March/April 2015 Income Generation & Funding E


March/April 2015 Income Generation & Funding E
March/April 2015
Income Generation & Funding E-bulletin
From Asking to Earning - Generating income from across the spectrum
4.1 February deadlines
4.2 March deadlines
4.3 April deadlines
4.4 Other deadlines/rolling programmes
5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
6. Loans
7. Crowdfunding
1. Welcome
Hello and Welcome to the March/April Income Generation Bulletin.
Spring has finally arrived and with it the March/April Income Generation
bulletin, packed full of funding opportunities, CSR, Crowdfuning and more…
This month find grants available in March, April and May, as well as rolling
programmes and other forms of funding.
Every month, the Income Generation & Funding Bulletin brings you
information about income generating opportunities from across the spectrum
from grants to CSR, as well as news and dates for the diary.
You can also find out about local funding in between bulletins through the ‘Focus on Southwark’
section of CAS website.
If you would like any further support with development or income generation please contact
Alison, Deborah and Truly at
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
2. Notices
Upcoming training at CAS:
CAS: New resources added regularly on Income Generation and Managing your finances
amongst others.
Intro to the Voluntary and Community Sector in Southwark: Thursday 26th March, 10am –
This session is aimed at anyone working/volunteering in or with the Southwark voluntary and
community sector, who is new to the area, new to the VCS, who is feeling confused, who needs
an update or just wants to know more about the sector and/or about CAS’s research findings. It
may be particularly useful for trustees and managers.
Social Enterprise Network: Thursday 26th March, 5:45 – 7:45pm
A chance to meet other budding social entrepreneurs, Hear from useful speakers, share
information and discuss issues.
Southwark Forum: Tuesday 28th April, 2 – 5pm
An opportunity to find out about major developments and opportunities affecting the sector from
local policymakers and commissioners, raise the issues and challenges you are facing with
voluntary sector reps and policymakers and network, share information and connect with other
organisations and groups in Southwark.
Business Planning Module starts on Thursday 7th May
Ideal for anybody working in the voluntary and community sector (including social enterprises)
looking to improve their confidence in managing the business planning process, this course
provides an overview to the fundamentals of the business planning process – enabling you to
plan your future services and determine the resources required to deliver them.
See more funding news and resources on the CAS website at Income Generation Bulletin and at
Focus on Southwark - Funding
3. Awards
Big Society Awards
The Big Society award has been created to recognise individuals, groups or organisations that are
demonstrating the Big Society in their work or activities.
BIG Assist Extension
The BIG Assist team are pleased to announce an extension of the programme. The National
Council for Voluntary Organisations and the Big Lottery Fund have announced further plans to
support infrastructure organisations under the Big Assist programme.
European Youth Foundation
The European Youth Foundation (EYF) aims to develop European youth co-operation through
youth policy, youth work and non-formal education/learning. The fund is managed by the
European Council and is open to registered non-governmental organisations, working locally,
nationally or internationally.
Deadline: 1 April 2015
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
BRIT Trust
All money collected by the Trust from the BRIT Awards is then awarded in the form of donations to
a wide variety of charities that embody The Trusts guiding ethos "to encourage young people in
the exploration and pursuit of educational, cultural or therapeutic benefits emanating from music".
UnLtd - Do-It Awards - England
You’ve got an idea: You want to create social change; you have an idea for how to do it. You’d like
some support to start working on it and learning what works.
Diana Awards
If you know an exceptional young person or group of individuals who have made a selfless
contribution to your community then nominate them for one of our three Diana Award schemes.
Deadline: 1 May 2015
Santander's Social Enterprise Development Awards
The Santander Social Enterprise Development Awards (of up to £10,000) aim to support social
enterprises and charities with trading activities looking to grow their business and improve their
local community.
Open: 2nd March to 10th April 2015
4. Grants
4.1 March
Henry Smith's Charity - Outings for young people
Applications can be made for grants towards holidays or outings within the UK for children aged
13 and under who are from areas of high deprivation, are experiencing disadvantage, or those
who have a disability.
Deadline: 19 March 2015
Henry Moore Foundation
The Henry Moore Foundation supports a wide variety of arts projects through its grants
programme for artists. Grants are awarded quarterly.
Deadline: 20 March 2015
Strategic Touring Programme - Arts Council
The 45 million Strategic touring programme was launched in 2011 and is designed to encourage
collaboration between organisations, so that more people across England experience and are
inspired by the arts, particularly in places which rely on touring for much of their arts provision.
