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Untitled - breathtecbiomedical.com
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IF A FINGERPRINT CAN TELL SOMEONE WHO YOU ARE, A "BREATH PRINT" COULD REVEAL HOW YOU'RE DOING. § Anything in your body that is eventually in the blood can be measured in your breath. § BreathTec offers a non-invasive, alternative medical testing solution for various health-related concerns including cancers, liver disease, kidney failure, diabetes, asthma and tuberculosis. § These diseases and more all have a distinctive signature in the breath which can be distinguished using BreathTec Bio Medical BREATH ANALYSIS ADVANTAGE § Non-invasive & Non-intrusive. Unlike a blood or urine tests, a breath test can be conducted almost anywhere, anytime. § Can be done repeatedly without adverse effects, unlike X-rays, which can lead to damage from radiation exposure. § Relatively inexpensive § Rapid results § Proven technology with increase in breath-based tests approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) EARLY SCREENING: • HIGHER SURVIVAL RATES • LOWER COST TO PATIENT AND INSURER EARLY DETECTION AND DISEASE SCREENING • Breath testing has grown in popularity in recent years. With evolving technologies in sampling, sensor design, standardization, and analytical methods; breath analysis has the potential to clinically benefit individuals on a global scale in the future. • Designed to screen for various illnesses before symptoms appear, such as a tumor that appears when patients have a CT scan, which means patients will have many more treatment options available. • Attractive benefits to both doctors and – non-invasive, painless, having no side effects and available at an extremely low cost. MEDICAL APPLICATIONS With most diseases, an early diagnosis means a better prognosis, but sometimes it's difficult, painful and expensive to test for illnesses. Now breath testing offers a new way to spot a variety of conditions and all it takes is a simple breath. Breath testing offers diagnosis and monitoring of § Diabetes § Lung and breast cancer § Kidney and liver disease § Heart failure § Stomach problems and so much more DISURPTIVE TECHNOLOGY "I think breath analysis is the new frontier and the future of medical testing…" Dr. Raed Dweik Professor of Medicine & Director of the Breath Analysis Program at the Cleveland Clinic. "This is really a whole new field that has huge potential to revolutionize the way we do medical testing and monitoring. It has profound potential for global health." "This is going to change medical diagnosis work," Professor Perena Gouma Director of Stony Brook University's Center for Nanomaterials and Sensor Development "And that means a lot of better health and welfare, for employers, for insurance, for physicians ... I think it's going to have a great impact, and very soon.” LUNG CANCER DETECTION § A 2011 study reported that dogs had been trained to reliably sniff out lung cancer in human breath. § Researchers have developed a breathalyzer that can detect lung cancer and assess whether it is early or advanced, according to findings presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology. "We have almost 100 million smokers in the United States…if we can do a one-off screening for lung cancer, that would be incredibly impactful." BREAST CANCER § Scientists have developed a breath test to check for breast cancer. § Research shows the kit is at least as accurate as breast X-rays routinely used in hospitals. § Breath test results are available immediately after test administration § It may reduce the need for uncomfortable mammograms and limit the radiation exposure during testing "A negative result on the breath test was especially useful, because it ruled out both breast cancer and an abnormal screening mammogram with almost 100% accuracy. Most normal healthy woman will have a negative breath test result, and they would probably not need a routine screening mammogram.” LIVER DISEASE § Breath testing for liver provides a safe, non-invasive method of assessing liver function by continuously measuring the by-product of 13C-methacetin metabolism in the breath of test subjects. § The test also provides relatively accurate measure of fibrosis and inflammation levels. § Breath testing for liver disease avoids traumatic liver biopsy and blood tests. “The new test could be used to assess prognosis from the earliest stages of liver disease to cirrhosis, to help doctors determine whether a cirrhotic patient has enough liver function to undergo a surgical procedure, to prioritize patients for liver transplantation, and perhaps to decide when patients need to start therapy for chronic viral hepatitis…” Dr. Lalazar DIABETES § Diabetes affects more than 171 million people worldwide. § Diabetes may be characterised by elevated breath acetone levels. § Even before blood tests are administered, people with diabetes may be recognized of symptoms through their breath acetone—a characteristic “fruity” odor that increases significantly during periods of glucose deficiency. Researchers are able to use this biomarker as a possible diagnostic tool. DIABETES § Current monitoring devices are mostly based on blood glucose analysis. The development of alternative devices that are noninvasive, inexpensive, and provide easy-to-use breath analysis could completely change the paradigm of self-monitoring diabetes. § The test works by detecting the harmful chemicals called ‘ketones’ which accumulate in the body when insulin levels are low. “Currently testing for diabetes requires a blood test which can be traumatic for children.” HEART DISEASE § An experimental breath test, designed to quickly identify patients suffering from heart failure has demonstrated promise in early trials § Study teams have so far been able to correctly diagnose heart failure among newly hospitalized patients with a 100 percent accuracy. § The breath test correctly identified all the patients with heart failure, clearly distinguishing them from those cardiac cases where heart failure was not an issue. BREATHTEC BIOMEDICAL INC § Florida Corporation that has Option to acquire University of Florida patent U.S. 8,237,118 entitled “Partial Ovoidal