Rebuilding Nepal Sustainably: Culture, Climate
Rebuilding Nepal Sustainably: Culture, Climate
Rebuilding Nepal Sustainably: Culture, Climate and Quakes Patti Stouter, May 22, 2015, Build Simple Inc. INTRODUCTION Lessons from Nepal’s 2015 Earthquakes The first earthquake on the 25th and the smaller aftershocks on the 26th and 12th of May caused massive damage to Nepal’s traditional buildings, leaving upwards of a hundred thousand people homeless. Buildings of masonry or small stones without reinforcement were destroyed, and poorly reinforced buildings damaged. Above: Collapsed brick wall in Nepal, Photo by Nabin K. Sapkota These quakes caused a wide variety of levels of destructive ground motion to an area more than 150 miles wide. Because Nepal is subject to some of the highest seismic risk levels of the world, more destructive earthquakes are likely in parts of Nepal in the future. Aid builders with superior building techniques have seen success as their buildings weathered the earthquakes without significant damage. Smart Shelter Foundation reports 16 buildings standing, of reinforced stone and confined masonry. Engineering/ Construction advice NGO Build Change plans to work in Nepal teaching better skills. But as their founder explained recently Scientific American, "If people don't have the money to build a safe building, then they won't." i One encouraging sign is a new facebook page called Earthbag Rebuild Nepal. This was recently formed because more than 50 independently built schools and homes of the inexpensive technique have survived undamaged. Earthbag contains subsoil and barbed wire, and can cost 1/3 as much as concrete block in the developing world. Left: First Steps Himalayas earthbag school with gabion retaining walls Sometimes sustainable buildings can be very possible because high energy use to produce materials means high cost. Nepal needs low-cost buildings. But all builders planning to build in Nepal must know their level of risk, and choose both plans and special construction techniques suited to it. The next quake could be 2 or 3x more severe. Right: USGS map shows the areas experiencing different intensities of ground motion from the 4/25/15 earthquake. Red indicates >0.75 g peak ground acceleration (pga). In the rush to bring disaster relief and/ or reconstruction, many foreigners will be making decisions for Nepalis. Aid workers first need to learn to understand Nepal’s climate and culture. Next comes understanding the seismic risk of future earthquakes. Finally aid workers need to gain a Nepali attitude toward costs and what is affordable. Only then can buildings appropriate to Nepal be planned. WORKING WITH NEPAL’S CLIMATE Nepal is a humid country. The lower elevations experience hot, humid summers. The mountains have severe winters, with conditions near Mount Everest extreme year-round. Nepal is not large enough north to south to have different climate zones determined by latitude. But the extreme changes of elevation create a wide diversity of temperatures. It is important to know the building site’s elevation and local climate. Nepal is a land of high mountains and steep valleys. Only 240 km (150 miles) wide from south to north, the middle mountain region ranges from 300 m (900’) elevation to 3000 m (9000’) at the edge of the higher mountains. Above this area tree growth turns into stunted but fragile alpine ecosystems. Wood is at a premium in Nepal. Left: Topographic map of Nepal by Electionworld showing the middle mountain region in browns Kathmandu is located at 1300 m (4200’) elevation. From April to October average daily highs and lows fluctuate at or above human comfort levels. Thick earth and stone walls provide thermal mass, helpful to reduce high and low temperatures since the daily fluctuation is more than 10 degrees Celsius. Houses facing 10° east of south will catch the sun in winter but avoid overheating on summer afternoons. Roofing may need to radiate heat and cool the house at night. High humidity from June- September make ventilation vital for comfort during the daytime. If possible turn buildings to capture prevailing summer breezes, and or use porches or vertical elements like ventilation stacks. During the winter, temperatures drop below comfort levels. Because these are drier months with high elevation sunshine, passive solar heating can work well. Left: Newari houses with unique decorations used wooden beams to brace stone or brick. Similar styles work in drier regions, but many in Nepal were destroyed because of unseen weakened beams. Photo by Francisco Anzola Traditional buildings in the city of Kathmandu are several stories in height, using the ground floor for animals and farm tools. Yet many are being torn down to build modern buildings. Current land pressures are even more intense. Research the traditional building styles before planning. There are excellent discussions of how traditional buildings are adapted to