Deadline: 20 March 2015
SITA Enhancing Communities Programme
Enhancing Communities is the name of SITA Trust's funding programme for community
improvement projects. They can support projects in any of 90 funding zones around qualifying
waste processing sites owned by our donor,
Deadline: 23 March 2015
British and Foreign School Society
Religious education and spiritual development, and all projects, both in the UK and abroad which
provide support for children's education and teacher training.
Deadline: 25 March 2015
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
Urban Community Energy Fund
The Urban Community Energy Fund (UCEF) is a 10m fund to kick-start renewable energy
generation projects in urban communities across England. Community groups will be able to
access grants and loans to support renewable energy developments.
Deadline: 27 March 2015
UK Armed Forces Day Grants
Funding is available to assist with Armed Forces Day festivities, from tea parties to parades.
Deadline: 27 March 2015
Sea-Changers raises money for a range of primarily UK based marine conservation charities and
Deadline: 27 March 2015
Worshipful Company of Weavers
The Worshipful Company of Weavers funds projects working with young people in need or at risk,
rehabilitation and resettlement of young prisoners and ex-prisoners. Up to 15k
Deadline: 30 March 2015
Make your Move Programme - Sport England
Make Your Move is an exciting Sport England Lottery Funded grant programme which is only
open to existing members of Sporta, a national association which represents leisure and cultural
Deadline: 30 March 2015
Churchcare - Grants for Paintings and Wall Paintings
Wall paintings and paintings on canvas or wood are eligible for grant aid provided they are of
artistic and historical significance and in need of urgent repair.
Deadline: 30 March 2015
Church and Community Fund
The Church and Community Fund (CCF) has announced its new overarching aim, set of
objectives and three strategic funding themes.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation
The Foundation's aim is to develop good relations between the United Kingdom and Japan by
advancing the education of the people of both nations in each other's culture, society and
achievements. The Foundation's awards are intended to provide "pump-priming" and not core
funding of projects.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
The Association for Industrial Archaeology Restoration Grants
The Association of Industrial Archaeology is offering restoration grants up to 20,000 to not for
profit organisations. They are for the restoration of historically, technically, architecturally, and/or
archaeologically important industrial buildings, structures, machinery, vehicles and vessels within
the UK.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
Fund to empower women to tackle abuse
The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) is launching a call for
applications for a Women’s Empowerment Fund. The Fund is 250k in total and voluntary and
community groups whose primary objective is to work with women in the community are invited to
apply for funding for local community engagement projects that empower women. They will
allocate a maximum of 20k per project.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
The Burden Trust
Grants are available for charitable organisations that are working for the benefit of people in need
in the UK.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
Tree Council - Trees for Schools/Community Trees
The Tree Council's Tree Futures offers help for tree planting through two grants programmes, the
Trees for Schools' and Community Trees' funds. Any school or community group within the UK
that is planning a project that actively involves children under 16 is encouraged to draw on the
fund to plant trees and make a greener future.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
Jephcott Charitable Trust
The Jephcott Charitable Trust provide funds for specific projects or part of a project. Their funding
priorities are: Population Control; Education; Health; Environment. Grants are made in the range
of 2,000 to 10,000.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
Access to Elected Office Fund
The fund offers individual grants of between 250 and 10,000 to disabled people who want to be
considered for selection as candidates for an election, or are standing for election.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
Magdalen Hospital Trust
The fund benefits deprived children and young adults (regardless of gender) up to 25 years old;
those in care, fostered and adopted; parents and children; families in need; and people
disadvantaged by poverty.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
Rose Foundation - London
The Rose Foundation provide financial assistance to registered charities and exempt bodies
undertaking building projects less than 200,000 in the London area. Their donation is usually
between 5,000 and 10,000.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
Tree Council - Orchard Windfalls
This grant fund is open to all Schools and Community Groups within the United Kingdom, with the
condition that children aged sixteen or under are involved.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
Co-operative Bank Customer Donation Fund
The Co-operative Bank offer all their Community Directplus account holders the opportunity to
apply for funding through their unique Customer Donation Fund.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
Music for Alice
Awards of up to 1000 are made twice a year to enable groups and organisations to purchase
musical instruments and equipment so that they can improve lives through music. Music for Alice
encourages applications from a variety of organisations that require extra support to continue the
work they do.
