April 15th - Bryn Offa CE Primary School


April 15th - Bryn Offa CE Primary School
Bryn Offa Newsletter
15th April 2015
Rockwell Lane, Pant, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9QR Tel: 01691 830621
admin@brynoffa.shropshire.sch.uk head@brynoffa.shropshire.sch.uk
The very first email I picked up after the Easter break left me with a huge smile on my face.
Isabelle and Elsey-Mae Hanrahan have been working really hard in the Spring Term to raise
money for the school fund. They started by knitting some Easter Bunnies and Chicks to sell to
relatives and children in the school. Then they did a sponsored bike and scooter ride around the
park. And to round off their fantastic fund raising marathon, they had an afternoon tea where
they made and sold cakes. Altogether they have raised a hundred pounds for their school. A
fantastic effort and one they should be thoroughly proud of. Well done girls.
Still on the subject of fundraising, just before the Easter break BOPA had a cake sale to raise
money and we also had the Easter Cards on sale in the local shop. The cake sale raised £54.50
and the cards raised £115. Hopefully BOPA will be able to update everyone shortly with the
plans for the playgrounds.
As we are now in the Summer Term we have to consider sun safety for the children during
break times. Please ensure that the children bring a hat with them to school and that sun screen
is applied on appropriate days. We have also just ordered some more water bottles (dishwasher
safe) which we will shortly have for sale to encourage the children to drink more water during
the day.
Clubs start next week, and you should have received the letter yesterday to sign your children
up. Please ensure this is returned by Monday morning. As the first session of gardening is on that
same Monday, if you select this club for your child please telephone the school between 10
o’clock and 11 o’clock to find out if your child
has got a place. The multisport club is very
Stars of the Week
oversubscribed this term so we have created
Ted Lewis for thinking of good safety
two groups (one before half term and one
measures at Forest School.
after) and unfortunately not all the children
Sienna Arnett for helping to make two
will get a place.
thrones for Class 1’s Castle.
Quillan Kennedy for using fantastic
Next Week
vocabulary in his writing with Mrs White.
Monday after school – Choi, Ju jitsu and
Madi Skarratt for using an excellent strategy
when solving a number problem with Mrs
Tuesday morning – Class 4 swimming
Tuesday after school – Multisport Club
Ben Cottrell for inspiring Class 3 to do some
Wednesday morning – Class 3 Swimming
interesting work on fractions.
Wednesday during school – Guitar
Olivia Thompson for trying really hard to
get to grips with division.
Wednesday after school –Lego Club and
Owain Reeves for working hard and
attempting challenges with a great attitude.
Thursday after school –German Club,
Writers of the Week
Board Games and Pyjama Drama
Amelia Edwards for her fantastic description
Other Fund Raising
of the dragon that came into Class 2.
We made nearly £90 with our fundraising
Josh Law for working so hard with his
on Red Nose Day, with the girls who did
description of a dragon.
the dance lessons raising an additional
Mathematician of the Week
Eve Whitby for trying so hard (and
succeeding) in her mental maths.
Isabelle and Elsey-Mae’s
fantastic fundraising work.
Cross Country Competition
The top picture shows Will and Harry
during their run, with the lower picture
showing Jac, Will and Harry showing
how much they enjoy the event.