Practice Final 1 Solutions
Practice Final 1 Solutions
EE 109L Review Name: ___Solutions_______________________________ Closed Book / Score: ________ 1. Short Answer (16 pts.) a. Storing temporary values in (memory / registers) is preferred due to the (increased / decreased) access time. b. Which of the following is NOT a special value that can be represented with the IEEE 754 representation? i. Infinity ii. Zero iii. Not-a-Number iv. None of the above c. An integer (word) variable must start on an address that is a multiple of (1 / 2 / 4 / 8). d. True / False: A circuit whose VOL value is 1 V can successfully communicate a logic '0' to a circuit whose VIL is 0.5 V? e. A family of circuits have IOH=-2 mA, IOL = 1mA, IIH = -0.2 mA and IIL = 0.25 mA. How many other inputs can a single output be successfully wired to ensure operation in any condition? When outputting logic '1' ten gates (2mA/0.2mA) can be connected but when outputting logic '0' only 4 gates (1mA/0.25mA) can be connected. Thus 4 is the limit. f. True / False: Assembler directives are executed by the MIPS processor just like instructions. g. The address bus of a new computer is 38-bits wide, approximately how many bytes of memory and I/O locations can the computer address? Show any work. 238 = 28*230 = 256 GB 2. Integer Operations (12 pts). Perform the following hexadecimal operations and state whether OVerflow occurred. For subtraction, find the complement and add. a.) C 5 A 0 - 6 8 B E C 5 A 0 9 7 4 1 + 1 5 C E 2 b.) signed ov: y /n unsigned ov: y /n F B 4 B + 9 F 3 5 9 A 8 0 signed ov: y /n unsigned ov: y /n 3. Floating Point Representation (10 pts.) Convert the decimal number -139 to “shortened IEEE FP format”. When you normalize show the G, R, and S bits. Then, use the “roundto-nearest” method, if needed. 139 = 10001011 <-- binary representation = -1.000101 G=1,R=0,S=0*27 <-- normalized form round up = -1.000110*27 Final Results ---> 1 10110 000110 4. Assembler Directives (18 pts.): For the given the following assembler directives which start placing data in memory at address 0x10001000, show the initialized contents of memory (IN HEX) that will result from the directives. Fill UNUSED memory locations with 0’s! Hint: For the “align” directive 0=byte, 1=half, 2=word,… .data CONST: .word VALS: 0x12345678 .half 5,-1 .space 2 L1: .byte 15,14,13 .align 2 DAT: .word (2 = word align) 0x21ABCD, 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x1000101c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x10001018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0x10001014 0 0 2 1 a b c d 0x10001010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d 0x1000100c 0 e 0 f 0 0 0 0 0x10001008 f f f f 0 0 0 5 0x10001004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0x10001000 MIPS Assembly (40 pts.) 5. Examine each of the following instructions. Assume that each instruction is independent and resets with the initial condition before the next instruction. For each instruction show the entire 32-bit contents of each destination register. Work for the different operations can be shown next to the instruction (this will allow me to assign partial credit). $t0= $t1= $t2= $t3= $t4= $t5= $t6= 0000743C 00007448 000000B1 00000006 fffffff8 00000000 000080AC Instruction Result $t5,10($t0) $t5 = 0xffff95de $t5,0xfffc($t1) $t5 = 0x95de50f0 lbu $t5,-2($t0) $t5 = 0x000000ab d) sub $t5,$t2,$t3 $t5 = 0x000000ab a) lh BCDE 9A78 EF05 95DE 2345 CDEF 89AB b) lw c) e) andi $t5,$t3,0x7fff $t5 = 0x00000006 f) sll $t5,$t2,3 $t5 = 0x00000588 g) sra $t5,$t4,1 $t5 = 0xfffffffc h) ori $t5,$t4,$t3 $t5 = 0xfffffffe i) slt $t5,$t2,$t4 $t5 = 0x00000000 j) lb $t5,0x13($t0) $t5 = 0xffffff9a F012 5630 C738 50F0 6789 0123 1234 M[0x7450] M[0x744c] M[0x7448] M[0x7444] M[0x7440] M[0x743c] M[0x7438] Work 6. (25 pts.) Subroutines and Assembly Examine the code sequence below. The starting address of certain instructions is shown in the left-most column. Assume that initially $sp = 0x7fffeffc. a. Show the stack contents and value of $sp just before execution of the first jr $ra instruction and then again just before the second jr $ra execution. b. Show the values of the indicated memory locations after the program terminates c. Show the value of the indicated registers after the program terminates Addr. 0x10010000 0x400000 0x400004 0x400008 0x400010 0x400014 0x40001c 0x400020 0x400024 0x40002c 0x400030 0x400034 0x400038 0x40003c 0x400040 0x400044 0x400048 0x40004c 0x400050 0x400054 0x400058 0x40005c 0x400060 0x400064 0x400068 0x40006c 0x400070 0x400074 0x400078 0x40007c 0x400080 .data .word 0x01234567 .word 0xfedcba98 .space 4 .text MAIN: la $s2, X la $s3, Y addi $sp,$sp,-8 sw $s3,4($sp) sw $s2,0($sp) jal F1 addi $sp,$sp,8 sw $v0,4($s3) li $v0,10 syscall F2: lw $t7,0($sp) addi $t7,$t7,1 sw $t7,0($sp) jr $ra F1: addi $sp,$sp,-8 sw $ra,4($sp) lw $t0,8($sp) lw $t1,12($sp) lw $t4,0($t0) lw $t5,0($t1) sub $t6,$t5,$t4 sw $t6,0($sp) jal F2 sw $t5,0($t0) sw $t4,0($t1) lw $v0,0($sp) addi $sp,$sp,4 lw $ra,0($sp) addi $sp,$sp,4 jr $ra X: Y: RES: a.) Stack before first b.) Stack before second jr $ra jr $ra 0x7fffeffc 0x10010004 0x7fffeff8 0x10010004 0x10010000 0x7fffeff4 0x10010000 0x00400020 0x7fffeff0 0xfdb97532 0x7fffefec 0x7fffefe8 0x7fffefe4 0x7fffefe0 0x7fffefdc 0x7fffefd8 0x7fffefd4 0x7fffefec $sp 0x7fffeff4 b.) Values in memory after program terminates 0xfdb97532 0x10010008 0x01234567 0x10010004 0xfedcba98 0x10010000 c.) Values in memory after program terminates 0x10010000 $t0 0x10010004 $t1 0x01234567 $t4 0xfedcba98 $t5 0xfdb97531 $t6 0xfdb97532 $t7