Boulevard Presbyterian Church
Boulevard Presbyterian Church
Boulevard Presbyterian Church 1235 Northwest Boulevard Columbus, OH 43212 614-486-0268 Fax: 614-486-2342 Prayers for Healing and Strength Martha Agler, First Community Kate Whitmore, cancer (Marty Grimm’s daughter) Mary Harris, recuperating at home Jim Parks, recuperating at home Sandy Zigler, recuperating at home Sara Beaber, recuperating at home Debbie Ferguson, prayers for healing and comfort (Bruce Smith’s friend) Becky Metzler, recuperating after a fall Norman Knapp, prayers for healing Rob Williams’ Mother (lives in South Carolina) Rose Marie Tate, receiving chemotherapy and radiation treatment (Linda Wilton’s friend) Ray Sanzo, at home Julie DuSablon, receiving treatment for cancer Jerry Braun, Mike McKinney’s brother-in-law Mark Nicholson, prayers for healing Prayers for Our Special Care List Brita Knapp, for continued remission Barbara Frautschi, for continued remission Connie Freeman, at home Marty Grimm, prayers for remission Kay Jones, at home Grace Parks, for continued remission Please call the Church Office to include someone on this Prayer List. If you would like to receive a visit from the pastor, a calendar is kept in the church office. Please call 486-0267 to schedule your visit. If you have particular concerns that you wish to share, please speak to any of the elders serving on Session. They can be identified by their distinctive nametags which say “Elder” on them. Are You On Facebook? To learn all the latest news, go to Boulevard’s Facebook page and become a follower by clicking on notifications! CALENDAR Today Trinity Sunday 9:00 am Worship: Chapel 10:00 am Adult Classes 11:15 am Worship: Chapel 12:30 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry: 111 Monday, June 1 10:00 am Staff Meeting: 300 7:00 pm Boy Scouts: Fellowship Hall Thursday, June 4 11:30 am Presbyterian Women’s Gathering: Fellowship Hall 6:15 pm Music Team Sunday, June 7 One Worship Service At 10:00 am Worship: Outside 11:30 am Church Potluck Boulevard Presbyterian Church Worship On The Lord’s Day May 31, 2015 9:00 a.m. Trinity Sunday Today’s congregation continues strong traditions of: Living faith through worship, mission, education and fellowship with the vision of “Reaching Out to Make Disciples.” Following the path laid out by God through his son, Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit; Sharing the inclusive love of God to all of God’s children and God’s creation; Exposing the light of Christ to the world through music, words, prayer and actions. GATHERING STEWARDSHIP IS . . . Planting a tree in celebration of the life and love of a relative or friend! Come, Holy Spirit. Come, Holy Spirit. Come, Holy Spirit, Come, Holy Spirit. Hear us calling, hear us calling to you. WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Please sign the friendship pad, pass it to those near you. MINUTE FOR MISSION ~ Diamond Home for Youth Christian Sympathies To . . . The family and friends of Eleanor Buck who passed away on May 24, 2015. We Rejoice and Give Thanks Sunday, May 24, 2015 General Sunday Offering: $1,686.36 God’s People Gathered: 119 Pastor: Music Director: Organist: Office Manager: Sexton: Preschool Admin: Staff Preston Shealy Brandon Moss Mary Ann Stephens Linda Johnson Mark Key Mikie Bowles CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Blessed be God – our creator, redeemer and sustainer. People: May our ears be open to hearing God’s word. Leader: May our hearts be open to knowing God’s grace. People: May our lives be open to carrying out God’s will. Leader: May all that we do share the love and grace of God with all of God’s creation. All: Let us worship God! *Father, We Adore You Father, we adore you, lay our lives before you, how we love you. Jesus, we adore you, lay our lives before you, how we love you. Spirit, we adore you, lay out lives before you, How I love you. (Repeat All in a Round) *OFFERING OUR BROKENNESS TO GOD *RECEIVE GOD’S HEALING AND SHARE GOD’S PEACE Leader: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. People: And also with you. Please share the peace of Christ with those around you. Amen, We Praise Your Name, O