
 Invitation to Sponsor
Avec le parrainage de la
de Cardiologie
de Cardiologie
Avec le parrainage de la
Letter of invitation
What is Cardiosleep
Congress program
Levels of sponsorship ( major)
p 3-4
p 6-7
p 8-10
Levels of sponsorship ( standard)
p 11-12
Practical information
p 13-16
Sponsor order form
p 17
2015 Corporate Sponsor reservation form
p 18
Nominative information form
p 19
Dear Sir, Madame
Subject: Invitation for sponsorship
With immense pleasure, I would like to inform you that Cardiosleep is holding the 4th International Conference on
Cardiac Failure & Sleep Apnea on the 10th &11th of April, 2015. The congress will be held at the Palais Brongniart
Congress Center in Paris, France.
Cardiosleep is a non profit organisation that relies on support form our industry partners to help pay for the
costs of holding our congress and training events.
Cardiosleep uses all surplus revenues to achieve its goals and reinvests into Cardiosleep training and education.
Cardiosleep is not a business to make money, but a forum born out of my passion to educate cardiologists and
pneumologists on the association between Cardiac Failure & Sleep Apnea.
Our congress is an event that brings Cadiologists together for scientific & clinical education, training and
inspiration. We have grown over the past years and at this, our 4th gathering, we are expecting attendance 400600 Cardiologists from all over the world.
At the 2015 Cardiosleep congress in Paris, we are honored to have some of the biggest names in Cardiology not
only on the Scientific Committee but also to present at the meeting.
Scientific Committee
Pr Olaf Oldenburg - Germany
Pr Martin Cowie - UK
Pr Gianfranco Parati - Italy
Pr Virend Somers - USA
Pr Ferran Barbe - Spain
Pr Dominique Lacroix - France
Dr Stefania Redolfi - France
Pr Jean-Louis Pépin - France
Pr Thibaud Damy - France
Dr Vincent Puel - France
Congress Faculty
Pr Patrick Levy- France
Pr Douglas Bradley - Canada
Pr Martin Cowie - UK
Pr Virend Somers - USA
Pr Jean-Louis Pépin - France
Pr Yüksel Peker - Sweden
Pr Nicola Montano - Italy
Pr Krzysztof Narkiewicz - Poland
Pr Thibaud Damy - France
Dr Vincent Puel - France
Pr Ferran Barbe - Spain
Pr Gian Franco Paratti - Italy
Pr Marie Pia D’Ortho - France
Dr Stefania Rodolfi - France
Pr Peretz Lavie - Israel
The Cardiosleep congress is two full days of scientific sessions on cutting edge issues related to cardiac failure
and sleep apnea, there are also many opportunities for your orginisation to networking and socializing with
Cardiologists from all over the world.
Our international scientific committee & congress faculty have designed a world-class event program (attached).
The program will include lectures, workshops and symposium given by specialists in the area of Cardiac Failure
& Sleep Apnea. At the same time, we want to make the conference itself an absolutely memorable event. We are
pleased that we will have acclaimed researcher and speaker Professor Douglas Bradley, Division of Respirology
at the University of Toronto Canada
I would like to invite you to become a sponsor of the CardioSleep International Congress where your organization
would have access to Cardiologists from around the world. We are putting every possible effort to make the
Cardiosleep congress a well-attended event. We are diligently working on bringing the most knowledgeable
clinicians and researchers from all over the world, as well as key international speakers who are experts on cardiac
failure and sleep apnea.
This would be a wonderful opportunity for your organization to have some visibility in front of an international
audience who could benefit and value from your participation at this event.
Attached are the sponsorship options designed to assist you in finding the right level for your budget and your
time. Please review and let me know if you have any questions,
You can email your interest level back to me at or should you have any further
questions I am available by phone on
+33 6 20 02 05 53
Best regards,
Dr. Vincent Puel
About Cardiosleep:
CardioSleep is a French founded society of cardiologists with a focused interest in the association
between sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease, and the mechanisms linking sleep disorders to
cardiovascular disease.Their focus is on research, clinical analysis and education.
Cardiosleep is a non profit organisation that relies on support form our industry partners to help pay for
the costs of holding our congress and training events.
About The Cardiosleep Congress 2015:
The CardioSleep congress provides a forum for global experts and trainees to share knowledge and
expertise, research insights and latest innovations in relation to the association between sleep apnea
and cardiovascular disease.
Cadiosleep is a non profit organization with a focus of education and training in the area od cardiac
failure and sleep apnea.
The aim of the 4th CardioSleep Congress is to bring together cardiologists and sleep specialists from
Europe and the world to have an interesting and healthy exchange of opinion and discuss together the
science, research and treatment of sleep apnea today.
The program of the Congress will include lectures and symposium talks given by specialists in the area
of Sleep Apnea. Our keynote speaker will be Professor Douglas Bradley, Division of Respirology at the
University of Toronto, the Cardiopulmonary Sleep Disorders and Research Centre at the Toronto General
Hospital/University Health Network. In addition to Professor Bradley there will be presentations given
by a number of internationally acclaimed specialists in this area who will join an international faculty
for the congress.
The international scientific committee ihas organised a worldclass program with topics ranging from
basics to new developments in Cardiiac Failure `& Sleep Apnea...
Cardiosleep Congress Venue & Plan:
Paris is the world’s most romantic cities will be at it’s best in springtime. Tree-shaded boulevards, bridges
illuminated by wrought-iron lamps and wicker-chair-lined café terraces lend the city charm, while the
grand public monuments add grandeur to remind you that this is one of the most beautiful cities on
earth. There will be plenty of opportunity to explore Paris during your stay
The Cardio Sleep congress will be held at a flagship of Parisian architectural
heritage, the Palais Brongniart provides a prestigious venue for hosting
our congress and is located in the heart of the French capital.
Located in the «Vivienne» district, between the place de la Concorde
and the Louvre Museum, the Palais Brongniart Congress Center is ideally
situated within close proximity to the Grand Hotels and major Department
Stores, and offers majestic architecture brimming with history.
Congress program
Friday, April 10
08h30 - 09h00 • Opening of Congress (Speaker: Dr Vincent Puel)
09h00 - 09h30 • Handling sleep apnea throughout the world, the place of the cardiologist (Speaker: Pr Patrick Levy)
CARDIAC FAILURE - Moderator: Pr Virend Somers
• 9h30-10h00: Epidemiology from the SCHLAF-HR registry, predictive factors, prevalence of CSR
(Speaker: Pr Olaf Oldenburg)
•10h00-10h30: Patho-physiolology: nocturnal rostral fluid shift in patients with heart failure and
sleep apnea (Speaker: Dr Stefania Redolfi)
•10h30-11h00: Screening & Diagnosis : Using 24h monitoring ECG to screen sleep apnea, new data, the role in acute heart failure (Speaker: Pr Thibaud Damy)
• 11h00-11h30: Break & Company exhibitions
• 11h30-12h30: Lecture : Treatment of sleep apnea in heart failure
(Speaker: Pr Douglas Bradley - Moderators: Dr Stefania Redolfi / Pr Thibaud Damy(tbc))
• 12h30-13h00: Randomized trials in heart failure and sleep apnea (Speaker: Pr Martin Cowie)
• 13h00-14h00: LUNCH
• 14h00-15h00: SYMPOSIUM N° 1
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM & SLEEP APNEA - Moderators: Pr Jean-Louis Pepin / Pr Frédéric
• 15h00-15h30: The human autonomic nervous system, dysregulation in SAS
(Speaker: Pr Virend Somers)
• 15h30-16h00: Rhythm abnormalities in sleep (Speaker: Pr Thomas Kara (tbc))
• 16h00-16h30: French registry of vaso vagal syncope and sleep apnea
(Speaker: Dr Vincent Puel)
• 16h30-17h00: Break & Company exhibitions
• 17h00-18h00: SYMPOSIUM RESMED
Congress program
Saturday, April 11
• 8h00-9h00
WORKSHOP 1: Alternative treatments in sleep apnea: phrenic nerve stimulation, oxygen, tongue
pacemaker ( Speaker: Pr Nicola Montano)
WORKSHOP 2: SAS in patients with cardiac failure : Practical aspects of the treatment
( Speaker: Pr Mikaël Artz (tbc))
WORKSHOP 3: Is electronic data from a CPAP device useful in patient’s follow-up?
