Spotlight newsletter issue 1 - Benjamin Britten High School
Spotlight newsletter issue 1 - Benjamin Britten High School
Edition One, Spring half-term, 2015 Message from the Headteacher: I thought when we started our Facebook page I had written my last ‘copy’ for a school’s newsletter – well apparently I was wrong! Then I thought to myself perhaps thinking about it as a newsletter is my problem. For some reason I am taken back to my school days and my early teaching appointments and the newsletters that used to come out on the last Friday of the month, still fresh with the smell of ink solvents from the ‘Banda’ machine (anyone born after 1980 will have to Google that!). This is a magazine. A little more than the current Facebook news line carefully crafted with the best bits we do – in a little more detail. The drive to produce this has come from students and staff and I applaud their efforts to show you what we do. A message from behind the Spotlight: The Spotlight newsletter was first published in 1979 when Benjamin Britten High School first opened. We have decided to bring it back after an absence of several years in order to inform students, staff, parents and the wider community of the successes and achievements of our students as well as general news and upcoming events. On Tuesday, a large portion of the Eco Group were excused from their regular timetable in order to work with Mr Stanley, a volunteer who is helping us with the practical aspect of the Solar Garden. Last week, he visited us to help us plan the garden and this week we began to construct the actual physical elements of the garden such as the chicken coop and chicken run! In the morning, we revised the plans we had drawn up the previous week and after break we got in to the DT rooms and began work on the chicken coop. We split into 4 teams and each team constructed a certain element of the coop. It took the rest of the day for us to reach ‘near-completion’ of the structure however it was to a very good standard and we're all proud of the product. The EcoTech team were not a part of the construction and stayed in to make further plans for the solar panel and its stand, which will be constructed in the weeks to come. Some of the modules required for the solar panel to work were broken so some members of the group got onto the phone to the Solar Energy Alliance and ordered some replacement items which were delivered later on in the day. The EcoTech group are now fully prepared for the mounting of the solar panel and will now be focusing on getting the Raspberry Pis set up to do what we want them to do when we set them up permanently with the solar panel. Next week, we hope to get some more structures completed for the garden and we hope to have it up and running by the end of this term. Be sure to check back for more updates in the coming weeks! By Shay Jordan. Year 10, Jupiter. Special Feature: BBHS Solar Garden Project @bbhseco @bbhseco /bbhseco Visit the entirely student-run BBHS Eco Group website for more information! House News Jupiter House News Students of the half-term for January-February: Hannah Brooks 11EW, Ronan Boulton 11MW, Hayden Layton-Bullock 11MW, Neve Winney 8FT, Simon Denny 8AT, Shaye Battrick 8FT, Arthy Nagendram 9AL, Sabrina Miles 7JG, Shaun Rudland 7DR Fundraising: Fundraising for Jupiter House charity “Team Addie” is continuing. We have raised over £150 from the Christmas fundraising and more activities are planned. We do need a few large sweet jars – these can be brought in to Mrs Edge or Mrs Wright. Mercury House News Individual house point awards: Maddison Tillett 7AS, Shannon Godfrey 8GL, Alex Langman 10MG and Faith Langman 9NL. The winning tutor group was 7AS (Miss Sweetman). Art certificates: Josh Cooper 11DS, Gemma Spicer 8GL, Hannah Reid 9NL, Faith Langman 9NL, Rhianna Vingoe 9NL, Scott Gray 10 AV and Jack Bessey 8GL. Comic Relief 2015: Every student within the House has been encouraged to think of ideas of how to support the charity and encouraged to purchase a red nose over the half term break. More news to follow on this. Mercury Year 11s have been active in supporting Saturday study and Ethan Wells and Georgia Tooke have signed up for the charity parachute jump in June to raise money for EACH, Topcats, Team Addie and Help an East Coast Child. Neptune House News Students of the half-term for January-February: Charlotte Bennett 7AR, Ella Rogers 7TB, Jessica Cator-Durrant 8JS, Daniel York 8VK, Alice Patching 9HF, Ella Cunningham 9OB, Brandon Flaxman 10BH, Erin Hogan 10JH, Charlotte Jarvis 11GC, Conor Nicolle 11KB House Point Reward Trip: 8JS have won an afternoon of bowling on Saturday 14th February 2015 for achieving the most house points during our first term! Saturn House News Congratulations to Saturn House student Merynn Levett, representing BBHS and laying a wreath at Lowestoft Train Station for Holocaust Memorial Day in January. Further details below. House Reward Trip: Saturn House will be running a trip to Quasar in Great Yarmouth to reward Year 8 students for their excellent behaviour. More details to follow after half-term! Fundraising Event: We will also be holding an Easter fundraising event for our house charity Topcats. Just 50p to guess the number of eggs in the jar…the closest guess wins the jar of eggs! Club News Duke of Edinburgh: 15 new candidates from Year 10 have signed up for the Bronze Award and will begin their expedition training soon. Expeditions are planned for June 2015 and students are currently carrying out a variety of volunteering activities in their spare time. Careers News Year 9 Options Evening took place on Wednesday 4th February and was well attended by both parents and students. Lowestoft College, Lowestoft Sixth Form College, East Norfolk Sixth Form College, Sir John Leman High School, UEA, representatives from the energy and apprenticeship sectors, and Great Yarmouth College were all on hand to offer advice on potential courses and qualifications post GCSEs. Coming up: Visit from British energy company SSE- please see Mrs Sinclair if you are interested in this. UCS Family Awareness Day 27th February- please see Mrs Sinclair or Mrs Grant if you are interested in this. East Norfolk Sixth Form College Year 11 interviews on 25th February. The school Careers Department is available to all students for information regarding future options, help with CV writing, application forms and more. Additional careers sessions are soon to be introduced into I.T lessons and parents of Year 11 students are also welcome to attend one-to-one careers sessions with Mrs Sinclair. If you are interested in this, please contact the School Office on 01502 582312 to make a booking. For all other enquiries please contact: or Fundraising News By Mr Mullender th Tribute to Respected Teacher: On Friday 6 February the school held a non-school uniform day to raise money for the British Heart Foundation’s ‘Wear It Beat It’ campaign. The day was especially poignant as it was in memory of a muchrespected member of staff, Mr Steve Beckingham, our popular Media Studies teacher who sadly died after suffering a heart attack earlier this term. The BHF was chosen by the Student Council to raise money for its ongoing research into life-saving heart surgery. The day saw staff and students across the school wearing red clothing and accessories and we raised a grand total of £715.48 for the BHF. Sky Dive for Charity: On Monday 2nd February, Miss Armon and Mr Ketteringham launched a charity sky dive for our Year 11 students who will be 16 at the time of the jump. This event is taking place on Saturday 6th June 2015 at Ellough, Beccles. Visit the school Facebook page for more information. Money Raised: On Friday 12th December 2014, students and staff were invited to wear a festive jumper in support of the Save the Children charity. The day was very well supported with a wide range of colourful Christmas jumpers on show. Donations from the day were split equally between Save the Children and Cancer Research UK. The Christmas Jumper donation totalled £332.37 which will be doubled by the Government, bringing it up to a total of £664.24. Congratulations and thanks to all those who took part. Trip News Ski Trip: Mrs Bubb will be taking a group of students to Italy on a skiing trip this half-term. Students have been taking lessons and practicing their skills on the slopes of Norwich Snowsports Centre. Videos on Facebook. Spanish and French language trips: Letters for the Spanish trip to Barcelona have been given out in classes and students will know soon if they have a place. They will be visiting Sagrada Famila, Park Guell and Camp Nou in Barcelona as well as the city of Girona. This is open to current Years 7, 9 and 10. The French trip to Lille in December will be launching next month. This will be in December and we will be going to the Christmas markets in Lille and Brussels, a chocolate museum and Nausicaa aquarium in Boulogne. This will be open to current Years 8, 9 and 10. Holocaust Memorial Day: Students from Year 11 and Year 9 recently represented the school at the Holocaust Memorial Day, a national act of remembrance, which was marked in Lowestoft by a wreath-laying ceremony at Lowestoft Railway Station, followed by a service at Ormiston Denes Academy. Chair of the Waveney Youth Council and Saturn student Merynn Levett laid a wreath on behalf of young people across Waveney and read a speech to mark the liberation of concentration camps in Nazi occupied Europe in 1945. Students Hannah Reid, Shannon Harrison, Sophie Buckenham, Lauren Taylor and Polly Keable recited a poem they had written and George Butler and Alice Patching performed a dance which brought the ceremony to a close. Student Council Update News BBHS Student Council meets once a month and its members consist of one student from each House in each year as well as form representatives. We often invite members of staff and visitors to our meetings to hear our thoughts and opinions on how the school can improve to meet the expectations of its students. A number of students who sit on the Student Council also attend Waveney Youth Council meetings each half term where they get the opportunity to discuss the services provided for young people across Waveney. We are currently discussing the renovation of the school toilets and are deliberating over a promising proposal put forward by Mr Hine at our last meeting. Kitchen Corner ‘Kitchen Corner’ will feature news and photographs from the school’s canteen and coffee bars. We’d love to hear from you if you have any suggestions or ideas for new recipes. Each recipe created will be photographed and reviewed by students for forthcoming Spotlight issues. Email your ideas and recipes to our Catering Manager and check back here to see which recipes were chosen and what our students thought of them! This half-term we’re reading… Earth Fall by Mark Walden. (Based on Book Café recommendations). And in other News… Congratulations to the following students who have been nominated for Michael Marriott Rotary Youth Awards: Bethany Grace (Drama), Emine Karusta (Drama), Sian Websdale (Dancing), Jazmine Banks (Singing), Merynn Levett (Public Speaking), Abegail Ramales (Public Speaking), Georgia Tooke (Science), Katie Landles (Science), Sophie Lincoln (Design), Chloe Burden (Design), Larissa Cook (Design), Elise Carter (Design), Katie Landles (Design), Phoebe Millican (Design) and Georgia Baker (Design). Saturday Study Sessions: Saturday Study Sessions for Year 11s have been running from 10am-12.30pm every Saturday morning for the last 4 weeks. Around 50 students attend each session and their hard work and determination in working towards their GCSEs was recognised by the Lowestoft Journal last week. Well done to all the Year 11s who have been coming, we are very proud of you. Year 10 History students have been studying the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876 and had the opportunity to recreate battle scenes using lego and play-doh! Take a look below… Gold was discovered in the Black Hills. The US offer $6 million for the land but the Indians refuse. The Indians gather at the Little Bighorn River. Custer and his men attack the Indians. Custer and his men are wiped out. People in America are devastated to hear of Custer’s death. The US policy towards the Indians changes. 4th March – ‘Matilda’ trip to London (Music and Drama Departments). Also Year 9 Booster injections for Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio. 12th March – Year 9 Parents Evening 17th March – Trip to Tate Modern (Art Department) 23rd & 24th March – Year 7 Trip to Norwich Castle (CBC Department) 30th March- 10th April – Easter Break 13th April – PD Day New Staff A warm welcome to the following members of staff who have joined us this term: Mrs L Greenough (English teacher) Mr T King (CBC teacher) Miss K Daniels (Teaching Assistant, Literacy Support Team) Mrs A Grant (Teaching Assistant) Miss J Hodgkin (Teaching Assistant) Miss R Megolla (FLA) Mrs E Morgan (Midday Supervisor) And farewell and thank you to: Mr N Reid (Cover Supervisor) Unhappy? Want to talk? Available every lunch time 1:15-1:45pm A26 BBHS Spotlight will be published at the end of every half-term. If you have a story you’d like us to publish or an event you’d like us to advertise, please email Miss Stanley on Interested in advertising in the BBHS Spotlight? Please contact the school office on 01502 582312 and ask to speak to Miss Stanley.
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