jan/feb/mar/april2015 - Calvary Bible Chapel


jan/feb/mar/april2015 - Calvary Bible Chapel
Calvary Bible Chapel 3740 West Alexis Road Toledo, OH 43623 Phone: 419.472.9765
Alpha is coming to CBC!
By Rev. Tom and Darlene Hughes
So just what is Alpha? You may have heard it is coming but you don't know what it is…
Alpha is a non-confrontational, relaxed way to answer the Questions of Life. For instance: Is there
more to life than this? Why am I here on this earth? What is the purpose of life? And so on. There are
many questions that can be asked… Alpha will allow you to discover the answers to the
questions you have…
How does it work? A typical evening is a dinner, some worship, a talk, and we go into a
small group session that gives you the opportunity to discuss anything pertaining to
your discovery of the Christian Faith.
Alpha is an eleven week course with a weekend
way. During these eleven weeks we cover the following topics: Is there more than life than this?
Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? How can I have
faith? How and why to pray? Why and how to read the Bible? How does God guide
us? How can I resist evil? Why and how should we tell others? Does God still heal
today? What about the Church? Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit
do? How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? How can I make the most of the rest of my life?
Who is Alpha for? EVERYBODY! Throughout the course those who attend discover the Love of Christ
and how we as a church show God's love. You will discover a few things in Alpha, regardless of how
long you have been a Christian, or you will find the tools to make a wise decision based on facts for a
life with Christ.
Alpha is an open door to people outside the church. It's a way for those who are not believers or
church-goers to come and learn what Christianity is all about. It's informal and relaxed so people can
drop their defenses and ask their questions. No question about life or God is seen as too simple or too
difficult. It's about exploration and discovery.
So now that we have shown you a little of what Alpha is, why not plan on attending the Alpha Course
this spring. Look for more information in the coming weeks about the Alpha Course.
The Connection
In This Issue
ALPHA is coming ....................... 1
From the Pastor’s Desk ............. 2
Looking to the New Year ............ 3
We Love our Shut-Ins ................. 3
Board Minutes ............................ 4
Financial Update ........................ 5
Birthdays & Anniversaries .......... 6
Men’s Breakfast Schedule ......... 6
The FIRE Update ........................ 7
Revolution .................................. 7
Missions Board Update ............. 8
Covered: A Womens Ministry .... 9
21 Days of Fasting & Prayer ...... 9
Valentine Dinner ....................... 10
Foundation For Life .................. 10
Noah’s Ark ............................... 10
Spring Rummage Sale ............. 11
Kroger Card Reminder ............. 11
Easter Week Schedule ............. 11
JANUARY 2015 Calendar` ...... 12
Those in the Military ................. 12
FEBRUARY 2015 Calendar` .... 13
Church Keys ............................. 13
MARCH 2015 Calendar ........... 14
My Testimony ........................... 14
APRIL 2015 Calendar .............. 15
Life Connection of Ohio ........... 15
CBC Connection Groups ......... 16
CBC Ministry Contacts ............. 17
CBC Business Directory ..... 19-19
Pastoral Care ........................... 19
My Financial Confession .......... 19
Poem: The Journey .................. 20
Red Cross Blood Drive ............ 20
Cook Book for Sale .................. 20
Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Office: 419.472.9765
Extension: 100
Fax: 419.472.4490
Rev. Tim and Kimberly Marr
419.472.9765 ext. 100
Pastor Kimberly Marr
419.472.9765 ext. 106
Jeremy and Sarah Young
419.472.9765 ext. 100
Brent and Jessica Allan
419.472.9765 ext. 134
John Terry
419.472.9765 ext. 127
George Eades
419.472.9765 ext. 127
Shirley Mowery
419.472.9765 ext. 107
Pastor Tim Marr
John “Buzz” Cornelius
Shirley Mowery
George Eades
Richard Owens
Mark Zientek
Dave Baker
John Terry
Stan Dorris
Andrew Krouse
Raymond Williamson
The Connection
What A Year
We Have Had
From the
Pastor's Desk
By Pastor Tim Marr
Praise the Lord Family!
hat a year we have had! We have all experienced so many blessings,
challenges and difficulties! I praise God for each of them! The
old saying, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" has resonated
as a truth this year! I can say, that through it all, we are a healthier,
more vibrant community of believers than we were 12 months ago!
The Word from Heaven for 2014 was "Momentum". We definitely
experienced that in so many ways. What sticks out to me, is the way
the Holy Spirit has been moving in our midst, and it seems like it
gets stronger with each passing Sunday. I am truly humbled and grateful for all that
God is doing and will continue to do. I know you are probably weary of hearing me
say it, but please humor me one more time…THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!
So, there is one question that remains…"Now that we have experienced all of
this momentum, what do we do with it?" I am so glad you asked! I believe that God
is speaking to us to get busy and put our momentum to good use. Momentum,
after all, is not imparted to us for the purpose of remaining the same. I believe we
are entering into a season of serving! God has granted to each and every one of us
special gifts, talents and abilities. The time has come for us to be active in the
The Bible tells us a story of a widow who had 2 sons, who was in a very difficult
situation and needed a miracle. The Prophet Elisha gave her instruction to gather
empty vessels. As many as she could borrow, and God would multiply her oil so
she could save her family. After the last vessel was full, she asked her son if they
had any more pots. They had come to an end. 2 Kings 4:6 says, "And he said to her,
'There is not another vessel.' So the oil ceased." What God is looking for is a willing
vessel that He can pour His oil into! When there is no vessel, there is no oil! Let that
sink in for a moment! I don't want the oil of the anointing of the Holy Spirit to cease!
How about you? Let's all commit in 2015 to be an open and willing vessel that He
can pour His oil into!