God Amen, we praise Your name, O God! Amen, we praise Your name, O God! Amen, bawo, amen, bawo, Amen, we praise Your name, O God! GOD’S WORD FOR YOUNG DISCIPLES Children K-3rd grade are invited to attend Wee Worship, a children’s worship-education program. Children go to Room 107 after the Children’s Message, and should be picked up there directly after worship. Children 3, 4, and 5 years old (who are not yet in Kindergarten) are invited to Toddlerland in Room 202. All children 10 years and older should return to their seats in the Chapel. SCRIPTURE READINGS SERMON Romans 8:12-17 Isaiah 6:1-8 “Close to the Heart of God” Preston Shealy *Commune With Me Commune with me, commune with me, Between the wings of the cherubim, commune with me. (Repeat) We worship You, we worship You, Between the wings of the cherubim, we worship You. (Repeat) We’ll meet You there, we’ll meet You there, Between the wings of the cherubim, we’ll meet You there. (Repeat) PRAYING FOR ALL GOD’S PEOPLE Leader: Loving God, People: Hear our prayer. Following each petition, God’s people respond: BRINGING OUR GIFTS TO GOD *Offering Response God Is So Good We thank you, God. We thank you, God, we thank you, God; Our God is so Good! *Prayer of Dedication SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER Invitation Thanksgiving Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. Communion of the People Communion is by “intinction.” The server gives you bread to dip in the cup. Servers disinfect their hands. Please come forward by the inner aisles and return by the outer ones. Gluten free bread is available on the table, and the cup is non-alcoholic. If you cannot come forward, communion will be brought to you. Here Is Bread, Here Is Wine Here is bread, here is wine: Christ is with us: He is with us. Break the bread; taste the wine: Christ is with us here. In this bread there is healing; in this cup there’s life forever. In this moment, by the Spirit, Christ is with us here. (Repeat All) *Glorify Thy Name Father, we love you, we worship and adore you, glorify thy name in all the earth. Glorify thy name, glorify thy name, glorify thy name in all the earth. Jesus, we love you, we worship and adore you, glorify thy name in all the earth. Glorify thy name, glorify thy name, glorify thy name in all the earth. Spirit, we love you, we worship and adore you, glorify thy name in all the earth. Glorify thy name, glorify thy name, glorify thy name in all the earth. *CHARGE AND BLESSING Acolyte: Matthew Johnson Greeters: Ellen and Geno Buzzelli Wee Worship Teacher: Martha Hills Elder of the Month: Debbie Shealy Today’s flower arrangement is given to the glory of God by Presbyterian Women in memory of the deceased women of Boulevard who passed away between May 1, 2014 and May 31, 2015 The white rose celebrates the life of Eleanor Buck who passed away on May 24, 2015. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated the 1st Sunday of the month at the 11:15 worship service and weekly at the 9:00 worship service. Next Sunday, June 7th, communion will be celebrated at our outdoor worship service. Boulevard Presbyterian Women’s Gathering ~ Thursday, June 4th at 11:30 AM Boulevard PW will gather on Thursday, June 4th at 11:30 AM in fellowship hall. This program will include: Installation of the coordinating team; a memorial service for the women of Boulevard who have passed away in the last year; the dedication of the Least Coin Offering. For lunch, you will be able to select your own lunch from a Sandwich and Salad Bar set up by the coordinating team. Some food items will be pasta and potato salad, a green lettuce salad, turkey and ham slider sandwiches, fruit and brownies, and drinks. The cost is $5.00. All women and guests are welcome. Please tell Ginny Achtermann if you plan to attend (775-0658) by June 2nd. This will help insure we have enough food and tables set up. PW will not meet in the summer months, but will gather again in September. Sunday, June 7th ~ One Worship Service at 10:00 AM Next Sunday, June 7th we will begin the summer with one worship service at 10:00 AM. Weather permitting, this service will be held outside. We will be honoring our graduates and education leaders. Communion will be served. Immediately following worship, we will have a potluck lunch and ask that you please bring a main dish, appetizer, side dish or dessert to share. We look forward to seeing you at this combined worship service. Please bring a friend (or friends) to share in Boulevard’s hospitality! Scioto Valley Presbytery Mission Trip ~ October 18-24, 2015 2015 Presbytery-wide Mission Work Trip Long-term Disaster Recovery Work in New Jersey Application forms to participate in Scioto Valley's October 18-24, 2015 mission work team are now available on the presbytery website: This work project, in partnership with the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) recovery work, is supported by the PSV Commission for Nurture and Outreach. For questions or further information, email Jeannie Harsh: Reprinted under #A-702458: “Amen, We Praise Your Name, O God” Words and Music Trad. Xhosa (S. Africa; attr. To S.C. Molefe as taught by George Mzadana © 1996 General Board of Global Ministries, GBG Musik Reprinted under CCLI License No. 34075: “Come, Holy Spirit” Mark Foreman © 1982 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing (Admin. by Music Services); “Father We Adore You” Coelho, Terrye © 1972 Maranatha! Music (Admin. by The Copyright Company); “Commune With Me” Kirk Dearman © 1981 Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Publishing (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.) Word Music, LLC (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.); “Here Is Bread, Here Is Wine” Graham Kendrick © 1991 Make Way Music (Admin. by Music Services); “Glorify Thy Name” Donna Adkins © 1976, 1981 Maranatha! Music/CCCM Music (Admin. by Music Services)/(Maranatha! Music [Admin. by Music Services]) No Children’s Sunday School Classes Today Our Children’s Sunday School Program Will Resume in September ANIMATE: FAITH ~ Adult Class through Today Continue the Animate journey with ANIMATE: FAITH led by Jim Savage in Room 111. Each session starts with a short video followed by discussion. PRESBYTERIAN 101 ~ Adult Class through Today What does it mean to say you are Presbyterian? This class taught by Pastor Shealy will give old and new members alike a chance to delve into this question and find some answers. These classes, during the Sunday Education hour in May will cover issues of Church (Boulevard) history, theology and polity. Summer Worship Schedule ~ Sunday, June 14th through Sunday, August 23rd 9:00 am ~ Worship in the Chapel 9:50 am ~ Coffee Connector in Fellowship Hall 10:30 am ~ Worship in the Chapel Coffee Connector ~ Sunday, June 14th through Sunday, August 23rd at 9:50 AM A time of fellowship, refreshment, and food between our two summer worship services. Plan to stay following the 9:00 service or come early before the 10:30 service. Telephone Issues During Construction ~ Please Use 614-486-0268 or 614-486-7979 We are having issues with the alarm system picking up incoming calls on the main line at Boulevard. To make sure your call goes through, please use 486-0268 or 486-7979! Prayer Shawls The shawls and lap robes in the service today were created by members of Boulevard’s Prayer Shawl Ministry group. Feel free to handle them. They’re meant to be touched! Please help us with this ministry by praying for the recipients of our shawls, asking that they will feel comforted and surrounded by God’s love. At any time if there is someone you would like to receive a shawl, contact Pastor Preston Shealy, Phyllis Miller (273-0907) or Linda Wilton (486-4233). Recipients do not need to be members of our congregation. Prayer Shawl Ministry ~ Today at 12:30 PM in Room 111 Boulevard’s Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet today at 12:30 PM in Room 111. Knitters and crocheters of all skill levels are welcome - even those wanting to learn! As part of the group or on our own, we will create shawls to be given to Boulevard members and others in need of an expression of God’s love to comfort or celebrate life’s changes. Bring your current shawl project, or we have yarn and needles to get you started. Together, we’ll grow in faith and skill practice.