Legals - Calmar Courier


Legals - Calmar Courier
Calmar Courier
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
USDA Extends ARC and PLC Deadlines
Farmers Have Until April 7 to Update Yields, Reallocate Base Acres, and Make Final Selections
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently provided farm owners and producers one additional
week, until April 7, 2015, to choose
between Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC), the safety-net programs
established by the 2014 Farm Bill.
The final day to update yield history
or reallocate base acres also will be
April 7, 2015.
“This is an important decision for
producers because these programs
help farmers and ranchers protect
their operations from unexpected
changes in the marketplace,” said
Vilsack. “Nearly 98 percent of owners have already updated yield and
base acres, and 90 percent of producers have enrolled in ARC or PLC.
These numbers are strong, and continue to rise. This additional week
will give producers a little more time
to have those final conversations, review their data, visit their local Farm
Service Agency offices, and make
their decisions,” said Vilsack.
If no changes are made to yield
history or base acres by the deadline, the farm’s current yield and
base acres will be used. If a program
choice of ARC or PLC is not made,
there will be no 2014 crop year payments for the farm and the farm will
default to PLC coverage for the 2015
through 2018 crop years. Producers
who have an appointment at their local FSA offices scheduled by April
7 will be able to make an election
between ARC and PLC, even if their
actual appointment is after April 7.
These safety-net programs provide important financial protection
against unexpected changes in the
marketplace. As part of the strong
education and outreach campaign
Planning and Zoning
Commission announces round
table discussion topic for April
The Winneshiek County Planning and Zoning commission has started holding a series of “round table” discussions to gather information
from stake holders on specific policy areas. The topic for April will be
“Reclamation of Industrial Silica sand mining sites”. The discussion will
take place during the regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning commission meeting, Tuesday, April 14th at 7:30 p.m. in the large courtroom of
the Winneshiek County courthouse.
If you have ideas to share on how best to regulate the reclamation of
an industrial silica sand mine site please plan to attend. The Planning
& Zoning commission is interested in hearing from all facets of people
from mine operators, environmentalists and tourism boosters to potential neighbors, potential contractors or concerned citizens without any
direct connection.
Winneshiek County Area
Solid Waste Agency
MARCH 23, 2015
Call to Order & Determination of Quorum:
The Winneshiek County Area Solid Waste
Agency meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dave Pahlas at 9:00 a.m. on Monday,
March 23, 2015 in the Supervisor’s Office at the
Winneshiek County Courthouse. The meeting
was held to approve the hiring process for the
open landfill operator position. Voting members
present were Floyd Ashbacher, Keith Frana,
John Logsdon, Ron Ludeking, Mark Kuhn, and
Dean Thompson. A quorum was determined
by the chairperson. Also present were Counsel Barrett Gipp, Winneshiek County Recycling
manager Terry Buenzow, and landfill manager
T.J. Schissel.
Approval of Agenda:
Moved by Logsdon, seconded by Ashbacher,
to approve the agenda of 3/23/15. All voting approved.
Introduction of Guests:
Dick Jensen was present.
Public Comment:
Agenda Items:
1. Item 6.1-Review and Approve Job Description for Operator Position. Moved by Thompson,
seconded by Frana, to approve the landfill operator job description as written. All voting approved.
2. Item 6.2-Motion to Advertise Open Position.
Moved by Thompson, seconded by Kuhn, to advertise for the open landfill operator position. All
voting approved.
3. Item 6.3-Name Committee to Review Applications. A committee was formed to review
applicants. Members of the committee are as
follows: Don DiLaura, Keith Frana, Leon Kipp,
Mark Kuhn, Ron Ludeking, Dave Pahlas, and
T.J. Schissel.
Establish Time & Date of Next Meeting:
The next regular meeting of the WCASWA will
be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 13, 2015
in the large courtroom at the Winneshiek County
Moved by Kuhn, seconded by Thompson, to
adjourn at 9:20 a.m. All voting approved.
Leon Kipp, Secretary
Published in the Calmar Couier on
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Turkey Valley Community School
launched by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) in September,
to date more than 5 million educational postcards, in English and
Spanish, have been sent to producers nationwide, and more than 5,000
events with more than 430,000 attendees, including training sessions
and speaking engagements, have
been conducted to educate producers on the programs. The online
tools, available at www.fsa.usda.
gov/arc-plc, which allow producers
to explore how ARC or PLC coverage will affect their operation, have
been presented to more than 3,400
Covered commodities under
ARC and PLC include barley, canola, large and small chickpeas, corn,
crambe, flaxseed, grain sorghum,
lentils, mustard seed, oats, peanuts,
dry peas, rapeseed, long grain rice,
medium grain rice (which includes
short grain and sweet rice), safflower seed, sesame, soybeans, sunflower
seed and wheat. Upland cotton is no
longer a covered commodity.
