Exam Assignment. - Bioinformatics Institute of India


Exam Assignment. - Bioinformatics Institute of India
BIOINFORMATICS INSTITUTE OF INDIA Bioinformatics Institute of India H­109, Ground Floor, Sector­63, Noida­201307, UP. INDIA Tel.: 0120­4320801 / 02, M. 09818473366, 09810535368 Email: info@bii.in, Website: www.bii.in
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Examination Assignments April, 2015 BIOINFORMATICS INSTITUTE OF INDIA Instructions for Examination Assignments – April, 2015
Electronic (email, fax) submission of the assignments is not acceptable.
The assignments have to be submitted by the student on standard A4 size paper in eligible hand written, typed or printed format only.
Do not copy from the answers of other participants. If it is noticed the assignment of such participants will not be accepted.
The assignment for each paper should be written separately. Do not write the assignment .......
....... for all the papers in continuity. However, all the assignments are to be submitted together.
No two or more participants should submit their assignments in same envelope.
The participants should mention their Name and Enrollment Number on each page of submitted assignment copy.
The last date of submission of Assignments is 30th April, 2015.
The assignments have to be submitted to: The Program Director Bioinformatics Institute of India H­109, Ground Floor, Sector­63, (Behind Haldiram) Noida­201307 U.P. INDIA
Participants are advised to keep a photocopy of submitted assignments.
The participants should mention their Name and Enrollment Number on the envelope.
The participant should also mention “Examination Assignment” at the top of the envelope.
The result will be announced by 2 nd week of June, 2015.
For any query mail us on info@bii.in
Examination Assignment April, 2015 Max. Marks: 75 Instructions:
SECTION­A: Attempt any five questions
SECTION­B: Attempt any five questions. SECTION­A Short Answer Type Questions: (60­80 Words) 5 × 5 = 25 Marks 1. What exactly constitutes a ‘new drug’? 2. Write a note on Micro­organisms as sources for medicines. 3. Explain Computer­aided Drug Design. 4. What is High­Throughput screening (HTS)? 5. How the ‘brand name’ of a drug is important? 6. Human trials with new drugs are divided into four phases. Define all. 7. Give the story of discovery of Penicillin. .......
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SECTION ­ B Long answer type questions: (250­300 Words) 5 × 10 = 50 Marks 1. Give the details on Toxicity study of candidate drug molecule. 2. What are the instructions we should keep in mind while taking a drug compound in our life? 3. Define phase1 and phase II trial of human trials with new drugs and explain it. 4. Give the details of regulatory process of a new drug in India. 5. What is structure based drug design? 6. Briefly discuss the 4 phases of drug development study. 7. Plants have always been a source of medicine? Describe briefly.
BIOINFORMATICS INSTITUTE OF INDIA Module 2: Cheminformatics Examination Assignment April, 2015 Max. Marks: 75 Instructions:
SECTION­A: Attempt any five questions
SECTION­B: Attempt any five questions. SECTION­A Short Answer Type Questions: (60­80 Words) 5 × 5 = 25 Marks 1. Define Cheminformatics. Discuss it’s scope. 2. Discuss various Accelry’s Database products. 3. Define pharmacophore. 4. Discuss current interest in 3D similarity measures. 5. What is quantitative structure activity relationship? 6. Give the name of companies those who engaged in making of Cheminformatics. 7. Discuss CHARTS language. .......
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SECTION ­B Long answer type question: (250­300 Words) 5 × 10 = 50 Marks 1. What approach is used to reduce the Library Design problem? 2. Discuss the opportunities of new strategies in Drug Discovery. 3. Discuss chemical strategies for introducing carbohydrate molecular diversity into the drug discovery process. 4. Explain APEX­3D system for Drug Design. 5. Explain the following terms in detail: a) CHARTS: Searching b) Peptides: An example of Database Explain Solid support combinatorial chemistry in lead discovery and SAR optimization Give the detailed role of Cheminformatics in Drug designing
6. 7. BIOINFORMATICS INSTITUTE OF INDIA Module 3: Cheminformatics Database Design & their Management Examination Assignment April, 2015 Max. Marks: 75 Instructions:
SECTION­A: Attempt any five questions
SECTION­B: Attempt any five questions. SECTION­A Short Answer Type questions: (60­80 Words) 5 × 5 = 25 Marks 1. Give the reason why DBMS is used to store Data? 2. What are the key features of a database system? 3. Define keys. What are the various types of keys? Define them. 4. Enlist various comparison operators used in SQL. 5. Give an example to show how to join tables 6. What are the various chemical databases? 7. What are the criteria of BioCatalysis database for selection of reactions? .......
