.
In the first week back I will be in school on Wednesday and Friday. On the Thursday, Ms Porter and I will be
attending an update on how assessment will look in September without levels.
This afternoon you will receive your child’s report. Please complete the parents section and help your child to
complete their section as this will help us inform our assessment processes. We look forward to reading your child’s
and your views.
Tag Rugby
Congratulations to our Tag Rugby team who have qualified for the East Devon finals at Kings School. Thank you to
Mr Simier and Mr Bailey who accompanied them to the event at Colyton Grammar yesterday.
Classes 1 and 2
First Day Back – please can classes 1 and 2 bring in wellington boots for a Spring walk.
Happy Easter from Mrs Robertson and Mrs Timmins. The children have had a busy term, so we have decided that
we will not be giving homework for the holidays. Please can the children continue reading over the Easter break.
Reminder – please can children only bring in 1 small toy for playtime if they wish. Recently, some have been a bit
too big! Also, please can you remind girls to keep their hair slides and grips in as some are getting muddled up! If
they are precious then they may be better left at home for special occasions!
The final race of the season took place on Wednesday night. Although we didn’t have
as much mud this time, there was the usual competitive spirit! Well done to all our
runners who finished as follows:
Year 3/4 girls – Innes FitzGerald 7th, Kaitlyn Flannigan 24th and Meisha Parkinson 55th.
Year 3/4 boys – Roman Moore 42nd, Dylan Arnold 48th and Evan Hourihan 52nd.
Year 5/6 girls –Darcie Morton 9th.
Year 5/6 boys – Sam Dormor 31st and Jack Dormor 37th.
Also, many thanks to the parents that supported the event
and helped with transport – Mr FitzGerald, Mrs Flannigan,
Mrs Dormor and Ms Reed.
Thank You Certificates
Congratulations to the following children:
Class 1: All of class 1 for their excellent singing and behaviour in church, Maisie Clist for learning all her fish and
whale words, Thomas Llewellyn for trying hard with his handwriting and Taylor Heddington and Yasmine
Kirkham for becoming more independent when tackling writing tasks.
Class 2: Luke Flannigan for behaving so well in church yesterday, Anthony Parkinson for trying hard to make
independent sentences, Charlie Vine and Eleanor Young for reading so strongly, Charlotte Leslie and Hannah
Leslie for being so social this week and sharing all kinds of interesting information and the whole of class 2 for their
enthusiastic response to planning a vegetable garden and the way they worked so co-operatively together to come up
with the next step of the plan, which will start after the holidays.
Class 3: Sienna Arbourne for your excellent piece of writing about the cross as a Christian symbol, Luca Radford
for working really hard on your RE report and Leo Weatherall for achieving the most rungs.
Class 4: Adam Carr for beautiful singing in school in preparation for our Easter service, Finn Hourihan for your
quick thinking in mental Maths, Darcie Morton for having confidence in your abilities – it is really paying off,
Millie Partridge for careful, steady work all of the time and Jayne Rodgers for such beautiful thoughts and ideas.
Clubs for Summer Term
After school and lunch time clubs will start again on the second week back, week commencing 20th April, so
attached to the first newsletter of next term will be the clubs timetable with permission slip. In the Summer term,
Sports Club will be open to KS2 (classes 3 & 4) up until half term and then KS1 (reception, classes 1 & 2) after half
School Crossing Patrol
We are looking for somebody who would be able to do the school crossing patrol on Monday mornings. Full
training provided. Please let the school office know if you are able to help out on this day or could volunteer your
services on any other day. Many thanks.
JM DanceFit Zumba Classes
The JM DanceFit Beer Little Starz* ended the 2015 Spring Term on a high, with an energetic Zumba
display enjoyed by family members. All of the Little Starz* children were awarded well deserved
certificates of achievement for their hard work this term. Star of the Spring Term certificates were
awarded to Little Starz Isabelle Graham and Maisie Clist. The class which allows children to have
fun while improving both their confidence and fitness levels will continue to be held at the school by
local Zumba instructor Johanna Morgan for the foreseeable future. New children are welcome to
join the termly classes after the Easter break which recommence on Friday 17th April.
3.30pm - 4.15pm MAIN HALL. Summer Term Class Dates: April: 17th, 24th, May: 1st, 8th, 22nd,
June: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, July: 3rd, 10th, 17th
The cost of each class is £4 per child, with half-termly fees paid upon first lesson. If you would like to
book your child a place, please contact Johanna directly on 07739518587 or
at For further details on all JM DanceFit Adult and Children's Zumba classes
held in Seaton, Sidford, Sidmouth Beer, Newton Poppleford, and Exmouth please
Kind regards,
Martin O’Mahony
Easter Holiday Activities at Seaton Library - There’s lots to do at your local library this holiday:
Help! Bo Peep has lost her sheep and they’re hiding in the library!
Can you find all the sheep? Free activity for children available whenever the library is open.
How Many Eggs?
Can you guess how many eggs there are in our jar and win them for an Easter treat? This competition is open to all ages – 20p a
guess, with the proceeds to children’s activities in the library. Come in and have a go any time the library is open.