( Speaker: Pr Marie-Pia D’Ortho)
WORKSHOP 4: SAS & cardiovascular disease : Mandibular advancement device or CPAP
( Speaker: Dr Pierre-Jean Monteyrol)
• 9h00-10h00
WORKSHOP 1: Alternative treatments in sleep apnea: phrenic nerve stimulation, oxygen, tongue
pacemaker ( Speaker: Pr Nicola Montano)
WORKSHOP 2: SAS in patients with cardiac failure : Practical aspects of the treatment
( Speaker: Pr Mikaël Artz (tbc))
WORKSHOP 3: Is electronic data from a CPAP device useful in patient’s follow-up?
( Speaker: Pr Marie-Pia D’Ortho)
WORKSHOP 4: SAS & cardiovascular disease : Mandibular advancement device or CPAP
( Speaker: Dr Pierre-Jean Monteyrol)
• 10h00-11h00: Break & Company exhibitions
• 11h00-11h30 : Sleep Apnea & cardiovascular risk. The European perspective.
(Speaker: Pr Ferran Barbe)
• 11h30-12h00: Sleep Apnea & Hypertension. What do the trials tell us?
(Speaker: Pr Gianfranco Parati)
• 12h00-12h30: Debate: The challenge to obtain a level of proof in SAS and cardiovascular risk Audience vote: which speaker was the most convincing?
(Speakers: Pr Jean François Timsit / Pr Jean-Louis Pepin)
• 12h30-13h30 : LUNCH
• 13h30-14h30: SYMPOSIUM N° 2
• 14h00-14h30: Coronary heart disease & sleep apnea : Results from the RICCADSA Trial
(Speaker: Pr Yuksel Peker)
• 14h30-15h00: Ischemic preconditioning as a possible explanation for the age decline relative mortality in sleep apnea. (Speaker: Pr Peretz Lavie)
• 15h00-15h30: My goal today is to convince you to treat severe sleep apnea in the asymptomatic
patient! - Audience vote: for or against? (Speaker: Pr Krzysztof Narkiewicz)
• 15h30-16h00: Poster Session
Levels of sponsorship
GOLD SPONSOR ( €100,000 HT)
Recognition as a year round sponsor of Cardiosleep
Exclusive company seminar: your company will have the right to hold an exclusive seminar with the
speaker of your choice during the Cardiosleep Congress. This will be part of the official Cardiosleep
congress program.
Sponsor of Young Investigator Award. Presented at during annual congress
Welcome reception for Congress Faculty and Scientific Committee: one (1) guest to attend to represent
your company
Reserved Gala Diner Seating – Two (2) reserved priority area tables for eight (8) guests (if it is a seated
Congress Registration: Registration free for up to 10 company personnel
Premium Booth Space – A 20x20 foot (6 x6 meters) booth space with first or second choice of position
within the designated exhibition space. (Note: Exact dimensions of booth space may vary slightly
depending on the venue)
Registration Area – Your company logo will be prominently featured in the registration area.
