B e l s t o n e Village Voice


B e l s t o n e Village Voice
First Division cricket in the North Devon League
has arrived at Rew Meadow so please come down
to the ground on Sunday afternoons to support us
against the likes of Bideford, Barnstaple & Pilton,
Filleigh, Sandford, Newton Tracey and Hatherleigh.
Check www.pitchero.com/clubs/belstonecricketclub
for a list of games. We are part of the select few
who have reached the nationwide shortlist of
Jewsons Building Better Communities campaign,
as we seek funds to improve the pavilion for the
Colts, players and supporters and the local
community as a whole. The more people who vote
for the project on Facebook, and pass the details
on to their friends, the better the chances of the
final judging process being in our favour. So please
have a look at the submission at
www.buildingbettercommunities.co.uk (select
“South West Region” in the short-listed projects)
and then give us your support.
Car Boot sales at the ground are on Saturdays 30th
May and 19th September; 9am for sellers, 10am for
buyers. £5 cars, £6 vans
For any Parish Council matters, please contact the
Clerk, Robin Hill on 840332.
For matters relating to the Commoners, please
contact the Clerk, Ann Norman on 840581
Children’s Hospice South West
Belstone Friends’ Group host
Bring your own picnic & chairs & listen to music
from Hogsnort – a popular Devon 6-piece band who
specialise in playing Jolly Jazz from the 1920s.
We need more volunteers, please, if this
valued community project is to continue. If
you are unavailable to run Café on any
Thursday, perhaps you could make cheese
scones or a cake or two that could be either
used straight away or frozen for future use
and, thus, help someone who is able to be
there but may not be able to bake sufficient
items. Costs can be reimbursed.
If we can work together in this way, it will
enable both Café and Post Office to continue
– both important resources in a small, active
village such as ours.
If you think you can be of any help at all,
please contact Mel on 840549
This year’s outdoor Patronal Festival service will be
on Sunday 9th August, in the grounds of the
Village Hall, followed by a Cream Tea in the Hall.
Donations for the tea invited for Church funds.
Everyone welcome.
Church Wardens: Michael Ash 840082 and Simon
Herbert 840693. For service times see church
notice board or village website. Team website:
This year Andrews Corner’s Evening Opening will
be in aid of Hospiscare. The garden, lit by 250
candle lanterns, will be open from 7-10pm with
complimentary glass of wine (or juice) cheese and
biscuits. Family quiz sheet to follow, children’s
playhouse to visit and fairy doors to seek out –
plenty on offer for all the family.
Admission £6, adults and £2, children.
Editors: Robin and Edwina Hill 840332
edwinarobinhill@btinternet.com or contact through the website
www.belstonevillage.net Newsletter sponsored by the Village Hall
and distributed by Jane Lehni & Chris Walpole.
Thanks to Marion and Chris for their help with proofreading!
B e l s t o n e
Village Voice
May 2015 Edition 23
Most people now know that
Belstone has a defibrillator –
installed in the old telephone
box. Many thanks to the Parish
Council for agreeing to adopt it, to Mel and Theresa
for researching and initiating the installation and to
Andy for cleaning and painting it. Please do take
time to read the article by Mel (Village Hall
Secretary) and do try to make the meeting on
Thursday June 18th at 7pm. The more of us that
understand how it works, the more effective its use
in an emergency!
Apart from that, there are many other articles of
interest and importance in this edition, so please
read carefully – with your diary to hand – and make
a careful note of dates, so you don’t miss anything.
Belstone Village
Saturday 26th September 7.00pm
Belstone Village Hall – dancing to
Interval pasties & licensed bar
Proceeds to Village Hall & St Mary’s Church
Look out for posters nearer the time!
Med Theatre Present
The Walk - a shadow play.
Saturday 9th May 7.30pm
Belstone Village Hall
for all ages from 8 upwards
£8 adults £5 children £7 concessions
See posters around village
Thanks to your
VILLAGE HALL NEWS generosity at last
year’s Village Fair, the village now has an
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) installed
inside the newly adopted BT Phone Kiosk, outside
Chapel House.
