r/uilua/rotu A.6.A3 4^ S) Jltls:-qrfq. Itc<r Rraeufqsr r.l s{ ?.l', q.uaslo r ltc<), u rertg L arrl"t tt/osltor.u ?/-'t3e ?qril ?n$ dEr btte ile. [tc<r ltrrasulqsril c't-ttt$[at, q[e1u t#flS;l i sr ?'l/'ti't ltt')s, qrE4 . ? ?,ri {: . rr . truur,ri,t*!!,r, , .e 'Email : i nvbanaska ntha trdrdt {drffi iffirffi <tfrdrgt'-Qct{o{ TelePhone An Autonomous Organisation under the qr+* riqTrtr{ t{+.r€ riTldq, ftnn frt qrtrar t+IFT 4T gifi'€Frfr {iT6{, qsqt {rcF'rt REF. F. o. 027 48-27 8517 JAWAIIAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA DANTIWADA-385505 arat) BAITIASKANTHA(Guj Dist. terar-cqRrfrtdr qa N Ministry of H.R.D. & Literacy Education School Of Deptt. GOVT. OF INDIA June 4, 2OL5 NO. 2.42/JNVBK/2OI5-16/ To The District E8ucation Officer, Palanpur BANASKANTHA DISTRICT. \ Sub: Request\ give wide publicity in the District for admission to Reg. \ ^^. F Ref: NV-S, RO, Pune Class XI - letter no.6-63lNVS IPRI/2015 dated 27.5.2Ot5' Sir, With reference to the subject cited above and to inform that as per the passed instructions of the NVS, RO, Pune referred above, the StUdents who have out in the class x [2014-15] can apply for admission in class XI in this Vidyalaya or any JNV in Gujarat for admission in Science, Commerce & Humanities Stream' The application is to be submitted to this JNV on or before 13.06.2015, so as to submit the same to the NVS, RO, Pune by 15'06'2015 for admission process. A detailed prospectus cum application is enclosed enable this Vidyalaya herewith for your kind information and necessary action, please' Hence, you are kindly requested to give wide publicity in the media, etc' / a? Thanking you. Yours faithfullY lM. R. SURYAVAMSHII PRINCIPAL I/C The District Information Officer, Palanpur, Banaskantha Dist. PRINCIPAL I/C (Notification) NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI MINISTRY OF HRD, GOVT.OF INDIA REGION ADMISSION OF STUDENTS TO CI,ASS-XI AGAINST VACANT SEATS DURING'I'HD SESSTON 2015-16 As envisaged in National Policy of Education NEp), fuJly residential institutjons named Jawahar Navodaya Nadu. At present 598 such Vidyalayas have been sanct of in set up co_educational, tjTs excluding Tarnil ea The main objective of Vidyalayas is to provide good quality rnodern education including a strong col.llpollent ol'culture, inculcation of moral values. awareness of the environrnent. adventure activities and physical education to the talented children predominantly from tlre rural areas, irrespective to their family's socio-economic condition. It is proposed to fill up vacant seats available in class-Xl in JNVs.' Applications a likely to basis of perfbr seats inv JN dents ly Board. in studen academic Board Exam igibre lre the vacant acle on the Education Bligibilify Julv 2015 State Edr"rcation Board) of the distlict where the JNV is located during the acaciemic session 2014- t5. F lfhe melit list will be prepared as per marks obtained by the applicant in Class X Board, Exam and the adrnission will be given as per eligibility of candidate and the ,"", .""ifef? rn the .IN-Vs concemed. XI based on available vacancies frcm the district/rlearby districts JNVs. Aprplicants must indicate his/her prefcrence for admission in various .lNVs in the State in which he/she is residi'g in his/her application form. Selected candidates from the District to class will be adrlitted in concerned JNV to thc extent of available vacarrcies. For remaining canclidates allocation of JNV will be made based on the Jist ofavailable vacancies and preferencls given by the candidates. / IIow to ApplY cost The prospectus-cum-Application form containing detailed instruetions can be obtained free of Eduoation Block and from the offi,ce f principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya and office of District website Officers. of th District. Applicarion, forms can also be downloaded from NVS for used hnp://www.nttvodaya.nic.;n-Neaily typed and Xeroxed copy of the application can also be applying. Application forms cornPlete in all respect should be submitted to the office of PrinciPal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya of the concerned District either through Registered Post or in Person bY (to be decided by RO). *** ** s , .e NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI NOIDA I'ROSPECTUS-CUM-APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION OF' STUDENTS IN CLASS-XI AGAINST VACANT SEATS 1.0 Notification Applicatrons are invited fi'om eligible students for admission to Class XI against the vacant seats lil<ely to be available inJNVs during the academic year_2.015-1C Admission will be made on the basis of perfornrance of students in Class X Board Examinations certificate by CIBSE / State Eclucation Board. 2.0 Obiectives The nrain objectives of Navoda),a Vid,valai,a Samiti as set Association are: 2.1 forh in the N{euioi.anduln of To provide good quality modern e<Jucation including a strong component of culture, ittculcaticln of values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities and physical education to the talented ohildreu predominantly from the rural areas, without regard to ily's sr-rc io-econom ic cond ition. thei r firnr 2'2 'l'o ensure that all students of Navodaya Yidyalaya Samiti attain a reasonable levsl of competelloe in three languages as envisaged in Three Lalrguage lionnula; and 2-3 To serve, in each district, as focal point for improvemerrt in the quality of school education in general, through sharing ofexperiences and facilities. 