nhs england ccg assurance framework 2015-2016
nhs england ccg assurance framework 2015-2016
NHS ENGLAND CCG ASSURANCE FRAMEWORK 2015-2016 1. NHS England has published a new CCG Assurance Framework for 2015-2016. The Assurance Framework will be supported by an operational manual setting out further details to be published in late spring. These documents supersede the previous framework issued for 2014-2015. 2. The new CCG Assurance Framework 2015-2016 details a refreshed approach to assurance, taking into account: • The more challenging performance and financial position • The publication of the NHS Five Year Forward View setting out a new strategic direction • The National Information Board framework for action, Personalised Health and Care 2020, outlining the importance of technology and information in the delivery of safe, efficient and effective care. CCGs must achieve safe digital record keeping and the digital transfer of patient information across care settings • CCGs’ greater role in commissioning primary care 3. This new assurance framework will focus on a CCG’s track record, ongoing performance in delivering improvement for patients, commissioning capability, and fitness to take on additional responsibilities. 4. This new assurance framework consists of five components: • • • • • Well-led organisation Performance: delivery of commitments and improved outcomes Financial management Planning Delegated functions 5. Well-led organisation: the extent to which a CCG: • • • • • • Has strong and robust leadership Has robust governance arrangements Involves and engages patients and the public actively Works in partnership with others including other CCGs Secures the range of skills and capabilities it requires to deliver all of its commissioning functions, using support functions effectively, and getting best value for money Has effective systems in place to ensure compliance with its statutory functions, including responsibilities to reduce health inequalities, and to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty 6. Performance: delivery of commitments and improved outcomes: underpinned by a set of delivery metrics which will constitute the CCG scorecard, described in relation to five population groups: the generally-well; people with long-term conditions; people with mental health problems or learning disabilities; children and young people; and the frail elderly. The focus of assurance will be how well CCGs: • Deliver improved services • Maintain and improve quality, including safeguarding, digital record keeping, and transfers of care. In 2015-2016, there will be a detailed focus on safeguarding of vulnerable adults and NHS Continuing Healthcare • Ensure better outcomes for patients including delivery of Mandate requirements and NHS Constitution standards SUMMARY OF NHS ENGLAND’S CCG ASSURANCE FRAMEWORK 2015-2016 1|P a g e 7. Financial Management: monitoring of: • • • Financial management capability and performance Data quality Contractual enforcement 8. Planning: assurance of: • • Annual operational plans including systems resilience and Better Care Fund Longer-term strategic plans including progress with the implementation of the Five Year Forward View 9. Delegated functions: for co-commissioning functions and out-of-hours services, CCGs will prepare a quarterly self-certification of compliance against five key areas: • Governance and the management of potential conflicts of interest • Procurement • Expiry of contracts • Availability of services • Outcomes 10. The new assurance process will differentiate between high-performing CCGs; those whose performance gives cause for concern; and those in-between. It will provide a robust, supportive, and structured framework for those in challenged circumstances, and a lighter touch for best performers. At the end of the year, information will be consolidated into a statutory assurance report which CCGs will be required to publish. 11. The process will use information from a variety of sources including face-to-face visits. Key sources of information include: • National insights: o CCG scorecard – core performance standards; finance; digital maturity; quality and outcomes o Operational and strategic plans o 360 degree stakeholder survey • Local insights: o CCG governing body papers o CCG constitution o Internal audits o Financial plans o Intelligence from local partners o Annual reports 12. CCGs will be assessed in one of four categories: • • • • Outstanding – fully assured across all 5 components Good – Minor concerns, but CCG well-led with good capability Limited, requires improvement – serious performance or financial challenges Not assured – CCG is failing or at risk of failing HN/01.04.15 SUMMARY OF NHS ENGLAND’S CCG ASSURANCE FRAMEWORK 2015-2016 2|P a g e