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SECTION ­ B Long Answer type Questions: (250­300 Words) 5 × 10 = 50 Marks 1. Describe the various ways to modify hitset using ADE. 2. Define combinatorial chemistry, Solid­Phase Synthesis technique, Solid­Phase Synthesis Database. Give it’s selection criteria of reactions. 3. Explain the forms to depict the failed reactions. 4. Discuss Accelrys’ MOS database? 5. What are the seven CODD’s rules. 6. Explain Form wizard in Database concepts. 7. Define MOS Database. Describe the use of the MOS database in ISIS.
BIOINFORMATICS INSTITUTE OF INDIA Module 4: Drug Design and Discovery Examination Assignment April, 2015 Max. Marks: 75 Instructions:
SECTION­A: Attempt any five questions
SECTION­B: Attempt any five questions. SECTION­A Short Answer Type Questions: (60­80 Words) 5 × 5 = 25 Marks What are the two goals of drug development? Give 2 examples. 2. Give a flow chart to design a drug. 3. ... .
Give the reasons for modifying the lead compounds. 4. What are the factors affecting drug development? 5. What are the major steps in the drug discovery process? 6. What is Drug abuse? 7. What are the difficulties in implementing de novo drug design. ....
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1. SECTION ­ B Long answer type questions: (250­300 Words) 5 × 10 = 50 Marks 1. Explain Drug administration. 2. Compare Traditional and Modern drug discovery. 3. Explain RACHEL software package. 4. What is Pfeiffer’s Rule? Explain in detail. 5. State the methods used to determine the shape of the molecules. Provide diagrammatic representation 6. What are the methods for designing enzyme inhibitor? 7. Explain the concept of the QSAR in the drug designing.
BIOINFORMATICS INSTITUTE OF INDIA Module 5: Indian Patent Laws & Pharmaceutical Industry Examination Assignment April, 2015 Max. Marks: 75 Instructions:
SECTION­A: Attempt any five questions
SECTION­B: Attempt any five questions. SECTION­A Short answer type questions: (60­80 Words) 5 × 5 = 25 Marks 1. Explain Revocation of Turmeric Patent. 2. Describe in brief the different types of Patents which can be secured in India under Indian Patent Act. 4. Write a case study on Patent Infringement. 5. What are the articles 44,45,46,47 & 48 for relief under TRIPS agreement? 6. Who can apply for a Patent? 7. Write case study on basis of Patentability. .......
Describe the sections in the Patent Act,1970 on Exclusive Marketing Rights. ....... 3. SECTION ­ B Long answer type questions: (250­300 Words) 5 × 10 = 50 Marks 1. Discuss section 3 deals. 2. Discuss Exclusive Marketing Rights. 3. What is Compulsory License? Explain Section 84 of the Indian Patent Acts. 4. Explain all the steps in Patent procedure. 5. State significance of patent trial. Describe various types of appeals and trial examination 6. Describe the section 11A for patent application procedure in India? 7. Explain the importance of patenting law for pharmaceutical industry in India?
BIOINFORMATICS INSTITUTE OF INDIA Module 6: Patenting / Biomedical Intellectual Property Management Examination Assignment April, 2015 Max. Marks: 75 Instructions:
SECTION­A: Attempt any five questions
SECTION­B: Attempt any five questions. SECTION­A Short answer type questions: (60­80 Words) 5 × 5 = 25 Marks 1. Define Trademark and Servicemark. 2. What are the Legislations covering IPR in India? 3. Define Patent. Write types of patent. 4. What are the conditions for an invention to be eligible for grant of patent? 5. Discuss Indian Patent Database (INPAT). 6. What are the four broad theories about the principle purposes of patents? 7. What are the implications of TRIPS for the pharmaceutical sector? .......
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SECTION ­ B Long answer type questions: (250­300 Words) 5 × 10 = 50 Marks 1. Explain PCR and Taq Polymerase, a patented research tool. 2. What are the restricted accesses to patented procedures? 3. How Intellectual property protection strategy is crucial in bioinformatics? 4. What are the four broad theories about the principle purposes of patents? 5. What are the reasons for patenting research tool? 6. What are the conditions to be satisfied by an invention to be patentable? 7. What are the sources of patent information in India?