Steel and Raw Materials Export from Russia and Ukraine Steel and


Steel and Raw Materials Export from Russia and Ukraine Steel and
Official Partners
X International Conference
Steel and Raw Materials
Export from
Russia and Ukraine
20-21 of April 2015
Kyiv, Ukraine, InterContinental Hotel
+38 056 794 33 94
+7 499 346 20 40
Media Partners
Learn top-notch
experts' opinions
Steel and Raw Materials Export from Russia and Ukraine
Monday, April 20th
08:30-09:20 Registration, welcome coffee.
Foye, conference hall “Zoloti Vorota”
09:20-09:30 Conference opening. Organizers’ welcome speech
09:30-10:00 Introduction Speech:
Main trends of global steel market development. Producer’s view
Dmitry Nikolaenko, Sales Director, Metinvest Holding
10:00-10:30 Coffee-break
10:30-12:00 Session 1. Factors of influence on exports from Russia and Ukraine
Main trends of global steel market development. Forecast for 2015. Expert’s view
Dr. Gerhard Bittner, Principal, A.T. Kearney Global Competence Center Metals
The export market and domestic consumption of China’s steel in 2014
Zhao Yang, General Manager, Tiryns Investment & Holding Limited
China - the exporters’ headache
Anton Bobanev, Project Manager, Metal Expert
CIS steel export: volumes, prices, forecast
Janna Galushko, Steel Export Market Observer, Metal Expert
The production cost of steel in Ukraine and Russia. Producers` margin estimate
Volodymyr Vlasyuk, Director, State enterprise ‘Ukrainian Industrial External Expertize’
Steel product cost as a competitive edge in export
Alexey Tertychny, Steel and raw materials markets analyst, Metal Expert
12:00-12:30 Coffee-break
12:30-13:30 Session 2. Development of Russian and Ukrainian steel products consuming regions
Turkish steel producers state and prospects in the new market conditions
Emrah Ugursal, Foreign Trade Manager, Yolbulan Metalurji
MENA: demand prospects
Tetiana Spanchak, Deputy Head of Research, Metal Expert
Supply and demand on tube & pipes MENA & USA markets
Andrey Shevchenko, Analyst, Long-term Forecast Department, Interpipe
Iranian steel market: export-import potential
Reza Zaer Heidari, Export manager Assistant, Esfahan Steel Company
13:30-14:30 Networking Lunch. Foye, conference hall “Zoloti Vorota”
14:30-15:30 Round-table Discussion. Development and challenges for Ukrainian and Russian
metallurgy. Export perspectives
Maxim Mamon – Head of Marketing – EVRAZ East Metals
Nikolay Lyadov – Deputy General Manager, Sales – Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works
Roman Kurashev – Marketing Director – METINVEST Holding
V.B. Garg – Chief Marketing Officer – ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih
Pavel Rudenya – Head of Sales and Marketing Department – ISD Corporation (Industrial Union of
Evgeny Gorodetsky – Director of Purchasing and Logistics Department – Interpipe Ukraine
To be discussed:
›› Ukrainian steel market outlook and prospects of consumption recovery
›› Russian metals market and domestic consumption forecast
›› Producers’ production plans in modern conditions
›› Steel products export – « life buoy» for metallurgists in terms of strong rouble and hryvna devaluation
›› Competition with Chinese suppliers in traditional sales markets
›› Internal transportation and export shipment complexities for Ukrainian steel suppliers
15:30-16:00 Coffee-break
+38 056 794 33 94 +7 499 346 20 40
Steel and Raw Materials Export from Russia and Ukraine
16:00-17:00 Session 3. Transportation of metallurgical cargoes
Features of raw materials and steel products rail transportation. Transport costs constituent
Vitaliy Konyuk, Deputy Director, Federal Freight in Ukraine Representative Office
Seaborne trade of steel products and raw materials in the Azov-Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea
regions: cargo volumes transportation and freight rates
Nikos Marmatsouris, FICS, Senior Marketing Manager, GAC Shipping SA
Steel export: 5 tips to avoid losses at sea leg of transportation
Natalya Myroshnychenko, Assosiated Partner, Interlegal
16:30-17:30 Individual negotiations with representatives of
17:30-19:30 Networking Buffet. Foye, conference hall “Zoloti Vorota”
Tuesday, April 21st
09:30-10:00 Welcome coffee
10:00-11:00 Session 4. Ukrainian and Russian raw materials markets. Export potential. Part 1
World Steel Outlook 2015-2016
Adam Szewczyk, Manager, Economics and Statistics, World Steel Association
Russian Metallics market features. Export prospects of scrap, pig iron and HBI
Nikolay Filkevich, Head of Projects, Metal Export Consulting
Russian coking coal market development: export potential
Pavel Nekhvoroshch, Director of Marketing Department, Severstal Resources
Import of coking coal to Ukraine. Main suppliers
Speaker tba
11:00-11:30 Coffee-break
11:30-13:00 Session 4. Ukrainian and Russian raw materials markets. Export potential. Part 2
Assessment of the scarp consumption volumes in Russia. Export potential
Vladislav Shick, Director of Sales and Foreign Trade Department, Akron Metal Group
Ukrainian scrap market. Export potential
Andrey Moiseenko, Consultant, Ukrmet ltd.
