here - Bendigo Strathdale Netball Association Inc.


here - Bendigo Strathdale Netball Association Inc.
President: Jock Clark Vice President: Tracy Rigney Executive O fficer: Daryl Cheeseman
Treasurer: Jo Thurley Secretary: Juanita Howlett th
Annual General Meeting -­‐ Monday 16 March 2015 BSE – Flora Hill Stadium 1. Meeting Welcome Jock Jock opened the meeting at 7.32 pm 2. Attendance and apologies Jock a) Apologies: Jill Davey (Bgo North Flames), A. Henderson (Victory). H. Abdy (Falcons/Umpire Coord), Jan Mannes, Jan Pollard (Victory), Deanne Boynton b) Attendance: Shannon Dean (Bgo United), N. Cahoon (G. Sq), Rachelle Fisher (Girton), Nicola Dunnidiffwelk (S. Gully), Tanya
Yeates (St. Francis), Marea Ellis (Kangaroos), Jackie McLean (C/Maine), Tracy Pugh (Kangaroos), Rhylee Elliott
(Camp Hill), Kylie Piercy (E/Hawk), Marijke Harrison (Nthn Flames), Michelle Forrester (St Killians PS), Ilka Mills
(Victory), Cath Moorhead (SJNC), Jodie Bouwmeester (L/Storm), Christine Layton (Lightening), Adele Noble
(S/Gully), Wendy Osborne (Sth Bgo), Zenda McConnell (Northern Flames), Vicki Brook (QH/Sqd), Liz Taylor
(Zodiacs), Juanita Howlett (Sec.), Jocelyn O’Shea (St Therese’s), Kylie Ellis (S/hurst), Tracey Rigney (Zodiacs),
Kathryn Bedson (Big Hill), Mikaela Abdy (Falcons), Debbie Browning
Proposed: L. Taylor 2nd : K. Piercy Approved: All 3. Review of AGM Minutes 2014 Jock Committee invited to comment on minutes. No matters arising from previous minutes. Proposed: V Brook 2nd: L. Taylor Approved: All 4. President’s Annual Report Jock Jock verbalized report. Highlights as follows: • Significant growth of team numbers impacts league • Several new teams and clubs have joined the association • 5 year rental agreement is in place for court use • BSNA tournament will be run for 2015 • Good will payment of $10,000 was made to City of Greater Bendigo towards the development of outdoor courts • Slight cost increase for 2015 player season • Continuation of umpires developmental program run by Heather Abdy • Annual turnover of $160K for 2014 season • Acknowledgement of peoples support in the various roles to make netball possible • NETTA and NetSetGo programs have been popular resulting in capping numbers of particpants • Twilight Netball was well attended 5. Financial Report Daryl Daryl provided an overview of finances with the following highlights: • $160K annual turnover – attributed to increased fees • Expenditure approximately $159K attributed too increased running costs (VNA, rent, umpire salaries, squad, NetSetGo CGB payment) • Profit $1100.00 • Bank balance 28/2/15 -­‐ $42700 • Audit included in annual report • Reports and audit circulated amongst AGM • Term deposit was confirmed for a balance of $40,000 • Daryl highlighted concern that a $160K turnover may force the association into collecting GST. L. Taylor queried playing cost increase – Daryl confirmed it is the BSNA component that has increased. Clarity was sought on CGB payment – Jock confirmed this was a one off cost and is documented in writing from the council. 6. Election of Office Bearers Jock Jock advised President and Treasurer are the outgoing roles this year. He explained the terms of each position. Jock advised he is happy to continue in his role, however Jo does not with to continue as treasurer. Daryl advised no formal nominations were received, although it was acknowledged a late nomination for Tracey Rigney to act as president was received. Nominations are now open to the group: • L.Taylor nominated T. Rigney as president role; V. Brook 2nd, T. Rigney happy to accept. • Daryl requested each nominee give a speech about themself; Tracy then Jock • Nominees were asked to leave the room so the committee could have a discussion. An anonymous ballot took place. • Jock was successfully retained his role as president, followed very closely by Tracy who will remain as Vice President. • Treasurer role was explained by Daryl – nomination for Tracy Pugh was made, 2nd Jan Dillion. Tracy has accepted the role. 7. General Committee Daryl Daryl explained due to the largeness of the association that committee numbers need reducing and a minimum of six people should be sufficient. L Taylor queried why the need to cut down. Jock elaborated on Daryl’s reasons and emphasized anyone is welcome to attend and more so if they have something to present. • A request for a show of hands of those interested in attending committee meetings: V. Brook, L. Taylor, M. Abdy, C Moorhead, K Bedson, H. Abdy, J Bouwmeester. A query was made on how will it be known what is coming up or what has been discussed – Jock advised to check the website, check agenda or email Daryl with issue. 8. Public Officer a) The public officer role will be fulfilled by the Treasurer b) Netball Victoria voting delegate – involves ten netball meetings per year. T. Rigney nominated to do and all accepted nomination. 9. Ratify By-­‐laws Jock addressed changes: 6E, 11G, 19E. All members were in favour of the change. 10. Meeting Closed Meeting was declared closed at 8. 35pm Minuted by: J. Howlett