Order 2015 Graduation DVD here
Order 2015 Graduation DVD here
ORDER YOUR 2015 GRADUATION DVD A Recording of your Student’s Graduation, as well as the entire class graduation is available on DVD; preserving the Graduation Memory Forever. Do Not Delay. There is only a limited number of DVD’s available on a first-come, firstserve basis while supplies last. To order the DVD, please complete the Included Form OR Email to Request a Form at graduation@icblive.com GRADUATION DVD Order Form Control number __________ inCommand Broadcasting, LLC Millennium Tower 15455 Dallas Parkway, 6th Floor Dallas, TX 75001 Tel 972-851-7888, fax 775-201-3179 Graduation@Icblive.com NAME: __________________________________________ SCHOOL NAME: ______________________________________DATE:______________________ ORDER CONTACT NAME: __________________________________________________________ Shipping Address:____________________________________________________City____________________State__________________Zip______________________ Phone #: ______________________________________________Cell #: _______________________________________________Fax #___________________: Email: ________________________________________________ QUANTITY OF DVD’s BEING ORDERED: ___________________x $30.00 = AMOUNT _______________________ Shipping and Handling: _____+ $4.95 / DVD = TOTAL AMOUNT $__________________ PAYMENT OPTIONS: Check one: o Visa/Mastercard/AMEX/Discover o Check/Money Order Makes Checks Payable to inCommand Broadcasting If paying by credit card please fill out the following (Credit card Billing address): Name: ________________________________________________________ Card Type: __________________ Card Number:___________ ____________ ___________ ____________ Exp. Date: __________________3/4-digit security code: ______ Credit card billing Address: Address:____________________________________________________City____________________State__________________Zip______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE DATE I authorize the above named business to charge the credit/debit card indicated in this authorization form according to the terms outlined above. This payment authorization is for the goods/services described above, for the amount indicated above only... I certify that I am an authorized user of this credit/debit card and that I will not dispute the payment with my credit card company... I agree not to reproduce the DVD, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or exploit for any purpose, and understand that such is strictly prohibited. All Sales are final and there are no refunds. DVD’s will be provided while supplies last. If your order cannot be filled, a full refund will be provided of your payment. Any dissatisfaction or otherwise related shall be submitted in writing to inCommand Broadcasting, LLC, Millennium Tower, 15455 Dallas Parkway, 6th Floor, Dallas, TX 75001 within 30 days of this order, otherwise any such concerns will not be considered. All Rights are reserved by inCommand Broadcasting, LLC inCommand High School Graduation DVD Receipt and Control Number__________