Kathmandu’s climate with recommendations for new construction ii. Before planning to build, learn. Try to understand the culture and to appreciate their old ways of building. Little innovation after a disaster is welcomed or needed. But also find out how your area is changing. Do people still spend long hours outside, reducing somewhat their need for light and ventilation inside? Do they still live in extended family groups? How has their work schedule and location changed? Do they use a porch or balcony? Above right: Traditional Nepali village home, photo by Nepalisam Right: Light shelves keep heat out and let sun bounce in on a shade Schools or offices with little or no electricity need big windows for lighting, possibly with light shelves to reduce overheating in the summeriii. At higher elevations, the r-value is as important as thermal mass. If users can afford a heating system, consider radiant heat with a rooftop solar collector or a mass heater like the Chinese kang. Forced air heat does not work unless the windows and doors are kept shut. And the vents are perfect for rodents in the country. Modern Nepalis are turning to concrete and brick buildings because wood is scarce and protected in their small country. Bricks are costly to burn, and often weak because they are not wellfired. It is a challenge to create affordable houses out of these heavy materials that can be safe during earthquakes. Right: Traditional palace, photo by Francisco Anzola If carefully planned and built with a light roof, earth buildings in moderate seismic risk areas can have a second story or loft of light weight materials. But for the high seismic risk in most of Nepal, low strength materials like earth are safest used for a single story. At higher elevations, insulation value is desirable. Cooler regions using winter heat will find earthen walls cold. Sustainable materials with some insulation value like light straw clay or straw-bale may be helpful in cooler areas. These both have potential for flexing in earthquakes. But if straw is not common enough to create thick walls, added layers of insulation material like rice hulls can greatly improve a family’s way of life. Left: Straw-bale house, photo by Diamond Mountain UNDERSTANDING EARTHQUAKE RISKS Instead of the well-known Richter scale magnitude levels, like 7.9 and 6.7, builders need to discuss exactly how much and how fast walls will move in a horizontal direction at a specific location. At each site, the type of soil, depth of quake, and distance from epicenter determine how much stress a building receives. Often local stresses are listed by the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale of I- XII. This describes how the earthquake felt in the area and the general types of damage it caused. Each Mercalli intensity has an approximate peak ground acceleration range or pgaiv. Earthquake researchers map pga values at different locations. The pga tells us how far and how fast walls move, as a % of the force of gravity. Engineers and architects plan buildings to resist a certain level of pga, a number considered the ‘design value’. In the developed world the minimum design value is listed by the building code, based on the level of quake motion with a slight chance of happening every 50 years. This is because less frequent, bigger quakes cause disasters. In the developing world where there are no required codes, it can be hard to choose a good design value. Limited funds pressure builders to avoid the costs of preparing for earthquakes that may not occur for decades. First, understand what the design value would be under standard codes like the International Building Code (IBC). The soil conditions under a building also greatly influence the stresses during an earthquake. The IBC requires buildings on soft soils (like those in Kathmandu valley) to be stronger than those on ordinary sites because soft soils amplify earthquake motions (the codes have complicated charts for this). But the IBC also allows buildings on bedrock to be built to 20% lower pga levels because massive rock reduces vibrations. A special word of warning about soils that can be flooded. Sandy and silty soils that are sometimes flooded (near beaches or rivers) should not have heavy buildings. Wet soils without much clay tend to become liquid when shaken by an earthquake, and heavy buildings can simple overturn or sink. It’s not worth the risk. Think about whether the building is an essential emergency structure like a hospital or government disaster center. In the recent Nepal quakes where surrounding villages were mostly destroyed, surviving small schools became emergency shelters/ aid centers. Building stress : quake increase in motion (pga) x wall & roof weight Peak Ground Acceleration = pga Local Site Design Value= Ss pga Pga that has a 2% chance of happening in 50 years for fast vibrations Find your Ss pga from ’10 UFC or ’10 Eurocode at: aps/ww/ for your location