2015 Brandywine Girls Softball League “Fun in the Sun” 8U


2015 Brandywine Girls Softball League “Fun in the Sun” 8U
2015 Brandywine Girls Softball
“Fun in the Sun”
8U Tournament
June 13th
Rain Date: June 14th
Registration Packet
Registration Deadline: June 5, 2015
2015 BGSL 8U Tournament Team Registration Form
Team Name: ______________________________
Coach: __________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
E-Mail: __________________________________ Phone #: ________________________
Assistant Coach:___________________________
Address: __________________________________________
E-Mail: _________________________ Phone #: ________________________
2nd Assistant Coach:____________________________________
3rd Assistant Coach:____________________________________
Team Roster
Player Registration & Release
Player Name__________________________
Phone #: ________________________
Parents’ Release and Pledge
I, the parent/guardian of the above named youth, give her my approval to participate in the coming softball event hosted
by the Brandywine Girls Softball League. I release the organizers, sponsors, coaches, volunteers, and all other leadership
from liability as the result of participation or transportation to or from the activity. I understand and acknowledge that there
are risks involved in playing the sport of softball, including but not limited to the risks involved in utilizing equipment or
participating in any exercise or fitness activity. I agree that I will assume the risk and full responsibility for any and all
injuries, losses, or damages while participating in any programs by Brandywine Girls Softball League.
I pledge to allow my child to be a child and enjoy the game, cheer for the team, support the team and coaches
and will always practice good sportsmanship at all times. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the
games and/or the league.
Photo/Media Release Form
I grant permission to Brandywine Girls Softball League, and its subsidiary units, to use photographs, video, audio
recordings, and/or textual material for use in Brandywine Girls Softball League publications, including websites or other
electronic forms or media, and to offer the photographs, video, audio, or text for use or distribution to other media, without
notifying me.
INITIAL ________
Parent’s Name (please print)______________________________ Relationship to Player______________________
Parent’s Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: ______________
2015 BGSL 8U “Fun in the Sun” Tournament
Date: Saturday, June 13th Rain Date: Sunday, June 14th
Locations: Field # 1 is the BGSL Home Field at the Topton Pool
Field # 2 is the Middle School Softball Field (If June 14th is needed, the first 4 games will be played at
Longswamp Park)
Format: 3 games (each either 3 innings or 1 hr. 15 min.)
Max Number of Teams: 12
Entry Fee: $125 which should be mailed to
Brandywine Girls Softball League
Attn: 8U Tournament Director
PO Box 155
Topton, PA 19562
Deadline: June 5th: If your payment is not received by June 7th, we will open your team slot to
another team.
Insurance: Each team MUST supply its own insurance. Please email proof of insurance before the
Player Rewards: Each player will receive a participation medal, plus a ticket for a hot dog at the
BGSL food stand.
Rules: We will follow all BCGSL 8U Rules except the length of games. The Tournament Committee
has the right to change the format of the tournament due to inclement weather.
Coaches: This is a fun tournament, so let’s do our best to make sure our girls enjoy the day. Please
submit a batting order for each game. We will be announcing the batters at Field #1 and are working
on getting PA equipment at Field #2.
Batting Tees & Games Balls: BGSL will provide the batting tees and game balls
Registration Forms: To be e-mailed to Bdady75@AOL.com or bgslpresident@yahoo.com.
Question: You can contact Keith Arnold (Tournament Director) at 610-762-9375, email
BDADY75@AOL.com or Trevor DeLong at bgslpresident@yahoo.com
Feedback: All ideas and suggestions are welcomed, but we will do our best to make this an
enjoyable event for all.