The CYPRUS BRIEF SYSTEMIC DIALOGICAL THERAPY Institute is The CYPRUS BRIEF SYSTEMIC DIALOGICAL THERAPY Institute is hosting Harlene Anderson st st on October 31 & November 1 2015 in Limassol at the Curium Palace Hotel For a Weekend Workshop: Collaborative-Dialogic Practices across Multiple Contexts and Cultures: Creating Transforming Relationships and Conversations Harlene Anderson--recognized internationally as the innovator or collaborativedialogic practices--will present her approach to therapy and its application across practice contexts and cultures. She will present an overview of the postmodern assumptions that orient the approach and the application of the assumptions. There will be a focus on the heart and spirit of collaborative-dialogic practices: what the therapist does and how they do it: the philosophical stance. The workshop format will include didactic presentations, ample time for questions and answers, live consultation demonstrations, and experiential exercises. Handouts will be provided at the workshop and readings will be sent to participants before the workshop. Come join us and meet Harlene and experience her engaging and inspiring style. For more information on Harlene see: Harlene Anderson, Ph.D., is founding member of the Houston Galveston Institute, the Taos Institute, and Access Success. She is recognized internationally as being at the leading edge of postmodern collaborative practices as a thinker, consultant, coach, and educator. She takes her tools -- her insights, her curiosity, her engaging conversational style, her leadership skills and her keen interest -- to help professionals turn theory into new and often surprising possibilities for their clients, students, and organizations. She embodies her own belief in learning as a lifelong process -- inviting, encouraging and challenging people to be inquisitive, creative, authentic, and open to the ever-present possibilities for newness in others -- and in themselves. Harlene has authored and co-authored numerous professional writings including her book Conversation, Language, and Possibilities -- A Postmodern Approach to Therapy. She is a member of the editorial review boards of several journals, has presented at numerous national and international conferences and has consulted with a variety of organizations. Among her many awards are the prestigious 2000 Outstanding Contributions to Marriage and Family Therapy Award from the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and the 1998 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Texas Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. For more information about her publications: and Workshop Cost 250 euros –until October 26th 200 euros early bird –until June 15th Application Form – Payment Please submit the following information at to secure a seat at Harlene Anderson’s workshop: Name: Address: Email: Phone: Occupation: For your application to be final, please make your payment directly at the Institute’s account and email your payment of receipt at Bank: Bank of Cyprus Account Name: Dina Mousteri’s Cyprus Brief Systemic Dialogical Therapy Institute (Κυπριακό Ινστιτούτο Βραχείας Ψυχοθεραπείας και Διαλόγου Ντίνας Μουστερή) Account Number: 357008879376 IBAN: CY67002001950000357008879376 SWIFT / BIC: BCYPCY2N For more information you may contact the Institute by phone at +357 99896096 or email