File - Lady Pirate Soccer


File - Lady Pirate Soccer
Bay Port Soccer Girls’ Soccer Program 2015 Season “It’s not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that ​
.” -Paul
The beauty of a team sport lies in the opportunity to achieve success on a collaborative, communicative, and
competitive playing field. The foundation of a team’s accomplishments begins with the development of a
philosophy and communal goal. Bay Port’s girls’ soccer program will be directed based upon the following
guiding principles:
1. Development of lifelong skills (i.e.): effective communication, commitment, decision making,
development of teamwork skills, responding to challenges, resilience, respect for self and others, and
2. Gaining an appreciation for, and enjoyment of the game (Fun).
3. Understanding Success: As a team we are successful when we put forth our absolute best effort. Anything
less than our best effort in practice or a game is a disappointment; if we, as a team, can reflect after each
game and practice and say, “I did my best,” then everything else, including the score, is irrelevant. ​
and attitude are the constants that EVERY athlete can control.
4. Development of athleticism and soccer skill.
5. Win: Sports, in general, are competitive in nature (particularly at the varsity level) and thus, winning will
be an objective.
Additionally, in order for the program to thrive, we must work collectively to build a team concept. Individual
accomplishments, achievements, and aspirations must not overshadow the team mentality. Arguably, good
teams will almost always beat groups of talented individuals.
Coaching Staff:
Brooke Mraz
Varsity Head Coach
Amanda Jacobs
Assistant Varsity Coach
JV Coach
Justin Engum
We are truly happy to have athletes and their families involved in this program. Support and
commitment from all parties is integral to the team and program’s success. The following concepts are
reflective of expectations and important policies that pertain to players and parents:
Please read the following information closely and carefully before signing. The assumption is that
players and parents understand our expectations when signing this form.
Time Commitment
When players sign on to play a team sport, the time commitment must be considered. It is expected that players
attend all practices and games, and should be prompt. Practices generally last for two hours.
We do recognize that family is, and should be, the number one priority for players. Though family commitments
are important and inevitable, it is our hope that when planning family events and excursions you will consider
the impact that the player’s absence will have on the team. We realize that emergencies do come up, and no
player will be faulted for absences related to such a situation.
We also recognize that our athletes of “today” are often involved in various sports and extracurriculars;
however, it is expected that for the short, two and half month high school season, that soccer take precedence
over sports or activities that are in their ​
off-season. ​
It is also expected that the athletes schedule their work
hours around practices and games.
Academic Performance
Academic success is a priority. We want our players to perform at a high level in the classroom. Players who are
deficient in more than one class may be suspended from playing in games. It is expected that players
communicate effectively with the coaches to let them know of any anticipated absence related to academics.
Off-Field Behavior
We expect that our players will be leaders on and off the field; players will never use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
Players who are unwilling to sacrifice these things are showing disrespect and a lack of commitment to their
teammates. It is the policy of Bay Port High School to comply with all Howard-Suamico School District policies,
and federal and state statutes involving acts of hazing, harassment and discrimination. A student will be
suspended from interscholastic competition for any acts of hazing, harassment and discrimination.The school’s
code of conduct policy will be strongly enforced.
Playing Time Policy
Every player in our program has a role. At the JV level, the emphasis will be primarily on player development
and improvement.
At the Varsity level, it is understood that there is an increased emphasis on the level of competition. While we
recognize that winning is not the most important aspect of prep sports, it does enhance the experience. Thus,
playing time at the Varsity level is earned and is ​
not ​
guaranteed to be equal. Our coaching staff is charged with
making decisions that are in the best interest of the team. Each player has a right to an explanation if she is not
satisfied with her role on the team. We encourage players to discuss concerns and questions with the coaching
staff. All conversations relating to a player’s role or playing time ​
must be initiated by the player​
, not the
parent. Despite the fact that unequal playing time is often a reality in competitive sports, we do understand that
limited or minimal playing time can result in frustration and disappoint; nonetheless, learning how to handle,
respond to, and cope with limited “game time minutes” presents a valuable opportunity to grow and improve as
both an athlete and a person.
Further, we ask for parental support and positive reinforcement in respect to this issue. As parents, we need to
have high expectations for our kids and empower them to achieve their goals. However, we also need to set
them up for success, which means keeping our expectations in check and helping them to cultivate a love of the
game. Please encourage your athlete(s) to embrace the team concept, as well as, set realistic and achievable
Our staff will continuously work to support the needs of individuals; however, an individual player’s needs
cannot be accommodated at the team’s expense. ​
When all team members willingly accept and embrace
their role, the team model comes to fruition; ultimately ​
is our goal.
Positive Attitude and Work Ethic
High intensity, hard work, and a positive attitude will be emphasized as core values of the program. Hard work
is a trademark that will help players far beyond their years on the soccer field. It is the people who are willing to
put in the extra time and effort who most often have an edge in the game (of both life and sport). Also, a positive
attitude is critical in a team’s success. Positive attitudes are contagious and can breed success; unfortunately,
negative attitudes are contagious as well, and can spread like a virus and infect an entire team. Players are
expected not to criticize each other publicly or privately. Players and coaches will maintain positive attitudes,
even in the face of adversity​
The pursuit of good sportsmanship is a priority of Bay Port High School. The essential elements of character and
ethics in sports or contests are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and its principles: integrity, fairness,
respect, modesty and good citizenship. With them, the spirit of competition thrives, fueled by healthy rivalry,
courteous relations and graceful acceptance of the results. Coaches, advisors, administrators, athletes,
cheerleaders, competitors, parents and fans are expected to display good sportsmanship at all regular season
and tournament contests. ANY person may be suspended from participation or attendance in any competitions
for acts of poor sportsmanship.
In closing, we look forward to embarking upon this journey together. Here’s to an exciting road ahead.
Yours in Soccer,
Brooke Mraz, Amanda Jacobs, & Justin Engum
Girls’ Soccer Coaching Staff
Bay Port High School
Contact Information: Please fill out the information below and return to the coach:
Parent (s) Name (s):
Parent Home Phone:
Parent Cellular Phone:
Athlete Cellular Phone:
Email (for receiving
Emergency Contact
(relationship to athlete):
Emergency Contact Phone:
I have read, and agree to, the expectations and policies outlined above for the 2014 Bay Port girls’ soccer
Parent Signature
Player Signature