to the PDF file.


to the PDF file.
Before ‘n’ After Rustproofing introduces an
exclusive - ten year guarantee - rustproofing
wax coating at near our Waxoyl treatment
price! It’s called the “CR coating”.
The new coating replaces KLEENtect which I can no longer do because of
more stringent EU regs.
Like KLEENtect there is a 10 year guarantee: “If you see any rust coming
through the coating within five years, bring it back and have it re-treated free of
charge”. But it’s a third of the price of KLEENtect!
WhAT Is IT? An anti-corrosve wax coating, similar to, but much longer
lasting than Waxoyl and supremely abrasion resistant, unlike classic Waxoyl. It
will be as resistant to, or more resistant to abrasion than Waxoyl Underseal but
unlike Waxoyl Underseal which contains 40% bitumen and 60% Waxoyl, the
CR coating has only 2% of a special additive added for abrasion resistance and
no bitumen, as the bitumen added to Waxoyl Underseal (or the similar Dinitrol
product) results in less penetration and a trade off in anti-corrosive capabilities.
The CR coating will work as well as standard Waxoyl on rust with the abrasion
resistant qualities of Waxoyl Underseal. Caveat: CR coating has a very strong
smell. For this reason we continue to do doors, sills etc in Waxoyl on CR jobs.
(CR smell will fade in about 2 weeks).
Can it be applied to previously Waxoyl or Dinitrol rustproofed cars where the
coating is getting “tired”? Yes it can. It belongs to the same family of chemicals
as Waxoyl or Dinitrol but the chemicals in the new CR coating are more
expensive and highly formulated. They will not oxidise and dry out as quickly
as Waxoyl. A new CR coating applied over Dinitrol or Waxoyl will penetrate
into the old coating, rejuvenate it and form an amalgam with it.
Why should you take a risk on a new, unproven coating? I’m sure that many
people thought the same about KLEENtect which was introduced in 2001.
Around 150 vehicles were done with KLEENtect. Only very minor touch ups
were needed on a couple of vehicles. (You can see John Pearson’s KLEENtected
G4 110 every year at the LRO shows). One thing that I learned with the
KLEENtect is that some people rush to embrace anything new while others will
wait for years until it’s tried and tested. I understand. For the second group of
people I will still be offering my Before ‘n’ After improved Waxoyl service.
Can the new coating be done in a day like the waxoyl service? Yes – it can.
Just use my online diary to book in on
NoTE: I am keen to continue doing Discovery TD5’s even though most
are very rusty and many have borderline rot in the rear chassis legs and rusty
defenders because I believe that only Before ‘n’ After has the equipment and
expertise to deal with these difficult to rustproof cars and even give a five year
guarantee. Go to (type it accurately into
your browser) look especially at clip 7 to see why only Before ‘n’ After can deal
with these difficult jobs.
Cost for the new “CR” service?
Around £90 more than the waxoyl service. so prices are now:
Defender 90/Discovery done with Before ‘n’ After improved Waxoyl £490
plus vat. (5 year guarantee)
Defender 90 Discovery done with CR coating
£580 plus vat (10 year guarantee)
110/Range Rover done with Before ‘n’ After
improved Waxoyl £520 plus vat. (5 year guarantee)
110/Range Rover done with CR coating
Chris Parkinson
£680 plus vat (10 year guarantee)
aka Mr. Before n After
Gary said this: “I made the 270 mile journey from
Truro to bring back my 95 Defender for the 5 year
renewal as Chris recommends, although after 5
years it looked just like the day it was done - coating
perfectly intact and no signs of rust in spite of me
using it regularly off road and on the beach to launch
Gary Webb says: a boat. I go green laning about once a month or every
six weeks and get it coated liberally, not only with
“I didn’t mind
mud but also mining waste which is really abrasive.
travelling 270 miles
I always jet wash it afterwards and I can prove that
from Truro for the
this would scour off ordinary Waxoyl because I
renewal - I knew that put tubular turrets on the front and waxoyled them
only Chris of Before ‘n’ myself. I have had to re-Waxoyl them about 6 times
After could do it”
while Chris’s “Before ‘n’ After improved Waxoyl”
coating just shrugs this treatment off.” Note from Chris: the additive I use at 2%
to achieve this effect is now also added to the new “CR coating”.
Before ‘n’ After Rustproofng
near Rugby (ex Newbury)
Borrow our courtesy car with aircon and have a
brilliant day out in Warwickshire while we do your Landy.
Phone 01788 832 255 email:
Use the online diary to book in on
Beware danger! Imposters using “paid for ads” are lurking on the results
page for the search term “before n after” so be sure to type my website address
accurately into your browser or only click on the link where you see my exact
website url: