Because life doesn`t end when dementia begins


Because life doesn`t end when dementia begins
Dementia Awareness Week 17-23 May 2015
 West Berkshire Alzheimer’s Society will be at Hungerford Town Hall
on Wednesday 20 May, 9:30am-12:30pm with a cake sale outside.
 Please come by and speak to us about any aspect of dementia, and
find out the about support that’s available in your local area. Our
Befriending Service and Berkshire Carers will also be there.
 Come and have a go at our groups, designed for people with
dementia, with taster sessions of Gentle Yoga 10:00-10:20am and
Singing for the Brain 11:00 to 11:30am
For more information please call 01635 500869 or email
Or visit
Because life doesn’t end when
dementia begins
Alzheimer’s Society is a registered charity, no.296645