There will be an ‘awareness training session’ on
Thursday June 18th at 7pm which everybody is
invited to attend. It will show us all how to use it,
what to expect and how not to be afraid of using
it. Until then, if you wish to know a few basic facts
of what to do in the unfortunate case of ‘Sudden
Cardiac Arrest’ please go to:
www.community heartbeat.org.uk
Don’t delay, start CPR straight away and dial
999 for help/guidance – this first step is vital
 Ask someone with you to fetch the AED from
the telephone kiosk (open yellow cabinet & grab
the orange box marked ‘AED’ plus the smaller
black bag)
 As soon as the AED itself is opened, there will
be very clear simple instructions to follow
The AED will not ‘shock’ a patient unless it
determines there is a need to, so don’t worry
about using it, the AED will tell you what to do –
the Emergency Services will also guide you
Remember – ‘the AED is designed for people with
no medical background so don’t be afraid to use
I hope this helps and I hope it won’t be used in
the near future ! Mel Pike
Don’t forget – the next two Bazaars are on
Sundays 16th Aug, 29th Nov from 11am – 3.00pm
All day refreshments on sale.
Local crafts, produce and charity stalls.
To book a table (£5) please contact Edwina on
840332 or email: edwinarobinhill@btinternet.com
Theresa Weaver Chair (Youth Group)
Rona Gundry
Vice Chair
Robin Hill
Mel Pike
Chris Walpole Treasurer (Cricket Club)
Colin Lawson
Julie Whitmarsh
Chris Bonnett
Alan Moore
Sue Cruickshank PCC rep.
Susan Norrish
Parish Council rep.
Sharon Cooper Belstone Players rep.
Village Hall Manager – Edwina Hill
For bookings, or to contact the Hall
Manager, ring 01837840332
Secrets of
Join Chris Walpole
for one of his, now
famous, Dartmoor
Meet at the hall at
1.30pm, Saturday 9th
May – followed by
Refreshments, in
the hall. Dogs on
leads please.
Donations to hall
funds - suggested £2
for the walk and £5
for walk and
Belstone Fair Sunday 19th July 2-4pm
Morris Dancing ˜ Skittles ˜ White Elephant ˜ Tombola ˜ Egg
Throwing ˜ Children’s side shows ˜ Books˜ Plants˜ Teas and
tempting cakes from the Tea Tent ˜ Bran Tub ˜ Ice Creams ˜
BBQ ˜ Pimms Tent ˜ Face painting ˜ Art Table ˜ Children’s
races ˜ Dog Races and . . . the famous Cosdon Run!
What more could anyone want?!
Well . . . you’ve guessed it . . . as usual, we’d like
donations towards the Fair please. Tombola prizes
(bottles/jars, choccies, sweets etc) greatly
appreciated, along with bric-a-brac, books, plants
and cakes. . . Please drop them off at the
Community Cafe during June and July. There will
also be the usual door to door collection on
Wednesday 15th July from 6pm.
Further details from Mel 840549.
Follow @BelstoneVillage on Twitter – the quickest
way to spread the word in Belstone – and the world!
In Village Hall, unless otherwise stated
3rd & 4th Andrews Corner Garden open for NGS 2.30-5.00pm
7th Elections 7am-10pm (plus Café from 10am-12 noon)
8th North Dartmoor Garden Club Plant Sale 7pm
9th Secrets of a Little Bit of Cosdon – see advert
9th Med Theatre Production – see advert
10th Andrews Corner Garden open for NGS 2.30-5.00pm
16th Jazz in the Garden – St Anthony’s Close – see advert
22nd Belstone Grub Club 7.30pm – see advert
24th & 25th Andrews Corner Garden open for NGS 2.30-5.00pmt
30th Cricket Club Car Boot Sale 10am – see BCC article
30th Andrews Corner Opening for Hospiscare 7-10pm – see article
18th Defibrillator Meeting – see editorial and article
21st Church Service “Fathers and Other Animals” 9.30am
5th Cricket Club President’s Day 2pm start. Cricket Ground
15th Collection of items for Fair from 6pm – see advert
19th Belstone Village Fair 2pm – see advert
9th Belstone Church Open Air Service – see Church article
16th Belstone Bazaar – see advert
31st Cricket Club Cream Tea 2.30-5.30
19th Belstone Cricket Club Car Boot Sale 10am – see BCC article
24th North Dartmoor Garden Club 7.30pm
26th Harvest Barn Dance 7.00pm – see advert
27th Harvest Festival Service St Mary’s Belstone 9.30am
7h November Belstone Craft Fair 10.30am-4.30pm
On Friday 22nd May Pickleshack will be providing one
of their sumptuous dining experiences at Belstone
Village Hall. 7.30-10.30pm; £23 per head; BYO drinks.
Michelin-trained chef, Josh McDonald-Johnson, uses
only ingredients which are locally, ethically and
sustainably sourced, to provide a three-course meal.
Should be a great evening but booking is essential so,
to find out more about it or to book your tickets, visit
http://www.pickleshack.co.uk or ring Josh on