the Newsletter - Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital


the Newsletter - Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital
C a r d i n a l H i l l F o u n d at i o n E a s t e r Se a l s K e n t u c k y
Celebrate Ability
Three years ago the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Easter Seals Society, Inc. and the Board of
Trustees of Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital began a long-term strategic planning process with
a consultant facilitating our planning. During that time we focused on the many changes affecting
our national health care system then and in the coming years. A recurring theme was that hospitals
Our principal goal was, and continues to be, maintaining for the future the high quality rehabilitation
services that patients of Cardinal Hill have come to know and expect for over 60 years.
We explored our options within the state and nationally. We interviewed
selected candidates based on our criteria and we concluded
that HealthSouth Corporation, a noted national health system
exclusively devoted to the provision of physical rehabilitation
an agreement with HealthSouth for the sale of the hospital
operations. HealthSouth’s expertise in providing high quality
outcomes in inpatient and outpatient physical rehabilitation
care will enable Cardinal Hill Hospital to continue its heritage
of the highest quality services to our community and the
The Cardinal Hill Foundation will now be able to focus on
services to help meet the community needs that are not met by
an inpatient rehabilitation hospital, skilled nursing facility, home
care or general physical therapy services. And because we will
be able to direct all of our attention, all of our time and all of
our resources to these programs, it is our goal to make them
model programs in our community, region and the nation. The
organization will continue with its Internal Revenue Code Section
501(c)(3) status as a charitable organization and donations are tax
the beginning of Cardinal Hill 64 years ago. Easter Seals, Inc.
related programs.
We want to thank the many volunteers and donors who have
supported Cardinal Hill through the years. The care given here
and the reputation of Cardinal Hill throughout the country has
only been possible through the tremendous community support this
organization has received. As we move forward, the Cardinal Hill Foundation will continue to
Glenn Norvell
Chair, Board of Trustees Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital
Member, Board of Directors Kentucky Easter Seals Society, Inc.
Who We Are
Adaptive Recreation
Adaptive Recreation promotes healthy and active lifestyles with the goal
to improve the overall quality of life for people with physical disabilities
through education, exposure to adaptive equipment and adaptive
recreation experiences in the community.
Adult Day Health
Adult Day Health is uniquely designed to provide medical and social
services to individuals who have birth disorders or have acquired (through
trauma) developmental, intellectual, cognitive, and/or physical disabilities.
We offer supervision to these medically fragile individuals, so their
primary caregivers can continue to balance their employment and
other family needs.
Creative Beginnings Child
Development Center
What’s Next...
Creative Beginnings Child Development Center offers an interactive
environment where children of ALL abilities receive love, security,
independence, values, guidance and acceptance. Our teaching methods
give attention to the needs and differences of each individual child
enrolled. We strive for excellence and position ourselves as models of best
practice for early care and education.
We hope to add Autism Services to our list of programs in the near future. The Foundation will also be
constantly researching and discovering service gaps in the community and state that we could help. The goal
remains steadfast … providing exceptional services so that people of all abilities can live, learn, work and play
in our communities.
Staff Directory:
New Website
Stay informed! Cardinal Hill Foundation
is working with Trifecta Media to build a
new website highlighting the programs we
June and will still be
Elizabeth Faulkner, Program Director, Adult Day Health
Courtney Feltner, Development Manager
Sandy Frey, Executive Assistant
Melissa Hampton, Program Director, Creative Beginnings
Child Development Center
Cindy Jacobelli, Program Director, Adaptive Recreation
Darryl Stith, Major Gifts/Planned Giving Manager
Jenny Wurzback, Executive Director
Event Recap
Thanks for Braving the Cold with us this Winter!
Wild Game Dinner
On January 23, Cardinal Hill hosted the 12th Annual Wild Game Dinner & Sport Auction at the recently
renovated Campbell House. Thanks to your support, the event was a great success! Special thanks to Big
Buck Sponsor: Stites & Harbison and Duck Call Sponsors: Commercial Bank of West Liberty, Kentucky Proud,
MCF Advisors and Stoll Keenon Ogden. We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention how grateful we are to Buds
Gun Shop & Range for their generous support since the beginning, providing us with an excellent auction!
Each year, it seems our chefs keep getting better and better and this year was no exception! Thanks to Billy’s
BBQ, The Campbell House, Cardinal Hill Hospital, DaRae & Friends Catering, Tanya Priddy and Hilary J.
Boone Center. We’re already thinking about next year’s menu!