Deadline: 31 March 2015
The Fuserna Foundation
Fusernas principal objective is to apply its income and capital towards any exclusively charitable
objects and purposes whatsoever in the UK, US, and Overseas
Deadline: 31 March 2015
4.2 April
Education Endowment Fund
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) exists to fund, develop and evaluate cost-effective
and replicable projects which address educational disadvantage. The focus is on supporting
projects that show promising evidence of having a measurable impact on attainment or a directly
related outcome.
Deadline: 1 April 2015
National Manuscripts Conservation Trust
The National Manuscripts Conservation Trust (NMCT), administered by The National Archives,
provides financial assistance to help with the cost of conserving manuscripts that are historically or
educationally valuable.
Deadline: 1 April 2015
Esmee Fairbairn Collections Fund
The Esmee Fairbairn Collections Fund, run by the Museums Association, focuses on time-limited
collections work outside the scope of an organisations core resources. The fund will be open for
applications from mid-February, please visit The Museums Association website for further
information and application guidance.
Deadline: 2 April 2015
Lloyds Banking Group Social Entrepreneurs Programme
The programme will support 150 social entrepreneurs each year, for five years, with
comprehensive support from the SSE through its innovative action learning programmes, plus
grants of 4,000 and 15,000 and an annual 25,000 award.
Deadline: 2 April 2015
BFI - BFI Neighbourhood Cinema: Equipment Fund
The BFI recognise that it can be difficult to cover all the costs associated with showing films in
community venues and would like to help by providing equipment to established not-for-profit
community cinemas.
Deadline: 6 April 2015
Heritage Lottery Fund - Heritage Grants Programme
Heritage Grants is their main grants programme offering grants of more than 50,000 for projects
that relate to the national, regional or local heritage of the UK.
Deadline: 9 April 2015
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
Heritage Lottery Fund - Heritage Enterprise
Heritage Enterprise supports enterprising community organisations across the UK to rescue
neglected historic buildings and sites and unlock their economic potential.
Deadline: 9 April 2015
Barts and the London Charity
The Charity supports innovative projects that would not be funded by the NHS. This year, in
addition to their historical commitment, they have allocated a further 7 million to new projects.
Deadline: 10 April 2015
Stephen Lloyd Awards
The Stephen Lloyd Awards encourage and support the development of new ideas and early stage
projects that have potential to achieve practical, sustainable social change.
Deadline: 10 April 2015
Building Better Communities - Jewson
Jewson are awarding funding of between 1,000 and 50,000 to community projects that will make a
real difference to the lives of local people, now and in the future.
Deadline: 12 April 2015
Southwark Opportunity
Elephant and Castle Fund
The fund aims to build on the strengths of local people, celebrate the rich cultural diversity of the
area, and support the people who are most at need in this time of change. Projects must be of
benefit to residents of the fund Opportunity Area. Grants of up to £5,000 per year for projects
lasting up to two years.
Deadline: 9am on Monday 13th April 2015
Southwark Opportunity
Wakefield & Tetley Trust - London
The Wakefield and Tetley Trust is an independent charitable trust. They provide grants to support
charitable and voluntary activity in the London boroughs of Tower Hamlets, Southwark and the
City of London.
Deadline: 14 April 2015
Social Tech Seed - Nominet Trust
Social Tech Seed is an open investment programme that offers early-stage investment to
entrepreneurs who are looking to develop new ventures using digital for social impact. This
programme will provide funding and support to help entrepreneurs nurture, develop and test their
Deadline: 15 April 2015
Dickie Bird Foundation
Individuals in schools, clubs, universities, colleges, sporting societies or sports associations are
eligible to apply for funding. Projects must take place in Great Britain (England, Wales and
Deadline: 17 April 2015
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
Sport England - Community Sport Activation Fund
The Community Sport Activation Fund is a 40 million Lottery revenue fund developed to support
grassroots activity at a very local level. The Fund was designed in response to demand and will
aim to unlock potential and resources.
Deadline: 20 April 2015
Our Spirit of Achievement Arts and Culture Challenge Fund
This Fund is looking for funding applications that will create opportunities for disabled people of all
backgrounds to participate in arts and cultural activities, individually and with their families and
Deadline: 20 April 2015
PRS for Music Foundation
PRS for Music Foundation is looking to support music creators, performers and promoters who are
involved in creatively adventurous or pioneering musical activity. It does this by offering a wide
range of funding schemes for new music activity.