Conference Program – Your full-page advertisement will receive prominent placement in the official
congress program, your company logo will appear on the congress flyer
Website Presence. Logo recognition on the front page of the website. Premier placement and corporate
description on supporter webpage with link to your corporate website and/or pop up description
Cardiosleep Publications. Logo placement in all publications, including newsletters, brochures and
congress flyers
Your company logo on the congress satchel
Access to congress attendee list, after the congress you will be sent the official attendee list of names
Levels of sponsorship
Recognition as a year round sponsor of Cardiosleep
Exclusive seminar: your company will have the right to hold an exclusive seminar with the speaker
of your choice during the Cardiosleep Congress. This will be part of the official Cardiosleep congress
Sponsor of congress poster session - Awards for top 3 posters presented at during annual congress
Reserved Gala Diner Seating –One reserved priority area table for five (5) guests (if it is a seated
Congress Registration: Registration free for up to 5 company personnel
Premium Booth Space – A 20x20 foot (6x6 meters) booth space with first or second choice of position
within the designated exhibition space. (Note: Exact dimensions of booth space may vary slightly
depending on the venue)
Registration Area – Your company logo will be prominently featured in the registration area.
Conference Program – Your full-page advertisement will receive prominent placement in the official
congress program, your company logo will appear on the congress flyer
Website Presence. Logo recognition on the front page of the website. Premier placement and corporate
description on supporter webpage with link to your corporate website and/or pop up description
Cardiosleep Publications. Logo placement in all publications, including newsletters, brochures and
congress flyers
Recognition as a sponsor, including signage displayed at all Cardiosleep events. Use of Cardiosleep
logo on your website and publications.
Access to congress attendee list, after the congress you will be sent the official attendee list of names
Levels of sponsorship
Recognition as a year round sponsor of Cardiosleep
Sponsor of a congress workshop – the workshop is part of the official congress program and will
be conducted two times on Saturday 11 th April, your company will have the right to display and
demonstrate products before and after the workshop.
Reserved Gala Diner Seating – (3) guest seats (if it is a seated function)
Congress Registration: Registration free for up to 3 company personnel
Premium Booth Space – A 10x20 foot (3x6 meters) booth space with first or second choice of position
within the designated exhibition space. (Note: Exact dimensions of booth space may vary slightly
depending on the venue)
Registration Area – Your company logo will be prominently featured in the registration area.
Conference Program – your company logo will appear on the congress program
Website Presence. Logo recognition on the front page of the website. Premier placement and corporate
description on supporter webpage with link to your corporate website and/or pop up description
Cardiosleep Publications. Logo placement in all publications, including newsletters, brochures and
congress flyers
Recognition as a sponsor, from podium and throughout various Cardiosleep promotional items
Access to congress attendee list , after the congress you will be sent the official attendee list of names
Description of sponsor levels
Standard corporate sponsor level
Premium Stand:
The 6m² stand includes:
2 tables, 2 chairs, 1 1.5 KW power supply.
1 3 KW power supply (2 1.5 KW sockets)
Price: € 3000.00 excl. VAT
Major Stand:
The 12m² stand includes:
8 tables, 4 chairs, 1 3 KW power supply
Price: € 5,000.00 excl. VAT
Organisation of your symposium at the Congress venue*.
It will appear in the programme as a partner symposium ** along with your logo.
It will also be featured on the Cardiosleep website.
Price: 10,000 € excl. VAT
* Organisation, invitation and registration of speakers, accommodation and transport costs will be
covered by the partner.
** Your symposium programme is subject to approval by the congress.
Sponsored workshop
The workshop will appear in the programme as a partner workshop along with your logo.
It will also be featured on the Cardiosleep website.
2 sessions for each workshop
Workshop n° 1: Alternative treatments in sleep apnea: phrenic nerve stimulation, oxygen, tongue
Worshop n°2: SAS in patients with cardiac failure : Practical aspects of the treatment.
Workshop n°3: Is electronic data from a CPAP device useful in patient’s follow-up?.
Workshop n°4: SAS & cardiovascular disease : Mandibular advancement device or CPAP.