Great things are in store! Toledo is about to experience the greatest revival it has
ever known! I want to be a part of it, and I know that you do too! Momentum is on
our side. Don't ask God to use someone else! He's looking for willing vessels that
He can launch into this community! Let's hear His voice, follow His lead, and become
everything He desires for us to be!
I am absolutely full of anticipation for all that 2015 has for us! Together we will
move forward and experience His Glory…Heaven On Earth!!!
Looking to the New Year!
By Pastor Kimberly Marr
he ending of one year and the beginning of a new
year is a great time for self-evaluation. Reflecting
on the previous year should point us straight to God in
gratitude for the many benefits we experience as part
of the Kingdom. Ecclesiastes 3 states that there is a
season or a time for everything. Knowing this, we can
also ask ourselves some important questions: What
did we learn from the times of rejoicing? What did we
learn during seasons of mourning? Better yet….did we
learn anything from those times? Did we view the harder
times as punishment and go through them dreadfully
or did we view them with the perspective of the
Kingdom? A Kingdom perspective will view everything
as having a purpose in your life, whether good or bad.
Romans 8:28 states that all things work together for
the good of those who love God and are called
according to His purpose. At least you went through it
and hopefully you are out of it now. Further down in
Ecclesiastes 3, verse 14-15 states, "I know that
whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be
added to it, and nothing taken from it. God does it, that
men should fear before Him. That which is has already
been, and what is to be has already been; and God
requires an account of what is past". In other words,
God seeks an account of what is pursued. What did
you pursue in 2014? What will you continue to pursue
and what new things will you pursue in 2015? Above
all, we should be pursuing God and endeavoring to
lead our lives in ways that build up His Kingdom, not
tear it down. We should steadily cooperate with God in
ways that build His Kingdom in our personal lives/
homes, our workplace, our church, and our city. On
the contrary, behaviors or mindsets that do the opposite
should steadily be avoided. If something tears down
His Kingdom in our personal lives/homes, our
workplace, our church, or our city….these are the very
things that should be avoided and be consistently
guarded against. 2015 holds much promise for us, but
it's not all up to God to see it come to pass. We must
cooperate, not buck against what He wants to
accomplish in our lives.
Let's move forward with anticipation for 2015 and
be ready to accept the challenge to live for God better
than ever. We all can think of an area(s) that we may
slacking in. Purpose to meet that area head-on with
the attitude of getting something accomplished for God
this year. Maybe we've slacked in prayer, reading His
Word, serving in the local church? Whatever the issue,
tackle it with tenacity and do something for God! This
doesn't have to be another year of sitting on the
sidelines….get connected and watch how your
relationship with God will grow stronger as a result! Be
blessed and have a fantastic 2015!!!
We Love Our Shut-Ins
e do not want to forget our shut-ins or those in
hospitals, nursing, or care facilities. If you would
like information on how to minister to those who are
unable to attend our weekly services, please contact
Pastor Tim or Pastor Kimberly. This is a wonderful
ministry opportunity to let these people know that we
remember them and they are in our prayers.
The Connection
Board Minutes
By: John “Buzz” Cornelius, Chairman and Members of the CBC Board of Directors
new year is upon us! A new opportunity to serve, to reach out to the community, to reach out to our own
church body during times of need. To be Christ's hand extended. We pray you will work and serve with
us this next year to help take CBC to a higher level in Christ. As promised we are sharing a recap of the
past few board meetings in order to keep you better informed.
At our September board meeting Katie Baker, Bob and Lynn Hamilton, Kayla Smith and Dave Baker spoke to
the board about their vision for the ministry as well as concerns that need improvement such as check-in/out
software. Discussed how to centralize the location for Kid's Zone in the church. Also the need for strong
available leadership. Further discussion entailed moving the library to the usher's room and using the music
room for Kid's zone. Plans as time and money allow to make necessary changes.
Updates from Pastor Tim: Connection groups beginning next week; upcoming events like Ohio-Michigan
game; holiday dinner; leadership meeting on Saturday November 15.
Discussed emergency backup for Business Administrator-Treasurer. Continued to next meeting.
At our October meeting discussed day care updates: they are keeping up with finances; Head Start program
started; need more toddlers.
Remodel update; foyer is painted; researching replacement of sconces in lobby; making arrangements for
sanctuary remodel to remove the wood finish from walls on stage and repaint the stage walls.
We discussed having a new person for the 24/7 monitoring of the security system. Andy Krouse is willing to
do so on a provisional basis. Looking to rekey the building and have all people trained on security before
receiving keys (see article on page 13).
We discussed issues concerning the ending of Sunday School classes as previously decided. Sunday School
will end in November. December will be off. January will introduce fellowship time before service and Mark
Zientek will begin a Connection group in the morning before service. In May we will revisit the aforementioned
to make future decisions.
A motion was passed that Shelly Mowery will make Emergency backup manuals for procedures and policies
regarding the Business Administrator and will be trained to pay bills and post payroll in case of emergency.
Dick Owens and Connie Williamson were authorized to help prepare deposits for the church.
Snow removal bid from Daniel Ligget was accepted for 2014-15 winter season.
New members were approved: James and Lynn Walters, Paul Wielinski, Michelle Johnson, Joe and Mary
Realy, Heather Jividen and Judy Carpenter.
Remodel updates: regarding the "Eternal Fame" in the sanctuary; a motion was passed to move and relocate
a smaller one to the Northeast foyer entrance location.
Discussed and approved software and computer system for Kid's Zone check-in/out procedures.
A motion was passed to sell non-used assets and to use those funds for future remodeling projects.
Agreed that transference of membership from another church shall require persons to go through membership
class like any other person.
Please understand that not all matters discussed at our meetings are wise to be shared in regards to privacy
matters. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any board member.
The Connection
Financial Update
By: John “Buzz” Cornelius, Chairman and Members of the CBC Board of Directors
s another year has come to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to share some important information
with you. If you require a contribution receipt to be filed with an itemized income tax statement, please check your
church mailbox on Sunday, January 18. We automatically issue receipts to those who usually do request them. If
you attend church on a regular basis your receipt will be placed in your mailbox. We do not mail out receipts to anyone
who regularly attends to save postage costs. You will receive an itemized listing of your yearly contributions which will allow
you to see where we have applied your gifts. (If you attend on a regular basis and do not have a mailbox, please stop by the
Information Desk and request one.)
When contributing, please mark your envelope each week as to how you want your funds to be distributed. With so
many in our church family, it is difficult for us to remember any one particular
contribution and how you wish it to be distributed on a weekly basis. Therefore
it really makes keeping your records more accurately when you mark your
envelope each time you make a contribution. I appreciate your extra effort in
September 2014
filling out your tithe envelope on a weekly basis. If we have your address on
(Foour Sunday Month Budget)
file it is not necessary to list it each week. However, if you move or change
General Fund Budget ...................... $34,80000
your phone number, please make that notation on your tithe envelope and
General Fund Offerings .................. $31,69917
we will update our records. We must make every effort to abide by ever
Faith Missions Offerings .................. $3,72300
changing rules from the IRS regarding our church records and your
Building The Vision ............................. $70000
October 2014
If you have any questions regarding your contribution receipt, you must
(Four Sunday Month Budget)
speak with Shirley Mowery personally. Your contribution information is very
General Fund Budget ...................... $34,80000
confidential so Mrs. Mowery is the only one who has access to any of your
General Fund Offerings .................. $35,65600
information and can answer any questions you might have. We want to thank
Faith Missions Offerings .................. $4,23100
you for your continued faithful support to our church. Your faithfulness through
Building The Vision ............................. $82500
the past sixty-three years has enabled us to accomplish great things for the
November 2014
building up of His kingdom.
(Five Sunday Month Budget)
Through this calendar year you have contributed over $12,000 to our
Building the Vision campaign, which is used entirely to help us meet our
General Fund Budget ...................... $43,50000
General Fund Offerings .................. $41,96901
monthly mortgage payment. This extra income has proven to be vital in
Faith Missions Offerings .................. $3,61800
meeting our monthly obligations. You have also continued your faithful giving
Building The Vision .......................... $1,53000
to our Missions Program and have enabled our Missions Board to continue
support to missionary's world-wide.
Our outreach programs to the community this past year has been a true testimony to the vision of CBC; reaching
outside our walls and touching the lives of others. I truly believe that as we reach out to bless others, God in turn will bless
With your faithfulness to God and your church during a time of need with your Reaping the Harvest offerings and your
calendar year to date weekly contributions, we are above budget and keeping current with our obligations.
Your kindness to our Jesus Birthday Fund helped us more than reach our pledge amount and light the star on our
Christmas Tree. More importantly, your generosity to this fund enables us to help many in our church family, and also has
helped us to remember many other ministries this Holiday Season: The Cherry Street Mission, The Salvation Army, Toledo
Northwestern Ohio Food Bank, Toledo Gospel Rescue Mission, and other neighborhood outreaches. Your contributions
to this fund also enables us to operate a bi-weekly food distribution outreach to the community, which helps us to feed
many hungry families. We also offer food any time during the year to our church families in need. This year we prepared
food baskets for Thanksgiving and Christmas, along with toys for children within our church family who would not have
otherwise had a good Christmas.
God has blessed us with wonderful pastors and leadership team. Let's all pull together this next year to make CBC the
church God has called us to be. Ask God how you can be used in the body; we are all vessels, but with willing hearts God
can use you be a part of reaching out to the community and the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Monthly Giving
The Connection
January - April 2015
If we have mistakenly left out your name and your
very special day, please let us know as you are
important to us!
5............. Joseph Realy
6............. David & Jamie Standish
10........... Ed Gay
12........... Bob Hamilton
Katie McElya
Summer Cornelius
14........... Darlene Hughes
16........... Del & Marla Poitinger
17........... Lee Kikolski
18........... Hannah Baker
20........... Christina Kikolski
22........... Sue Welch
9.............. Lou Harrison
Pam Berry
4.............. Sally Snyder
8.............. Nancy Dorris
11............ Karen Royer
5.............. Steve Giltz
9.............. Josiah Marr
Lisa Kikolski
8.............. Thelma Garcynski
10............ Betty DuBois
Barb Murdock
9.............. Tom Youngs
13............ Gary Taynor
12............ Sharon Brackett
10............ George Cooper
14............ Bill & Linda Nemon
11............ Marjorie Townsend
14............ Marc Smenner
16............ John Varner
12............ Ray Mowery
15............ Danielle Bowlin
17............ Dani Raymond
Linda Hall
Harold Bacon, Jr.
Tim & Ana McGaharan
20............ Del Poitinger
16............ Holli Schaller
19............ Jacquinno Stovell
21............ Butch LaSalle
23............ Connie Krum
David Standish
30........... Mary Topel
1.............. Larry Warnimont
Jim & Barb Murdock
2.............. Joyce Hensley
3.............. Janet Claycomb
Gail Smenner
Martha & Wayne Callis
4 ............. Pearl Stanton
Mary Verret
21............ Paul Luettke
25............ Jon Litten
27............ Dick & Linda Owens
25............ Kathleen Terry
28............ Ethan Smith
26............ Billy Nemon
Judy Thomas
31............ Dale & Judy Johnson
27............ Elaine Bacon
Belinda Roberts
28............ Bethany Baker
Knickcole Hartman
Mark & Melanie Zientek
Robin Luettke
20............ Dave & Loveme Poulson
24............ Dale Johnson
Mark Terry
Buzz & Terri Cornelius
Dorothy Stafford
24............ Tom & Jodi Youngs
1.............. Alice Rice
6.............. Glenda Kane
Katie Baker
18............ David Stollar
23............ David Jakubowski
26........... Robin Root
16............ Evelyn Cooper
13............ Sheral Lawson
Martha Callis
24........... Bill Reinhart
Amber Youngs
19............ Matt Smart
22............ Judy Nagucki
Patsy Mickens
7.............. Jim Murdock
10............ Jamie Standish
22............ Ken & Lisa Erdman
William Dukes
23............ Martha Treichel
Shirley Ann Hunt
24............ Russ & Brenda Dutridge
25............ Nora Dutridge
26............ Linda Nemon
Barbara Varner
Emalee Dizney
1.............. Rance Papenfuse
28............ Marilyn LaSalle
2.............. Carol Warnimont
29............ Joyce Carter
3.............. Dawn Strock
Clyde Nebb
6.............. Frank Stollar
Jeff Morrison
3.............. Joyce Standish
8.............. Cathie Eades
We wish all of you the very best on your Special Day!
When the names are italicized it indicates that it is an anniversary. Please feel free to use our church mailboxes to give a card and
let that special person know that you are thinking of them!
“Men getting to know other men
and building relationships”
Saturday, January 17............... 9:00
Saturday, February 21..............9:00
Saturday, March 21.................. 9:00
Saturday, April 18..................... 9:00
Men’s Full Breakfast in the Family Life Center
All men invited
Donation accepted
Great food and fellowship
The Connection
Youth Group News, Events & Activities
Rev. Brent & Jessica Allan
Youth Pastors
Guatemala Missions Trip Revisited
It's been several months since our Misisons Trip to Guatemala. There are remnants from that trip besides the
occasionally muttering of bad Spanish and the liking of a friends Facebook status that we met in El Faro. I believe
that there has been a deeper intimacy in worship and community. I have had the honor of sitting back and watch
hands raised higher, wetter eyes, more movement, less stiffness and "reverence." I believe this pleases God: no
holds barred, free and unfettered worship to Father God. I often tell the kids that we must
"be willing to look silly for God." I don't feel particularly "cool" when I am dancing in Kids
Zone or refined when I begin sobbing during "Break Every Chain." Oh but see God is not
concerned with my social status or my reputation. He is pleased in this, that we enter into
His presence with Him being our only concern. If this isn't happing, than it's not a "sweet
sweet sound in Your ear." He wants our hearts, especially in Worship, because after all
giving Him our heart is in and of itself an act of worship.
Now this idea of a closer community produced from Guatemala was one of my goals.
In fact, I took over this youth group with community as a priority. For this trip we worked
hard together to raise money. We sought God in prayer over this trip. We traveled many
miles for this trip. We grew closer on this trip. And not just for those who went. That closeness has spilled over.
And I maybe I cant explain it and as your reading these words you're confused, but we're closer now than we were
before July. And I thank God for that.
Welcome to 2015!
By Jeremy & Sarah Young Directors
Young Adult Ministries
Revolution Update
ast year we had a great year in Revolution! This
year is the year where our generation needs to
jump in and be a part of the change. Ghandi said
once "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
For years we have been asking for change. Now
that we are seeing the changes, we need to join in
the work of making it happen. Not only do we
need to help with the cosmetic changes in the
building, but we need to get outside the walls and
change our everyday lifestyle to impact our
community. Let's be Jesus to those we encounter
on a daily basis. Several of us have done things
throughout the Christmas season to impact others
but as we learned from "Give the Gift Back" the
story of Jesus doesn't end with Christmas. Let's
keep living it!
The Connection
Missions Board Update
By: Andy Krouse, Missions Board Chairman
s I contemplate what to share in this issue, my mind is filled with reports from all over the world; reports
of misery and horror. Most of us have heard of the atrocities committed by ISIS, murdering our Christian
brothers and sisters left and right. This past week, news came out that they beheaded four children, all
under the age of fifteen, because they would not renounce Christ and say the conversion prayer to Islam. It has
been reported that ISIS has destroyed the tombs of the prophets Jonah and Daniel. This comes from a report
from "The Israel Project:" "Yesterday, December 16, terrorists with no regard for human decency stormed a
school in Peshawar, Pakistan and killed 132 innocent The Chapel’s monthly Missions Budget is $4,20000.
children. Reports say they burned teachers alive, beheaded If you have not renewed your pledge for the coming
children, and committed other atrocities. But instead of year or you wish to make a new pledge please
targeting terror, the United Nations continues its biased see an Andy Krouse or any Missions Board
persecution of the state of Israel." I learned from Wycliffe Member for a pledge form. We are thankful for
your continued support of Missions.
Associates that Bible translators in Nigeria had to flee their
village as terrorists overtook it - but still determined to carry on their work. We hear about human trafficking. I
could go on and on, but just give this last one. The "Persecution Project" reports that the ruling government of
South Sudan has announced its intention of starving the entire population living in the Nuba Mountians to
squash their resistance. If you recall, this congregation paid for a well in South Sudan and sent a team there.
It all becomes so overwhelming. It could steal one's joy, if one would allow it. For instance, I could become
indifferent towards proclaiming the Goodness of God in corporate worship. It could become difficult to proclaim
that He's my provider as I wonder where the provision is for all of these situations mentioned above. But the fact
that all of this evil does exist does not overshadow the Goodness of God. His virtues remain. He is Jehovah
Jireh, our Provider. He is Jehovah Shalom, our Peace. He is Jehovah Rapha, our Healer. I determine to fulfill the
Will of God, which is to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks. 1 Thes. 5:16-18. So I will
exuberantly proclaim in the congregation that He is good, that He is my provider, that He is my all in all. But I will
also pray. I will intercede for those who suffer. I've asked Kayla Smith to write about a new home ministry that we
have recently partnered with for this issue's Missionary Spotlight. They minister to what some may consider to
be the trash of society. But the entire Mission Board was just in awe as we learned what these ladies do and of
the miraculous successes they have had. You can just see the Hand of God all over this! We just had to become
a part of this Move of God. It's a small part, $80/month, but it's a start.
Please pray for your Mission Board that God would give us revelation as to how to keep you informed so you
know how to pray. Please pray that God would reveal to us how we can play a more tangible part of being His
Hand extended. With knowledge comes responsibility. Praying is a big thing, but the Voice of God to this
congregation over the past year+ is clear: just praying is no longer sufficient. He is requiring that we have an
impact on our world! We are the agents of change! Let's ALL seek His Face to find out how to do that!
CHAPEL....A Disciple Making Church!
Calvary Bible Chapel 3740 West Alexis Road Toledo, Ohio 43623-1123
Telephone: 419.472.9765 Fax: 419.472.4490 Website: www.calvarybiblechapel.com
To see what’s Happening at the Chapel please visit us on Facebook at Calvary Bible Chapel Toledo, Ohio
or visit our website www.calvarybiblechapel.com
Like Us on FaceBook
CALVARY BIBLE CHAPEL’S purpose through the power of the Holy Spirit is to bring people to Jesus and “Membership” into His family, develop them to Christ-like maturity and
equip them for Ministry in the church and their “Mission” in the world, in order to “Magnify” God’s Name. The Chapel is a place where you can be free to be who you are with the hope of
becoming all God intends you to be.
CALVARY BIBLE CHAPEL’S is an exciting, vibrant, energetic, growing group of people. The kind of people you can depend on to lift you when you are down, care for you when you are
in need, teach your children truth, and guide your youth in proper lifestyles. You can count on us to be more interested in helping than condemning, more interested in people than programs,
interested in sharing practical Biblical
for today’s
stressing problems.
The Connection
From The Missions Board
COVERED: An Outreach to Women
By: Kayla Smith, Missions Board Member
ne of the most concerning problems in our world today is that of the commercial sex industry. This industry
targets victims who have been abused, who feel worthless, and who are desperate. Women are stripped of
their identity, their dignity, and their self worth. It is
so important as the church to step up and speak over
them the identity God gave them when He created them.
We are called to bring restoration and reconciliation. We
are called to love deeply and through that love watch
Jesus change lives.
The missions board has recently began partnering
with an amazing organization based in Toledo called
Covered. This organization reaches out to women in the adult entertainment business and shares with them the
love of Jesus through relationship. Each month, trained Covered volunteers take gift bags, which include cosmetics,
jewelry, and an encouraging note, to women who work in the adult entertainment clubs. Covered has volunteers
who are able to meet with women outside of the clubs to build friendships and offer support through anything
they may be going through in life. It is an amazing aspect of this ministry. The volunteers choose to make the
women they serve a part of their life. This organization has seen God open amazing doors throughout the last
year. They have actually had club managers ask for the group to come more often to see the girls! God is
passionately pursuing women in Toledo through this organization and we could not be more excited to partner
with them.
We ask that you would join us in covering this ministry in prayer each month. As they take more ground for the
kingdom, it is important that we surround them with prayer and intercession. This ministry is currently able to
serve in 10 clubs around Toledo. They have seen amazing miracles happen in the lives of the women they are
building relationship with. God is doing something big, and we could not be more thrilled to be a part of it!
For more information on the Covered Ministry please visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/
January 11 - February 1, 2015
n January 11, we will set aside a season of prayer to seek God
and believe Him for miracles in our lives. Again in 2015 Pastor
Tim is calling the church to seek GOD during this 21 DAYS OF
PRAYER & FASTING. We would love for you to also join us as we
gather together as one body to pray for the needs of our city, nation,
families, and homes. The 21 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING will
begin on Sunday, January 11 following the morning service and
will end with the close of service on Sunday, February 1. During
the 21 Days we will have daily corporate prayer gatherings. These
will be Monday thru Friday as well as Sunday. On Monday through
Friday the church will be open from 12 noon - 2:00 PM and also
from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. On Sunday evening the church will be open from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. We will have
the Wednesday Evening Service and Choir Practice as usual. The church will be closed on Saturday.
The Connection
Annual Valentine’s
Sweetheart Banquet
Saturday ♥ February 7, 2015 ♥ 6:30 PM
$1000 Per person
♥ Get your tickets at the Information Desk or any of the
Men's Ministries Committee!
♥ Bring Your Sweetheart or find a Date.
♥ Choice of Ray’s Famous Roast Beef or Chicken Dinner.
♥ A special night out for couples of all ages.
Sponsored by our Men's Ministries!
Volunteer with Foundation for Life
YOU Can Make a Difference for Life
Where You Live!
Volunteer opportunities include Pro-Life event
participants, SEAL Team Coaches, Issues Mobilization,
High School & College Internships, and more.....
Sign Up Today at www.fflnwo.org
Noah’s Ark Child Development Center
The Noah’s Ark Child
Development Center
now has openings for Child
Care for children ages 6
weeks through 12 years.