FAIMS Electrode”. § University of Florida(UFL) patent is developed by Dr. Rick Yost of the Yost Research Group at the UFL. § Research in the Yost group centers around three aspects of analytical mass spectrometry: instrumentation, fundamentals, and applications. Instrumentation development includes a wide range of projects in tandem mass spectrometry (MSn) and chromatography. § Yost Research is utilizing high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) for the analysis of various compounds and biomarkers. YOST RESEARCH GROUP-UFL § Led by Professor and Head of the Analytical Chemistry Division- Rick Yost § Dr. Yost is the leading North American expert on mass spectrometry and has served as the Treasurer and Secretary of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry § Dr. Yost has also served on the editorial boards of the Journal of American Society for Mass Spectrometry and the International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. § In 1993 Dr. Yost was the recipient of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry Award for Distinguished Contribution to Mass Spectrometry. YOST RESEARCH GROUP-UFL § Dr. Yost is recognized internationally as a leader in the field of analytical chemistry, particularly mass spectrometry. § Recipient of the 1993 ASMS Award for Distinguished Contribution to Mass Spectrometry for the invention and patent (along with Chris Enke) of the triple quadruple mass spectrometer. § Over $20 Billion dollars of Dr. Yost’s tandem quadruple mass spectrometers have been sold worldwide YOST RESEARCH GROUP-UFL § Dr. Yost has supervised the research of over 90 graduate students over the past 31 years, with funding totaling over $10M from a wide range of sources (including NIH, NSF, NASA, DoD, DHS and USDA). § The Yost Research Group at the University of Florida will work in collaboration with Breathtec Biomedical Inc. to design new portable hand held mass spectrometers for use in medical settings to detect various illnesses. The group has led to over 150 publications and 15 patents § The Yost Research Group at the University of Florida is currently designing new portable instruments for explosives detection and a novel laser microprobe for mapping drugs and biomolecules in tissue specimens. Applications of their research range from biomedical to environmental to forensic studies. BREATHTEC AGREEMENT WITH UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA ON FAIMS TECHNOLOGY US PATENT 8,237,118 § University of Florida Patent led by the Yost Research Group and issued by US Patent Office in 2008. § FAIMS is a mass spectrometry technique that exploits differences in ion mobility at very high electric fields, to separate ions in the millisecond timescale after liquid chromatography separation and prior to introduction into the vacuum of a mass spectrometer. § FAIMS technology allows for miniaturization of mass spectrometers and will enable hand held breath testing devices to be developed BREATHTEC BIOMEDICAL § BreathTec is funding the Yost Research Group to develop the University of Florida patent US PATENT 8,237,118 to develop hand held breath testing FAIMS mass spectrometers for use in detecting various illnesses thru breath § Initial focus of BreathTec will be to develop a breath tests for detection of breast cancer, lung cancer, diabetes and liver diseases. BREATHTECH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY § Current offering is 5 million shares at $0.20 per share. § Goal would be to get matching government grants and develop hand held devices to breath testing detection of cancers and certain other diseases. § Once devices are developed BreathTec would seek a Stock Market listing in North America via an IPO or Reverse Take Over. MANAGEMENT Kal Malhi, President, Director Mr. Malhi is a Vancouver based entrepreneur and the founder and President of Cannabix Technologies Inc. At Cannabix Technologies Mr. Malhi has been instrumental in growing the company from a startup to publicly traded company with a current value in excess of $30 million dollars. Mr. Malhi is a retired member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and is also President of BullRun Group, a private investment company specializing in early stage business development. MANAGEMENT Dr. Raj Attariwala, MD, PhD., Lead Engineer Dr. Attariwala is a Vancouver based dual board certified Radiologist and Nuclear Medicine physician certified in both Canada and the United States. He received his formal medical training at University of British Columbia with periods of specialized medical training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre (New York), UCLA and USC. He holds a doctorate in Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University (Evanston, IL). Dr. Attariwala is a practicing physician in British Columbia and is the owner of AIM medical imaging in Vancouver. He has pioneered advances in the field of whole body medical imaging thru his work and authored numerous publications and presented at international medical conferences on whole body imaging and cancer detection. Dr. Attariwala is currently leading Breath Testing for drug impairment at Cannabix Technologies Inc. and has developed a breath testing system to test drivers and employees for drug impairment. MANAGEMENT Dr. Rick Yost Dr. Yost received his B.S. degree in Chemistry from the University of Arizona in December 1974. In 1975 Dr. Yost moved to pursue graduate studies in analytical chemistry under an NSF graduate fellowship at Michigan State University, focusing on electronics and computerized instrumentation. Together with Professor Chris Enke, he conceived of the computerized tandem quadruple mass spectrometer for analytical MS/MS studies. This mass spectrometer is currently in widespread use in the medical field and has sales totalling over $20 Billion dollars. Dr. Yost is a leading expert on mass spectrometry and has lead the University of Florida Patent on FAIMS mass spectrometry. Dr. Yost will guide the development of hand held FAIMS mass spectrometers in collaboration with the University of Florida and Breathtec Biomedical Inc. CONTACT INFO Kal Malhi President Breathtec Biomedical Inc. K.Malhi@dccnet.com 604-805-4602