

Bioactive peptides of arctic
marine invertebrates
Runar G. Solstad1, Hans-Matti Blencke1, Andreev Yaroslav2, Magne Sydnes3, Morten
K. Moe4, Steinar Johansen5, Hege E. Devold1, Morten B. Strøm6, Matti Karp7, Eugene
V. Grishin2, Tor Haug1 and Klara Stensvåg1
1 Norwegian College of Fishery Science (NCFS), UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
2 Shemyakin - Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Russian Academy of Sciences (IBCh RAS), Russia
3 International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS), Norway
4 Akershus University Hospital (Ahus), Norway
5 Department of Medical Biology, (IMB), UiT
6 Department of Pharmacy, (DP), UiT
7 Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering (DCB), Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Finland
/ Introduction
/ Project aim and strategies
The emergence and spread of antimicrobial
resistance in common human pathogenic
bacteria, as well as the increased awareness
of biofilm production in the pathogenesis of
human bacterial infections has fuelled the
need for new antimicrobial compounds and
new antibacterial strategies1. There is also a
critical need for novel therapeutics for pain
Natural products play an invaluable role in
the drug discovery process and the majority
of drugs currently in commercial use in addition to those being developed, are of natural
The wide repertoire of biological functions
covered by natural peptides makes them an
interesting target for bioprospecting and
drug discovery 2, 3.
Cnidarian Actinia equina
© Erling Svensen
Illustration of sample collection
© Magnus Aune Wiedmann
Echinoderm Echinus acutus
© Erling Svensen
Mollusc Aequipecten opercularis
© Erling Svensen
Partner Expertise and contribution Institution Prof. Klara Stensvåg (Coordin.) Antimicrobial peptides
Assoc. prof. Tor Haug
Isolation, structure elucidation
Dr. Magne Sydnes Structure elucidation (MS) IRIS
Dr. Morten Kaare Moe Structure elucidation (MS) Ahus
Prof. Morten Strøm Synthesis, SAR studiesDP, UiT
Prof. Steinar Johansen Deep sequencing, Bioinformatics IMB, UiT
Prof. Matti Karp Bioassays DCB, TUT
Prof. Jörg Stülke Mechanims of action (AMP) Uni. Göttingen
Dr. Petra Neumann-Staubitz Mechanims of action (AMP) Uni. Göttingen
Prof. Eugene V. Grishin Neurotoxins, peptide toxins and neuroreceptors IBCh RAS
Dr. Yaroslav Andreev Neurotoxins, peptide toxins and neuroreceptors IBCh RAS
Pl. leader Jeanette H. Andersen
Bioassays, screeningMarbio, NCFS, UiT
Kjersti Lie Gabrielsen Sample collectionMarBank, IMR
Dr. Johan Svenson Structure elucidation (NMR/MS)Smallstruct, DC, UiT
Dr. Johan Isakson Structure elucidation (NMR/MS)Smallstruct, DC, UiT
IMR: Institute of marine research.
Uni. Göttingen: Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen Germany
Investigate Cnidaria, Echinodermata and Mollusca for
novel bioactive peptides
Isolate and characterize
Perform mechanism of
action studies
Explore commercial
potential of novel peptides
Sea urchin sp. 1 Antimicrobial
Sea urchin sp. 2 Antimicrobial
Mussel Antimicrobial4
Snail sp. 1
Snail sp. 2
Crab sp. 1 Antimicrobial6
Crab sp. 2 Antimicrobial5
Sea anemone sp. 1 Antimicrobial, neurotoxic 3
Sea anemone sp. 2 Antimicrobial, neurotoxic
Sea anemone sp. 3
Sea anemone sp. 4 Antimicrobial
Soft coral Antimicrobial
1.Andersson, D.I. & Hughes, D. Antibiotic resistance and its cost: is it possible to reverse resistance? Nature Reviews Microbiology 8, 260-271 (2010).
2.Li, C., Haug, T., Styrvold, O.B., Jørgensen, T.Ø. & Stensvåg, K. Strongylocins, novel antimicrobial peptides from the green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Developmental &
Comparative Immunology 32, 1430-1440 (2008).
3.Osmakov, D.I. et al. Sea anemone peptide with uncommon β-hairpin structure inhibits acid-sensing ion channel 3 (ASIC3) and reveals analgesic activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry
288, 23116-23127 (2013).
Layout: Frøydis Strand, UiT

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