24-May-2015 - Broadmead Baptist Church


24-May-2015 - Broadmead Baptist Church
24th May, 2015 –
Morning Service – 10.30 am
Rev Gareth Wilde
Today’s Worship
Call to Worship
Psalm 100
“Mighty to save”
“10,000 Reasons”
Children and Young People leave for Sunday Club
Joel 2 28-32
Acts 2: 1-13:
Sermon: “Thirsty For The Spirit”
“More love, more power”
“Break every chain”
“This world is not my home”
love God, love people, share Jesus
Prayer – We meet for prayer every Sunday at 10.00
am and also offer a confidential prayer ministry after the
morning service at the front of the Church, near the
prayer room. Please take this opportunity to share any
need for yourself or another person with the prayer team.
Please pray especially for:
Gladys Turner
Robin Turner
Church Financials:
Offerings in April were as follows:General Fund
Communion Fund
(compared to £6,542 budget)
£ 118.30
Missionary Fund
Child Sponsorship
(from Sunday Clubs)
Turn on the Tap
Haiti Hospital Appeal
Christian Education Project
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Christianity Solidarity Worldwide £20.00
Tear Fund
Stephen & Rachel Ball - Child
Evangelism Fellowship
We encourage the fellowship to give to the work of God at
Broadmead and elsewhere.
Please don’t forget next Sunday morning when we
will have a visit from Paralympian Anne Wafula
Strike, MBE, at 10.30 am. Anne will be speaking on
Group Meetings
enABLED by the SPIRIT. This will be an opportunity to
invite friends and neighbours.
Wednesday Group Meeting at 8.00 pm
24 Navestock Crescent, WG
Friday Groups Meeting at 8.00 pm
102 Tudor Crescent, Hainault
20 Aragon Drive, Hainault
On the 25th June, Kevin Rennie will be taking part
in the Cycle of Change Hand Bike Relay for Haiti
Hospital Appeal and attempting to complete 10 miles on
a hand bike between Bromley and Folkestone. The fund
raising target is £500, so please visit
and make your donation in support of a really great cause.
Please pray for James Addo who will be
preaching on Sunday, 7th June while all the
Deacons and wives will be away on a Weekend Retreat
to “Breathe” near Chepstow; they will be considering
how to be “Empowered to empower others”.
Something to think about
Birthday Greetings
Tabita Izekor ‘Today’ 24th May
Keziah Acquaye
28th May
“The very ones whose social pressure cause you to
compromise will despise you for it. They probably
respect your convictions, and many of them wish
they had the moral stamina to stand alone. May the
Lord give you added courage to be a witness for him
even in a hard place.”
Please let Brian Ball know –
if you have anything for next week’s News Sheet.
Postage Stamps – Please save all the postage
stamps you get and put them in the box on the table in
the Entrance Hall. Stamps collected help the Baptist
Missionary Society to raise funds for its work.
Contact List
Rev Gareth Wilde, 48 Gordon Road,
South Woodford, London E18 1DR
Tel: 0208 505 9005 or 07702 891903
Our next meeting will be on Saturday, 30th May
We are planning to watch the FA Cup Final together
and are hoping to meet at the Church at 5.15 pm
(venue to be confirmed).
Food will be provided, please let us know if you are coming.
O208 550 4213 (Mick Lansdowne)
Central Baptist Church, 101 Orford Road, E17, will
be holding a Songs of Praise Service on Sunday,
21st June, at 5.30 pm to which everyone is invited. It will
give an opportunity to bring friends to sing praises to our great
There will also be testimonies and an evangelistic
message which will make this an ideal service for nonbelievers.
If you would like to know more, please phone
Pastor Robert Jeffery on 020 8503 7577.
Publications and Resources
Church Secretary:
Brian Ball, 32 Grenville Gardens,
Woodford Green, IG8 7AG
bbgren3@talktalk.net Tel: 0208 505 0972
The table in the Entrance Hall contains various leaflets and
information. Please do take any of interest to you.
Church Leaders:
Ekow Acquaye
Sade Falase
Mick Lansdowne
Surinda Sagger
Kevin Rennie
Qui Truong
There are a few copies of the May/ June “Idea”,
magazine of the Evangelical Alliance.
0208 500 9026
0208 502 9849
0208 550 4213
0208 551 3112
0208 550 5006
0208 262 5492
There are a few copies of the May issue of the Good News
newspaper. Please do take one if you are able to pass it on
to a non-Christian friend or relation.
Christian Education Project write:- “Please thank the
fellowship of Broadmead Baptist for their gift of £45.00
and their generosity and continued prayer and support
for the Project.”
Weekly Activities
Family worship, Children and Young People’s Groups
Broadmead Parent and Toddlers Group (Term time only)
Uncover Group
Parkinson Group meet every second and fourth Thursday of the month
Zumba Aerobics
Frantic Kids Club 6-11 year olds (Term time only)
Prayer Meeting at the Church (First in the month only)
Home Groups (Not first Friday in the month)
5.30- 7.00 pm
8.00- 9.00 pm
8.00 pm
Women’s Meeting at the Church (second Saturday every odd month)
Men’s Meeting at the Church (last Saturday every odd month)
4.00 pm
9.00 am
10.30 am
7.30- 8.45 pm
10-00-11.30 am
8.00- 9.30 pm
10.30 am-1,00 pm
8.00- 9.00 pm
8.30-10.30 pm