Newsletter - Brighton Public School


Newsletter - Brighton Public School
Brighton Public School
2 4 E L I Z A B E T H S T R E E T
B R I G H T O N , O N K 0 K 1 H 0
P H O N E ( 6 1 3 ) 4 7 5 - 2 8 1 4
APRIL 2015
John Goheen
Vice Principal:
Renee Cameron
Joseph Tompkins
(877) 741-4577 ext. 2602
Cyndi Dickson(613) 475-4222
School Website
School library Twitter
2 0 1 3
Principal & Vice-Principal’s Message
We would like to congratulate our School Council for meeting their goal of purchasing one
SmartBoard for every classroom in the school. Our classrooms, including our portables
are connected so that all of our students can interact with lessons through the touch screen
on the boards. We are also welcoming new staff to our school. In Extended French Immersion, we have Kim Heaslip in grades 6/7 and Christine Jensen in grades 5/6 . We also have
a new Educational Assistant Peter Kelly supporting our primary classes.
Our intermural program has continued with beach ball volleyball. In the next few weeks,
our new floor hockey equipment for all grades will get used during our recess intermurals.
Thank-you to our School Council for receiving a Parent Reaching Out Grant that paid for
our Social Media presenter. A list of the apps and how to set-up privacy settings is on our
school website. Students took pictures of the slides during the presentation.
Our grade 8s are hosting this year’s Family Fun night for their grade 8 trip fundraiser. It is
Thursday April 9th from 6pm-8pm . We hope that you can attend this night and help our
grade 8s go to their graduation trip to Quebec City. April showers also bring a lot of mud
to our playground. It is helpful to send extra clothes & socks in your child’s bag.
John Goheen Principal & Renee Cameron Vice-Principal
School Council is on:
Twitter Facebook
Lates, Absences & Safe
Arrival Line
613-475-2814 ext. 40
*There is an answering machine in the office to leave a
message or for after hours.
Please give your child’s name
and teacher when reporting
an absence.
1st-Social Media Fitness with Chris Vollum (Bring Your Own Device); 6:00pm Parent & Community Presentation with Chris Vollum
8th-Day of Pink
9th-Family Fun Night & Book Fair
9th-15th Book Fair 8:15am-3:30pm
14-16th—Health Unit Dental Visits for JK, SK, Grades 2, 4, 6, 8 and LLS
22nd-Earth Day
May 4th– Music Monday at 12:00pm
May 6th—Health Unit visits for Grade 7 Hepatitis B #2 Vaccine and Grade 8 Girls Human Papillomavirus (HPV) #3 Vaccine
May 8th-Pedal for Hope at Brighton PS
May 26th, 27th, 28th , 29th EQAO Grade 3
June 1st, June 2nd, June 3rd, June 4th EQAO Grade 6
The French teachers at Brighton Public School would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all of the volunteers who helped to make our winter carnival
a huge success. Thank you to the parents who volunteered their time setting
up the events and helping to lend an extra set of hands at various stations.
Thank you to all the students who helped by becoming student leaders or in
running various events.
Bell Times:
We had beautiful weather and an excellent kick off to the March Break
which would not have been possible without the team work and dedication of
our numerous volunteers! Thank you!
Breakfast: 7:45
Salut! Many of our Core-French and Extended-French students have been
gaining confidence in their oral communication. Mr. Loucks’ class is looking ahead to the summer holidays by planning a mock trip to Valcartier, sharing their preferences orally. Mme. Scaletta’s grade 4-6 Core French classes
are working on their communication skills by studying the play ‘La boule de
cristal’. Please continue to encourage our French students to practice their
French at home by watching popular movies in French and reading French
Recess: 9:55—10:35
Lunch: 12:15—12:55
Dismissal: 2:35
This is a reminder that all children are required by law, to wear a C.S.A approved helmet when riding a bike. Bikes need to be walked on our school
sidewalk and kept in the bike stand as soon as they arrive on school property.
Students wearing rollerblades must put them on outside the school. Rollerbladers should leave the property after all buses have left at dismissal time.