Price: 2,000 € excl. VAT
Description of sponsor levels
Partner name and/or logo featured in a single colour (white) on the
Price: € 1,500.00 excl. VAT
Conference bags
Partner name and/or logo featured on conference bags.
Price: € 2,500.00 excl. VAT.
Conference pads/pens
Partner name and/or logo featured on conference pads and pens.
Pads and pens will be placed in conference bags.
Pad: 21 x 29.7cm - four-colour marking.
Pen: Single-colour marking.
Price: € 1,500.00 excl. VAT.
Bag insert
Your documents placed in conference bags in A4 format.
Price: € 250.00 excl. VAT
Practical Information
Conference venue
Palais Brongniart :
28 Place de la Bourse, 75002 PARIS
To contact Palais Brongniart: Tel: +33 1 83 92 20 20
Technical manager: Pascal Mailleux
Palais Brongniart, a flagship monument of Paris, is the city’s historical stock exchange
How to get to Palais Brongniart :
From Charles de Gaulle Airport: (54 min)
RER B to Massy Palaiseau - Gare du Nord stop
Metro L5 to Place d’Italie - République stop
Metro L3 to Levallois - Bourse stop
34 minutes by car / 20 km
From Paris Orly airport: (59 min)
Orly Bus to Denfert Rochereau - Denfert Rochereau stop
Metro L4 to Porte de Clignancourt - Réaumur Sébastopol stop
Metro L3 to Levallois - Bourse stop
34 minutes by car / 20 km
Montparnasse railway station: Metro L4 to Porte de Clignancourt, Réaumur Sébastopol stop, then
metro L3 to Pont de Levallois, Bourse stop (24 minutes)
Gare de Lyon railway station: RER A to Poissy / Cergy or Saint Germain en Laye, Auber stop, then
Metro L3 to Gallieni, Bourse stop (20 minutes)
Gare du Nord railway station: Metro L5 to Porte d’Italie, République stop, then metro L3 to Pont de
Levallois, Bourse stop (20 minutes)
Gare de l’Est railway station: Metro L5 to Porte d’Italie, République stop, then metro L3 to Pont de
Levallois, Bourse stop (20 minutes)
Bourse Car Park (Vinci)
Place de la Bourse Paris 75002
Set-up and insurance
Set-up, start-up and dismantling of equipment will be the exhibitor’s responsibility.
Except in the event of a specific request to the organisers, the exhibitor will be autonomous.
It is strictly forbidden to drill any holes for hanging or sealing on partition walls, floors, ceilings, pillars
or any other horizontal or vertical surfaces. Use of staples, pins or tacks is also prohibited on all surfaces
and furniture.
Special terms
The equipment delivered by carrier may be delivered to Palais Brongniart as from Wednesday 8 April at
18:00. A standard delivery information sheet will be sent to you once we receive your order form. The
exhibition hall will be open as from 8:00 am on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 April for set-up.
Ceiling height: 28 metres
N.B.: Palais Brongniart will receive parcels but accepts no responsibility if items are not received or in the
event of theft or damage
Shipment: At the end of the Congress the parcels for shipment must leave Palais Brongniart the same
day i.e. Saturday 11 April (or the next day provided there are no other events).
These instructions must be complied with.
Exhibitors must take out insurance covering all risks including fire, theft and malicious acts with respect
to any and all equipment made available, from its arrival at the conference venue to its departure. Such
insurance shall include risks due to transport, handling, set-up, construction and dismantling.
Insurance policies shall include civil liability for damage caused to third parties during the event. Such
policies shall waive any recourse against the organisers, their staff or their principals.
Exhibitors are directly responsible with respect to the organisers and to third parties for damage caused
by any fault or negligence on the part of their staff, agents and visitors.
Allocation conditions
Allocation conditions
All partnership offers and stand choices are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Please examine
the floor plan below and check the available space in real time on the website:,
partner section.
1 A16
• S pecial requests for stand decoration and equipment:
Please contact us for a feasibility study and quote.