3.0 Salicnt F"atur", 3l 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3'6 Cood quality modern education for lalented children predominantly from rural areas. Carrd idates - Rural. at least 75yo tJrban, utmost 25yo. Riiselvatiorr of seats fbr students fionr SC/SI'catcgories in proportion to their population' in the district subject to the natiorral triturnum Reservation of seats for girls - j3%. Co-educational and l'ully residential. up to Class-XII. Location - usually in rural areas. One the basis of offer of cost fi-ee land anrj rerrt temporary buildings by State/UT Governmenrs. 3.1 I-ree educatiorr including boarding and lodging as Bool<s, and Stationery etc. 3.8 Affiliated to GBSE. i.9 Admission is Class-VI only through objective type test designed and conducted by CBSE in the soncernetl district. well as expenses on l1niforrns, Text .) -l- 5.0 Scheme .o{ Studies streams available in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas will be allotted uriteria decided by the samiti for allocation of streansio eristing to students srudents.ioini'g crass-xr as per the : 6.0 It nray be ensured that weightage is given to the eligible Sports/Trlcc/scout/Guide students for admission to various streams in class-it in accordance wittrthe criteria decided by the samiti. 7.0 Reservation 7 '1 ff ,!f,|]t:t seats itt class-Xl for various categories wiil sc ST Ei.l 72 drina 3% seats wi' 25% RuralcanJiditE 7'/z%o ir% be stiputared as per the 15"/; be kept reserved for physicary handicdpped stutlents. 8.0 8l The Principal of the concerned JNV shall work ctass-Xl irnnrediatery on receipr orceiE.esurt out vacancies in various streams of in vidyaraya. "rd;ffiis 82 {i Jrit#i^;i"s available in each JNV will be notified in 83 rocar newspaper by the il v Neatly typed and r applying. 84 . -_ Application forms filled in all respect are to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya of the concerned in person latest by be l)i _ (to to the officts.of principal, through Registered post or by R.o). / JAWAHA R NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA DISTRICT RECISTRATION/APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION TO CLASS. XI Name of the Carrclidate I Affix passport (in block letters) Father's narne (in block letters) J. 4., size photograph of the candidate duly attested by head Mother's Narne (in block letters) Narne of the Cuardian of the school where candidate is studying in Class X (in case Father/Mothe, FnoGuardl^q) 5. Relationship with Ciuardian 6. Nationalitv of the Candidate n Present Postal Address: Tel STD Code Number Mobile No. E-rnail: 8 Tickk {ri} {U (a) (c) te Box: Sex Sex Girl Categ (b) Rural Urban SC l-t , tl (d) Disablcd: Physically Visually Handicapped Hearing Inrpaired Impailed (e) llarital Status I \Iarriecl .e Unrnarried \ 9. (a) Date of B,irth (in figures) Date (b) Date of Bifth (in words)... (c) ldentifi cation Mark: Montl, Year I *( Annual Income of Parents: l0 l. class X during candidate was studying in (a) Narne of tlte school rrrlrere (b) Whether recognized (Tick tz {{} W" Yes/No appropriate): Rural/Ulban Area " (a) Whether school is located in " (b) Board of Affiliation l-). ltas snrdied in Class Medium tluouglr u'hich candidate l4 Acadernic Qualifi cation: 5t. No. Exarnination Subjects Higlr School Illndl Max. Marks (Class X) English Maths Science q l{ Social Studies Stream to be offered: a) 'b) c) (Tick {'i} the appropriate Science with Maths Science without Maths BiotechrtologY Humanities ,d) e) Commerce fl Vocational - X: " box) Marks Wage Obtained Marks of Remarks 16. Preference for admission in JNVs in the State in which the applicant is residing 0l 05 06 07 08 JNV, District 02 JNV, District 03 JNV, District 04 JNV, District 17. JNV, District JNV, District .TNV, District JNV. District CERTIFICATE BY CANDIDATE/GUARDIAN Certified that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, In case any of the informatiori given above is foLrnd incorrect, I will abide by the decision of the Sanr iti. SignatLrre of Father'/Gr-rardian (With date) 18. Signatule of Candidate (With date) Certified by the Head of the School where canditlate has studied in Class-X rluring 20t4-lS : This is certified that Master/Ms........, S/o, D/o ShLi.. ............ was studyirrg in the Sclrool since which is located in . notifled ... . (RLrral/Ur.ban) ar.ea. and he/she lgp passed /appeared for his/trer Class \4' ' X examination frorn this sclrool. Asperschoolrecordhi.s/her.dateofbirthis........ .....(infigurres) ......(in words) He/she belongs to sc/sr/other oategory, and hisArer caste is...,... SC/ST) (Enclose Caste Certificate in case of ...... .e This is also cerlified that entries rnade by the applicant in the application fonn are corebt as per school record. Date .. Signature ofthe Head ofSchool (with official stamp) /