Our program starts at 7:45am every morning. We have
been serving 80-100 students a day. This month we are
Fresh fruit with cheese & crackers
Tasty Tuesday (surprise)
Wednesday Bagels with melted cheese
Thursday muffins, vegetables & dip
Friday French toast bagel
Music Monday is the only Canada-wide participatory celebration of music. On May 4th, 2015, hundreds of
thousands of participants will unite in song as they perform the Music Monday Anthem, "We Are One,"
written and performed by 16 year old Connor Ross. Here at Brighton PS, students and staff will gather outside at the front of the school and sing “We Are One” at 12 noon. The annual event is sponsor ed by
the Coalition for Music Education whose mandate it is to promote music education in schools across Canada. Having won the prestigious $10,000 Musicounts grant three years ago, we feel honoured to recognize
the important role that the musical instruments (purchased with this grant) are playing in the music education of students at BPS. Come and sing along, clap, dance or sway to the music with all of us on Monday,
May 4th, 2015. Listen to the song “We Are One” on the website.
Grade 8’s travelling to Québec are running a Family Fun Night to raise money
for their trip. There will be prizes, a silent auction with themed baskets and
awesome donated items, as well as the usual kid-friendly activities (facepainting, cake-walk…). The event runs from 6 to 8pm at the school on Thursday, April 9th. Hope to see you there! (Also, stay tuned for details about our
upcoming spaghetti dinner – delizioso!!)
Book Fair
The Book Fair will be at BPS April 9th-15th, 2015. Come and see us during your regular Library class and
until 3:30pm every day and on Thursday, April 9th during the Family Fun Night from 6pm-8pm. Cash,
cheques, debit and credit cards are accepted. Please make cheques payable to Brighton Public School.
Whether you’re a student, employee, parent or community member, please send us your best tips for staying
well mentally and physically to: What works for you, to help you feel and
be well? Please send KPRDSB your brief - even one word! - entries until Friday, April 10. There is a for
prizes and best ideas will get shared during Mental Health Awareness Week. #mindsmatter@kprdsb
Primary and Junior Provincial Assessments
Students in grade 3 & 6 will be writing EQAO assessments from May 26th-May 29th for grade 3; from June
1st-4th for grade 6. Please make sure that your child(ren) get a lot of rest and is all possible do not schedule
any appointments or other planned absences for those dates.
For all children ages 4-12!
~ Licensed by Ministry of Education
~ Registered Early Childhood Educators
~ Engaging, age appropriate themed activities
~ Nutritious lunches and snacks provided
~ Community based outings to enjoy what Brighton has to offer!
~ Low child to teacher ratios
~ Located in Brighton Public School
Registration starts May 4th! Spaces are limited! Call 613-475-1811
The Lions Club of Brighton will be conducting our second annual “Lions Purina Walk for Dog Guides”
on Saturday, May 30th, 2015, in Brighton. This walk is one lap around the streets on the western edge
of the downtown area and it will be about 3km long. It begins and ends at Memory Junction Museum,
at the south end of Maplewood Avenue. The purpose of the Walk is to help the Lions Foundation of
Canada to raise the money that it requires to breed, raise, train and pair Dog Guides with clients in
need, at no cost to the clients. It costs about $25, 000 to bring each Dog Guide from birth to the day
Dog Guide and new handler leave Oakville together, as a team during the working life of the Dog
Guide. Miracles happen every day across Canada, from coast to coast, thanks to the great work that the
staff and volunteers so at the Foundation and the wonderful puppies that become super Dog Guides.
You can get involved too. Watch for posters and collection forms in businesses around town. Or check
out the website to donate online at : www.purinawalk Come walk with us!
Complete Details for Youth Category – 18 and under, and Adult Category are available on the Warkworth Lilac Festival’s Photo Show website – There is No Registration Fee
for Youth 18 and under to submit their digital photos online for this juried competition. The
Youth Award is $100. Cash prize. Youth who have participated previously have appreciated an opportunity to challenge themselves in this area of the Arts for which they experience a keen interest. Finalists’ and Winners’ Photographs will be professionally printed and matted, at Festival Expense, to display in the Gallery Showcase at 28 Main St. Warkworth on the Lilac Festival Weekend –
May 30th and 31st. Winners will be announced and awards presented at 11:00 A.M. on Sat. May 30th.