the Chalk Artist Application Here


the Chalk Artist Application Here
Canton First Friday
2015 Chalk the Walk Application
Canton First Friday is a collaborative effort between the Special Improvement District and ArtsinStark,
The County Arts Council. It is primarily a self-guided tour of local art galleries, studios, stores, and
restaurants. The event is designed to highlight local businesses and local artists. This will be our 7th
Annual Chalk the Walk First Friday!
No theme for this year! Be creative.
Friday, July 3, 2015
The festivities take place in the Canton Arts District. Chalking spaces could be located anywhere in the
Arts District.
For more information please contact: Email
The deadline to turn in your application to participate is Monday, June 1
Limited spaces are available! Only 25 artists will be chosen this year.
Chalk Artist Perks, Rules and Regulations:
Submit a color sketch of your proposed piece (color copy OK). You can also scan and e-mail. The First Friday
Committee reserves the right to deem any submitted subject matter as inappropriate. Non-compliance with the
rules will result in immediate removal from the event. Do not submit your original artwork, please – Artwork will
not be returned.
Each Adult Chalk Artist/Team will be paid a $50 stipend to be mailed out the Monday after the event. Any
individual artist under the age of 18 that applies and is selected will receive a $25 stipend.
Chalk artists may begin working on their sections at 5pm at the earliest -- but must begin at 6pm at the latest.
Chalk pastels are the medium and works produced are temporary. Chalk will be provided. You need only provide
your talents and enthusiasm and any other supplies you desire to have. PASTELS ARE THE MEDIUM. Only
chalk pastels in a solid form may be used for street art. NO PAINT!
All Artists will be drawing on sidewalk or pavement, please note that this is physically demanding and tiring.
Please only participate if you are physically able to do so safely and plan your supplies accordingly.
All art selections must be family friendly, there are to be NO political advertisements or statements, written, visual
or implied. This is a juried selection process and only the best sketches will be chosen.
Teams are restricted to a maximum 4 artists (due to space restrictions)
Art Spaces will be approx. 4 ft. by 6 ft
Canton First Friday reserves the right to photograph and reproduce the street paintings by the artists in any
manner. The artist retains rights to reproduce and sell images of his/her work.
Accepted artists will need to check in at the First Friday Information Table (Court Ave N & 4th St. NW). The
Information Table will be open at 4:30 PM on Friday, July 3. You will be given your assigned space and pastels at
If there is inclement weather the evening of the event, the artist will be offered an alternative date to chalk. If the
date doesn’t work for the artist, the artist forfeits the payment.
Please mail or drop off completed application to:
First Friday c/o ArtsinStark
Mailing Address: 308 4th St. NW, Canton, OH 44702
First Friday Artist
I. Information
Artist Name _______________________________________________________________________________________
Team Name (if applicable)____________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
Primary Number / Cell ______________________________ Email* ________________________________________
Professional Artist ___ Art Student ___ Family/Student Team ___ (teams under age 16 must have 1 adult supervisor)
If you are a student, please include the following:
School ________________________________________________ Grade __________________________________
Proposed Image Title:
III. Artist Agreement
By signing this agreement the artist agrees to abide by the guidelines and decisions of ArtsinStark and the
downtown Canton Special Improvement District, their employees or other representatives of Canton First Friday.
(Please read and check all boxes to acknowledge your agreement):
6pm on the day of the event.
If inclement weather occurs, I understand that ArtsinStark has the right to cancel participation in and payment for
the event.
Participants agree by signing to accept the following hold harmless clause:
• I have reviewed and agree to the above terms for participating in Canton First Friday.
• GENERAL RELEASE & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The undersigned acknowledges and hereby and forever discharges,
releases and holds harmless Canton First Friday, its committee, sponsors, the City of Canton, and their agents of and
from any loss or damage to my person or property while in possession of or under the supervision of the Canton First
Friday and its sponsors. Applicant(s) by their signature below consents to the enforcement of all rules and instructions of
the Canton First Friday Chalk the Walk event. By signing below, applicant(s) hereby certifies that he/she/they has read
and accepted the conditions as set herein. Applicant(s) also certifies by their signature that all information provided is true
and correct.
• Canton First Friday reserves the right to photograph and reproduce the street paintings by the artists in any manner. The
artist retains rights to reproduce and sell images of his/her work.
Signature _____________________________________________________ Date ________________