Turkish scrap market as prices indicator semi and finished products in the region
Selim Argun, Sales Manager, Metkim Metal
Overview of the Manganese Industry
Aloys d’Harambure, Market Research Manager, International Manganese Institute (IMnI)
Ukrainian Ferroalloys Industry. Current state, trends and development prospects
Sergey Kudryavtsev, Executive Director, Ukrainian Assosiation of Ferroalloys
13:00-15:00 Closing conference lunch & wine
Presentations at the conference will be simultaneously translated.
All slides will be presented in English.
Who should attend?
Semis and rolled steel producers
•• Suppliers of raw materials
•• Trading companies, steel service centers
•• Logistic companies
+38 056 794 33 94 +7 499 346 20 40
TPI companies
•• Equipment suppliers
•• Banks, expediting and insurance companies
•• Consultants, industry experts and analysts
Steel and Raw Materials Export from Russia and Ukraine
Advertising and sponsorship opportunities
Conference sponsorship is an effective tool for your brand promotion and a good way to proove the company’s
market leadership.
Choosing one of various advertising options you will attract more attention to the sponsoring company and
brightly impress the audience.
badge lanyards
coffee breakes
conference bags
roundtable/sponsor session
souvenir goods
Participation in the conference exhibition will let your company stand out among forum’s participants and
provide the productive contacts with potential consumers of products and services.
Equipped stands of 4, 6 and 8 square meters are available for order.
For more details regarding conference
program,please contact:
Veronika Tropina
Head of Metallurgical Department
+38 056 794 33 94, ext. 232
+7 499 346 20 40, ext. 232
Julia Sitnichenko
Project Manager
+38 056 794 33 94, ext. 239
+7 499 346 20 40, ext. 239
For more details regarding the participation in the
exhibition, please contact:
Nadezhda Semenchuk
Project Manager
+38 056 794 33 94, ext. 201
+7 499 346 20 40, ext. 201
Ilya Agafonov
Project Manager
+38 056 794 33 94, ext. 253
+7 499 346 20 40, ext. 253
For more details about participation please
Denis Ivanchenko
Project Manager
+38 056 794 33 94, ext. 241
+7 499 346 20 40, ext. 241
+38 056 794 33 94 +7 499 346 20 40
Steel and Raw Materials
Export from Russia and Ukraine
20-21 of April 2015, Kyiv, Ukraine, InterContinental Hotel
REGISTRATION FEE (all taxes included)
Till 2nd of March
After 2nd of March
One delegate
1400 USD
1700 USD
Two or more delegates (each)
1300 USD
1500 USD
InterContinental Hotel
2A Velyka Zhytomyrska Street,
Kiev, 01025 Ukraine
tel: +38 044 219 1919,
fax: +38 044 219 1929
Registration fee includes attendance at all events within framework of the conference, documentation, on-line access to final
conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches within working days of the conference, stand-up buffet.
If you cannot attend the conference you may purchase on-line access to final conference materials for 450 USD
Note: Hotel accommodation & transfer are NOT included.
Registration Cancellation
All inquiries regarding participation cancellation should be sent in a written form not later than the 06th of April 2015. Registration
fee is not refunded if cancellation is received after the 06th of April 2015. Delegate substitution is allowed without any additional
payments or fines.
1. Visit our website
2. Fill in the registration form below and send it back to e-mail
3. Call or fax to Ms. Nadezhda Bochkareva: +38 056 794 33 94 ext. 206
1. Credit Card
2. Invoice
For additional conference information, please contact Mr. Denis Ivanchenko +38 056 794 33 94 ext. 241,
Company Details (For Conference Book)
Company name Profile (please specify the main activities/products/services)
Steel Producer Raw Materials Producer
Steel Trading Raw Materials Trading
Transportation Other (please specify)
Postal Address, Zip Code
Phone Fax E-mail Participant’s Details
First Name, Last Name (Mr. / Ms.)
Phone Mobile*
E-mail Assistant’s E-mail*
Speaking Opportunity
Advertising / Sponsorship
I cannot attend but I would like to purchase on-line access to final conference materials
* for organizers only
+38 056 794 33 94 +7 499 346 20 40