Nodumax is a new legume inoculation technology developed at the


Nodumax is a new legume inoculation technology developed at the
NoduMax is a product developed through
the new IITA Business Incubation Platform
NoduMax is a new legume inoculation
technology developed at the IITA Business
Incubation Platform.
NoduMax is intended for soybean crops so
that they are better able to access
nitrogen from the air. Application of
recommended fertilizers, results in 450 kg
of increased soybean yield per ha.
NoduMax is inexpensive, costing under-N500 per 100 g package, enough to
inoculate 10 to 15 kg of seed and plant
0.25 ha. One hectare requires five or six
packages, or – about N- 2500 per ha.
NoduMax is easy to apply (above). Every
package contains inoculant, seed
adhesive and simple instructions in four
languages, English, Hausa, Ibo and
NoduMax is environmentally friendly and
is based upon the activities of beneficial
rhizobia bacteria. It is non-toxic and
improves soil fertility and crop residues.
NoduMax offers opportunity for
investment in agricultural biotechnology
through the IITA Business Incubation
Platform. Inquiries are welcome.
Do not hesitate................. Inoculate!
NoduMax is produced at a modern facility at
Ibadan, Nigeria using advanced technology.
NoduMax is packed into boxes of 50 onehundred gram packets for distribution
through developmental and agrodealer
For further information, please contact ....
Inoculated soybeans are
green and vigorous
Soybeans without inoculation
are pale and weak
Mr. Ayo Alonge, Manager
IITA Business Incubation Platform
P.B.M. 5320, Oyo Road, Ibadan,200285,
Telephone: +234 (2) 7517472
Via US +1-201-6336094
from ideas to products
NoduMax is a product developed through
the new IITA Business Incubation Platform
NoduMax wani sabon hikima ne da’aka kikiro a
IITA domin bunkasa wake dangisa da
NoduMax ayin shi ne musaman domin ya taimaka
ma waken soya da dagin sa wajen amfani da
sinadirin nitrogen daga iska. Idan aka amfani da
nodumax tare da taki yande ya kamata zaa samu
karuwan amfani akala ninti hudu da rabi akan
yida aka saba samu.
NoduMax yanada araha domin giram dari ana sar
dashi naira dari hudu ne kawai kuma, ya isa ayi
amfani dashi a kilogiram goma zuwa goma sha
biyar a quata na hectar. Kenan naira dubu biyu ya
ishe hectar daya (wato Kaman kunshi biyar ko
NoduMax yanada saukin amfani. Kowane kunshi
yanada: inokulant, abin dazai hadashi da iri da
yada zaa amfani dashi a yare guda hudu (turenci,
hausa, iyamrenci and yarbanci).
NoduMax baya bata muhali kuma yana amfani ga
halitun chikin kasa masu amfani da shuka. Bashi
da dafi kuma yana kara amfani kasa.
NoduMax yana bada damar sanya jari aharkan
noma na zamani tare da IITA. Ana maraba da
NoduMax bu teknoloji ohuru ndi akwukwo izuahia nke IITA mere.
NoduMax je eroja ti o lagbara ti a gbe jade lati
eka ile itaja ti IITA
Emere NoduMax maka e-nyere ososi soyabean
aka iji nitrogen dina ikuku ibuibu nke
oma.NoduMax na fertilize kwesiri ga-eme ka
ihe-ubi gi welite (mmezie 450 kg/ha)
A gbe NoduMax jade fun awon agbe ti on da oko
ewa, soya ati beebee lo lati le jeki won gba afefe
ti o ye fun won lati se daadaa lori oko kia ba le
kore lopo yanturu. Eri ti wa tio fi han wipe lilo
NoduMax po mo fatalaisa a maa jeki oko soya kio
ta daradara ki agbe si kore ti o po.
NoduMax di onu-alta (#400/10g pacgket).Otu
packet zuru 10-15kg mkpuru soya bean (0.25ha).
packet 15c ma obu asii ga ezu otu hecter
NoduMax di onu-ala (-N- 400/100g apka). Otu
apka zuru 10-15 kg mkpuru soya bean (0.25 ha).
Packet 15 kg ma obu asii ga ezu otu hecter.
NoduMax ko si wa won rara. Pelu ogorun merin
naira a maa ra apo kan (100g) oni ogorun giram.
Lati gbin oko ti o tobi to hektari kan, a maa nilo bi
egeberun meji ati ogorun merin fun apo marun si
NoduMax di mfe eji packet nile nwere inoculant
henyapado mkpuru na ntuziaka eji asusu anode
(hausa, lgbo, yoruba).
NoduMax ko si tun soro lati lo nitori awon
ojogbon ti ko wa bi a o se loo ni ede abinibi wa
NoduMax di mma maka gburogburo ebe obibi.
O nwero nsi di ahu, ona rukwaa ala na-emelite
ihe-ubi. Ohere di maka onye cho ro izu-ahia
nodumax e nwere ike e kpoturu iita business
platform ma oburu na i choro.
NoduMax ko le pa wa lara kosi le ba ibi ti ati n lo
je pelu nitoripe imo ero siensi igbalode ni afi gbee
jade. NoduMax maa se ile oko wa loore a si jeki
ohunkohun ti a ba gbin si ori ile oko naa hu
NoduMax wa fun ise aje karakata ni eka ile itaja
ni IITA. Ti o ba nife lati maa gba oja yi ki o si maa
ta fun awon agbe, o le ke si wa ni ile ise wa ni IITA.
A n reti yin. E kaabo.