• Additional exhibitor badges: Unit price excl. VAT: € 185.00
Includes: Access to exhibitor area, breaks + lunches
• Congress dinner: Friday 10 April by reservation, subject to availability.
General Terms of Sale
Payment terms
Your registration will be confirmed once we receive your total order amount including VAT
Cancellation clauses
Cancellation by the organiser:
In the event of cancellation of the congress due to insufficient participant numbers or in the event of
force majeure (impossibility to use the necessary premises on the scheduled days and at the scheduled
times), the liability of Cardiosleep would be strictly limited to refunding the amounts paid. Exhibitors
would not be entitled to claim any compensation or damages from Cardiosleep.
Cardiosleep reserves the right to modify the times indicated.
Postponement of the event or a change of venue does not justify total or partial cancellation of
reservations made by exhibiting companies.
Cancellation by the exhibitor:
Any cancellation 45 days or more before the date of the Cardiosleep Congress, notified by registered letter,
shall give rise to a refund of the amounts paid, with the exception of management fees corresponding
to 15% of the total amount of the service.
Any cancellation less than 45 days before the event must be notified to Cardiosleep by registered mail
and shall not give rise to any refund.
Obligations of the exhibitor :
Any commitment, once made, finally and irrevocably commits the exhibitor.
Confirmation of the registration form entails the obligation to occupy the stand or space allocated for
the entire duration of the event.
Sponsor order from
Please return this form before 31 January 2015 to:
Your contact:
Agence Buzz Santé
Justine Aries
Congrès Cardiosleep
Tél. 05 56 37 26 09
33, rue Auguste Lamire
33700 Mérignac
Company: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Contact person: Ms Mr
Surname: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................
Post code: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
City: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Country: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
Telephone : ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Mobile : .................................................................................................................................................................................................................
E-mail (essential) : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Terms of participation in the 4th edition of the Cardiosleep Congress: Friday 10 and Saturday 11 April 2015
in Paris
(Tick the appropriate boxes) :
Gold sponsor: Silver sponsor: Bronze sponsor: Incudes symposium 100 000 euros
Includes symposium 50 000 euros
Incudes workshop 20 000 euros
Premium Stand n°:
3000,00 € HT
Major Stand n° :
5000€ HT
Symposium n°1: 10 000€ HT
Symposium n°2:
10 000€ HT
Workshop n°1 :
2000€ HT
Workshop n°2 :
2000 € HT
Workshop n°3 :
2000 € HT
Workshop n°4 :
2000 € HT
Badge lanyards:
2000 € HT
Conference bags : 2500 € HT
Conference pads & pens : 2000 € HT
Bag insert :
250 € HT
Additional exhibitor badge :
185€ HT
Congress dinner :
46 € HT
Payment method:
A receipted invoice will be sent to you once we have received your payment.
Account holder:
Account info.: 30004 01073 00010182186 64
IBAN : FR76 3000 4010 7300 0101 8218 664
Payment in full before 15 February 2015
Drawn up in: :
Date :
Signature and company sta
2015 Corporate Sponsor
Please bill the full amount in a single payment
Please bill in two parts
_________________________________________________________________ Company
Name as it will appear in all print media
Contact Name for all matters relating to this sponsorship
Company Contact Phone: _________________________________________________
Company Contact Email: __________________________________________________
Billing Address: _________________________________________________________
Authorized Signature
Complete form and email
Dr Vincent Puel
Advertisement specs and logo requirements will be sent upon receipt of form
Nominative information form
Names of corporate attendees:
Please indicate the following:
•The name(s) of the staff member(s) who will be participating in the CARDIOSLEEP congress
(a maximum of 2 name badges for each partner company for the Standard Stand)
(a maximum of 4 name badges for each partner company for the Major Stand)
For additional exhibitor badges, please refer to the options.
SURNAME – First name
(in capital letters)
Thank you for your attention!
Your contact: Justine Aries / Tel. +33 5 56 37 26 09 /