Producers need to contact the
Farm Service Agency by April 7. To
learn more, farmers can contact their
local Farm Service Agency county
office. To find local offices, visit
The 2014 Farm Bill builds on historic economic gains in rural America
over the past six years, while achieving meaningful reform and billions
of dollars in savings for the taxpayer.
Since enactment, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has made significant progress to implement each
provision of this critical legislation,
including providing disaster relief to
farmers and ranchers; strengthening
risk management tools; expanding
access to rural credit; funding critical research; establishing innovative
public-private conservation partnerships; developing new markets for
rural-made products; and investing
in infrastructure, housing and community facilities to help improve
quality of life in rural America. For
more information, visit www.usda.
Knutson Rental
Winneshiek County
To whoever moved their personal belongings
into Unit #13 at Knutson Rental Facility, you
have until April 8, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. to remove
them. If they are not removed by the above date
and time they will be disposed of.
The Winneshiek County Pioneer Cemetery
Commission, will be accepting bids for mowing
of the Rice Cemetery (a.k.a. - Baethke or Kinney
Farm Cemetery), for the mowing season MayOct 2015. Rice Cemetery, is located in Orleans
Township, in Winneshiek County. It is located
on 310th St, between 288th Ave and W14. The
mowings are not to exceed 14 mowings during the mowing season. Approximately half the
cemetery is planted in prairie flowers and the
other half will need to be mowed. The area is
approximately 1/4 of an acre.
Bids will be accepted until April 19, 2015. Bids
should be mailed to Stacey Gossling, c/o Winneshiek County Pioneer Cemetery Commission, 1706 Division St., Decorah, IA 52101. Any
questions regarding the bids, please call 563382-1712.
Published in the Calmar Courier on
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Published in the Calmar Courier on
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015
The Turkey Valley school board held a Work
Session on Monday, March 23, 2015. The meeting was held in the elementary media center at
Turkey Valley School, Jackson Junction, IA. Ernie Schmitt called the meeting to order at 4:05
PM. The following Board Directors answered roll
call: Ernie Schmitt, Leon Shatek, Renee Throndson, and Don Blazek Jr. Jody Steinlage arrived
at 5:20 PM.
Moved by Don Blazek Jr. and seconded by
Leon Shatek to approve the agenda as presented. Carried unanimously.
The board reviewed the 15-16 fiscal year budget. The discussion centered on certified budget, staffing needs, and budget reductions. It
also included a review of the Capital and PPEL
expenditures for next year.
Don Blazek Jr., Leon Shatek, and Jody Steinlage attended the Future of Turkey Valley Committee meeting held in the high school media center. One of the agenda items that the committee
discussed was the method of election option for
school board members.
Moved by Don Blazek Jr. and seconded by
Leon Shatek to adjourn at 7:46 PM.
Carried unanimously.
Mathy Construction Co. plans to submit a Notice of Intent to the Iowa Department of Natural
Resources to be covered under the NPDES
General Permit #3 “Storm Water Discharge Associated With Industrial Activity From Asphalt
The storm water discharge will be from a Portable Hot Mix Asphalt Plant located in NW ¼, Sec.
31, T97N, R8W. Storm water will be discharged
from one point source and will be discharged
to the following streams: Tributary to the Trout
Comments may be submitted to the Storm
Water Discharge Coordinator, Iowa Department
of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division, 502 E. 9th Street, Des Moines,
IA 50319-0034. The public may review the Notice of Intent from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, at the above address after it has
been received by the department.
Published in the Calmar Couier on
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Published in the Calmar Couier on
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Storm Water Discharge
Winneshiek County
MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2015
The Board of Supervisors met at 9:30 a.m. on
March 16, 2015 with Beard, Logsdon, Thompson, and Kuhn present.
Lee Bjerke, county Engineer, met with the
Board to discuss possible FY16 infrastructure
improvements and other road matters.
Moved by Kuhn and seconded by Thompson
to enter into a 28E agreement with the City of
Ridgeway to transfer jurisdiction and control
of Farm to Market Extensions within the City’s
Corporate Limits. Motion carried unanimously.
The Board met with members of the MetroNet
Board including: Chad Bird, Kurt Devore, Jon
Lubke, and Chopper Albert; to discuss operation and maintenance of the network.
Moved by Kuhn and seconded by Logsdon to
approve the recommendation of the Winneshiek
County Solid Waste Association interview committee to offer the position of Landfill Manager to
TJ Schissel. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Kuhn and seconded by Thompson to approve the consent agenda without
the Dry Run Trail Easement. Motion carried
unanimously. This action included approving
minutes, a Class A liquor license for Pheasants
Forever, and the easement agreements for the
Frankville well site.
Lilly Jensen, county Conservation department,
met with the Board to give a presentation on the
Driftless Safari program. The Board authorized
placement of one of the markers on the Courthouse property after Jensen coordinates an optimal location with John Halverson.