Deadline: 27 April 2015
Women Make Music
PRS unique funding opportunity for women music creators is now open for applications. It wants to
raise the profile of women who are making music in the UK. Are you: a woman creating and
performing new music of any genre? an organisation commissioning a new piece of music from a
woman you have not yet worked with? Yes? Then you may be able to apply for up to 5000.
Deadline: 27 April 2015
The Hospital Saturday Fund - UK inc. NI
The Hospital Saturday Fund will consider giving grants to registered health charities such as
hospitals, hospices and medical organisations within the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.
Deadline: 27 April 2015
Southwark Opportunity
Peter Minet Trust - London
South East London/ Lambeth and Southwark. It gives grants tThe Peter Minet Trust seeks to
improve the quality of life of people living in the inner city boroughs of South East London,
especially Lambeth and Southwark by making grants to registered charities (not individuals)
which support social welfare, health and community projects, working with people of any age.
Deadline: 29 April 2015
National Aquarium Limited
The Aquarium operates a wide range of programmes of education, conservation and research as
part of its charitable objects.
Deadline: 29 April 2015
The Aviva Community Fund
A new community fund giving away up to £25,000 for projects that will make a real difference to
local communities.There are four different funding levels you can apply for, ranging from £1,000 to
up to £25,000
Deadline: 30th April 2015
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
People's Postcode Trust
The Peoples Postcode Trust is the grant giving independent charitable trust of Peoples Postcode
Lottery. We distribute funds to small organisations, community groups and registered charities.
Funding is available for 3-month projects ranging from 500 up to 10,000 in Scotland and England,
and up to 5,000 in Wales.
Deadline: 30 April 2015 (for South of England – London applications open 1st – 30th October
The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund - Development Grants
The Triangle Trust recognises in the current economic climate, building a solid foundation for longterm sustainability for your organisation can be of higher importance than starting a new project.
They offer Development Grants to provide funds towards your organisations core costs. The
primary purpose of applicants' constitution must be to support unpaid carers or the rehabilitation of
offenders or ex-offenders.
Deadline: 30 April 2015
Jewish Child's Day Grants
Jewish Childs Day aim to assist disabled, disadvantaged, neglected or abused Jewish children
Deadline: 30 April 2015
The Margaret Dobson Further Education Trust - UK
The main focus for the Trust is support of organisations for young adults with a learning disability,
with the aim of giving them practical skills to better prepare them to be able to lead independent
Deadline: 30 April 2015
Outreach Fund - Royal Society of Chemistry
The RSC Outreach Fund provides financial support to individuals and organisations in order to
enable them to run chemistry-based events and activities for public audiences.
Deadline: 30 April 2015
Ambition Giving Small Grants Programme
Ambition Giving will offer grants of up to 2,000 throughout the year to groups or individuals to help
deliver activities to young people in their community.
Deadline: 30 April 2015
4.3 May
Wellcome Trust - Arts Awards
All art forms are covered by the programme: dance, drama, performance arts, visual arts, music,
film, craft, photography, creative writing or digital media. The Trust invites applications for projects
which engage adult audiences and/or young people. Funding can be applied for at two levels up to
and above 30,000
Deadline: 1 May 2015
Arts Council - Artists' international development fund
The Artists' international development programme is a 750,000 fund, jointly funded by the British
Council and Arts Council England.
Deadline: 1 May 2015
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
Lord's Taverners - Minibuses
Schools, clubs and youth organisations across the UK can apply for a specially adapted minibus.
Deadline: 1 May 2015
Horse Racing Foundation
The Foundation makes grants to charities associated with the UK horseracing and Thoroughbred
breeding industry, supporting work in social welfare, training and education, racehorse welfare,
equine science research, heritage and culture.
Deadline: 4 May 2015
Hilton in the Community
Focusing on children and young people, the Foundation supports activities in education and health
to relieve suffering and equip individuals.
Deadline: 5 May 2015
Hedley Foundation
The Hedley Foundation assists and encourages development and change. Most grants are capital
or one-off, but the Trustees sometimes agree to help fund the introduction of new and innovative
projects with a series of up to 3 annual grants.
Deadline: 5 May 2015
Red Nose Day Evening Standard Dispossessed Fund
Grants of £5,000 to £20,000 are available to charitable groups tackling poverty and inequality
across the capital.
