CALL OF DUTY – 4: MODERN WARFARE Tournament Format


CALL OF DUTY – 4: MODERN WARFARE Tournament Format
Tournament Format: ROUND ROBIN
Note: Round-Robin will be re-evaluated if a flood of teams sign up. Final decision will be made at event.
Game Host Information:
Host Instability If a player’s connection to the Host becomes instable during a Map, the Map must still be
played out until the end of the Map. At that point, a Team may request that a new Host be tested for
greater stability.
Crashes & Disconnects: If a Player crashes or disconnects during the load screen, prior to beginning play,
then the Map must be restarted. If a Player crashes or disconnects during Match play, then play will
continue on and it is up to the disconnect Player to reconnect as soon as possible (if he/she can).
Tournament Systems/Hardware: All Players must use the systems and consoles that are provided by the
Host Location. Players may bring and utilize their own peripherals (headsets, mouse etc.).
Game Play:
Match Play No practice games are permitted once a Match’s first game has begun ll Matches are team play, 5 Players vs. 5 Players.
All games will be played in HARDCORE Sabotage mode
Round-Robin/Quarter-Finals: Each team will play a match against every other team. Matches in
this round are played in a best of three (3) rounds format to determine a winner. Each match will
consist of a best of three (3) maps; see the map list below for potential maps for this portion of the
tournament. A coin toss will determine which team chooses their side for rounds 1 and 2. Te ams
will switch sides after every one (1) round. This pattern will continue until one team has won two
(2) of the three (3) rounds in the match. The team which wins two (2) maps will be the winner. Each
team's record at the end of the round-robin will determine their placement in the Singleelimination bracket, tie-breakers will be determined by individual match score. The best records
will receive the best ranking and therefore will be more likely to receive a bye, if any are needed.
For quarters matches will be decided by a random draw which will be done in presence of the team
Finals: Winner of this round will be determined by playing a "Grand Match", a best of five (5) maps.
The first match will be played on one team's map of choice, the second match will be played on the
other team's map of choice. The consecutive matches, will be played on a preselected map of the
Tournament Admin's choosing; Leaders have to choose from the map list given below only. The
winner will be crowned the winner of the tournament. Each of the five (5) matches in this round
will be in the typical best of three (3) rounds format.
NOTE:Each team will be responsible for taking screenshots of the final scoreboard of each game.
ROUND LIMIT : 10 Minutes
BOMB TIME : 45 Seconds
Dedicated:- NO
Voice Chat:- YES
Auto-balance:- NO
Allow Voting:- NO
Punkbuster:- NO
Round Switch:- EVERY ROUND
Old School Mode:- DISABLED
Hard-core:- ENABLED
Spectate:- TEAM ONLY
Friendly Fire:- ENABLED
Air Support:- ON
Helicopter Support:- ON
Respawn time:- 7.5 Seconds
Map List:- Backlot, District, Ambush (Convoy).
Map List for finals: - Crash, Overgrown, Strike, Crossfire, Backlot (Arranged in decreasing priority.
For e.g.: If team 1 chooses Crash as first map and team 2 chooses Strike as second map then third
map would be Overgrown, then Crossfire and then Backlot.).
PERKS :Last Stand, Martyrdom, Juggernaut, RPG, Grenade Launcher - NOT ALLOWED
Rest all perks allowed
All weapons free.
3 rounds will be played in each map ,if all the three result in a draw, the total number of kills will
determine the winner of that map.
Team Make Up
Each team must have a team captain.
Only the team captain can register a team, modify a team, or remove a team from the on-line
tourney sign-ups.
Team captains must ensure that all players on their team have read and follow these rules.
Each team consists of five (5) players. Teams may play with as few as four (4) players.
Each team may have two (2) alternates. Alternates may only enter the tournament between
matches, not between games of a single match.
The entire team roster must be picked in advance on-line before tourney sign-ups are closed.
Players can sign up and play for only one team.
Alternates can sign up and play for only one team.
Teams must have a unique name.
Minimum Players: No Team will be allowed to start a Match with less than four Players, which is the
required minimum number of Players.
Roster Changes: Roster changes, including additions or removals of Players are allowed up until the start of
a Team’s first played Match Alternates already registered can be used though. To have a roster change
done, contact an Official.
Match Reporting: At the completion of the Match the Team Captain, or another Player, from each team
must report the Match final score to an Official. Subsequent Matches cannot be scheduled without a
Match score submitted.
Chat: In game chat is permitted as long as it is done in a sportsmanlike manner. All chat should
nonetheless be kept to a minimum. Chat violations fall under unsportsmanlike conduct and may be
disputed, resulting in an Official enforcing a Penalty. NO OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE SHOULD BE USED IN
Illegal Actions: Players are not permitted to do any of the following actions:
Using the Grenade Launcher weapon, RPG (even for helicopter support), Juggernaut, Last Stand and
Using Jump off other Players.
Creating an illusionary prone position
Any attempt to gain an unfair advantage is cheating. This includes modifying the game files, running
memory resident cheats, or anything else beyond the normal scope of the game “Exploiting” refers to
utilizing a bug in the game itself to gain an advantage. This may take the form of setting a variable to a
value that gives an unexpected result, using a “hole” in the map to gain access to an area that was not
expected etc. Anything beyond what the programmers intended is considered a bug, and using a bug
to gain an advantage is considered an exploit.
Because of the difficulty of defining what is a bug, is it being exploited, that something is just “a little
odd', or is it something that has been accepted by the community as part of the game (such as bunnyhopping in the Quake series of games). Any team that intends to use anything that MA Y be considered
an exploit must verify that it is acceptable with a Tournament Administrator BEFORE the match
commences Basically, if your team uses a tactic that might be considered “shady”, “grey” or
“questionable” you're better off to not use it, but you are welcome to privately ask the Tournament
Administrator about it and its legality.
Penalties & Disqualification:If rules are broken, Tournament Referees may apply penalties according to
their judgment and discretion. Penalties that can be applied are the following:
1 (one) Round loss or more
Default loss
Banning a player/team from the venue.
Disqualification of a player/team from the entire tournament.
Fair Play:It is forbidden to insult, abuse or manhandle a Player or a Referee, or do damage to property
that belong to others.
The notion of fair play is up to the Referee's assessment.
Lack of fair play can lead to penalties. In order to secure a pleasant course of game, we encourage
all players to show sportsmanlike and fair conduct.
RISHABH SINGH - +919950676726
a.k.a. FLASH