School Council Minutes March
School Council Minutes March
SOUTHEAST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Meeting Minutes March 16, 2015 MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Michelle H Allison Denise B Sally Lee-Ann S Nikki Michelle D Tara M Kazia MEMBERS ABSENT: April F, Ruby, Michelle M, Terri, Tavenshure, Jen, Andrea, Gazala OPENING REMARKS / WELCOME at 7:03pm APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION to approve agenda was made by Lee-Ann, seconded by Sally, all were in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Tabled until the April Meeting. BOARD REPORT No Board visitor this month PRINCIPAL REPORT (Denise) Provincial budget will be tabled on March 26th, FFCA is waiting for the numbers so they can plan for expenditures. Admin. technology meeting, $300 000.00 for technology infrastructures within the school 9 classroom volunteers for the Character Conference 330 plus 38 staff plus 9 volunteers $50.00 allowance for the crafts for the teachers TEACHER REPORTS (Nikki) Swimming is happening now for the entire school Kindergartens are using phonograms to sound out reading. Grade 1 students are creating animal reports. Grade 3 students are working on their Director's Cut. Grade 4 students are working on persuasive writing. There was a Rachel's challenge assembly last week. The students performed a wonderful Spring Concert. Clay for Kids happened in February, painting will happen in April. CHAIR REPORT (Michelle H.) Professional Parenting: only had about 20 people, but two families came from the High School and at least one from the NEE – session was very informative, better than first one, next one is the Languages of Love. May 6th or the 13th? Office 365- see Denise or myself to get “logged on” Council computer - set up in Volunteer Work Room, can be set up to print. Hydration Station (SWE has): environmentally friendly (no more plastic bottles), cold water, filtered water, no more germs from faucet, water bottles fit under to fill, plumbed through existing water line right next to current water fountain, approx. cost $5,000- discussion and tabled until known cost comes in Lee-Ann: please submit another ad for the dance to Jan this week for next months’ newsletter Michelle M.: $90 cheques plus N.S.F. returned yet? - Taveshure needs to follow up as promised. Started advertising for next years’ Council (newsletter, Michelle D., Kindergarten parents and SC board). Please start recruiting, especially if not coming back…fill your position with someone you feel confident taking over for you! Page 1 SOUTHEAST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Meeting Minutes March 16, 2015 Community Fund (discussion): 1) How should ASC continue to support the Community Fund?, 2) How much should ASC receive from each Council to support the fund (presently $1000 from each Council, plus $600 annual fee)? 3) Should ASC continue to support the two scholarships ($1000 for Leadership and $1000 for Character)? Funding an event where you get all families together is an idea. The concern would be if they would mingle outside of their normal groups. We should keep the scholarships. Even though the community fund pays for a lot of bussing, it does matter to the students. South Principals talked, not about a percentage, but more than the $1000.00. Maybe $2000 - $3000 per campus. Could and should the middle school SRCs fund the transition to high school events? There will be an increase for the dues for ASC for next year. Possible to get “checklist” that parents signed during Orientation to find out who checked off “School Council”? - great way to find new member- Denise will get that information for Michelle. “No Homework” tickets if parents come to AGM? Or a raffle? Prizes could be Spirit Wear or pay for field trip/gym fees? Babysitting offered? Snacks? Interest in having Board candidates come to our AGM and speak before/after our election (so we can meet them)? ASCA - health concern around wireless in the schools will be discussed, but it is not affordable to hard wire. Lots of media attention around this issue. VICE CHAIR REPORT (Terri P.) Wear it - they had a meeting with Ariel. She will be hiring more staff. There will be fitting dates for south schools, free shipping over $350.00. There will be a “did you know” section. Complaints and concerns will be addressed. The 2015-16 calendar is out. The Preferred Future with Mark Prefountaine is continuing. TREASURER REPORT (Michelle M.) MOTION to accept the financials as presented was made by Sally, seconded by Michelle D, all were in favor. FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR REPORT (Michelle H.) Jamie came in to inform about Spell-a-thon procedures. Council will be in charge. Will call for volunteers, 5 for marking, more for counting Photocopying will need to be done. Council needs to buy manila envelopes. The fundraiser starts on May 11th with the test happening on the 21st. There will be 1 prize per grade. They will be 5 - $50.00 Sport Chek gift cards, one per grade level. The pencils have been ordered. There will be a closing assembly, but not an opening one. There will be no pizza parties. FUN LUNCH COORDINATOR REPORT (April) Forms for Character Conference will go out right after the break. HEALTH AND WELLNESS REP. REPORT (Kazia G.) Kazia is having a hard time getting people to call her back about the dental health presentations. Hydration station - Kazia will call SWE to inquire about theirs. Page 2 SOUTHEAST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Meeting Minutes March 16, 2015 VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR REPORT (Michelle D.) Mrs. Gabel needs library volunteers. No SEE volunteer percentage due to FFCA website being down for registration. GRANT COORDINATOR REPORT: (Jen) Received final accounting paperwork for the tarmac grant. We need Denise to sign it and then we are finished with it. Spoke with Christina at Jonathan Denis office about a technology grant for the sound mixer. I also asked if the wiring and hydration system would fall under a grant. Turns out only the mixer would be eligible. We could potentially do one grant application for the mixer and iPads all under the technology category. We need to be mindful of timing, in that we can only apply for one government grant in the fiscal year of April 1st – March 31st. CASINO REP. (Lee-Ann S.) Advertising for the dance 45 families have rsvp'd Another notice will go out right after the break. SPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR REPORT (Alison L.) Stampede Breakfast is being held on June 12, 2015 from 7:30-9:30am. Remaining budget $1449.65. I have ordered the Great Events Rentals (tables, chairs, pancake dispensers, griddles, chafing dishes and coffee thermoses). Total $1090.32 (20% discount). Can return thermoses if not needed. Reptiles rented. Sausages are sourced. I rented the tents, total $864.68. I have invited the Stampede Princess and Queen, Indian Princess, Stampede committee crew (welcome crew and mascot), line dancing and square dancing. . How about having a contest where the students design the invite? Decided that their will be a contest between the K’s – Grade 3’s and Grade 4’s will choose a winner, chosen invite will get their creation framed and presented at breakfast (SEE staff to organize). Please email to me any IDEAS on entertainment for the event? $200 to spend. Denise and Administration need to come up with people that they want invited to Breakfast. This list needs to include the email addresses and contact names, VIP list- please get to Alison a.s.a.p. KINDERGARTEN REP. REPORT (Gazala) Nothing to report. MENTOR COORDINATOR REPORT (Ruby) Nothing to report. MEMORY BOOK COORDINATOR REPORT (Sally W.) Everything is running well, order forms being sent home on April 9th. MILK PROGRAM COORDINATOR REPORT (Andrea) Everything is running well. NEW BUSINESS – N/A MOTION to adjourn by Michelle H. at 8:24pm. Next meeting is Monday, April 20th, 2015 at 7pm in the library. Michelle Haylow, Chair Page 3