General Info - Blackfalds Minor Soccer Association


General Info - Blackfalds Minor Soccer Association
Blackfalds Minor Soccer Association General Information and Guidelines
1. ​
All fees must be paid in full before a player can participate​
. All players have a CASA number assigned to them
for as long as they play in Central Alberta (excluding Red Deer).
2. Practice Times:
House League
Tuesdays & Thursdays
5:30 - 6:15 p.m. at All Star Park
Mondays & Wednesdays
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at All Star Park
Tuesdays & Thursdays
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at All Star Park
U8 will have some technical training, some games versus teams from surrounding communities and a possible
tournament during the season
Travel (Competitive) League
Mondays & Wednesdays
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at All Star Park
U10 will have some technical training, a practice and a game per week plus tournaments throughout the season
Home games will be at All Star Park,
Tuesdays & Thursdays
6:30 - 8:00 p.m. at Centennial Park
U12 will have some technical training, a practice and a game per week for the first 2 weeks of the season the​
practice and two games per week for the last four weeks plus tournaments throughout the season
Home games will be at Centennial Park
3. If your team is playing an out of town team and you are unable to attend please contact your coach prior to 4:00pm
on game day.
4. Due to Alberta weather’s unpredictability,​
decision to cancel practice is not made until 4:30 pm.​
Please don’t call
your coaches or any of the executives before 4:30 pm as no decision will have been made yet. All house league players
must get off the fields if hail, heavy rain, or thunder and lightning is occurring. Competitive players will be playing in all
kinds of weather so please bring blankets, sunscreen, bug spray, etc.
5. No unregistered players will be allowed on the field during any BMSA games or practices. There are heavy fines by
A.S.A. if this rule is violated.
6. On the rare occasion that a player is injured (most injuries usually only need a Band-Aid ‘fix’), please make sure that
there is someone responsible in the spectator’s area. The coach or assistant can tend to minor injuries, and even
though many of our coaches have first aid, they will not transport any players to hospital facilities. Ambulances will be
called if the injury is severe.
7. Just a reminder that there are no bathroom facilities available at Centennial Park and only one at the All Star Park
field when it is open.
8. ​
There will be no refunds after the season starts – no exceptions!
9. Many parents have to be at the field to watch their children. Instead of sitting, volunteer to help the coaches if
you can, your children will thank you for it. Coaching is very enjoyable and rewarding, and is greatly appreciated! If you
cannot coach or assist, volunteer to watch a child for someone who can coach. Any and all help is needed and
appreciated for a successful season in soccer.
Player’s Guide
1. Shin-pads and proper shoes (sturdy runners or soccer cleats) must be worn at all games and practices to ensure the
safety of each player. It is mandatory that cleats are rubber and not steel. Steel capped cleated are not permitted.
2. No jewellery, hair clips, sunglasses or hats with ‘beaks’ are to be worn during practices or games for safety reasons.
For House League teams, shin pads must be covered by socks (adult tube socks work best) or sweat pants - warm
clothing can be worn under the t-shirt for added warmth, if necessary. If your child needs to wear a hat, make sure
that it is the floppy type. Competitive players must wear socks over shin pads.
3. Players are responsible for bringing their own drinking water (preferable with their names on the container) during
the practices and games.
4. Control your temper - ​
NO foul language of any sort can be used on or off the soccer field​
. Think before you talk!
Any player who use foul language will be benched.
5. Cooperate with your coach, teammates and opponents for without them, you don’t have a game.
6. Remember that the goal of every game is to have fun - improve your skills, show good sportsmanship and feel good
about yourself.
Blackfalds Minor Soccer Association Coach’s Guide
1. Be reasonable in your demands on the young player’s time, energy, and enthusiasm.
2. Ensure that the equipment and facilities meet safety standards.
3. Ensure that all game equipment (first aid kits, ball bags, etc.) is brought to each game.
4. Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed on coaching principles and the development of team.
5. Remember that the players need a coach that they can respect.
6. ​
Foul language will not be tolerated​
7. All competitive coaches must sign a Coaches Conduct Form, which will be sent to CASA Office.
8. Talk positive before, during, and after the soccer games. All children need encouragement and positive thinking.
Never ridicule or yell at players for making a mistake or losing a competition.​Turn defeat into victory by emphasizing
the value of honest effort, skill improvement and fair play.
9. Check out David McCarthy (CASA Technical Director) website for lesson planning and drills. Many drills can be
researched online. Remember to keep practices fun while improving on player’s skill levels.
Parent’s Guide
1. Remember that children play for their enjoyment, not yours.
2. Encourage your child to always play by the rules of the game and by fair play codes.
3. Do not publicly question the ref or coach’s judgment and never their honesty.
4. Grievances: Minor (calls or rules during game) can be brought to the coaches’ attention after the game, but not in
front of any of the players and/or refs. Major (disciplinary, coaching techniques, etc.) must be submitted in writing to
BMSA Executive Board.
5. Recognize the value and importance of volunteer coaches. Parents are at the games as spectators and can give
encouragement to the players, but do not to give specific directions to them.
6. Any players with medical conditions or concerns must be brought to the coach’s attention (including inhalers).
7. ​
Foul language of any sort will not be tolerated​
8. Talk positive before, during, and after the soccer games. All children need encouragement and positive thinking.
Never ridicule or yell at players for making a mistake or losing a competition.​Turn defeat into victory by emphasizing
the value of honest effort, skill improvement and fair play.
9. Actions speak louder than words. Please remember that we, as parents, do set an example.
10. Please sit at least 2 metres or yards away from the field that your child is playing on and preferable on the
opposite side of the field as the team is gathered.
11. Remember that the coaches are there for the team. They are not there to handle individual discipline problems encourage your child to listen to their coaches.
12. Smoking is not permitted on the soccer fields. ​
If you must smoke, please do so away from the field areas and
1. Picture Day TO BE ANNOUNCED
Other News:
2. Blackfalds Minor Soccer e-mail:
. Blackfalds Minor Soccer Website: