Bellingham Cooperative School EMERGENCY CONTACT
Bellingham Cooperative School EMERGENCY CONTACT
Bellingham Cooperative School EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION AND CONSENT FORM Child’s Name : ___________________ Birth Date: __/__/__ Gender Pronouns: ___________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian #1 Name : ____________________ Telephone : Home _________________ Work _________________ Cell _________________ Text ok? yes no Email: _____________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian #2 Name : ____________________ Telephone : Home _________________ Work _________________ Cell _________________ Text ok? yes no Email: _____________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACTS (to whom child may be released if guardian is unavailable) Name #1: ______________________ Relationship to child: ______________________ Telephone : Home _______________ Work _________________ Cell _________________ Text ok? yes no Name #2: ______________________ Relationship to child: ______________________ Telephone : Home _______________ Work _________________ Cell _________________ Text ok? yes no People who may pick up my child from BCS: ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ CHILD’S PREFERRED SOURCES OF MEDICAL CARE Physician’s Name: ________________________ Telephone: _________________________ Dentist’s Name: __________________________ Telephone: _________________________ (Parents are responsible for all emergency transportation charges) CHILD’S HEALTH INSURANCE Insurance Plan: _____________________________________________________________ ID # _________________________ Subscriber’s Name): ____________________________ SPECIAL CONDITIONS, DISABILITIES: ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ALLERGIES: _______________________________________________________________ SENSITIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT AND AGREEMENT FOR EMERGENCIES: As parent/guardian, I consent to have my child receive first aid by facility staff and, if necessary, be transported to receive emergency care. I will be responsible for all charges not covered by insurance. I consent for the emergency contact person listed above to ACT ON MY BEHALF Bellingham Cooperative School 360.220.7403 physical address mailing address 1207 Ellsworth Street, Bellingham, WA 98225 PO Box 957, Bellingham, WA 982270957 until I am available. I agree to review and update this information whenever a change occurs and at least every year. Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________ Date: __________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________ Date: __________________ Bellingham Cooperative School 360.220.7403 physical address mailing address 1207 Ellsworth Street, Bellingham, WA 98225 PO Box 957, Bellingham, WA 982270957