Recertification Application - Canadian Addiction Counsellors
Recertification Application - Canadian Addiction Counsellors
PLEASE FILL OUT FORM COMPLETELY INCLUDING BOTH PAGES. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE RETURNED 81 Bruce Street, Unit C Kitchener, ON N2B 1Y7 Phone: Toll Free: Email: 519-772-0533 866-624-1911 519-772-0535 Web Fax: Page 1 of 3 APPLICATION FOR RECERTIFICATION Please fill in this form before printing your application (use the tab key to navigate through document). Enter in "none" "no" or "n/a" in empty fields if not applicable. If filling in by hand PLEASE PRINT. Incomplete forms or forms with illegible hand writing will be returned to you for completion and re-submission. The CACCF will not be responsible for late submissions if this form is not submitted correctly. Check the box(s) that apply to your recertification CADC D ICADCD ICCDP D Inactive Status D (specify) ICCDPDD ICCAC D ICCS D ccs D ICPS D NOTE: late fees will apply to late submissions Recertification Date (expiry date on your certificate) NAME: Miss I Mrs. /Ms. /Mr./ Dr HOME ADDRESS: Street Prov. City E-mail: TELEPHONE: Postal Code BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: Street City TELEPHONE: Prov. E-mail: Postal Code ** See table below for applicable taxes by province ** AMOUNT ENCLOSED: PAYMENT METHOD: D CHEQUE D MONEY ORDER Credit Card# 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD Expiry Date - - - - - - Signature of Card holder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please send your payment with your application directly to: CANADIAN ADDICTION COUNSELLORS CERTIFICATION FEDERATION (CACCF) 81 Bruce Street, Unit C, Kitchener, Ontario N2B 1 Y7 Province PE ON. NL. NB Fee Tax 71.43 HST @ 14% 10.00 71.43 HST@ 13% 9.29 Total $81.43 $80.72 Prov. Fee Tax NS 71.43 HST @15% 10.71 (others) 71.43 GST @05% 3.57 Total $82.14 $75.00 CONTINUING EDUCATION For for each course listed below a copy of the CACCF or IC&RC approval letter AND certificate(s) of attendance MUST be included. Please be advised that 28 of the CEU hours must be core specific with the remaining 12 hours being related to addiction education. CEU's must pertain to the knowledge and skills area, as per the Standards and Certification manual and be approved through the CACC F office. APPROVED HOURS COURSE TITLE CORE RELATED DATES ATTENDED LOCATION SPONSORING INSTITUTION OR ORGANIZATION ~~~~~~-DD~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~-DD~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~-DD~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~-DD~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~-DD~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~~DD~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~-DD~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~-DD~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~-DD~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~~DD~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~-DD~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~-DD~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~~DD~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~-DD~~~~~~-~~~~Total Core Hours I have obtained a total of DD ~I----~ Total Related Hours CACCF or IC&RC approved Continuing Education hours within the past 24 months. PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DATE: Page 2 of 3 Page 3 of 3 81 Bruce Street Unit C Kitchener, ON N2B 1Y7 Ph. 866-624-1911 Fax: 519-772-0535 Email: Web: CANADIAN ADDICTION COUNSELLORS CERTIFICATION FEDERATION SWORN AFFIDAVIT- PROOF OF WORK EXPERIENCE NAME (full legal name): Last First M.I. MAILING ADDRESS (full legal address): Street City Province PHONE: Home: ( Postal Code Work: ( Fax: ( My name is (full legal name): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I live in: -----------------------------~ And I swear/affirm that the following is true: I have been actively working in the substance abuse field for the past two years to date. Swom~ffirmedbyme: Dated on: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Signature) -----------------~