June 5-7, 2015 âInnerâ Beauty Workshops
June 5-7, 2015 âInnerâ Beauty Workshops
Please enclose a cheque payable to: Wasaga Women's Weekend in the amount of $175.00 and mail with completed registration form to: Barbara Wiebe 156 Macaulay Crescent Winnipeg, MB R2G 0P5 Registration form & fee must be given to Barbara before the camp weekend Email: barbarawiebe@shaw.ca Phone: 204-663-5007 Registration Deadline: May 15, 2015 What is the Wasaga Women's Weekend? Women have been recreating and refreshing themselves at Camp Wasaga annually for 35 + years. The weekend encourages connection and sharing, providing a safe place for healing, understanding and growth. Our workshops empower women to honour their uniqueness, develop leadership qualities, and make a difference! We laugh, sing, and have fun! What to bring! * Water bottle * * * * * * * Journal Sleeping bag or bedding Pillow Toiletries Insect spray Flashlight Items for Silent Auction and cash to purchase tickets & Inner Beauty theme CD ($5) * Books for free Book Exchange * Your “superhero” cape ! The “cape” could be a blanket, curtain, towel or whatever you choose ~ to symbolize your own personal “super-power” or talent. Wasaga Women’s Weekend Camp Wasaga Clear Lake, Manitoba June 5-7, 2015 “Inner” Beauty Workshops Cancellation Policy: If you cancel your registration on or before May 15th, you will receive a full refund of fees paid. After May 15th, a $50.00 cancellation fee will be held back. We invite you to bring a friend, daughter, mother, sister, niece, kindred spirit… to share this amazing weekend and enjoy quality time together! Camp Wasaga is nestled among the pine trees along the south shore of Clear Lake in Riding Mountain National Park, approximately 3.5 hours from Winnipeg. Follow Hwy #10 north to Onanole, turn LEFT (west) at Woods Supermart. Drive for 3.5 kms and where the pavement ends, turn RIGHT (north) on the gravel road (there is a sign at the corner indicating Camp Wasaga). Drive another 4 kms until you see the Camp Wasaga sign on the right! Turn RIGHT into the driveway and right again into the parking lot. …a gathering of spirits, a festival of friends… Camp Wasaga is affiliated with The United Church of Canada “Inner” Beauty Workshops .. is designed to help women This Workshop dismantle the beauty ideal created by the media, that causes pressure to compare & self-reject for most women and girls. We will create a new conversation away from “negative talk” to “I have purpose” ~ by allowing you to explore your unique qualities in fun, interactive ways. The goal of this Workshop is to enable you to recognize that it is who you are that matters, and your impact on the collective and internal conversation about beauty, love-ability and self-worth. About the Facilitator Pam Jansen is a recovering overachiever, momma bear of 2 wild & worldly big people and lover of life ! When she is not creating effective programs for & with youth in the River East/Transcona School Division as Community Programming Coordinator for Youth, she is usually avoiding real life and housecleaning by getting an exercise-induced endorphin fix on a trail somewhere, practicing yoga or just relaxing in a tub full of bubbles with a good book & bowl of M&Ms. Most recently, Pam was nominated for the 2014 YMCA-YWCA Woman of Distinction Award, made Ace Burpee’s top 100 Most Fascinating people list in 2014, and became an Oma to her first grandson, Hunter ! WEEKEND PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM FRIDAY 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Arrive, register, & settle into cabins 8:30 pm Beauty from the inside out 10:00 pm Music Snack Consider your registration confirmed unless you hear otherwise. Name ______________________________ Address ______________________________ City ______________________________ Province ________________Code_________ SATURDAY 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 10:00 am Rise ‘n Shine Exercise! Morning Worship Breakfast Music 10:30 am Mirror, mirror, off the wall 12:30 pm Lunch Phone ( Email ) __________________________ _______________________________ Home Congregation (if applicable) ____________________________________ ___ Free time to relax, walk, sleep, read, shop … 4:30-6:00 pm Auction Bids & Mini-sessions [yoga, stone-painting, ballroom dancing] List names of women with whom you wish to share a cabin________________________ 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 10:00 pm 1. Would you like to lead morning worship? Caped Crusaders’ Dinner Beauty Pageant of Heroines Snack Campfire!! □yes □no 2. Please indicate special dietary needs: SUNDAY 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 1:00 pm ____________________________________ Rise ‘n Shine Exercise! Morning Worship Breakfast Music I am enough ! Closing Worship/Bread Ritual Lunch ____________________________________ 3. Will you present a skit, poem, reading, song etc. on the weekend? □yes □no The first 5 cabins are reserved for campers with challenges. Please indicate your need for an easy-access cabin: OUR FUN THEME IS … SUPERHEROES So dress up as your favourite one and take part in a beauty pageant if you wish ! SKITS & ballroom dancing are optional too ! ________________________________ Please tear off this section and return with your cheque.
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