Deadline: 5pm on Friday 8th May
Hilden Charitable Fund - Summer Playschemes
The Hilden Charitable Fund has allocated a small budget to help community groups run Summer
Playschemes for the benefit of children from refugee and ethnic minority families. The amount you
can apply for is around 1,000. They will support: Summer Playschemes for children aged 5 - 18
years; small local schemes lasting for 2 - 6 weeks.
Deadline: 14 May 2015
Partners for Health
London Catalyst and the Hospital Saturday Fund have come together to launch a new ‘Partners
for Health’ grant programme.Grants of up to £10,000 will be considered for social action projects
tackling the effects of poverty and health inequalities in London.
Deadline: Friday 29 May 2015.
4.4 Other deadlines and rolling programmes
You can see a list of funders with rolling programme below. (For even more funders, click here
and scroll down)
ACT Foundation
Grants to individuals and other charities, to enhance the quality of life for people in need,
(specifically the mentally and physically disabled). Funding for buildings, equipment, respite
City Bridge Trust - London
The City Bridge Trust aims to address disadvantage by supporting charitable activity across
Greater London through quality grant-making and related activities with clearly defined priorities.
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
Access for Disabled People, London's Environment, Children & Young People, Older People,
Strengthening the voluntary sector/communities
Comic Relief - UK Grants (inc N.I.)
Comic Relief funds work that aims to achieve at least one of their five themes. They do this by
supporting organisations with the people, ideas and ability to tackle complex problems and create
positive social change across the UK.
Foyle Foundation - Small Grants
The Small Grants Scheme is designed to support smaller charities in the UK, especially those
working at grass roots and local community level, in any field, across a wide range of activities.
Garfield Weston Foundation
The Garfield Weston Foundation helps small local community organisations and is prepared to
consider applications covering a wide range of charitable activity. Areas funded include: education,
arts, health, general, environment, community, youth, religion and welfare Up to 50k
Heritage Lottery Fund - Young Roots
The Young Roots programme is for projects that engage young people with heritage in the UK.
You can apply for a grant of more than £10,000 and up to £50,000.
Ibrahim Foundation
This Foundation makes grants to organisations which aim to improve the quality of life for people
and communities in the UK, both now and in the future. They like to consider work which others
may find hard to fund, perhaps because it breaks new ground, appears too risky, requires core
funding, or needs a more unusual form of financial help such as a loan.
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Enable Programme
Enable provides smaller, shorter term grants to strengthen charities which meet the programme
aim, helping them to deliver their mission more effectively. Grants are awarded to charities which
have identified clear development needs. These grants are up to a total £15,000 over two years.
London Legal Support Trust - Small Grants
Any charity that provides free legal advice (including pro bono) in London and the South East can
apply for a small grant.
Southwark Opportunity
People's Health Trust
Local groups and organisations with great ideas to make their communities even better places
to live are invited to apply for funding to turn their ideas into reality. HealthWisdom - Lambeth,
Southwark, Bromley, Lewisham, Greenwich and Bexley (opens - 11 March, 1:00pm)
Sport England - Community Sport Activation Fund
The Community Sport Activation Fund is a 40 million Lottery revenue fund developed to support
grassroots activity at a very local level. The Fund was designed in response to demand and will
aim to unlock potential and resources.
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
The Percy Bilton Charity - UK
The Percy Bilton Charity is a grant-making trust and company limited by guarantee founded in
1962. Grants are made to organisations and individuals in need throughout the U.K. Organisations
assisting disadvantaged youth, people with disabilities and older people may apply for grants
towards capital expenditure. Social workers may apply on the behalf of individuals who have a
disability or mental health problem, or who are over 65, for grants to purchase basic furniture,
equipment and clothing.
Variety Youth Club Programme
Variety believe that a key way of helping disadvantaged youngsters to achieve their ambitions is
through supporting youth clubs.
Wilkinsons - Helping Hands
Helping Hands is a community initiative where each local store has a budget to distribute to
projects and schemes within the stores local community.
Wooden Spoon Charity
Projects must fall within Wooden Spoons Vision Statement: Our aim is to make a positive impact
on the lives of children and young people through our commitment to quality charitable work.
!Make sure you read the guidance before filling out an application form!