Neil Schraeder; Hacker, Nelson, and Co; met
with the Board to present the FY14 Independent
Audit completed by his firm.
Barrett Gipp and Steve Belay, county Attorney’s office, met with the Board to discuss
county issues.
Moved by Thompson and seconded by Kuhn
to approve the easement with Windridge for the
Dry Run Trail. Motion carried unanimously.
Ferneva Brimacomb and Roger Bergan, Winneshiek County Historical Society, met with the
Board to give an update on projects and a tour
of the archives.
Moved by Thompson and seconded by Kuhn to
adjourn to 9:30 a.m. Monday, March 23, 2015.
Motion carried unanimously.
Benjamin D Steines, County Auditor
John Logsdon, Chairman, Board of Supervisors
Published in the Calmar Couier on
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Winneshiek County Soil & Water Conservation District
TUESDAY, APRIL 7th • 7 p.m.
Decorah Lutheran Church
MEAL: $12 per person
U-2 BBQ & Catering, Calmar
Purchase tickets by April 2: Rebecca Pankow
Published in the Calmar Couier on Tuesday, March 31, 2015
(563) 382-4352 ext. 3 or at 2296 Oil Well Rd, Decorah
Silos & Smokestacks
Hosts 11th Annual
Golden Silo Awards
What: 11th Annual Golden Silo Awards Luncheon
When: Wednesday, April 1, 12:00-1:30 p.m.
Where: Kinze Innovation Center, 2172 M Ave, Williamsburg, Iowa
Who: Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area will honor Heritage
Area partners for their work preserving and sharing America’s agricultural
story. Phil Jennings, Kinze Manufacturing’s Service Manager, will speak
about innovations in agriculture.
Why: The Golden Silo Awards honor individuals and organizations whose
contributions demonstrate outstanding excellence in preserving and telling
America’s agricultural story. Event sponsored by Iowa Farm Bureau, Iowa
Pork Producers Association and The Iowan magazine.
Photos: To request event photos, email
Background: Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area is one of 49
federally designated heritage areas in the nation and is an Affiliated Area
of the National Park Service. The Heritage Area covers 37 counties in the
northeast quadrant of Iowa. Interstate 80 borders it on the south and Interstate
35 borders it on the west. Through a network of sites, programs and events,
SSNHA interprets farm life, agribusiness and rural communities – past and
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
South Winneshiek Middle School
The third nine weeks grade point averages have been calculated for the
South Winneshiek Middle School. All students who earn straight A’s will be
on the Special Honor Roll. Those who achieve a grade point of 3.7 to 3.99
will be on the A Honor Roll. Those who achieve a grade point of 3.0 to 3.69
will be on the B Honor Roll. Students who receive any grade below C- were
not allowed consideration for honor rolls.
5th Grade Special Honor Roll: Shaun Klimesh
A Honor Roll: Isaiah Kruckman, Eryn Luzum, Dayten Ondrashek, Eryn Sabelka
B Honor Roll: Chance Adam, Evan Bushman, Madeline Castro, Ashley
Elsbernd, Connor Frana, Philip French, Tony Greve, Luke Knutson, Ethan
Maldonado, Riley Meyer, Lane Quandahl, Jenna Sadler, Noah Sbiral, Kayley Taylor, Owen Tieskoetter, Ethan Timp, Dalton Wiedow, Adrianna Zweibohmer
6th Grade A Honor Roll: Jacob Carnesi, Hannah Franzen, Ali Hoffert, Madison Kriener, Ethan Luzum, Rebecca Wagner
B Honor Roll: Presley Bushman, Becca Farrell, Kenzi Feran, Owen Larson,
Emmaleigh Ohrt, Tonya Schirmer, Carter Taylor, Zachary Taylor, Briar Tigges, Aidan Tollefsrud
7th Grade A Honor Roll: Anthony Hanson, Mackenzie Schirmer, Kaitlyn
Theis, Rachel Uhlenhake
B Honor Roll: Henry Castro, Madyson Courtney, Leah Cullen, Luke Davis,
Kale Euans, Seth Greve, Kody Kleve, Kylie Kohrs, Zachry Poshusta, Gabe
Sadler, Liz Tieskoetter, Carter Wenthold, Montanah Zweibohmer
8th Grade A Honor Roll: Sierra Breitsprecher, Sarah Cullen, Ashley Davis,
Mariah Durham, Cole Klimesh, Josie Lennon, Abby Manning, Sadie McGee,
Dahlyn Ott, Kaylie Rommes, Melissa Ward, Dalyn Wurzer.
B Honor Roll: Jerrett Euans, Mia French, Brady Hageman, Shira Hageman,
Vanessa Hageman, Levi Lukes, Brekin Tigges, Cassidy Young