plapril17 - Cardinal John Foley Regional Catholic School


plapril17 - Cardinal John Foley Regional Catholic School
April 17, 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian,
“The heavens declare the glory of God
And the firmament proclaims His handiwork”
Psalm 19:2
April signifies the dawning of Spring! Over the past few days it almost seems like spring is
here During this month it is a good time to celebrate new life – physical and spiritual.
Spring invigorates us to get active. After the winter we yearn to be outside enjoying the
sunshine. Often we neglect ourselves for other concerns – work, house, and children. Over the
next few weeks perhaps you can carve out some time to enjoy spring. The results will be a
refreshed you – better able to meet life’s challenges.
During Lent we took some time to quietly reflect on our busy lives. Perhaps we discovered
where we needed to grow spiritually. Easter provided us with the opportunity to celebrate our
spiritual rebirth. With the Lord we rise from sin to live in His glory. Our spiritual life needs to
be re-awakened just as our physical life does. Think about the spiritual re-awakening you
experienced over the past several weeks and how this experience will enrich your relationship
with the Lord. Maybe the physical and spiritual time will go hand-in-hand!
This week our school community is praying for Matthew Anzideo, Mrs. Walters, Cullen Keffer,
the Coon family, Alice Rodgers, Valerie Dati, Dr. Mendez, Monsignor Trinity, Richard
Gatewood, Patrick Cataldo, Conall Harvey, Ted McGonigle, and for all those in need.
Congratulations to Mackenzie Ciotti, who received the sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday
at Presentation BVM. We are happy to have her as a more active member of the Catholic
Brianna Pennington was awarded a St. Thomas Moore Scholarship to Archbishop Carroll High
Thank you to all of our families for supporting Conall Strong Day! Close to 1,000 t-shirts were
ordered and 130 taco lunches were sold on Friday! We thank Owen and Ryan Harvey and their
committees for organizing kick ball during lunch recess. Conall likes to play soccer and baseball.
The boys thought kick ball was a good combination of both! Thank you to our parents who took
the great pictures! “A picture speaks a thousand words”.
Progress reports will be distributed on Wednesday. This is a change from the original calendar.
300 East Eagle Road • Havertown, PA 19083
P:610.446.4608 • F:610.446.5705 •
Principal Letter
April 17, 2015
Page - 2
The Walnut Street Theatre will be here on Thursday to present an assembly on friendship to our
students in grades K to 5.
Signed progress reports are due to your child’s homeroom teacher on Friday.
Grade eight will attend a retreat on Friday at the IHM Spirituality Center.
Grade one will present AUTHOR SHOWCASE in their classrooms on Friday.
We thank the parents who will be attending the program for signing in at the office before going
to the classrooms.
This week Mrs. Simirgilio will be on a Middle States Team visit. Mrs. Haney will substitute in
Due to changes the state of PA made all teachers, staff, volunteers are required to take an
updated Mandated Reporter Training online class. If you took this online class prior to January
2015 you are asked to retake the updated class and send your certificate to the office. The class
takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour. The link is below or can be found on our web site under Safe
Last evening the Delaware County Advisory Board for Catholic Education sponsored a
Distinguished Catholic Graduate Gala. The 50-50 drawing was won by Brian Zwaan, a Saint
Denis graduate. Brian was kind enough to donate the $750 to Father Kevin who in turn donated
it to the school. We will use this donation to repair our current PA system.
Mrs. Mary Ann DeAngelo
Come and see some of the beautiful artwork
done by students from Cardinal John Foley
throughout the school year thus far!
Showcase of
4 P.M. UNTIL 7:30 P.M.
RADNOR, PA 19087

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