Roundball BASH
Roundball BASH, hosted by Cardinal Hill’s Junior Board, took place on February 28, following UK’s win over
Arkansas. It was a special evening highlighted by renowned, speed painter Aaron Kizer and his amazing
works of art – with a fun, UK twist! In just three years’ time, Roundball BASH has become a huge success and
a party fans of UK and friends of Cardinal Hill have come to enjoy! Special thanks to Sweet Sixteen Sponsors:
Integrity Architecture, Keeneland, Kentucky Eagle and Stoll Keenon Ogden; Entertainment Sponsor: William
S. Evans III and Round of 32 Sponsors: iHeart Media, Kentucky Bank, MCF Advisors, MCM CPA’s & Advisors,
UK Healthcare and WealthSouth. Hats off to the Cardinal Hill Junior Board for another outstanding year!
Ages & Stages
Every year, more than one million children with
and health issues that put them far behind their peers
and have a lasting, negative effect on their ability to
meet their full potential. In an effort to combat these
startling statistics, Easter Seals, through the support
of CVS Caremark Charitable Trust, is offering free
and caregivers to make sure their child is reaching his or her developmental milestones. The Ages & Stages
Questionnaires® from Brookes Publishing is an effective way to monitor child development, track progress
and identify potential issues so any concerns can be readily addressed.
Make Sure Your Child is Reaching Developmental Milestones
Birth to One Year: At two months, does your baby smile when you talk to her?
1 to 2 Years: Does your child help turn the pages of
a book at 16 months?
2 to 3 Years: Does your child put on a coat, jacket
or shirt by himself?
3 to 4 Years: When you ask, “What is your name?”
4 to 5 Years: Does your child count up to 15
without making mistakes?
Tax Change…
Do You Need to Update Your Will ?
With the recent sale of Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital to
HealthSouth, the Hospital’s tax exempt status changes and is no
longer a 501(c)(3). Cardinal Hill Foundation Easter Seals KY remains
Recreation, Adult Day Health & Creative Beginnings – will continue
to need charitable assistance for their mission. If you would like to
continue to support these programs, please change your Will to
HILL FOUNDATION, Federal Employer ID. No. 61-0444712.
If you should have any questions, please contact Darryl Stith
at 859-367-7217.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
Together we can be champions for people of all abilities!
Hill on Wheels
Unforgettable Time at Rupp
Thanks to the University of Kentucky Athletics Department, Cardinal Hill’s wheelchair basketball team was
UK vs. Arkansas game against UK’s High Performance Football Staff.
proudly. “I enjoyed getting to know and educate the UK Football
hit the court I forgot about where we were and focused on play.
I hope the audience enjoyed the show as much as we enjoyed
performing, but I doubt it!”
The Hill on Wheels basketball team is just one of the many programs
Cardinal Hill Foundation offers to people of all ages to help them get
back in the game. Cindy Jacobelli, Director of Adaptive Recreation,
it can instill in someone who has had a traumatic injury or life-long
disability. “One of the goals for the Adaptive Recreation program
at Cardinal Hill is to educate the community about the wonderful
opportunities we offer people with disabilities, and doing that in front
of 20,000 plus people was a tremendous gift!”
The halftime game wouldn’t have been possible had we not had a
team to play against. We are so thankful to the UK Football High
Performance Staff for taking the time to try out a new sport in front
of thousands. Following the Hill on Wheels shootout, we think our
team proved their ABILITY. “I had an absolute blast playing the
Cardinal Hill wheelchair basketball team. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much
fun getting humiliated! Those guys are true athletes and have an incredible will to win. Cardinal Hill is
doing some great things in the community and it was a pleasure to be a part of such a great event,” said High
Performance Coach Erik Korem.
The experience didn’t end there. Our Hill on Wheels team was provided with a tour of the exceptional
Joe Craft Basketball Suite and even got to meet some of UK’s superstars! Jackson added, “Thank you very
much to everyone who was a part of putting the experience together. An annual opportunity to show the
community at large what we can do and on such a huge stage as Rupp would be a welcome treat!”
Run for the Hill
Join us for the 6th Annual Run for the Hill at Keeneland on
Sunday, June 28, 2015 at 4pm.
For more information or sponsorship interest contact Cindy Jacobelli at
859-254-5701 ext. 5642 or
You can also Register at:
Telethon over the Years
Tune in on Sunday, May 3, from 4-6 PM on WKYT-TV 27 as we celebrate the last 43 years of Cardinal
Hill’s Annual Telethon and begin moving forward with a new vision in the Cardinal Hill Foundation.
Save the Date
May 3, 2015
Celebrating 40+ Years of Giving: The Cardinal Hill Telethon on WKYT
June 28, 2015
Run for the Hill at Keeneland
September 4, 2015 The Kentucky BASH at Donamire Farm
at The University Club of Kentucky