A Ministry of Calvary Bible Chapel
The Connection
For More Info
Please contact:
Rachel Eades
Noah’s Ark Administrator
Our Semi-Annual
Spring Rummage Sale
For the Women’s Ministries
Friday & Saturday-March 20 & 21, 2015
(Set-up will be on Thursday, March 20)
e need ladies to help with set-up, during the sale, and to help take things
down afterwards. Please call any of the Women’s Ministries Committee
to offer your assistance or sign up at the Information Desk. Begin collecting your used, clean items and
remember, we have no place to store them until the week of the sale. You may bring them to the church
AFTER Sunday, March 15 and put them as close as possible to the fellowship hall.
This year the proceeds will go to the Women’s Ministries. The funds will be used for funeral dinners. We
will accept any good quality household furniture, small appliances, sporting equipment, clothing,
miscellaneous items, toys, shoes...you name it...we take it! Pick-ups are available by calling
419.472.9765, ext. 107.
The Kroger Card Rewards Program Reminder
As a reminder, when you are shopping, please remember our Kroger Card Project. Did you
know that those of you who have been enrolled in the Kroger Rewards Program have
helped send eleven people on short-term Mission Trips this past year. We appreciate your
participation in this program. To enroll or re-enroll in this program is very easy to do but you
will need your Kroger Plus Card to get started. Just visit the Kroger website at:
Then “click” on Ohio and “click” to enroll. Be sure to follow the procedure to the very end
until you “click” on Calvary Bible Chapel. In about a week when you shop at Kroger’s at the bottom of your receipt you
should see “Calvary Bible Missions”. If it doesn’t show-up on the receipt then please contact Dick Owens. Please
remember that the Kroger Company will give a percentage of what we as a group spend when we fill our tanks at
their pumps as well as what we spend in their stores. Let’s all take advantage of the gift.
Calvary Bible Chapel
March 28
11:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt on Church Grounds If rain, in the Family Life Center
Good Friday April 3
7:00 PM Healing & Miracles Gathering in Sancutary
Easter Sunday
April 5
8:30 AM Easter Fellowship Breakfast in Family Life Center
10:00 AM Resurection Sunday Gathering in Sanctuary
The Connection
January 2015 Calendar
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
9:00 AM
Men’s Breakfast in the
Family Life Center
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
Happy New Year!
10 AM
Morning Worship &
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
6:30 PM - Church
Board Meeting
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
A1C Joshua D. Estep
101 East Eglin Boulevard
Unit 532 Box 16
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32542
(Beth’s son and Helen Jakubowski’s
A1C Justus Bray
SSG. Timothy J.D. Adkins
APO AE 09391
(Dan & Mary’s son)
AT1 John J. Harris
912 Adelphi Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(Lois’s son)
Lt. Col. William R. Donovan II
506 ESFS/Escort (FP)
Unit 70081
APOAE 09338
(Bob’s son)
Jacob Twaddle
Col. Kevin Poitinger
ET3 C. A. Moore
(Marla Poitinger’s son)
30-8161 E-Class 0905
Section 04
101 NNPTC Circle
Goose Creek, SC 29445
Anthony Parker
Manamar, Bahrain
(Deanna Waldron’s grandson)
USAG Vicenza CMR 427 Box 2371
APO AE 09630
(Betty Barnard’s son-in-law)
AE2 (AW) Adam Crandall
S.R. Sickles, Trenton J.
279 Lincoln Drive
Great Falls, MT 59405
(Marilyn LaSalle’s grandson)
4860 Northford Place West
Jacksonville, FL 32257
(Marla Poitinger’s grandson)
Cpl. John & Cpl. Jennifer Fry
PV2 Jacob Foster
129 Rain Maker Drive Jacksonville, NC 28540
(Rose & Johnnie Bryce son & daughter-inlaw- both Marines)
AB Travis Helton
323 TRS FLT 161, Dorm B-6
PSCS 1320 Truemper Street
Unit 3695
Lackland AFB, TX 78236-5570
CHP Steve Horning
Ship 03 Division 069
Recruit Training Command
3600 Ohio Street
Great Lakes, IL 60088-3156
(Judy Navaugh’s grandson)
Charlie Co. 2/3 IN 3/2 SBCT
Box #339533 Ft. Lewis, WA 98433
(Carol Warnimont’s grandson)
If you have a loved one or friend in the military, please update the information for our office. Email addresses are welcome.
The Connection
February 2015 Calendar
10 AM
Morning Worship &
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
6:30 PM
Valentine Banquet in
Family Life Center
11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
9:00 AM
Men’s Breakfast in the
Family Life Center
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
6:30 PM - Church
Board Meeting
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
Church Keys
The Calvary Bible Chapel Board of Trustees has agreed
that the management of our key distribution is in need of
refinement. Somewhere about the middle of this month, all
of the locks to the exterior doors of the building will be
changed. Andy Krouse will be in charge of distributing
the new keys. By the time you read this, he will have a form
available for you to put down your name and the reason
you need to have a key to the building. Before you are issued a key, you will be required to meet
with him so he can go through some training as how to properly disarm and arm the alarm system.
You will also be given a checklist you must go through before leaving the building. We have just
had too many instances of doors being left unlocked, lights being left on, water left running in the
restrooms and the alarm not being set prompting late hour calls from the alarm company. This is
an effort to step up the level of excellence of us all regarding the safety and security of this great
facility God has entrusted to us. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
CBC......Expecting The Unexpected!
The Connection
March 2015 Calendar
10 AM
Morning Worship &
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
6:30 PM
Wednesday Night Services
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
11:00 AM
9:00 AM
Men’s Breakfast in the
Family Life Center
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
6:30 PM - Church
Board Meeting
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
5:00 PM
11:00 AM
Remember this date......March 8, 2015
Daylight Saving Time Starts
-My Testimony
Testimony“Don and I decided to do as God asked "Step into
the waters", and come closer into Toledo to Calvary
Bible Chapel to attend church and He's blessed us
for it ever since. He's given us a wonderful place
(for now) to live by the lake, still close enough to
still attend CBC and enjoy the wonders of God's
beauty at the lakeside. He brought the approval
through (that we waited three years for) on spousal
support for VA disability with back pay on
November 10. God is good - all the time!”
Don & Ellen Burgin
The Connection
“I am overjoyed God has provided many new
people to pray for in my prayer book. It is truly
my privilege and my reasonability.”
Carl Wisniewski
Do You have a Testimony of what God has done in your
life through the ministry of Calvary Bible Chapel. If yes,
let us know and we will share you Testimony in a future
issue of the CBC Connection
April 2015 Calendar
1 You Know?
The three Magi were never actually at the
traditional manger scene. They saw Jesus a
little later at Joseph and Mary’s house.
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
---Matthew 2:11
10:00 AM
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
9:00 AM
Men’s Breakfast in the
Family Life Center
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
10 AM
Morning Worship
6:00 PM - Young Adult
Connection Group
6:30 PM - Church
Board Meeting
9:30 AM
Ladies Prayer Circle
Fellowship Hall
6:30 PM
Bible Study with
Pastor Tim in
the Sanctuary and
Kid’s Ministries
8:00 PM
Choir Practice
Easter Sunday
April 5
Did You Know....
For more information or to
donate please contact the
Toledo Regional Office
3661 Briarfield Blvd, Suite 105
Maumee, Ohio 43537
Phone: 419.893.1618
Toll Free: 800.262.5443
More than 123,000 people are currently waiting for life-saving organ
transplants in the United States, including
over 3,200 Ohioans. Those waiting would
more than fill the Ohio State University
football stadium. The national transplant
waiting list grows at a staggering rate, as
one person is added to the list every 10
minutes. 30 people die every day because
the need for organs far outweighs the supply. One Ohioan dies every
other day waiting for an organ transplant. More than 28,000 people
have their lives saved through organ donation every year, and over 1
million people benefit from tissue transplants annually. One person has
the power to save 8 lives through organ donation and heal 50 more
through tissue donation.
The Connection
cbc connection
Pastors Tim & Kimberly Marr
Ken & Lisa Erdmann
4115 Piehl Road
Ottawa Lake, MI 49267
Sunday - 6:00 PM
Clyde & Diane Nebb
1035 Lotus Drive
Erie, MI 48133
Thursday - 6:00 PM
(All generations - Temperance,
Michigan area)
Rev. Tom & Darlene Hughes
2946 117th Street
Toledo, OH 43611
Friday - 7:00 PM
(All generations - Erie, Michigan area)
(All generations - Point Place area Meets Bi-Weekly beginning Friday,
October 24, 2014)
Stan & Nancy Dorris
30 Springcove
Holland, OH 43528
Monday - 6:30 PM
(Adults - cannot accomodate childrenHolland, Ohio area)
Jeremy & Sarah Young
(Group meets here at the Chapel)
Sunday - 6:00 PM
(REVOLUTION - Young Adults 25-39)
John “Buzz” & Terri Cornelius
5496 Johnathon Place
Millbury, OH 43447
Sunday - 6:00 PM
(All generations - East side)
Sally Calhoun
2846 Eldora Drive Apt. 5
Toledo, OH 43613
Friday - 6:00 PM
(Senior Saints - Trilby area)
Edwina Smith & Janet Claycomb
Thursday - 2:00 PM
(Meets at the Chapel in the afternoon
for those who do not want to drive at
Mark Zientek
Sunday morning - 9:00 AM
(Meets here at the Chapel)
If you haven’t already signed up to be part of a Connection Group then contact
one of the group leaders listed
above today or contact P
Tim or P
astor Kimberly to become
part of this exciting ministry
Connection Groups give you an
opportunity to learn more of the
word, share with others and make
new friendships. There are
groups for all ages and meet on various days to meet your busy schedule
and in different parts of the TToledo
oledo area.
The Connection
CBC Ministry Contacts
re you interested in becoming part of a CBC Ministry but are not sure who to contact? If yes, please use the following
list of ministries and become an active part of your church. If you would like additional information regarding a ministry
then please contact the ministry leader. At times people do have question or concerns which should be addressed by
leadership so we have included the names and numbers of the board member who have direct oversight. Please forward
any question or concern directly to the Board Member listed. Please do not call the office but call the number shown. Calls
to the office will be directed to the board member or ministry leader listed. Thank You!