Spring Has Sprung!
Storytime and Craft Session with Skevoulla Hambi-Hilder on Tuesday, 7th April 10 -11.30am. Suitable for children under 11.
Book your FREE place at the library, phone 01297 21832 or email
Easter Bounce & Rhyme Times
Wednesday, 1st April and Wednesday, 8th April 9.30 – 10am. Suitable for the under 5s, but enthusiastic older siblings are
welcome to join in! Free session, no booking required.
And don’t forget, if you’re stuck in a reading rut, you can ask library staff for advice about what to read next. If we haven’t got
it on the shelves, you can order children’s books for free – just ask for details.
Eco Explorers – 1st April Easter Egg Hunt
Wednesday 1st April, Axmouth 2-4pm. Join us to hunt for Easter eggs, pond dip, follow a blindfold trail, scavenger hunt, roll
eggs down the hill, create clay art and camp fire cooking. Booking is essential please call Claire 01297 551124 or Natalie
551412 or email
Drama Workshop – a message from some Year 8 Drama students at Woodroffe School
For our Silver Arts Awards we will be running a drama workshop. There will be two classes, one for younger children and a
later one for older children. In our class we will be developing your acting skills and confidence
but most of all having fun. The works shops are also free.
Date: 11th of April 2015
Timings: (5-8 year olds) 14:00-15:15, (9-11 year olds) 15:30-17:00.
Location: Stockland Village Hall, EX14 9EF.
There will be 3 year 8 pupils teaching and there will also be an adult supervising. To book your place or if you have any
questions, contact us at
Seaton Cricket Club
Sunday Winter Indoor Nets – March 29th at Colyton Sports Hall, 5.30 – 6.30pm – all age groups under 12. Price £3.00.
Registration Night at Club House – Friday 27th March, 6pm onwards. Fixtures will be handed out and all forms/membership
will be available for completion.
Colts Outdoor Sessions start Friday 17th April – soft ball for under 10 year olds 4.00 – 5.00pm. Under 12’s & Under 14’s 5.00 –
6.00pm. £2 per session (for members).
Any questions ring Stephen Pritchard on 07989 978618 or Lynley Doulton on 07712 112148.
Seaton Tennis Club Coaching Programme Tennis Sessions On Offer
Latest Sessions available: Easter Tennis Camps for ages 5-16
Tuesday 31ST March and 7TH April 2-5pm, Thursday 2ND And 9TH April 10AM-1PM
1 SESSION £15, 2 SESSIONS £25, 3 OR 4 SESSIONS (£30)
Sessions running after school and weekends every week in termtime. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Session
cost £5 per hour. First trial session Free.
To book your place or enquire please contact Jason Martin (Head Coach) - 07931-743168 or email
Beer Parish Council elections
Are you interested in what is happening in your village? Would you like to be part of the decision making
Have you considered standing for election in the forthcoming Parish Council elections which will take place on
7 May 2015. This is a chance for you to join a new Council and share your views, your ideas and your
Nomination packs are available from the Parish Clerk or from the EDDC offices at the Knowle, Sidmouth.
Completed nomination packs should be returned to the Knowle, Sidmouth by the 9th April 2015. If you have
any queries about the nomination process or would like an informal chat about standing as a Parish Councillor,
please contact: Annie Dallaway, the Parish Clerk Alternatively, use
this link to find out more general information about standing for election
Workshop and Drop in Service - For Parent and Carers
We hope to make this an informal discussion group lead by a Parent support Advisor. Each week we will have a common
parenting challenge topic. You are not committing to a course so you can attend one or all sessions and please tell friends.
 Weekly Topics on common parenting challenges.
 Basic strategies for parents.
 Time for discussion and to share ideas and resources
in a safe supportive environment with other parents who are facing similar issues.
 Guest professional advisors
Dates :
Seaton Children’s Centre, Trevelyan Building, Fore Street, Seaton. EX12 2AN
29 April until 24th June for 8 weeks
Wednesday’s from 11am to 1pm
If you are interested in attending our workshops please contact: Gerry Fry (PARENT SUPPORT WORKER FOR AXE
or The Children’s Centre 01297 20542
Topics will include:
Setting boundaries and keeping them with love
Communicating and playing with your children
Strong wills and tantrums (Rewards and Sanctions)
Bedtime Blues
Co Parenting with your ex
Rewards and sanctions
Name: ……………............................
Name: …………………………………
£2.60 per session (8am-8.45am)
Days Required
NEW After School Club
We are in the process of setting up an after school club to run within the school, starting this summer. In
order that we can gauge how much of a need there is for out of school childcare, please could you tick the
box below and return to the office, alternatively you can let Ali Chapman (Kynan’s Mum) know during
school drop off/pick up. If you have any questions please see Ali or email
There will be more information in the Friday Flier next term
I would use an after school club ( ) please specify if you have more than one child who will use it _____
(you are not committing to anything at this point)
On Sunday 10th May 2015
Race Start 10.30am from Pecorama top car park.
Please fill in the slip below and return to the school office or you can email Katherine:
Beer Blazer – Sunday 10th May 2015
I/we can help marshal
Mobile number:________________________