5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and other offers
BITC - ProHelp
ProHelp provides free professional advice and support to local community groups and voluntary
CAF Bank
When you're looking for a secure place to keep your charity's money you need a bank you can
trust - one which keeps charges to a minimum. Look no further than CAF Bank.
Constant Contact
Connect with donors and increase your reach online with a great looking e-newsletter and social
media tools. Constant Contact offers a complete e-marketing package for non-profits, starting at
just 14 per month.
Cranfield Trust - Free management consultancy projects
Cranfield Trust volunteers provide one-to-one consultancy to charities local to them. To qualify for
their help, charities, social enterprise or community interest companies must be working to
address issues of poverty, disability or social exclusion.
Giving World Online
Giving World Online is a charity that encourages businesses to donate their surplus (mainly new)
into deprived communities and to those most in need.
In Kind Direct
Have you ever thought how much it would help if you could find a cheaper source of the goods
you use in the course of your work? Try here for ideas.
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
Technology Strategy Board - Innovation Vouchers
The Technology Strategy Board has launched a new national innovation voucher scheme to
encourage smaller businesses to work with external experts, gaining new knowledge to help their
business innovate, develop and grow.
The Big Give website is designed to help donors of all sizes find and support charitable causes in
their field of interest. The Big Give is free to all users, and any registered UK charity may register
and post their projects on the site.
6. Loans
Big Society Capital
Big Society Capital has invested 8,000,000 to provide a range of finance for social ventures that
use technology and innovation.
Bridges Ventures - Social Impact Bond Fund
The Bridges Social Impact Bond Fund provides investment and support to charities and social
enterprises to deliver programmes designed to improve social outcomes in areas such as
education, employment, housing and care for vulnerable young people.
Charity Bank
Charity Bank operates within and as part of the voluntary sector. Charity Bank has arranged over
1,000 loans to charities, community organisations and social enterprises.
Community Investment Fund
The Fund invests between 250,000 and 1m in community based, locally led organisations which
are providing essential support and services to improve the well-being of local residents,
developing the local economy and creating positive social change for all individuals in the
Pure Community Energy Fund
Renewable technologies can help reduce energy bills, generate income and reduce carbon
emissions as well as being a great educational resource. As a result, many charities, community
groups and not-for-profit organisations are interested in installing renewable energy systems on
their premises.
Santander Breakthrough Programme
The Breakthrough programme is aimed at businesses that have advanced well beyond the startup stage to achieve a turnover of between 500,000 and 10 million per annum while posting growth
of 20% or more in turnover, profit or employment.
The Big Issue Invest
Big Issue Invest provides Loan Finance from 50,000 to 200,000 at competitive rates of interest. BII
can also arrange financing for more than 200,000, with other social finance institutions. Typically
our partners are social enterprises or trading arms of charities that have been trading for three
years and have a turnover of over 250,000.
TSELF Social Enterprise Loan Fund
TSELF provides loans to charities and social enterprises that are unable to secure sufficient
funding from mainstream sources. The aim is to help organisations that have a social impact,
especially those working in disadvantaged communities. There is a network of regional managers
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.
who work closely with their clients to ensure that their loans meet their needs and help them
become more sustainable enterprises.
WRAP - Waste Prevention Loan Fund
The Waste Prevention Loan Fund will support organisations to develop innovative, more resourceefficient ways of doing business in England.
7. Crowdfunding
Do you have a particular project in mind that you think people might be interested in donating to?
Crowdfunding is a good way not only to raise funds for a particular project but also to raise the
profile of your cause and gathers support.
It takes time and resources to manage and promote a fund and there are risks involved if you do
not manage to raise the target you are aiming for for your project. But nevertheless this way of
funding has potential to work well for clearly defined projects.
You can find out more about starting and running a crowfunding project in our factsheet here:
CAS Factsheet – Crowdfunding for Community Groups
For a list of Crowdfunding sites to try see the CAS list – Crowdfunding Resources
For Further support and information contact the Development Team at CAS. We
Help you to identify sources of funding; Help you to complete an application form;
Help you think about how to develop your group (project planning, business planning,
collaboration); Help you to develop good governance in your organisation (trustee
advice and training); Link you in with other organisations and projects in the borough
and much more!
Contact the development team, , 02073587020
Thanks to:
Fit4Funding Newsletter, Southwark Open4Communities, Funding Central, SSE Newsletter and VolResource
Registered Charity No. 1105835. Company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 5090324.