Usher’s Ministry
Russ Allan 419.476.1918
Board Contact: Ray Williamson / 734.735.3111
Ladies Prayer Circle
Marilyn LaSalle 419.478.5363
Board Contact: Shirley Mowery / 419.472.9765 ext. 107
Men’s Ministry
Dick Owens 734.856.5775
Board Contact: Dick Owens / 734.856.5775
Greeter’s Ministry
Nancy Terry 419.360.5619
Board Contact: Ray Williamson / 734.735.3111
Altar Team Ministry
James Murdock 419.472.2316
Board Contact: Pastor Tim Marr / 419.472.9765 ext. 100
Kid’s Zone Childrens Ministry
David Baker 419.346.5380
Board Contact: David Baker / 419.726.5287
Mission’s Board
Andy Krouse 419.509.1697
Board Contact: Andy Krouse / 419.509.1697
Sunday School Superintendent
George Eades 419.472.9765 ext. 127
Board Contact: George Eades / 419.472.9765 ext. 127
Christian Education Director
John Terry 419.472.9765 ext. 127
Board Contact: John Terry / 419.472.9765 ext. 127
CBC Connection Groups
Board Contact: Pastor Tim Marr / 419.472.9765 ext. 100
Youth Ministries
Rev. Brent & Jessica Allan 419.215.1493
Board Contact: Pastor Tim Marr / 419.472.9765 ext. 100
Young Adult Ministries
Jeremy and Sarah Young 419.478.0496
Board Contact: Pastor Tim Marr / 419.472.9765 ext. 100
CBC Board of Directors
John “Buzz” Cornelius 419.902.8615
Board Contact: John “Buzz” Cornelius / 419.902.8615
Noah’s Ark Child Development Center
Rachel Eades 419.471.9914
Board Contact: John Terry / 419.472.9765 ext. 127
Music Ministry
Pastor Kimberly Marr 419.472.9765 ext. 106
Board Contact: Andy Krouse / 419.509.1697
Sound/Video Ministry
Andy Krouse 419.509.1697
Board Contact: Andy Krouse / 419.509.1697
Rev. Tom & Darlene Hughes 419.729.0229
Board Contact: John “Buzz” Cornelius / 419.902.8615
Senior Adult Ministries
Ministry Leader: Position Vacant
Board Contact: Stan Dorris / 419.360.3826
HELPS Ministry
Ministry Leader: Position Vacant
Board Contact: David Baker / 419.726.5287
Dick Owens / 734.856.5775
The CBC Board of Trustees
Shirley Mowery
Business Administrator
George Eades
John “Buzz” Cornelius
John Terry
Pastor Tim Marr
Board President
David Baker
Mark Zientek
Recording Secretary
Stan Dorris
Andy Krouse
Richard Owens
Ray Williamson
The Connection
CBC Directory
(419) 535-0274 Toll Free: (866)
Dale Johnson
Do you need someone to
House sit / Puppy sit
while you are out of town
for the week-end?
A company formed and operated by
Mark & Nancy Terry. Installation and
servicing in ground sprinkler systems for
residential and commercial customers.
Landscape lighting is also their specialty.
Mark has over 25 years of experience, puts
the needs of his customers first and will work
on any size job.
Gary Herren
Band Instrument Repair & Lessons
Call Judy Navaugh
Reasonable Rates References Upon Request
Cell: 419.206.0066
Raymond Williamson
Designs Jewelry
Sara Kranz
Independent Distributor
Cell: 734.735.3111
Fax: 734.854.1980
Website: www.wellesbowengio.com
2666 W. Sterns Road P. O. Box 98
Lambertville, MI 48144
-Catering Available-
Calvary Bible Chapel
3740 West Alexis Road Toledo, Ohio 43623
Phone: 419.472.9765 ext. 107
The Connection
Avon Skin/beauty/color consultation
FREE Delivery with a no questions asked money back guarantee
FREE easy online ordering at www.youravon.com/smowery
Order by phone at 419.474.6296
Email me at shelly.mowery@outlook.com
catalogues available upon request
Shelly Mowery
Independent Avon Representative & Certified Beauty Advisor
Richard Owens
Income Tax Preparation
“A Ministry of Calvary Bible Chapel”
Years of Experience Personal Service
Development, Learning, Daycare, Fun
2585 Hasen Drive Lambertville, MI 48144
We offer both Full-time and Part-time enrollment!
Preparations for both
Ohio and Michigan residents
3740 West Alexis Road
Toledo, Ohio 43623
Rachel Eades, Administrator
Telephone: 419.471.9914
Website: www.cbc-ark.org
Russell Dutridge
Telephone: 734.856.5775
for your appointment.
Chris Podzinski
Installation and Repair
Over 25 years experience
My Financial
ather, in the Name of Jesus I confess Your will
over my finances this day. I have given the tithes of
my increase and I claim the windows of heaven to open
and blessings for my life. I receive now doors of
opportunity open for me and my family. I will always
have all sufficiency in all things as you are raising up
others to use their power, their ability, and their
influence to help me.
The pastoral staff realize that being admitted to the hospital for
many or facing possible surgery is a very stressful time for you. It is
our every intention to be there with you for prayer and support.
However, many times we are unable to do so because we receive
the information regarding an upcoming surgery sometimes just a
few hours before the scheduled time.
We have placed a sheet at the information desk on which you
can give us all your scheduled hospital or surgery dates in advance.
We are a very busy staff and plan all hospital and surgery visitation
calls well in advance, so please help us out.
In Jesus' Name, I believe every need is met with
heaven's best. I have given for the support of the work
of God and those who teach His Word. You promised
that You would supply all my need according to your
riches in glory by Christ Jesus. So, I thank You Father, I
enjoy the best in every area of my life. You give me and
my family richly all things to enjoy.
Now, satan, I bind your activity in my life and I loose
the angels, the ministering spirits of God to minister for
me and bring in the necessary finances so that I may
continue to finance the kingdom of God. The maximum
return on my giving is mine because I give to promote
the Name of Jesus and the gospel in the earth. In Jesus'
name. Amen!
The Connection
3740 West Alexis Road
Toledo, OH 43623-1123
By: Bethany M. Regal Reinhart
For all the years we wasted
we have come a long, long way
but first we had to learn
to walk a new walk day by day.
Sometimes we wondered if we could go on
our lives were so broken, inside there was no song.
There were times we wondered if God was really in our corner
but later came to understand all things are in His divine order.
It was through our brokenness
Jesus made himself known to us.
Now we have His promise of eternal life
through the Savior we have learned to trust.
The Connection
CBC Sponsors
Red Cross
Blood Drive
Thursday, February 5, 2015
11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
If you are planning to donate blood or if you
have questions please call Shirley Melchi at
419.841.8311 or the American Red Cross
at 1.800.GiveLife.
Now on Sale!
Chapel Cook Book
$1500 Each
2 copies for $2500
Proceeds from the sale of the cook book
will go towards the KID’s ZONE Ministry
to enhance and enrich our ministry to the
children of Calvary Bible