Buildings on rock- pga x 0.8 Buildings on soft soil- ask an engineer for advice! Left: Pegasus Children’s Project’s neighbors are using tents because their home is destroyed Peak ground acceleration levels include different values at different vibration speeds. Buildings of 6 stories or more are damaged by slow vibrations. This paper addresses one and two story buildings, which are damaged by faster vibration, called Ss values. All discussion of recommended pga limits for buildings in this document will be Ss values. The map below does not show exact locations of Ss values. It was drawn roughly because large scale maps can’t be accurate enough. Much of central Nepal is likely to experience 1.5 g ground acceleration or higher. These are numbers that are worth checking carefully. GET STARTED Find the Risk for your Site Find out what forces your building might need to stand up under. Researchers continually find out more. Old earthquake hazard maps may not be updated with new information. Also, local slopes, subsurface conditions and fault zones influence exact local pga levels. Building planners should use the best information they can get. The online tool shown at left is found at: This is the USGS Worldwide Seismic Design Tool (Beta version). Input latitude and longitude and receive a chart with several sets of Ss values (ignore the S1 numbers). Or reset the layers (upper right) to greyscale view, and drag the marker and zoom in to find your area. Which Values to Use? The earthen building guidelines for New Zealand are a good starting point to understand earthbag building strength. The 2010 UFC data are the most similarv. In Nepal the Eurocode information (from 2010) may be the best available. GSHAP maps published in the past, and those from other organizations may use different probability levels and would require conversion of their pga levels to correspond to those recommended. Discussion of Nepal’s seismic hazard in this document uses the 2010 Eurocode Ss values from the USGS worldwide tool, which are based on 2% in 50 years probability. What risk do those who want to rebuild Nepal sustainably face? Three aid groups who have recently built earthbag buildings in the quake-affected region of Nepal face between 2g and 2.1 g risk. Kathmandu in general is about 2g. The Pegasus Children’s Project and First Steps Himalayas both seem to face a little more than 2.1 g risk. Edge of Seven further east may face just under 2 g pga risk. Right: Map based on the USGS pga data showing the location of several earthbag building sites HOW TO BUILD QUAKE RESISTANT? The Smart Shelter Foundation has a wonderful slide show introducing principals for quake-resistant design. These concepts are important, but more apply to traditional masonry than to alternative materials. Can we build sustainably and for earthquakes? Light-weight and flexible walls like wood, bamboo, and straw-bale survive earthquake stresses more easily than heavy masonry walls. But wood and bamboo are quickly destroyed by termites in humid warm or temperate climates. Plastered straw-bale may be equally vulnerable. Nepal’s original forests are under great pressures for cooking, brick making, and also for agricultural expansion as wellvi. Subsoils containing some clay are available for earthen buildings. This is why Nepal’s traditional buildings often are made from mud and small rocks. Earthen construction moderates temperature and humidity fluctuations. A water-resistant foundation, and lime plaster or cement stucco protect them from the climate. But raw earth is a low-strength material that needs reinforcement for seismic risk areas. Earthen walls of adobe or rammed earth can withstand some vibration if heavily reinforced with bamboo or steel rods and steel or plastic mesh. But this is costly. Flexible Earth Building Earthbag is simpler to build than adobe, CEB, or rammed earth, and intrinsically more reinforced. Barbed wire is laid between courses of poly bags filled with moist cohesive soil. Only a small proportion of manufactured materials is required. This immediate technique can be used with a wide variety of soils. Walls are built moist to full-height and plastered or cement stuccoed after air-drying. Earthbag is a low-tech, labor-intensive way of building. It does not require power tools or much water. But unreinforced earth is not recommended for stresses above 0.3 or 0.4 g (or force of gravity). Even guidelines for strong fired bricks used in Confined Masonry, recommend engineering help for any design values above 0.4 gvii. Flexibility must be the reason that carefully built one-story earthbag homes and schools had no damage or only slight plaster cracking after shaking as strong as 0.6 or 0.7 g motion. Conventional earthbag test walls appear to be stable even when damaged, less likely to collapse than other types of earthen walls. New types of earthbag that have stronger reinforcement may provide new seismic wall