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the PDF Flyer
FREE for Gr. 9-12 classes!! Sign up for a STEM CAREER TOUR at MTU SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATH Field Trips offered April 20-May 15 Select Topics / Labs to Visit Register Early! Green Building & Low Impact Design Energy & Environmental Sustainability Human Monitoring Devices / Driving Simulator Scanning Electric Microscope Vehicle Design Forestry & Biomaterials Wildlife Ecology & Research Stream & River Mechanics Lab Rhizotron & Underground Processes Remotely Operated Vehicles Bionic Arm / Mechanical Engineering Transporta on Engineering Exercise Science Geology & Mining Engineering Bus travel s pends and sub teacher reimbursements available to first 10 to register! Register online: 2015 STEM Tour Registra on OR h p:// For more informa on, contact: MTU Center for Science & Environmental Outreach or 906‐487‐3341 Made possible with funding from the Michigan STEM Partnership and coordinated by the MTU Center for Science & Environmental Outreach and Western U.P. Center for Science, Math and Environmental Education with assistance from the Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering.