Enduro Case Study - English - Business Wales


Enduro Case Study - English - Business Wales
Project Enduro grew from a concept into a commercial
venture that is set to transform the world of mountain
biking across the globe.
Gower College Swansea, in
partnership with Trinity Saint
David University Swansea,
developed Project Enduro
after identifying a gap in the
market for a four wheeled
mountain bike predominantly
for use by disabled people.
The bike will be a new
introduction for the market
and will provide a springboard
for future research and
development both in the field
of bike manufacture and in
healthcare products for
disabled users.
The partnership researched
and developed the design and
manufacture of a prototype
with support from Welsh
Government; it also gained
links to academic and
commercial avenues that
enabled it to become a
commercial enterprise. This
STEM focused project will also
cover a number of wider
themes including healthy
living, environmental
sustainability, tourism and
inclusive disability sport.
Support from the A4B funded
Gower College Swansea
Knowledge Transfer Centre at
Swansea University, along with
close collaboration with
industry partners, has enabled
extensive product
development. Now, Product
Enduro has gained significant
interest from one of Britain’s
largest sporting retailers and
gained attention from a
number of manufacturers.
Calvin Williams, Project
Manager for Enduro said:
“Enduro would not be seeing
a fully realised project without
the assistance of The
Knowledge Transfer Centre,
funded by the Welsh
Government. The KTC has
been a major force in the
project’s success - not only did
it inform us of our eligibility to
receive support but it also
networked us with a number
of industrial partners as a
result we’ve got marketable
product with tentative orders
from large suppliers.”
To find out more about funding and
support from the Welsh Government:
Email: businesssupport@wales.gsi.gov.uk
Web: business.wales.gov.uk
Tel: 03000 6 03000
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