materials. Straight or Curved? Domes are a special monolithic bearing wall with less material and less weight higher up. Well-built ones can withstand earthquakes well. But domes provide less ventilation than vertical wall buildings, and need either a lot of stabilizers to make the dome top waterproof, or a very carefully maintained waterproof surface. Round buildings with vertical walls offer more ventilation than domes, but still resist quake damage better than straight, vertical walls. Left: Dome bases for the Pegasus Children’s Project. Could these strong shapes have been vertical walls for more ventilation? Building shapes are a cultural value absorbed very early in life. Many cultures are group oriented and change slowly. Traditional building shapes draw neighbors together, and are especially desired after disasters. Traditionally, domes and round homes with conical roofs are beloved in certain cultures. There are many different types of round buildings scattered across sub-Saharan Africa, and more isolated clusters in South America, India, and Southeast Asiaviii. Nepal does have some traditional domes and round-houses, but check what your local recipients’ think about curves. When discussing plans, ask whether there are different ethnic groups nearby, and whether they like different building shapesix. Individuals helping may be from a different background than most locals. Domes and circular buildings offered as aid structures to people who prefer other shapes have been refused or abandoned in the past. Adding local style and small roofs may be vital. CAN EARTHBAGS BE STRONG ENOUGH FOR NEPAL? Since many regions of Nepal are likely to receive 2- 3x as severe earth movement in the future, builders need stronger earthbag. In New Zealand, unreinforced earthen buildings following strict guidelines are allowed in areas with pga values up to 0.56 g (or higher with specific engineering design). Build Simple’s test results have shown that well-built earthbag with plaster mesh can be as strong as NZ’s tested wall strengths. Earthbag domes built with barbed wire but little or no rebar reinforcement, exceeded stringent seismic tests by CalEarth for their California location by 200%. (Currently Hesperia has a Ss design value of 1.5 pga.) Does that mean that well-built domes should be safe up to the highest seismic risk areas in Nepal? EARTHBAG QUAKE STRENGTH LEVELS Conventional earthbag without extra reinforcement STRAIGHT WALL: 0.7 g CURVED WALL: more? DOMES: 1.5+ g Reinforced earthbag (per NZS guidelines) STRAIGHT WALL: 2.2 g? CURVED WALL: more? Earthbag technologies are rapidly developing. We have great hopes for new types of quake resistant earthbag. Please help Nepal build back betterBetter for their climate, better for their culture, and better for their seismic risk. If you feel that earthbag may be a part of that rebuilding, more information is in Build Simple’s booklet Earthbag Options for Nepal online at Build Simple welcomes comments, project reports, and evaluations by engineering students and professionals. We hope to have more solid data about building strengths this year. i David Biello, How to Prevent More Deaths When the Earth Quakes, Scientific American, May 12, 2015, Acessed 5/22/2105 at ii Anir Kumar Upadhyay, Harunori Yoshida, and Hom Bahadur Rijal, Climate Responsive Building Design in the Kathmandu Valley, accessed 5/7/15 at ; another example is: Prakash Subedi, A Sustainable Housing Approach to Kathmandu, Nepal, 2010 University of Florida, accessed 5/7/15 at iii SKAT’s Climate Responsive Design has a chapter on Buildings in Kathmandu, Nepal 1993, accessed 5/7/15 online at Light shelves are well covered in G. Z. Brown and Mark Dekay, Sun, Wind & Light 3rd edition, 2014, Wiley iv Correlation with Mercalli Scale chart by USGS in Wikipedia article ‘Peak Ground Acceleration’, edited 12 March 2015. v Engineer Gabriel Miller recently evaluated the pga levels where unreinforced earthen walls and reinforced earthen walls are allowed according to the NZ standards, and developed full spectral response graphs to compare the old NZ quake risk zones with newer risk descriptions. His information confirmed the evaluation of a previous researcher, and will be posted online soon. Contact him at vi Environmental Services and Software’s Case Study on Macro-scale, Multi-temporal Land Cover Assessment and Monitoring of Nepal at includes some maps of vegetation in Nepal that may give aid workers a preliminary glimpse of the type of natural materials available for their target area. vii Roberto Meli et al, Seismic Design Guide for Low-Rise Confined Masonry. Confined Masonry Network, August 2011 accessed online at viii Marcel Vellinga, Paul Oliver, Alexander Bridge, Atlas of Vernacular Architecture of the World, 2007, Routledge, Oxford UK, pp. 66-69 ix Map of Nepal’s ethnic groups, from the University of Texas library, on a small Nepali website by Arodya Khadka accessed online 5/7/15 at